Mustafa Gezen ad0f7a5305
Major upgrades
Upgrade to Go 1.20.5, Hydra v2 SDK, rules-go v0.44.2 (with proper resolves), protobuf v25.3 and mass upgrade of Go dependencies.
2024-03-17 08:06:08 +01:00

1942 lines
69 KiB

Ory Hydra API
Documentation for all of Ory Hydra's APIs.
API version: v2.2.0
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (; DO NOT EDIT.
package client
import (
// checks if the OAuth2Client type satisfies the MappedNullable interface at compile time
var _ MappedNullable = &OAuth2Client{}
// OAuth2Client OAuth 2.0 Clients are used to perform OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect flows. Usually, OAuth 2.0 clients are generated for applications which want to consume your OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect capabilities.
type OAuth2Client struct {
// OAuth 2.0 Access Token Strategy AccessTokenStrategy is the strategy used to generate access tokens. Valid options are `jwt` and `opaque`. `jwt` is a bad idea, see Setting the stragegy here overrides the global setting in `strategies.access_token`.
AccessTokenStrategy *string `json:"access_token_strategy,omitempty"`
AllowedCorsOrigins []string `json:"allowed_cors_origins,omitempty"`
Audience []string `json:"audience,omitempty"`
// Specify a time duration in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours.
AuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan *string `json:"authorization_code_grant_access_token_lifespan,omitempty"`
// Specify a time duration in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours.
AuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespan *string `json:"authorization_code_grant_id_token_lifespan,omitempty"`
// Specify a time duration in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours.
AuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan *string `json:"authorization_code_grant_refresh_token_lifespan,omitempty"`
// OpenID Connect Back-Channel Logout Session Required Boolean value specifying whether the RP requires that a sid (session ID) Claim be included in the Logout Token to identify the RP session with the OP when the backchannel_logout_uri is used. If omitted, the default value is false.
BackchannelLogoutSessionRequired *bool `json:"backchannel_logout_session_required,omitempty"`
// OpenID Connect Back-Channel Logout URI RP URL that will cause the RP to log itself out when sent a Logout Token by the OP.
BackchannelLogoutUri *string `json:"backchannel_logout_uri,omitempty"`
// Specify a time duration in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours.
ClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan *string `json:"client_credentials_grant_access_token_lifespan,omitempty"`
// OAuth 2.0 Client ID The ID is immutable. If no ID is provided, a UUID4 will be generated.
ClientId *string `json:"client_id,omitempty"`
// OAuth 2.0 Client Name The human-readable name of the client to be presented to the end-user during authorization.
ClientName *string `json:"client_name,omitempty"`
// OAuth 2.0 Client Secret The secret will be included in the create request as cleartext, and then never again. The secret is kept in hashed format and is not recoverable once lost.
ClientSecret *string `json:"client_secret,omitempty"`
// OAuth 2.0 Client Secret Expires At The field is currently not supported and its value is always 0.
ClientSecretExpiresAt *int64 `json:"client_secret_expires_at,omitempty"`
// OAuth 2.0 Client URI ClientURI is a URL string of a web page providing information about the client. If present, the server SHOULD display this URL to the end-user in a clickable fashion.
ClientUri *string `json:"client_uri,omitempty"`
Contacts []string `json:"contacts,omitempty"`
// OAuth 2.0 Client Creation Date CreatedAt returns the timestamp of the client's creation.
CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"`
// OpenID Connect Front-Channel Logout Session Required Boolean value specifying whether the RP requires that iss (issuer) and sid (session ID) query parameters be included to identify the RP session with the OP when the frontchannel_logout_uri is used. If omitted, the default value is false.
FrontchannelLogoutSessionRequired *bool `json:"frontchannel_logout_session_required,omitempty"`
// OpenID Connect Front-Channel Logout URI RP URL that will cause the RP to log itself out when rendered in an iframe by the OP. An iss (issuer) query parameter and a sid (session ID) query parameter MAY be included by the OP to enable the RP to validate the request and to determine which of the potentially multiple sessions is to be logged out; if either is included, both MUST be.
FrontchannelLogoutUri *string `json:"frontchannel_logout_uri,omitempty"`
GrantTypes []string `json:"grant_types,omitempty"`
// Specify a time duration in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours.
ImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan *string `json:"implicit_grant_access_token_lifespan,omitempty"`
// Specify a time duration in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours.
ImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespan *string `json:"implicit_grant_id_token_lifespan,omitempty"`
// OAuth 2.0 Client JSON Web Key Set Client's JSON Web Key Set [JWK] document, passed by value. The semantics of the jwks parameter are the same as the jwks_uri parameter, other than that the JWK Set is passed by value, rather than by reference. This parameter is intended only to be used by Clients that, for some reason, are unable to use the jwks_uri parameter, for instance, by native applications that might not have a location to host the contents of the JWK Set. If a Client can use jwks_uri, it MUST NOT use jwks. One significant downside of jwks is that it does not enable key rotation (which jwks_uri does, as described in Section 10 of OpenID Connect Core 1.0 [OpenID.Core]). The jwks_uri and jwks parameters MUST NOT be used together.
Jwks interface{} `json:"jwks,omitempty"`
// OAuth 2.0 Client JSON Web Key Set URL URL for the Client's JSON Web Key Set [JWK] document. If the Client signs requests to the Server, it contains the signing key(s) the Server uses to validate signatures from the Client. The JWK Set MAY also contain the Client's encryption keys(s), which are used by the Server to encrypt responses to the Client. When both signing and encryption keys are made available, a use (Key Use) parameter value is REQUIRED for all keys in the referenced JWK Set to indicate each key's intended usage. Although some algorithms allow the same key to be used for both signatures and encryption, doing so is NOT RECOMMENDED, as it is less secure. The JWK x5c parameter MAY be used to provide X.509 representations of keys provided. When used, the bare key values MUST still be present and MUST match those in the certificate.
