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// The MIT License
// Copyright (c) 2020 Temporal Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2020 Uber Technologies, Inc.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package internal
import (
commonpb "go.temporal.io/api/common/v1"
enumspb "go.temporal.io/api/enums/v1"
healthpb "google.golang.org/grpc/health/grpc_health_v1"
ilog "go.temporal.io/sdk/internal/log"
const (
// DefaultNamespace is the namespace name which is used if not passed with options.
DefaultNamespace = "default"
// QueryTypeStackTrace is the build in query type for Client.QueryWorkflow() call. Use this query type to get the call
// stack of the workflow. The result will be a string encoded in the EncodedValue.
QueryTypeStackTrace string = "__stack_trace"
// QueryTypeOpenSessions is the build in query type for Client.QueryWorkflow() call. Use this query type to get all open
// sessions in the workflow. The result will be a list of SessionInfo encoded in the EncodedValue.
QueryTypeOpenSessions string = "__open_sessions"
healthCheckServiceName = "temporal.api.workflowservice.v1.WorkflowService"
defaultHealthCheckAttemptTimeout = 5 * time.Second
defaultHealthCheckTimeout = 10 * time.Second
type (
// Client is the client for starting and getting information about a workflow executions as well as
// completing activities asynchronously.
Client interface {
// ExecuteWorkflow starts a workflow execution and return a WorkflowRun instance and error
// The user can use this to start using a function or workflow type name.
// Either by
// ExecuteWorkflow(ctx, options, "workflowTypeName", arg1, arg2, arg3)
// or
// ExecuteWorkflow(ctx, options, workflowExecuteFn, arg1, arg2, arg3)
// The errors it can return:
// - serviceerror.NotFound, if namespace does not exists
// - serviceerror.InvalidArgument
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
// The current timeout resolution implementation is in seconds and uses math.Ceil(d.Seconds()) as the duration. But is
// subjected to change in the future.
// WorkflowRun has three methods:
// - GetID() string: which return workflow ID (which is same as StartWorkflowOptions.ID if provided)
// - GetRunID() string: which return the first started workflow run ID (please see below)
// - Get(ctx context.Context, valuePtr interface{}) error: which will fill the workflow
// execution result to valuePtr, if workflow execution is a success, or return corresponding
// error. This is a blocking API.
// NOTE: if the started workflow return ContinueAsNewError during the workflow execution, the
// return result of GetRunID() will be the started workflow run ID, not the new run ID caused by ContinueAsNewError,
// however, Get(ctx context.Context, valuePtr interface{}) will return result from the run which did not return ContinueAsNewError.
// Say ExecuteWorkflow started a workflow, in its first run, has run ID "run ID 1", and returned ContinueAsNewError,
// the second run has run ID "run ID 2" and return some result other than ContinueAsNewError:
// GetRunID() will always return "run ID 1" and Get(ctx context.Context, valuePtr interface{}) will return the result of second run.
// NOTE: DO NOT USE THIS API INSIDE A WORKFLOW, USE workflow.ExecuteChildWorkflow instead
ExecuteWorkflow(ctx context.Context, options StartWorkflowOptions, workflow interface{}, args ...interface{}) (WorkflowRun, error)
// GetWorkflow retrieves a workflow execution and return a WorkflowRun instance
// - workflow ID of the workflow.
// - runID can be default(empty string). if empty string then it will pick the last running execution of that workflow ID.
// WorkflowRun has three methods:
// - GetID() string: which return workflow ID (which is same as StartWorkflowOptions.ID if provided)
// - GetRunID() string: which return the first started workflow run ID (please see below)
// - Get(ctx context.Context, valuePtr interface{}) error: which will fill the workflow
// execution result to valuePtr, if workflow execution is a success, or return corresponding
// error. This is a blocking API.
// NOTE: if the retrieved workflow returned ContinueAsNewError during the workflow execution, the
// return result of GetRunID() will be the retrieved workflow run ID, not the new run ID caused by ContinueAsNewError,
// however, Get(ctx context.Context, valuePtr interface{}) will return result from the run which did not return ContinueAsNewError.
GetWorkflow(ctx context.Context, workflowID string, runID string) WorkflowRun
// SignalWorkflow sends a signals to a workflow in execution
// - workflow ID of the workflow.
// - runID can be default(empty string). if empty string then it will pick the running execution of that workflow ID.
// - signalName name to identify the signal.
// The errors it can return:
// - serviceerror.NotFound
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
SignalWorkflow(ctx context.Context, workflowID string, runID string, signalName string, arg interface{}) error
// SignalWithStartWorkflow sends a signal to a running workflow.
// If the workflow is not running or not found, it starts the workflow and then sends the signal in transaction.
// - workflowID, signalName, signalArg are same as SignalWorkflow's parameters
// - options, workflow, workflowArgs are same as StartWorkflow's parameters
// - the workflowID parameter is used instead of options.ID. If the latter is present, it must match the workflowID.
// Note: options.WorkflowIDReusePolicy is default to AllowDuplicate.
// The errors it can return:
// - serviceerror.NotFound, if namespace does not exist
// - serviceerror.InvalidArgument
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
SignalWithStartWorkflow(ctx context.Context, workflowID string, signalName string, signalArg interface{},
options StartWorkflowOptions, workflow interface{}, workflowArgs ...interface{}) (WorkflowRun, error)
// CancelWorkflow cancels a workflow in execution
// - workflow ID of the workflow.
// - runID can be default(empty string). if empty string then it will pick the running execution of that workflow ID.
