/* * Copyright (c) All respective contributors to the Peridot Project. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Ctrl IQ, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ \set rl8Id '''35846917-973e-4e7a-b471-2fe407645601''' \set supportedPackages8Id '''5ef98f35-421c-4b2d-9ae8-5d7ef4d5943b''' \set rocky9Id '''c5de9987-6a11-447e-924b-68e23dcd1baa''' \set bashId '''9fb2dcc3-c04f-4608-9060-e0bdcc406e14''' \set opensslId '''ec985b13-2509-49da-bd57-b4ea8fb6c291''' \set memcachedId '''8356140c-e8d9-4536-a99f-a2ea6c772794''' \set httpdId '''22868644-6702-4a5e-bb6e-45a23adfcc13''' \set mod_http2Id '''ff75e989-87c7-42e5-8f22-cf5c072e5c1f''' \set mod_mdId '''4d391a68-33b9-4ade-a86e-d317132b8e54''' \set nginxId '''60eb3a47-0547-42b9-87fc-0bec0696fb5f''' \set redisId '''29e8c36d-18c3-4004-8623-e3d07534396c''' \set aclId '''2618c69f-f8c2-4b74-9cb6-cfcea513c02f''' \set utilLinuxId '''fb91fe60-7a12-490a-a143-8d1a0cd71b69''' \set libexifId '''ae822eac-2aee-4f2f-b4c2-440f570d533e''' \set libinputId '''3c8efb42-aacc-4110-bdbe-fa8a1be58b83''' \set libpcapId '''45c67896-3fb7-4a5c-9e27-82407887ebf5''' \set libpngId '''bc18261b-cf52-42da-8b9a-14a660e0c224''' \set libtarId '''9cb79bd7-f86c-4f47-8ea4-b7e5af20b3c7''' \set libtoolId '''e04716fb-ed0c-4dac-88fc-768777338d88''' \set libX11Id '''da73ae49-60cf-4ff7-b8d1-7e03352d3e46''' \set autoconfId '''9ff07714-438e-4497-a220-fb75b25bf627''' \set libuserId '''088a1688-4a6e-4bd5-b7e2-9eb29da9114e''' \set openldapId '''1d75baeb-6a02-40e7-9155-93bca5da2d64''' \set libselinuxId '''ce5a9a03-4fc9-471d-857c-a4ce0468a1e4''' \set libselinuxPythonId '''24959aff-1ecb-4f1c-ad46-b27e5f7b1d68''' insert into projects (id, name, major_version, target_gitlab_host, target_prefix, target_branch_prefix, source_git_host, source_prefix, source_branch_prefix, dist_tag_override, branch_suffix, archs) values (:rocky9Id, 'Rocky Linux 9', 9, 'https://gitlab.com', 'rocky-9-test', 'r', 'https://git.centos.org', '', 'c', 'el9', '-beta', array ['x86_64', 'i686']); insert into projects (id, name, major_version, target_gitlab_host, target_prefix, target_branch_prefix, source_git_host, source_prefix, source_branch_prefix, cdn_url, dist_tag_override, archs) values (:rl8Id, 'Rocky Linux 8', 8, 'https://gitlab.com', 'rocky-8-test', 'r', 'https://git.centos.org', '', 'c', 'https://rocky-linux-sources-staging.a1.rockylinux.org', 'el8', array ['aarch64']); insert into projects (id, name, major_version, target_gitlab_host, target_prefix, target_branch_prefix, source_git_host, source_prefix, source_branch_prefix, cdn_url, dist_tag_override, archs) values (:supportedPackages8Id, 'SLES-TEST', 8, 'https://gitlab.com', 'peridot-sles153-buildtest', 'r', 'https://git.centos.org', '', 'c', 'https://rocky-linux-sources-staging.a1.rockylinux.org', 'sl15', array ['x86_64']); -- the packages here are split into multiple queries -- so they get a unique created_at value insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:bashId, 'bash', 2); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:opensslId, 'openssl', 2); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:memcachedId, 'memcached', 2); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:httpdId, 'httpd', 10); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:mod_http2Id, 'mod_http2', 7); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:mod_mdId, 'mod_md', 7); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:nginxId, 'nginx', 10); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:redisId, 'redis', 10); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:aclId, 'acl', 2); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:utilLinuxId, 'util-linux', 2); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:libexifId, 