JwksUri *string `json:"jwks_uri,omitempty"`
// Specify a time duration in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours.
JwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan *string `json:"jwt_bearer_grant_access_token_lifespan,omitempty"`
// OAuth 2.0 Client Logo URI A URL string referencing the client's logo.
LogoUri *string `json:"logo_uri,omitempty"`
Metadata interface{} `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
// OAuth 2.0 Client Owner Owner is a string identifying the owner of the OAuth 2.0 Client.
Owner *string `json:"owner,omitempty"`
// OAuth 2.0 Client Policy URI PolicyURI is a URL string that points to a human-readable privacy policy document that describes how the deployment organization collects, uses, retains, and discloses personal data.
PolicyUri *string `json:"policy_uri,omitempty"`
PostLogoutRedirectUris []string `json:"post_logout_redirect_uris,omitempty"`
RedirectUris []string `json:"redirect_uris,omitempty"`
// Specify a time duration in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours.
RefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan *string `json:"refresh_token_grant_access_token_lifespan,omitempty"`
// Specify a time duration in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours.
RefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespan *string `json:"refresh_token_grant_id_token_lifespan,omitempty"`
// Specify a time duration in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours.
RefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan *string `json:"refresh_token_grant_refresh_token_lifespan,omitempty"`
// OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration Access Token RegistrationAccessToken can be used to update, get, or delete the OAuth2 Client. It is sent when creating a client using Dynamic Client Registration.
RegistrationAccessToken *string `json:"registration_access_token,omitempty"`
// OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration URL RegistrationClientURI is the URL used to update, get, or delete the OAuth2 Client.
RegistrationClientUri *string `json:"registration_client_uri,omitempty"`
// OpenID Connect Request Object Signing Algorithm JWS [JWS] alg algorithm [JWA] that MUST be used for signing Request Objects sent to the OP. All Request Objects from this Client MUST be rejected, if not signed with this algorithm.
RequestObjectSigningAlg *string `json:"request_object_signing_alg,omitempty"`
RequestUris []string `json:"request_uris,omitempty"`
ResponseTypes []string `json:"response_types,omitempty"`
// OAuth 2.0 Client Scope Scope is a string containing a space-separated list of scope values (as described in Section 3.3 of OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749]) that the client can use when requesting access tokens.
Scope *string `json:"scope,omitempty"`
// OpenID Connect Sector Identifier URI URL using the https scheme to be used in calculating Pseudonymous Identifiers by the OP. The URL references a file with a single JSON array of redirect_uri values.
SectorIdentifierUri *string `json:"sector_identifier_uri,omitempty"`
// SkipConsent skips the consent screen for this client. This field can only be set from the admin API.
SkipConsent *bool `json:"skip_consent,omitempty"`
// SkipLogoutConsent skips the logout consent screen for this client. This field can only be set from the admin API.
SkipLogoutConsent *bool `json:"skip_logout_consent,omitempty"`
// OpenID Connect Subject Type The `subject_types_supported` Discovery parameter contains a list of the supported subject_type values for this server. Valid types include `pairwise` and `public`.
SubjectType *string `json:"subject_type,omitempty"`
// OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint Authentication Method Requested Client Authentication method for the Token Endpoint. The options are: `client_secret_basic`: (default) Send `client_id` and `client_secret` as `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` encoded in the HTTP Authorization header. `client_secret_post`: Send `client_id` and `client_secret` as `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` in the HTTP body. `private_key_jwt`: Use JSON Web Tokens to authenticate the client. `none`: Used for public clients (native apps, mobile apps) which can not have secrets.
TokenEndpointAuthMethod *string `json:"token_endpoint_auth_method,omitempty"`
// OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint Signing Algorithm Requested Client Authentication signing algorithm for the Token Endpoint.
TokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg *string `json:"token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg,omitempty"`
// OAuth 2.0 Client Terms of Service URI A URL string pointing to a human-readable terms of service document for the client that describes a contractual relationship between the end-user and the client that the end-user accepts when authorizing the client.
TosUri *string `json:"tos_uri,omitempty"`
// OAuth 2.0 Client Last Update Date UpdatedAt returns the timestamp of the last update.
UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at,omitempty"`
// OpenID Connect Request Userinfo Signed Response Algorithm JWS alg algorithm [JWA] REQUIRED for signing UserInfo Responses. If this is specified, the response will be JWT [JWT] serialized, and signed using JWS. The default, if omitted, is for the UserInfo Response to return the Claims as a UTF-8 encoded JSON object using the application/json content-type.
