# XML-RPC Client for Go

This is an implementation of client-side part of XML-RPC protocol in Go.

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## Usage

Add dependency to your project:

go get -u alexejk.io/go-xmlrpc

Use it by creating an `*xmlrpc.Client` and firing RPC method calls with `Call()`.

package main



func main() {
    client, _ := xmlrpc.NewClient("https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/xmlrpc.cgi")

    result := &struct {
        BugzillaVersion struct {
            Version string

    _ = client.Call("Bugzilla.version", nil, result)
    fmt.Printf("Version: %s\n", result.BugzillaVersion.Version)

Customization is supported by passing a list of `Option` to the `NewClient` function. 
For instance:

 - To customize any aspect of `http.Client` used to perform requests, use `HttpClient` option, otherwise `http.DefaultClient` will be used
 - To pass custom headers, make use of `Headers` option.

### Argument encoding

Arguments to the remote RPC method are passed on as a `*struct`. This struct is encoded into XML-RPC types based on following rules:

* Order of fields in struct type matters - fields are taken in the order they are defined on the **type**.
* Numbers are to be specified as `int` (encoded as `<int>`) or `float64` (encoded as `<double>`)
* Both pointer and value references are accepted (pointers are followed to actual values)

### Response decoding

Response is decoded following similar rules to argument encoding.

* Order of fields is important.
* Outer struct should contain exported field for each response parameter.
* Structs may contain pointers - they will be initialized if required.

## Building

To build this project, simply run `make all`. 
If you prefer building in Docker instead - `make build-in-docker` is your friend.