'libexif', 2); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:libinputId, 'libinput', 2); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:libpcapId, 'libpcap', 2); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:libpngId, 'libpng', 2); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:libtarId, 'libtar', 2); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:libtoolId, 'libtool', 2); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:libX11Id, 'libX11', 2); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:autoconfId, 'autoconf', 2); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:libuserId, 'libuser', 2); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:openldapId, 'openldap', 2); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:libselinuxId, 'libselinux', 9); insert into packages (id, name, package_type) values (:libselinuxPythonId, 'libselinux-python', 6); insert into project_packages (project_id, package_id) values (:rl8Id, :bashId), (:rl8Id, :opensslId), (:rl8Id, :memcachedId), (:rl8Id, :httpdId), (:rl8Id, :mod_http2Id), (:rl8Id, :mod_mdId), (:rl8Id, :nginxId), (:rl8Id, :redisId), (:rl8Id, :aclId), (:rl8Id, :utilLinuxId), (:rl8Id, :libexifId), (:rl8Id, :libinputId), (:rl8Id, :libpcapId), (:rl8Id, :libpngId), (:rl8Id, :libtarId), (:rl8Id, :libtoolId), (:rl8Id, :libX11Id), (:rl8Id, :autoconfId), (:rl8Id, :libuserId), (:rl8Id, :openldapId), (:rl8Id, :libselinuxId), (:rl8Id, :libselinuxPythonId); insert into external_repositories (id, project_id, url) values (gen_random_uuid(), :rl8Id, 'https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/8/BaseOS/$arch/os'), (gen_random_uuid(), :rl8Id, 'https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/8/AppStream/$arch/os'), (gen_random_uuid(), :rl8Id, 'https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/8/Devel/$arch/os'), (gen_random_uuid(), :rl8Id, 'https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/8/PowerTools/$arch/os'); insert into external_repositories (id, project_id, url) values (gen_random_uuid(), :rocky9Id, 'https://bootstrap9.releng.rockylinux.org/repos_stage1/9-lazystrap-$arch'), (gen_random_uuid(), :rocky9Id, 'https://bootstrap9.releng.rockylinux.org/repos_stage1/9-lazystrap_noarch'); insert into project_repos (id, name, project_id, packages) values ('ff6d97f2-3155-499c-af63-2a553f2abd6b', 'all', :rl8Id, array [] :: text[]), ('d6b5bfa1-51c1-4ea2-bda0-83dd71844b45', 'BaseOS', :rl8Id, array [ 'bash', 'openssl', 'acl', 'util-linux', 'libpcap', 'libpng' ] :: text[]), ('07c3ca19-411f-40a0-bb6d-711419ccb8a2', 'AppStream', :rl8Id, array [ 'memcached', 'module:httpd:2.4', 'module:httpd-devel:2.4', 'module:nginx:1.14', 'module:nginx-devel:1.14', 'module:nginx:1.16', 'module:nginx-devel:1.16', 'module:nginx:1.18', 'module:nginx-devel:1.18', 'module:nginx-devel:1.18', 'module:nginx:1.20', 'module:nginx-devel:1.20', 'module:redis:5', 'module:redis-devel:5', 'module:redis:6', 'module:redis-devel:6', 'module:libselinux-python:2.8', 'module:libselinux-python-devel:2.8', 'libexif', 'libinput', 'libtar', 'libtool', 'libX11', 'autoconf' ] :: text[]); insert into project_module_configuration (id, project_id, proto, active) values ('063cc50b-1216-4a6b-8095-ce9583d512fc', :rl8Id, '{ "@type": "type.googleapis.com/resf.peridot.v1.ModuleConfiguration", "platform": { "major": 8, "minor": 5, "patch": 0, "provides": [ "el8", "el8.5.0" ], "buildroot": { "rpm": [ "rocky-release" ] }, "srpmroot": { "rpm": [ "rocky-release" ] } }, "default": [ { "name": "nginx", "stream": "1.14", "common_profile": [ "1.14", "1.16", "1.18", "1.20" ] }, { "name": "httpd", "stream": "2.4", "common_profile": [ "2.4" ] }, { "name": "redis", "stream": "5", "common_profile": [ "5", "6" ] } ] }'::jsonb, true);