UserinfoSignedResponseAlg *string `json:"userinfo_signed_response_alg,omitempty"`
AdditionalProperties map[string]interface{}
type _OAuth2Client OAuth2Client
// NewOAuth2Client instantiates a new OAuth2Client object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewOAuth2Client() *OAuth2Client {
this := OAuth2Client{}
var tokenEndpointAuthMethod string = "client_secret_basic"
this.TokenEndpointAuthMethod = &tokenEndpointAuthMethod
return &this
// NewOAuth2ClientWithDefaults instantiates a new OAuth2Client object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewOAuth2ClientWithDefaults() *OAuth2Client {
this := OAuth2Client{}
var tokenEndpointAuthMethod string = "client_secret_basic"
this.TokenEndpointAuthMethod = &tokenEndpointAuthMethod
return &this
// GetAccessTokenStrategy returns the AccessTokenStrategy field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetAccessTokenStrategy() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.AccessTokenStrategy) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.AccessTokenStrategy
// GetAccessTokenStrategyOk returns a tuple with the AccessTokenStrategy field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetAccessTokenStrategyOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.AccessTokenStrategy) {
return nil, false
return o.AccessTokenStrategy, true
// HasAccessTokenStrategy returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasAccessTokenStrategy() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.AccessTokenStrategy) {
return true
return false
// SetAccessTokenStrategy gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the AccessTokenStrategy field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetAccessTokenStrategy(v string) {
o.AccessTokenStrategy = &v
// GetAllowedCorsOrigins returns the AllowedCorsOrigins field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetAllowedCorsOrigins() []string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.AllowedCorsOrigins) {
var ret []string
return ret
return o.AllowedCorsOrigins
// GetAllowedCorsOriginsOk returns a tuple with the AllowedCorsOrigins field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetAllowedCorsOriginsOk() ([]string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.AllowedCorsOrigins) {
return nil, false
return o.AllowedCorsOrigins, true
// HasAllowedCorsOrigins returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasAllowedCorsOrigins() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.AllowedCorsOrigins) {
return true
return false
// SetAllowedCorsOrigins gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the AllowedCorsOrigins field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetAllowedCorsOrigins(v []string) {
o.AllowedCorsOrigins = v
// GetAudience returns the Audience field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetAudience() []string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.Audience) {
var ret []string
return ret
return o.Audience
// GetAudienceOk returns a tuple with the Audience field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetAudienceOk() ([]string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.Audience) {
return nil, false
return o.Audience, true
// HasAudience returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasAudience() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Audience) {
return true
return false
// SetAudience gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the Audience field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetAudience(v []string) {
o.Audience = v
// GetAuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan returns the AuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetAuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.AuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.AuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan
// GetAuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespanOk returns a tuple with the AuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetAuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespanOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.AuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
return nil, false
return o.AuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan, true
// HasAuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasAuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.AuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
return true
return false
// SetAuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the AuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetAuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan(v string) {
o.AuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan = &v
// GetAuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespan returns the AuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespan field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetAuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespan() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.AuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespan) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.AuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespan
// GetAuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespanOk returns a tuple with the AuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespan field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetAuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespanOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.AuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespan) {
return nil, false
return o.AuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespan, true
// HasAuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespan returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasAuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespan() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.AuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespan) {
return true
return false
// SetAuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespan gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the AuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespan field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetAuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespan(v string) {
o.AuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespan = &v
// GetAuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan returns the AuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetAuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.AuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.AuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan
// GetAuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespanOk returns a tuple with the AuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetAuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespanOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.AuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan) {
return nil, false
return o.AuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan, true
// HasAuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasAuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.AuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan) {
return true
return false
// SetAuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the AuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetAuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan(v string) {
o.AuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan = &v
// GetBackchannelLogoutSessionRequired returns the BackchannelLogoutSessionRequired field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetBackchannelLogoutSessionRequired() bool {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.BackchannelLogoutSessionRequired) {
var ret bool
return ret
return *o.BackchannelLogoutSessionRequired
// GetBackchannelLogoutSessionRequiredOk returns a tuple with the BackchannelLogoutSessionRequired field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetBackchannelLogoutSessionRequiredOk() (*bool, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.BackchannelLogoutSessionRequired) {
return nil, false
return o.BackchannelLogoutSessionRequired, true
// HasBackchannelLogoutSessionRequired returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasBackchannelLogoutSessionRequired() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.BackchannelLogoutSessionRequired) {
return true
return false
// SetBackchannelLogoutSessionRequired gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the BackchannelLogoutSessionRequired field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetBackchannelLogoutSessionRequired(v bool) {
o.BackchannelLogoutSessionRequired = &v
// GetBackchannelLogoutUri returns the BackchannelLogoutUri field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetBackchannelLogoutUri() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.BackchannelLogoutUri) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.BackchannelLogoutUri
// GetBackchannelLogoutUriOk returns a tuple with the BackchannelLogoutUri field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetBackchannelLogoutUriOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.BackchannelLogoutUri) {
return nil, false
return o.BackchannelLogoutUri, true
// HasBackchannelLogoutUri returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasBackchannelLogoutUri() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.BackchannelLogoutUri) {
