// Package restjson provides RESTful JSON serialization of AWS // requests and responses. package restjson //go:generate go run -tags codegen ../../../private/model/cli/gen-protocol-tests ../../../models/protocol_tests/input/rest-json.json build_test.go //go:generate go run -tags codegen ../../../private/model/cli/gen-protocol-tests ../../../models/protocol_tests/output/rest-json.json unmarshal_test.go import ( "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/jsonrpc" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/rest" ) // BuildHandler is a named request handler for building restjson protocol // requests var BuildHandler = request.NamedHandler{ Name: "awssdk.restjson.Build", Fn: Build, } // UnmarshalHandler is a named request handler for unmarshaling restjson // protocol requests var UnmarshalHandler = request.NamedHandler{ Name: "awssdk.restjson.Unmarshal", Fn: Unmarshal, } // UnmarshalMetaHandler is a named request handler for unmarshaling restjson // protocol request metadata var UnmarshalMetaHandler = request.NamedHandler{ Name: "awssdk.restjson.UnmarshalMeta", Fn: UnmarshalMeta, } // Build builds a request for the REST JSON protocol. func Build(r *request.Request) { rest.Build(r) if t := rest.PayloadType(r.Params); t == "structure" || t == "" { if v := r.HTTPRequest.Header.Get("Content-Type"); len(v) == 0 { r.HTTPRequest.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json") } jsonrpc.Build(r) } } // Unmarshal unmarshals a response body for the REST JSON protocol. func Unmarshal(r *request.Request) { if t := rest.PayloadType(r.Data); t == "structure" || t == "" { jsonrpc.Unmarshal(r) } else { rest.Unmarshal(r) } } // UnmarshalMeta unmarshals response headers for the REST JSON protocol. func UnmarshalMeta(r *request.Request) { rest.UnmarshalMeta(r) }