2022-07-07 22:13:21 +02:00

119 lines
2.8 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package resf.peridot.keykeeper.v1;
import "peridot/proto/v1/task.proto";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "validate/validate.proto";
option go_package = ";keykeeperpb";
service KeykeeperService {
// GenerateKey generates a new key pair and attaches the key to the given project.
// todo(mustafa): Evaluate if we need to convert this to AsyncTask.
// todo(mustafa): Since this call may be long running (we're talking about 30-60 seconds),
rpc GenerateKey(GenerateKeyRequest) returns (GenerateKeyResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/generate-key"
body: "*"
// GetPublicKey returns the public key of the given key id
rpc GetPublicKey(GetPublicKeyRequest) returns (GetPublicKeyResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/keys/{key_name=*}/public-key"
// ImportKey imports a key pair and attaches it to the given project.
// todo(mustafa): Currently unimplmented.
rpc ImportKey(ImportKeyRequest) returns (ImportKeyResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/import-key"
body: "*"
rpc SignArtifacts(SignArtifactsRequest) returns (resf.peridot.v1.AsyncTask) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/sign-artifacts"
body: "*"
option (resf.peridot.v1.task_info) = {
response_type: "SignArtifactsTask"
metadata_type: "SignArtifactsRequest"
rpc SignText(SignTextRequest) returns (SignTextResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/sign-text"
body: "*"
message GenerateKeyRequest {
// Project that the key will be attached to.
string project_id = 1;
// Name of the key to generate.
string name = 2;
// Email to associate with the generated key.
string email = 3;
message GenerateKeyResponse {
string name = 1;
string email = 2;
string fingerprint = 3;
message GetPublicKeyRequest {
string key_name = 1;
message GetPublicKeyResponse {
string public_key = 1;
// todo(mustafa): Implement
message ImportKeyRequest {}
message ImportKeyResponse {}
message SignedArtifact {
string path = 1;
string hash_sha256 = 2;
message SignArtifactsRequest {
// Build ID of the artifacts to sign.
// The artifacts has to be attached to the given build.
string build_id = 1;
// Key name is the key that the artifacts is signed with.
string key_name = 2;
message SignArtifactsTask {
repeated SignedArtifact signed_artifacts = 1;
message BatchSignArtifactsTask {
repeated SignArtifactsTask tasks = 1;
message SignTextRequest {
// Text to sign.
string text = 1;
// Key name is the key that the artifacts is signed with.
string key_name = 2;
message SignTextResponse {
string signature = 1;