return true
return false
// SetBackchannelLogoutUri gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the BackchannelLogoutUri field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetBackchannelLogoutUri(v string) {
o.BackchannelLogoutUri = &v
// GetClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan returns the ClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.ClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.ClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan
// GetClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespanOk returns a tuple with the ClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespanOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.ClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
return nil, false
return o.ClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan, true
// HasClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.ClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
return true
return false
// SetClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan(v string) {
o.ClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan = &v
// GetClientId returns the ClientId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetClientId() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.ClientId) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.ClientId
// GetClientIdOk returns a tuple with the ClientId field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetClientIdOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.ClientId) {
return nil, false
return o.ClientId, true
// HasClientId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasClientId() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.ClientId) {
return true
return false
// SetClientId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ClientId field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetClientId(v string) {
o.ClientId = &v
// GetClientName returns the ClientName field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetClientName() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.ClientName) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.ClientName
// GetClientNameOk returns a tuple with the ClientName field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetClientNameOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.ClientName) {
return nil, false
return o.ClientName, true
// HasClientName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasClientName() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.ClientName) {
return true
return false
// SetClientName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ClientName field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetClientName(v string) {
o.ClientName = &v
// GetClientSecret returns the ClientSecret field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetClientSecret() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.ClientSecret) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.ClientSecret
// GetClientSecretOk returns a tuple with the ClientSecret field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetClientSecretOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.ClientSecret) {
return nil, false
return o.ClientSecret, true
// HasClientSecret returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasClientSecret() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.ClientSecret) {
return true
return false
// SetClientSecret gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ClientSecret field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetClientSecret(v string) {
o.ClientSecret = &v
// GetClientSecretExpiresAt returns the ClientSecretExpiresAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetClientSecretExpiresAt() int64 {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.ClientSecretExpiresAt) {
var ret int64
return ret
return *o.ClientSecretExpiresAt
// GetClientSecretExpiresAtOk returns a tuple with the ClientSecretExpiresAt field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetClientSecretExpiresAtOk() (*int64, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.ClientSecretExpiresAt) {
return nil, false
return o.ClientSecretExpiresAt, true
// HasClientSecretExpiresAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasClientSecretExpiresAt() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.ClientSecretExpiresAt) {
return true
return false
// SetClientSecretExpiresAt gets a reference to the given int64 and assigns it to the ClientSecretExpiresAt field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetClientSecretExpiresAt(v int64) {
o.ClientSecretExpiresAt = &v
// GetClientUri returns the ClientUri field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetClientUri() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.ClientUri) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.ClientUri
// GetClientUriOk returns a tuple with the ClientUri field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetClientUriOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.ClientUri) {
return nil, false
return o.ClientUri, true
// HasClientUri returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasClientUri() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.ClientUri) {
return true
return false
// SetClientUri gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ClientUri field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetClientUri(v string) {
o.ClientUri = &v
// GetContacts returns the Contacts field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetContacts() []string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.Contacts) {
var ret []string
return ret
return o.Contacts
// GetContactsOk returns a tuple with the Contacts field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetContactsOk() ([]string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.Contacts) {
return nil, false
return o.Contacts, true
// HasContacts returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasContacts() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Contacts) {
return true
return false
// SetContacts gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the Contacts field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetContacts(v []string) {
o.Contacts = v
// GetCreatedAt returns the CreatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetCreatedAt() time.Time {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.CreatedAt) {
var ret time.Time
return ret
return *o.CreatedAt
// GetCreatedAtOk returns a tuple with the CreatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetCreatedAtOk() (*time.Time, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.CreatedAt) {
return nil, false
return o.CreatedAt, true
// HasCreatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasCreatedAt() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.CreatedAt) {
return true
return false
// SetCreatedAt gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the CreatedAt field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetCreatedAt(v time.Time) {
o.CreatedAt = &v
// GetFrontchannelLogoutSessionRequired returns the FrontchannelLogoutSessionRequired field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetFrontchannelLogoutSessionRequired() bool {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.FrontchannelLogoutSessionRequired) {
var ret bool
return ret
return *o.FrontchannelLogoutSessionRequired
// GetFrontchannelLogoutSessionRequiredOk returns a tuple with the FrontchannelLogoutSessionRequired field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetFrontchannelLogoutSessionRequiredOk() (*bool, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.FrontchannelLogoutSessionRequired) {
return nil, false
return o.FrontchannelLogoutSessionRequired, true
// HasFrontchannelLogoutSessionRequired returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasFrontchannelLogoutSessionRequired() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.FrontchannelLogoutSessionRequired) {
return true
return false
// SetFrontchannelLogoutSessionRequired gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the FrontchannelLogoutSessionRequired field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetFrontchannelLogoutSessionRequired(v bool) {
o.FrontchannelLogoutSessionRequired = &v
// GetFrontchannelLogoutUri returns the FrontchannelLogoutUri field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetFrontchannelLogoutUri() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.FrontchannelLogoutUri) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.FrontchannelLogoutUri
// GetFrontchannelLogoutUriOk returns a tuple with the FrontchannelLogoutUri field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetFrontchannelLogoutUriOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.FrontchannelLogoutUri) {
return nil, false
return o.FrontchannelLogoutUri, true
// HasFrontchannelLogoutUri returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasFrontchannelLogoutUri() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.FrontchannelLogoutUri) {
return true
return false
// SetFrontchannelLogoutUri gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the FrontchannelLogoutUri field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetFrontchannelLogoutUri(v string) {
o.FrontchannelLogoutUri = &v
// GetGrantTypes returns the GrantTypes field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetGrantTypes() []string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.GrantTypes) {
