load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:providers.bzl", "JSEcmaScriptModuleInfo", "JSModuleInfo", "JSNamedModuleInfo", "NpmPackageInfo", "node_modules_aspect", "run_node") load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//internal/linker:link_node_modules.bzl", "module_mappings_aspect") load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:index.bzl", "nodejs_binary") def _trim_package_node_modules(package_name): # trim a package name down to its path prior to a node_modules # segment. 'foo/node_modules/bar' would become 'foo' and # 'node_modules/bar' would become '' segments = [] for n in package_name.split("/"): if n == "node_modules": break segments += [n] return "/".join(segments) # This function is similar but slightly different than _compute_node_modules_root # in /internal/node/node.bzl. TODO(gregmagolan): consolidate these functions def _compute_node_modules_root(ctx): """Computes the node_modules root from the node_modules and deps attributes. Args: ctx: the skylark execution context Returns: The node_modules root as a string """ node_modules_root = None if ctx.files.node_modules: # ctx.files.node_modules is not an empty list node_modules_root = "/".join([f for f in [ ctx.attr.node_modules.label.workspace_root, _trim_package_node_modules(ctx.attr.node_modules.label.package), "node_modules", ] if f]) for d in ctx.attr.deps: if NpmPackageInfo in d: possible_root = "/".join(["external", d[NpmPackageInfo].workspace, "node_modules"]) if not node_modules_root: node_modules_root = possible_root elif node_modules_root != possible_root: fail("All npm dependencies need to come from a single workspace. Found '%s' and '%s'." % (node_modules_root, possible_root)) if not node_modules_root: # there are no fine grained deps and the node_modules attribute is an empty filegroup # but we still need a node_modules_root even if its empty node_modules_root = "@npm//:node_modules" return node_modules_root def collect_ts_sources(ctx): non_rerooted_files = [d for d in ctx.files.deps] if hasattr(ctx.attr, "srcs"): non_rerooted_files += ctx.files.srcs rerooted_files = [] for file in non_rerooted_files: if file.is_directory: rerooted_files += [file] continue path = file.short_path if (path.startswith("../")): path = "external/" + path[3:] rerooted_file = ctx.actions.declare_file( "%s" % ( path.replace(".closure.js", ".ts").replace(ctx.label.package + "/", ""), ), ) # Cheap way to create an action that copies a file # TODO(alexeagle): discuss with Bazel team how we can do something like # runfiles to create a re-rooted tree. This has performance implications. ctx.actions.expand_template( output = rerooted_file, template = file, substitutions = {}, ) rerooted_files += [rerooted_file] #TODO(mrmeku): we should include the files and closure_js_library contents too return depset(direct = rerooted_files) def _filter_js_inputs(all_inputs): # Note: make sure that "all_inputs" is not a depset. # Iterating over a depset is deprecated! return [ f for f in all_inputs # We also need to include ".map" files as these can be read by # the "rollup-plugin-sourcemaps" plugin. if f.path.endswith(".js") or f.path.endswith(".jsx") or f.path.endswith(".json") or f.path.endswith(".map") or f.path.endswith(".ts") or f.path.endswith(".tsx") or f.path.endswith(".css") ] def get_inputs(ctx, config, dep_files_attr, dep_attr, index_html = None, extra = []): direct_inputs = [] + extra + dep_files_attr if config: direct_inputs.append(config) if index_html: direct_inputs.append(index_html) if ctx.files.node_modules: direct_inputs += _filter_js_inputs(ctx.files.node_modules) # Also include files from npm fine grained deps as inputs. # These deps are identified by the NpmPackageInfo provider. for d in dep_attr: if NpmPackageInfo in d: # Note: we can't avoid calling .to_list() on sources direct_inputs += _filter_js_inputs(d[NpmPackageInfo].sources.to_list()) else: direct_inputs += _filter_js_inputs(d.files.to_list()) if ctx.file.license_banner: direct_inputs += [ctx.file.license_banner] return direct_inputs def run_webpack(ctx, sources, config, output, map_output = None, direct_inputs = None, index_html = None): args = ctx.actions.args() args.add_all(["--config", config.path]) args.add_all(["--output-path", output.path]) # args.add_all(["--silent"]) outputs = [output] ctx.actions.run( progress_message = "Bundling TypeScript %s [webpack]" % ctx.attr.name, executable = ctx.executable._webpack, inputs = depset(direct_inputs, transitive = [sources, depset(ctx.files.srcs)]), outputs = outputs, arguments = [args], env = { "NODE_ENV": "production", "BABEL_ENV": "production", "TAILWIND_DISABLE_TOUCH": "true", }, ) def write_index_html(ctx, filename = "index.hbs", output = None, index_html = None): html = ctx.actions.declare_file(filename) if not output else output ctx.actions.expand_template( output = html, template = index_html, substitutions = { "TMPL_name": ctx.attr.title if ctx.attr.title else "Peridot", "TMPL_bundle": ctx.label.name, "TMPL_prefix": ctx.attr.prefix, }, ) return html def write_webpack_config(ctx, plugins = [], root_dir = None, filename = "_%s.webpack.config.js", output_format = "iife", additional_entrypoints = [], index_html = None): """Generate a rollup config file. This is also used by the ng_rollup_bundle and ng_package rules in @angular/bazel. Args: ctx: Bazel rule execution context plugins: extra plugins (defaults to []) See the ng_rollup_bundle in @angular/bazel for example of usage. root_dir: root directory for module resolution (defaults to None) filename: output filename pattern (defaults to `_%s.rollup.conf.js`) output_format: passed to rollup output.format option, e.g. "umd" additional_entrypoints: additional entry points for code splitting Returns: The rollup config file. See https://rollupjs.org/guide/en#configuration-files """ config = ctx.actions.declare_file(filename % ctx.label.name) # build_file_path includes the BUILD.bazel file, transform here to only include the dirname build_file_dirname = "/".join(ctx.build_file_path.split("/")[:-1]) entrypoints = [ctx.attr.entrypoint] + additional_entrypoints mappings = dict() all_deps = ctx.attr.deps for dep in all_deps: if hasattr(dep, "module_name"): mappings[dep.module_name] = dep.label.package if not root_dir: # This must be .es6 to match collect_es6_sources.bzl root_dir = "/".join([ctx.bin_dir.path, build_file_dirname, ctx.label.name + ".es6"]) node_modules_root = _compute_node_modules_root(ctx) is_default_node_modules = False if node_modules_root == "node_modules" and ctx.attr.node_modules.label.package == "" and ctx.attr.node_modules.label.name == "node_modules_none": is_default_node_modules = True direct_inputs = get_inputs(ctx, config, ctx.files.deps, ctx.attr.deps, index_html = index_html, extra = [ctx.file._tsconfig, ctx.file._babel_config, ctx.file.tailwind_config, ctx.file._base_tailwind_config]) input_paths = [] for input in direct_inputs: path = input.path if not "node_modules" in path: input_paths.append(path) ctx.actions.expand_template( output = config, template = ctx.file._webpack_config_tmpl, substitutions = { "TMPL_additional_plugins": ",\n".join(plugins), "TMPL_banner_file": "\"%s\"" % ctx.file.license_banner.path if ctx.file.license_banner else "undefined", "TMPL_global_name": ctx.attr.global_name if ctx.attr.global_name else ctx.label.name, "TMPL_no_suffix_frontend": "true" if ctx.attr.no_suffix_frontend else "false", "TMPL_inputs": ",".join(["\"%s\"" % e for e in entrypoints]), "TMPL_module_mappings": str(mappings), "TMPL_output_format": output_format, "TMPL_indexHtml": index_html.short_path if index_html != None else "null", "TMPL_target": str(ctx.label), "TMPL_title": ctx.attr.title if ctx.attr.title else "Peridot", "TMPL_body_script": ctx.attr.script, "TMPL_head_style": ctx.attr.style, "TMPL_typekit": ctx.attr.typekit, "TMPL_api_url": ctx.var.API_URL if "API_URL" in ctx.var else "", "TMPL_api_key": ctx.var.API_KEY if "API_KEY" in ctx.var else "", "TMPL_tailwind_config": ctx.file.tailwind_config.path, }, ) return dict({ "webpack": config, "inputs": direct_inputs, }) def packserver(ctx, webpack_config, webpack_inputs): name = "{}.server".format(ctx.attr.name) direct_inputs = get_inputs(ctx, None, ctx.files.server_deps, ctx.attr.server_deps) direct_inputs_srcs = get_inputs(ctx, webpack_config, ctx.files.deps, ctx.attr.deps) """args = ctx.actions.args() args.add(ctx.file.server_entrypoint.short_path) args.add(webpack_config.path) run_node( ctx, arguments = [args], progress_message = "Packing frontend server %s" % ctx.attr.name, executable = "_run_child", inputs = direct_inputs + webpack_inputs + ctx.files.server_srcs + [webpack_config], outputs = [server], )""" node_modules_root = _compute_node_modules_root(ctx) out_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(name + ".bash") ctx.actions.expand_template( template = ctx.file._packserver, output = out_file, substitutions = { "TMPL_run_child": ctx.file._run_child_script.short_path, "TMPL_node": ctx.executable._node.short_path, "TMPL_entrypoint": ctx.file.server_entrypoint.short_path, "TMPL_webpack_config_path": webpack_config.short_path, }, is_executable = True, ) runfiles = ctx.runfiles().merge(ctx.attr._node_bash_runfiles[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles) runfiles = runfiles.merge(ctx.attr._node[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles) runfiles = runfiles.merge(ctx.runfiles( transitive_files = ctx.attr._node.files, files = direct_inputs + direct_inputs_srcs + ctx.files.srcs + webpack_inputs + ctx.files._webpack_data + ctx.files.server_srcs + collect_ts_sources(ctx).to_list() + [webpack_config, ctx.file._run_child_script] + ctx.files._node + ctx.files._node_files, )) return [DefaultInfo( files = depset([out_file]), runfiles = runfiles, executable = out_file, )] def _resf_bundle(ctx): index_html = ctx.file.index_html config = write_webpack_config(ctx, index_html = index_html) webpack_config = config["webpack"] direct_inputs = config["inputs"] # Generate the bundles if ctx.attr.build: ui = ctx.actions.declare_directory("{}.ui".format(ctx.attr.name)) run_webpack(ctx, collect_ts_sources(ctx), webpack_config, ui, direct_inputs = direct_inputs, index_html = index_html) files = [ui] output_group = OutputGroupInfo( ui = depset(files), ) runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files) return [ DefaultInfo(files = depset(files), runfiles = runfiles), output_group, ] else: return packserver(ctx, webpack_config, direct_inputs) WEBPACK_DATA = [ "//rules_resf/internal/resf_bundle:babel.config.js", "//rules_resf/internal/resf_bundle:tailwind.config.js", "//rules_resf/internal/resf_bundle:index.hbs", "//rules_resf/internal/resf_bundle:tsconfig.json", "@npm//@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs", "@npm//@babel/preset-env", "@npm//@babel/preset-react", "@npm//@babel/preset-typescript", "@npm//@tailwindcss/forms", "@npm//autoprefixer", "@npm//babel-loader", "@npm//babel-plugin-import", "@npm//compression-webpack-plugin", "@npm//css-loader", "@npm//error-stack-parser", "@npm//file-loader", "@npm//glob", "@npm//html-webpack-plugin", "@npm//fs-extra", "@npm//mini-css-extract-plugin", "@npm//native-url", "@npm//optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin", "@npm//postcss", "@npm//postcss-loader", "@npm//purgecss-webpack-plugin", "@npm//stackframe", "@npm//strip-ansi", "@npm//style-loader", "@npm//tailwindcss", "@npm//terser-webpack-plugin", "@npm//@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin", "@npm//react-refresh", "@npm//type-fest", "@npm//webpack", "@npm//webpack-cli", "@npm//webpack-mild-compile", "@npm//ansi-html-community", "@npm//core-js-pure", ] resf_bundle_ATTRS = { "title": attr.string(), "script": attr.string( default = "", ), "style": attr.string( default = "", ), "typekit": attr.string( #default = "https://use.typekit.net/fjm0njo.css", default = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Inter:wght@300;400;500;600;700&display=swap", ), "index_html": attr.label( default = Label("//rules_resf/internal/resf_bundle:index.hbs"), allow_single_file = True, ), "prefix": attr.string( default = "/", ), "srcs": attr.label_list( allow_files = True, default = [], ), "deps": attr.label_list( aspects = [module_mappings_aspect, node_modules_aspect], allow_files = True, ), "node_modules": attr.label_list( allow_files = True, ), "license_banner": attr.label( allow_single_file = True, ), "global_name": attr.string(), "no_suffix_frontend": attr.bool( default = False, ), "build": attr.bool( default = True, ), "server_entrypoint": attr.label( allow_single_file = True, mandatory = True, ), "server_srcs": attr.label_list( allow_files = True, mandatory = True, ), "server_deps": attr.label_list( aspects = [module_mappings_aspect, node_modules_aspect], ), "_webpack_config_tmpl": attr.label( default = Label("//rules_resf/internal/resf_bundle:webpack.config.js"), allow_single_file = True, ), "_webpack": attr.label( default = Label("//rules_resf/internal/resf_bundle:webpack"), executable = True, cfg = "host", allow_files = True, ), "_webpack_data": attr.label_list( default = WEBPACK_DATA, allow_files = True, ), "_node": attr.label( default = Label("@nodejs//:node_bin"), allow_single_file = True, executable = True, cfg = "host", ), "_node_files": attr.label_list( default = [Label("@nodejs//:node_files")], allow_files = True, ), "_run_child": attr.label( default = Label("//rules_resf/internal/resf_bundle:run_child"), executable = True, cfg = "host", allow_files = True, ), "_run_child_script": attr.label( default = Label("//rules_resf/internal/resf_bundle:run_child.mjs"), allow_single_file = True, ), "_packserver": attr.label( default = Label("//rules_resf/internal/resf_bundle:packserver.bash"), allow_single_file = True, ), "_tsconfig": attr.label( default = Label("//rules_resf/internal/resf_bundle:tsconfig.json"), allow_single_file = True, ), "entrypoint": attr.string( default = "src/entrypoint.tsx", ), "entry_point": attr.string( mandatory = False, ), "_babel_config": attr.label( default = Label("//rules_resf/internal/resf_bundle:babel.config.js"), allow_single_file = True, ), "tailwind_config": attr.label( default = Label("//rules_resf/internal/resf_bundle:tailwind.config.js"), allow_single_file = True, ), "_base_tailwind_config": attr.label( default = Label("//rules_resf/internal/resf_bundle:tailwind.config.js"), allow_single_file = True, ), "_bash_runfiles": attr.label( default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles"), ), "_node_bash_runfiles": attr.label( default = Label("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//third_party/github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/tools/bash/runfiles"), ), } resf_bundle = rule( implementation = _resf_bundle, attrs = resf_bundle_ATTRS, ) resf_bundle_run = rule( implementation = _resf_bundle, attrs = resf_bundle_ATTRS, executable = True, )