syntax = "proto3"; package resf.secparse; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; import "validate/validate.proto"; option go_package = ";secparsepb"; // Advisory // // Product advisory message Advisory { enum Type { UnknownType = 0; Security = 1; BugFix = 2; Enhancement = 3; } // Type // // Type of advisory Type type = 1; // Short code // // Errata prefix or short code // Example: RLBA, RLEA, RLSA string short_code = 2; // Name // // Full errata name // Example: RLBA-2021:0001, RLSA-2021:0002 string name = 3; // Synopsis // // Short description of advisory string synopsis = 4; enum Severity { UnknownSeverity = 0; Low = 1; Moderate = 2; Important = 3; Critical = 4; } // Severity // // Severity of advisory. Used only for security advisories Severity severity = 5; // Topic // // Topic of advisory // Example: An update for the go-toolset:rhel8 module is now available for Rocky Linux 8. string topic = 6; // Description // // Description of advisory. Contains information about changes and package. string description = 7; // Solution // // How to solve the advisory. Contains information about how to apply the advisory changes google.protobuf.StringValue solution = 8; // Affected products // // A list of affected products repeated string affected_products = 9; // Fixes // // A list of tickets from upstream bug trackers repeated string fixes = 10; // CVEs // // A list of CVEs assigned to this advisory repeated string cves = 11; // References // // General references used in this advisory repeated string references = 12; // Published at // // Timestamp the advisory is published at google.protobuf.Timestamp published_at = 13; // RPMs // // Affected RPMs repeated string rpms = 14; } // ListAdvisoriesRequest // // Request body for `ListAdvisories` // All fields are optional message ListAdvisoriesRequest { // Product // // The product to fetch advisories for // For example: Rocky Linux, RL or Rocky string product = 1; // Version // // The version to fetch advisories for // For example: 8.3 or 8.4 string version = 2; // Before // // Advisories published before timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp before = 3; // After // // Advisories published after timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp after = 4; } // ListAdvisoriesResponse // // Response body for `ListAdvisories` message ListAdvisoriesResponse { repeated Advisory advisories = 1; } // GetAdvisoryRequest // // Request body for `GetAdvisory` message GetAdvisoryRequest { // ID // // Errata ID // Example: RLSA:2021-1515 string id = 1 [(validate.rules).string = { pattern: "^(.+)([SEB]A)-([0-9]{4}):([0-9]+)$", }]; } // GetAdvisoryResponse // // Response body for `GetAdvisory` message GetAdvisoryResponse { Advisory advisory = 1; }