var ret []string
return ret
return o.GrantTypes
// GetGrantTypesOk returns a tuple with the GrantTypes field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetGrantTypesOk() ([]string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.GrantTypes) {
return nil, false
return o.GrantTypes, true
// HasGrantTypes returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasGrantTypes() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.GrantTypes) {
return true
return false
// SetGrantTypes gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the GrantTypes field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetGrantTypes(v []string) {
o.GrantTypes = v
// GetImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan returns the ImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.ImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.ImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan
// GetImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespanOk returns a tuple with the ImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespanOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.ImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
return nil, false
return o.ImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan, true
// HasImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.ImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
return true
return false
// SetImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan(v string) {
o.ImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan = &v
// GetImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespan returns the ImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespan field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespan() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.ImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespan) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.ImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespan
// GetImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespanOk returns a tuple with the ImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespan field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespanOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.ImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespan) {
return nil, false
return o.ImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespan, true
// HasImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespan returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespan() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.ImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespan) {
return true
return false
// SetImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespan gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespan field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespan(v string) {
o.ImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespan = &v
// GetJwks returns the Jwks field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetJwks() interface{} {
if o == nil {
var ret interface{}
return ret
return o.Jwks
// GetJwksOk returns a tuple with the Jwks field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
// NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetJwksOk() (*interface{}, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.Jwks) {
return nil, false
return &o.Jwks, true
// HasJwks returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasJwks() bool {
if o != nil && IsNil(o.Jwks) {
return true
return false
// SetJwks gets a reference to the given interface{} and assigns it to the Jwks field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetJwks(v interface{}) {
o.Jwks = v
// GetJwksUri returns the JwksUri field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetJwksUri() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.JwksUri) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.JwksUri
// GetJwksUriOk returns a tuple with the JwksUri field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetJwksUriOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.JwksUri) {
return nil, false
return o.JwksUri, true
// HasJwksUri returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasJwksUri() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.JwksUri) {
return true
return false
// SetJwksUri gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the JwksUri field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetJwksUri(v string) {
o.JwksUri = &v
// GetJwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan returns the JwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetJwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.JwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.JwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan
// GetJwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespanOk returns a tuple with the JwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetJwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespanOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.JwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
return nil, false
return o.JwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan, true
// HasJwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasJwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.JwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
return true
return false
// SetJwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the JwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetJwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan(v string) {
o.JwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan = &v
// GetLogoUri returns the LogoUri field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetLogoUri() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.LogoUri) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.LogoUri
// GetLogoUriOk returns a tuple with the LogoUri field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetLogoUriOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.LogoUri) {
return nil, false
return o.LogoUri, true
// HasLogoUri returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasLogoUri() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.LogoUri) {
return true
return false
// SetLogoUri gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the LogoUri field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetLogoUri(v string) {
o.LogoUri = &v
// GetMetadata returns the Metadata field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetMetadata() interface{} {
if o == nil {
var ret interface{}
return ret
return o.Metadata
// GetMetadataOk returns a tuple with the Metadata field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
// NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetMetadataOk() (*interface{}, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.Metadata) {
return nil, false
return &o.Metadata, true
// HasMetadata returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasMetadata() bool {
if o != nil && IsNil(o.Metadata) {
return true
return false
// SetMetadata gets a reference to the given interface{} and assigns it to the Metadata field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetMetadata(v interface{}) {
o.Metadata = v
// GetOwner returns the Owner field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetOwner() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.Owner) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Owner
// GetOwnerOk returns a tuple with the Owner field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetOwnerOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.Owner) {
return nil, false
return o.Owner, true
// HasOwner returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasOwner() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Owner) {
return true
return false
// SetOwner gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Owner field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetOwner(v string) {
o.Owner = &v
// GetPolicyUri returns the PolicyUri field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetPolicyUri() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.PolicyUri) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.PolicyUri
// GetPolicyUriOk returns a tuple with the PolicyUri field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetPolicyUriOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.PolicyUri) {
return nil, false
return o.PolicyUri, true
// HasPolicyUri returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasPolicyUri() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.PolicyUri) {
return true
return false
// SetPolicyUri gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the PolicyUri field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetPolicyUri(v string) {
o.PolicyUri = &v
// GetPostLogoutRedirectUris returns the PostLogoutRedirectUris field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetPostLogoutRedirectUris() []string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.PostLogoutRedirectUris) {
var ret []string
return ret
return o.PostLogoutRedirectUris
// GetPostLogoutRedirectUrisOk returns a tuple with the PostLogoutRedirectUris field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetPostLogoutRedirectUrisOk() ([]string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.PostLogoutRedirectUris) {
return nil, false
return o.PostLogoutRedirectUris, true
// HasPostLogoutRedirectUris returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasPostLogoutRedirectUris() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.PostLogoutRedirectUris) {
return true
return false
// SetPostLogoutRedirectUris gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the PostLogoutRedirectUris field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetPostLogoutRedirectUris(v []string) {
o.PostLogoutRedirectUris = v
// GetRedirectUris returns the RedirectUris field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetRedirectUris() []string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.RedirectUris) {
var ret []string
return ret
return o.RedirectUris
// GetRedirectUrisOk returns a tuple with the RedirectUris field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetRedirectUrisOk() ([]string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.RedirectUris) {
return nil, false
return o.RedirectUris, true
// HasRedirectUris returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasRedirectUris() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.RedirectUris) {
return true
return false
// SetRedirectUris gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the RedirectUris field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetRedirectUris(v []string) {
o.RedirectUris = v
// GetRefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan returns the RefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetRefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.RefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.RefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan
// GetRefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespanOk returns a tuple with the RefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetRefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespanOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.RefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
return nil, false
return o.RefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan, true
// HasRefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasRefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.RefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
return true
return false
// SetRefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the RefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetRefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan(v string) {
o.RefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan = &v
// GetRefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespan returns the RefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespan field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetRefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespan() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.RefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespan) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.RefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespan
// GetRefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespanOk returns a tuple with the RefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespan field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetRefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespanOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.RefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespan) {
return nil, false
return o.RefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespan, true
// HasRefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespan returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasRefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespan() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.RefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespan) {
return true
return false
// SetRefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespan gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the RefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespan field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetRefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespan(v string) {
o.RefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespan = &v
// GetRefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan returns the RefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetRefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.RefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.RefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan
// GetRefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespanOk returns a tuple with the RefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetRefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespanOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.RefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan) {
return nil, false
return o.RefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan, true
// HasRefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasRefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.RefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan) {
return true
return false
// SetRefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the RefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetRefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan(v string) {
o.RefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan = &v
// GetRegistrationAccessToken returns the RegistrationAccessToken field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetRegistrationAccessToken() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.RegistrationAccessToken) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.RegistrationAccessToken
// GetRegistrationAccessTokenOk returns a tuple with the RegistrationAccessToken field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetRegistrationAccessTokenOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.RegistrationAccessToken) {
return nil, false
return o.RegistrationAccessToken, true
// HasRegistrationAccessToken returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasRegistrationAccessToken() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.RegistrationAccessToken) {
return true
return false
// SetRegistrationAccessToken gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the RegistrationAccessToken field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetRegistrationAccessToken(v string) {
o.RegistrationAccessToken = &v
// GetRegistrationClientUri returns the RegistrationClientUri field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetRegistrationClientUri() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.RegistrationClientUri) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.RegistrationClientUri
// GetRegistrationClientUriOk returns a tuple with the RegistrationClientUri field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetRegistrationClientUriOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.RegistrationClientUri) {
return nil, false
return o.RegistrationClientUri, true
// HasRegistrationClientUri returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasRegistrationClientUri() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.RegistrationClientUri) {
return true
return false
// SetRegistrationClientUri gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the RegistrationClientUri field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetRegistrationClientUri(v string) {
o.RegistrationClientUri = &v
// GetRequestObjectSigningAlg returns the RequestObjectSigningAlg field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetRequestObjectSigningAlg() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.RequestObjectSigningAlg) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.RequestObjectSigningAlg
// GetRequestObjectSigningAlgOk returns a tuple with the RequestObjectSigningAlg field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetRequestObjectSigningAlgOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.RequestObjectSigningAlg) {
return nil, false
return o.RequestObjectSigningAlg, true
// HasRequestObjectSigningAlg returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasRequestObjectSigningAlg() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.RequestObjectSigningAlg) {
return true
return false
// SetRequestObjectSigningAlg gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the RequestObjectSigningAlg field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetRequestObjectSigningAlg(v string) {
o.RequestObjectSigningAlg = &v
// GetRequestUris returns the RequestUris field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetRequestUris() []string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.RequestUris) {
var ret []string
return ret
return o.RequestUris
// GetRequestUrisOk returns a tuple with the RequestUris field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetRequestUrisOk() ([]string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.RequestUris) {
return nil, false
return o.RequestUris, true
// HasRequestUris returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasRequestUris() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.RequestUris) {
return true
return false
// SetRequestUris gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the RequestUris field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetRequestUris(v []string) {
o.RequestUris = v
// GetResponseTypes returns the ResponseTypes field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetResponseTypes() []string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.ResponseTypes) {
var ret []string
return ret
return o.ResponseTypes
// GetResponseTypesOk returns a tuple with the ResponseTypes field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetResponseTypesOk() ([]string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.ResponseTypes) {
return nil, false
return o.ResponseTypes, true
// HasResponseTypes returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasResponseTypes() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.ResponseTypes) {
return true
return false
// SetResponseTypes gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the ResponseTypes field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetResponseTypes(v []string) {
o.ResponseTypes = v
// GetScope returns the Scope field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetScope() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.Scope) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Scope
// GetScopeOk returns a tuple with the Scope field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetScopeOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.Scope) {
return nil, false
return o.Scope, true
// HasScope returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasScope() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.Scope) {
return true
return false
// SetScope gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Scope field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetScope(v string) {
o.Scope = &v
// GetSectorIdentifierUri returns the SectorIdentifierUri field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetSectorIdentifierUri() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.SectorIdentifierUri) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.SectorIdentifierUri
// GetSectorIdentifierUriOk returns a tuple with the SectorIdentifierUri field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetSectorIdentifierUriOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.SectorIdentifierUri) {
return nil, false
return o.SectorIdentifierUri, true
// HasSectorIdentifierUri returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasSectorIdentifierUri() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.SectorIdentifierUri) {
return true
return false
// SetSectorIdentifierUri gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the SectorIdentifierUri field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetSectorIdentifierUri(v string) {
o.SectorIdentifierUri = &v
// GetSkipConsent returns the SkipConsent field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetSkipConsent() bool {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.SkipConsent) {
var ret bool
return ret
return *o.SkipConsent
// GetSkipConsentOk returns a tuple with the SkipConsent field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetSkipConsentOk() (*bool, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.SkipConsent) {
return nil, false
return o.SkipConsent, true
// HasSkipConsent returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasSkipConsent() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.SkipConsent) {
return true
return false
// SetSkipConsent gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the SkipConsent field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetSkipConsent(v bool) {
o.SkipConsent = &v
// GetSkipLogoutConsent returns the SkipLogoutConsent field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetSkipLogoutConsent() bool {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.SkipLogoutConsent) {
var ret bool
return ret
return *o.SkipLogoutConsent
// GetSkipLogoutConsentOk returns a tuple with the SkipLogoutConsent field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetSkipLogoutConsentOk() (*bool, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.SkipLogoutConsent) {
return nil, false
return o.SkipLogoutConsent, true
// HasSkipLogoutConsent returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasSkipLogoutConsent() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.SkipLogoutConsent) {
return true
return false
// SetSkipLogoutConsent gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the SkipLogoutConsent field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetSkipLogoutConsent(v bool) {
o.SkipLogoutConsent = &v
// GetSubjectType returns the SubjectType field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetSubjectType() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.SubjectType) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.SubjectType
// GetSubjectTypeOk returns a tuple with the SubjectType field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetSubjectTypeOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.SubjectType) {
return nil, false
return o.SubjectType, true
// HasSubjectType returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasSubjectType() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.SubjectType) {
return true
return false
// SetSubjectType gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the SubjectType field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetSubjectType(v string) {
o.SubjectType = &v
// GetTokenEndpointAuthMethod returns the TokenEndpointAuthMethod field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetTokenEndpointAuthMethod() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.TokenEndpointAuthMethod) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.TokenEndpointAuthMethod
// GetTokenEndpointAuthMethodOk returns a tuple with the TokenEndpointAuthMethod field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetTokenEndpointAuthMethodOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.TokenEndpointAuthMethod) {
return nil, false
return o.TokenEndpointAuthMethod, true
// HasTokenEndpointAuthMethod returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasTokenEndpointAuthMethod() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.TokenEndpointAuthMethod) {
return true
return false
// SetTokenEndpointAuthMethod gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the TokenEndpointAuthMethod field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetTokenEndpointAuthMethod(v string) {
o.TokenEndpointAuthMethod = &v
// GetTokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg returns the TokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetTokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.TokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.TokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg
// GetTokenEndpointAuthSigningAlgOk returns a tuple with the TokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetTokenEndpointAuthSigningAlgOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.TokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg) {
return nil, false
return o.TokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg, true
// HasTokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasTokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.TokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg) {
return true
return false
// SetTokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the TokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetTokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg(v string) {
o.TokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg = &v
// GetTosUri returns the TosUri field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetTosUri() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.TosUri) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.TosUri
// GetTosUriOk returns a tuple with the TosUri field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetTosUriOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.TosUri) {
return nil, false
return o.TosUri, true
// HasTosUri returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasTosUri() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.TosUri) {
return true
return false
// SetTosUri gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the TosUri field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetTosUri(v string) {
o.TosUri = &v
// GetUpdatedAt returns the UpdatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetUpdatedAt() time.Time {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.UpdatedAt) {
var ret time.Time
return ret
return *o.UpdatedAt
// GetUpdatedAtOk returns a tuple with the UpdatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetUpdatedAtOk() (*time.Time, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.UpdatedAt) {
return nil, false
return o.UpdatedAt, true
// HasUpdatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasUpdatedAt() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.UpdatedAt) {
return true
return false
// SetUpdatedAt gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the UpdatedAt field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetUpdatedAt(v time.Time) {
o.UpdatedAt = &v
// GetUserinfoSignedResponseAlg returns the UserinfoSignedResponseAlg field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetUserinfoSignedResponseAlg() string {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.UserinfoSignedResponseAlg) {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.UserinfoSignedResponseAlg
// GetUserinfoSignedResponseAlgOk returns a tuple with the UserinfoSignedResponseAlg field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) GetUserinfoSignedResponseAlgOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || IsNil(o.UserinfoSignedResponseAlg) {
return nil, false
return o.UserinfoSignedResponseAlg, true
// HasUserinfoSignedResponseAlg returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *OAuth2Client) HasUserinfoSignedResponseAlg() bool {
if o != nil && !IsNil(o.UserinfoSignedResponseAlg) {
return true
return false
// SetUserinfoSignedResponseAlg gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the UserinfoSignedResponseAlg field.
func (o *OAuth2Client) SetUserinfoSignedResponseAlg(v string) {
o.UserinfoSignedResponseAlg = &v
func (o OAuth2Client) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize,err := o.ToMap()
if err != nil {
return []byte{}, err
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
func (o OAuth2Client) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if !IsNil(o.AccessTokenStrategy) {
toSerialize["access_token_strategy"] = o.AccessTokenStrategy
if !IsNil(o.AllowedCorsOrigins) {
toSerialize["allowed_cors_origins"] = o.AllowedCorsOrigins
if !IsNil(o.Audience) {
toSerialize["audience"] = o.Audience
if !IsNil(o.AuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
toSerialize["authorization_code_grant_access_token_lifespan"] = o.AuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan
if !IsNil(o.AuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespan) {
toSerialize["authorization_code_grant_id_token_lifespan"] = o.AuthorizationCodeGrantIdTokenLifespan
if !IsNil(o.AuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan) {
toSerialize["authorization_code_grant_refresh_token_lifespan"] = o.AuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan
if !IsNil(o.BackchannelLogoutSessionRequired) {
toSerialize["backchannel_logout_session_required"] = o.BackchannelLogoutSessionRequired
if !IsNil(o.BackchannelLogoutUri) {
toSerialize["backchannel_logout_uri"] = o.BackchannelLogoutUri
if !IsNil(o.ClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
toSerialize["client_credentials_grant_access_token_lifespan"] = o.ClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan
if !IsNil(o.ClientId) {
toSerialize["client_id"] = o.ClientId
if !IsNil(o.ClientName) {
toSerialize["client_name"] = o.ClientName
if !IsNil(o.ClientSecret) {
toSerialize["client_secret"] = o.ClientSecret
if !IsNil(o.ClientSecretExpiresAt) {
toSerialize["client_secret_expires_at"] = o.ClientSecretExpiresAt
if !IsNil(o.ClientUri) {
toSerialize["client_uri"] = o.ClientUri
if !IsNil(o.Contacts) {
toSerialize["contacts"] = o.Contacts
if !IsNil(o.CreatedAt) {
toSerialize["created_at"] = o.CreatedAt
if !IsNil(o.FrontchannelLogoutSessionRequired) {
toSerialize["frontchannel_logout_session_required"] = o.FrontchannelLogoutSessionRequired
if !IsNil(o.FrontchannelLogoutUri) {
toSerialize["frontchannel_logout_uri"] = o.FrontchannelLogoutUri
if !IsNil(o.GrantTypes) {
toSerialize["grant_types"] = o.GrantTypes
if !IsNil(o.ImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
toSerialize["implicit_grant_access_token_lifespan"] = o.ImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan
if !IsNil(o.ImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespan) {
toSerialize["implicit_grant_id_token_lifespan"] = o.ImplicitGrantIdTokenLifespan
if o.Jwks != nil {
toSerialize["jwks"] = o.Jwks
if !IsNil(o.JwksUri) {
toSerialize["jwks_uri"] = o.JwksUri
if !IsNil(o.JwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
toSerialize["jwt_bearer_grant_access_token_lifespan"] = o.JwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan
if !IsNil(o.LogoUri) {
toSerialize["logo_uri"] = o.LogoUri
if o.Metadata != nil {
toSerialize["metadata"] = o.Metadata
if !IsNil(o.Owner) {
toSerialize["owner"] = o.Owner
if !IsNil(o.PolicyUri) {
toSerialize["policy_uri"] = o.PolicyUri
if !IsNil(o.PostLogoutRedirectUris) {
toSerialize["post_logout_redirect_uris"] = o.PostLogoutRedirectUris
if !IsNil(o.RedirectUris) {
toSerialize["redirect_uris"] = o.RedirectUris
if !IsNil(o.RefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan) {
toSerialize["refresh_token_grant_access_token_lifespan"] = o.RefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan
if !IsNil(o.RefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespan) {
toSerialize["refresh_token_grant_id_token_lifespan"] = o.RefreshTokenGrantIdTokenLifespan
if !IsNil(o.RefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan) {
toSerialize["refresh_token_grant_refresh_token_lifespan"] = o.RefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan
if !IsNil(o.RegistrationAccessToken) {
toSerialize["registration_access_token"] = o.RegistrationAccessToken
if !IsNil(o.RegistrationClientUri) {
toSerialize["registration_client_uri"] = o.RegistrationClientUri
if !IsNil(o.RequestObjectSigningAlg) {
toSerialize["request_object_signing_alg"] = o.RequestObjectSigningAlg
if !IsNil(o.RequestUris) {
toSerialize["request_uris"] = o.RequestUris
if !IsNil(o.ResponseTypes) {
toSerialize["response_types"] = o.ResponseTypes
if !IsNil(o.Scope) {
toSerialize["scope"] = o.Scope
if !IsNil(o.SectorIdentifierUri) {
toSerialize["sector_identifier_uri"] = o.SectorIdentifierUri
if !IsNil(o.SkipConsent) {
toSerialize["skip_consent"] = o.SkipConsent
if !IsNil(o.SkipLogoutConsent) {
toSerialize["skip_logout_consent"] = o.SkipLogoutConsent
if !IsNil(o.SubjectType) {
toSerialize["subject_type"] = o.SubjectType
if !IsNil(o.TokenEndpointAuthMethod) {
toSerialize["token_endpoint_auth_method"] = o.TokenEndpointAuthMethod
if !IsNil(o.TokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg) {
toSerialize["token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg"] = o.TokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg
if !IsNil(o.TosUri) {
toSerialize["tos_uri"] = o.TosUri
if !IsNil(o.UpdatedAt) {
toSerialize["updated_at"] = o.UpdatedAt
if !IsNil(o.UserinfoSignedResponseAlg) {
toSerialize["userinfo_signed_response_alg"] = o.UserinfoSignedResponseAlg
for key, value := range o.AdditionalProperties {
toSerialize[key] = value
return toSerialize, nil
func (o *OAuth2Client) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error) {
varOAuth2Client := _OAuth2Client{}
err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, &varOAuth2Client)
if err != nil {
return err
*o = OAuth2Client(varOAuth2Client)
additionalProperties := make(map[string]interface{})
if err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, &additionalProperties); err == nil {
delete(additionalProperties, "access_token_strategy")
delete(additionalProperties, "allowed_cors_origins")
delete(additionalProperties, "audience")
delete(additionalProperties, "authorization_code_grant_access_token_lifespan")
delete(additionalProperties, "authorization_code_grant_id_token_lifespan")
delete(additionalProperties, "authorization_code_grant_refresh_token_lifespan")
delete(additionalProperties, "backchannel_logout_session_required")
delete(additionalProperties, "backchannel_logout_uri")
delete(additionalProperties, "client_credentials_grant_access_token_lifespan")
delete(additionalProperties, "client_id")
delete(additionalProperties, "client_name")
delete(additionalProperties, "client_secret")
delete(additionalProperties, "client_secret_expires_at")
delete(additionalProperties, "client_uri")
delete(additionalProperties, "contacts")
delete(additionalProperties, "created_at")
delete(additionalProperties, "frontchannel_logout_session_required")
delete(additionalProperties, "frontchannel_logout_uri")
delete(additionalProperties, "grant_types")
delete(additionalProperties, "implicit_grant_access_token_lifespan")
delete(additionalProperties, "implicit_grant_id_token_lifespan")
delete(additionalProperties, "jwks")
delete(additionalProperties, "jwks_uri")
delete(additionalProperties, "jwt_bearer_grant_access_token_lifespan")
delete(additionalProperties, "logo_uri")
delete(additionalProperties, "metadata")
delete(additionalProperties, "owner")
delete(additionalProperties, "policy_uri")
delete(additionalProperties, "post_logout_redirect_uris")
delete(additionalProperties, "redirect_uris")
delete(additionalProperties, "refresh_token_grant_access_token_lifespan")
delete(additionalProperties, "refresh_token_grant_id_token_lifespan")
delete(additionalProperties, "refresh_token_grant_refresh_token_lifespan")
delete(additionalProperties, "registration_access_token")
delete(additionalProperties, "registration_client_uri")
delete(additionalProperties, "request_object_signing_alg")
delete(additionalProperties, "request_uris")
delete(additionalProperties, "response_types")
delete(additionalProperties, "scope")
delete(additionalProperties, "sector_identifier_uri")
delete(additionalProperties, "skip_consent")
delete(additionalProperties, "skip_logout_consent")
delete(additionalProperties, "subject_type")
delete(additionalProperties, "token_endpoint_auth_method")
delete(additionalProperties, "token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg")
delete(additionalProperties, "tos_uri")
delete(additionalProperties, "updated_at")
delete(additionalProperties, "userinfo_signed_response_alg")
o.AdditionalProperties = additionalProperties
return err
type NullableOAuth2Client struct {
value *OAuth2Client
isSet bool
func (v NullableOAuth2Client) Get() *OAuth2Client {
return v.value
func (v *NullableOAuth2Client) Set(val *OAuth2Client) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableOAuth2Client) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableOAuth2Client) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableOAuth2Client(val *OAuth2Client) *NullableOAuth2Client {
return &NullableOAuth2Client{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableOAuth2Client) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableOAuth2Client) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)