// The errors it can return:
// - serviceerror.NotFound
// - serviceerror.InvalidArgument
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
CancelWorkflow(ctx context.Context, workflowID string, runID string) error
// TerminateWorkflow terminates a workflow execution.
// workflowID is required, other parameters are optional.
// - workflow ID of the workflow.
// - runID can be default(empty string). if empty string then it will pick the running execution of that workflow ID.
// The errors it can return:
// - serviceerror.NotFound
// - serviceerror.InvalidArgument
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
TerminateWorkflow(ctx context.Context, workflowID string, runID string, reason string, details ...interface{}) error
// GetWorkflowHistory gets history events of a particular workflow
// - workflow ID of the workflow.
// - runID can be default(empty string). if empty string then it will pick the last running execution of that workflow ID.
// - whether use long poll for tracking new events: when the workflow is running, there can be new events generated during iteration
// of HistoryEventIterator, if isLongPoll == true, then iterator will do long poll, tracking new history event, i.e. the iteration
// will not be finished until workflow is finished; if isLongPoll == false, then iterator will only return current history events.
// - whether return all history events or just the last event, which contains the workflow execution end result
// Example:-
// To iterate all events,
// iter := GetWorkflowHistory(ctx, workflowID, runID, isLongPoll, filterType)
// events := []*shared.HistoryEvent{}
// for iter.HasNext() {
// event, err := iter.Next()
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// events = append(events, event)
// }
GetWorkflowHistory(ctx context.Context, workflowID string, runID string, isLongPoll bool, filterType enumspb.HistoryEventFilterType) HistoryEventIterator
// CompleteActivity reports activity completed.
// activity Execute method can return acitivity.activity.ErrResultPending to
// indicate the activity is not completed when it's Execute method returns. In that case, this CompleteActivity() method
// should be called when that activity is completed with the actual result and error. If err is nil, activity task
// completed event will be reported; if err is CanceledError, activity task canceled event will be reported; otherwise,
// activity task failed event will be reported.
// An activity implementation should use GetActivityInfo(ctx).TaskToken function to get task token to use for completion.
// Example:-
// To complete with a result.
// CompleteActivity(token, "Done", nil)
// To fail the activity with an error.
// CompleteActivity(token, nil, temporal.NewApplicationError("reason", details)
// The activity can fail with below errors ApplicationError, TimeoutError, CanceledError.
CompleteActivity(ctx context.Context, taskToken []byte, result interface{}, err error) error
// CompleteActivityByID reports activity completed.
// Similar to CompleteActivity, but may save user from keeping taskToken info.
// activity Execute method can return activity.ErrResultPending to
// indicate the activity is not completed when it's Execute method returns. In that case, this CompleteActivityById() method
// should be called when that activity is completed with the actual result and error. If err is nil, activity task
// completed event will be reported; if err is CanceledError, activity task canceled event will be reported; otherwise,
// activity task failed event will be reported.
// An activity implementation should use activityID provided in ActivityOption to use for completion.
// namespace name, workflowID, activityID are required, runID is optional.
// The errors it can return:
// - ApplicationError
// - TimeoutError
// - CanceledError
CompleteActivityByID(ctx context.Context, namespace, workflowID, runID, activityID string, result interface{}, err error) error
// RecordActivityHeartbeat records heartbeat for an activity.
// details - is the progress you want to record along with heart beat for this activity.
// The errors it can return:
// - serviceerror.NotFound
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
RecordActivityHeartbeat(ctx context.Context, taskToken []byte, details ...interface{}) error
// RecordActivityHeartbeatByID records heartbeat for an activity.
// details - is the progress you want to record along with heart beat for this activity.
// The errors it can return:
// - serviceerror.NotFound
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
RecordActivityHeartbeatByID(ctx context.Context, namespace, workflowID, runID, activityID string, details ...interface{}) error
// ListClosedWorkflow gets closed workflow executions based on request filters
// The errors it can return:
// - serviceerror.InvalidArgument
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
// - serviceerror.NotFound
ListClosedWorkflow(ctx context.Context, request *workflowservice.ListClosedWorkflowExecutionsRequest) (*workflowservice.ListClosedWorkflowExecutionsResponse, error)
// ListOpenWorkflow gets open workflow executions based on request filters
// The errors it can return:
// - serviceerror.InvalidArgument
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
// - serviceerror.NotFound
ListOpenWorkflow(ctx context.Context, request *workflowservice.ListOpenWorkflowExecutionsRequest) (*workflowservice.ListOpenWorkflowExecutionsResponse, error)
// ListWorkflow gets workflow executions based on query. This API only works with ElasticSearch,
// and will return serviceerror.InvalidArgument when using Cassandra or MySQL. The query is basically the SQL WHERE clause,
// examples:
// - "(WorkflowID = 'wid1' or (WorkflowType = 'type2' and WorkflowID = 'wid2'))".
// - "CloseTime between '2019-08-27T15:04:05+00:00' and '2019-08-28T15:04:05+00:00'".
// - to list only open workflow use "CloseTime = missing"
// Retrieved workflow executions are sorted by StartTime in descending order when list open workflow,
// and sorted by CloseTime in descending order for other queries.
// The errors it can return:
// - serviceerror.InvalidArgument
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
ListWorkflow(ctx context.Context, request *workflowservice.ListWorkflowExecutionsRequest) (*workflowservice.ListWorkflowExecutionsResponse, error)
// ListArchivedWorkflow gets archived workflow executions based on query. This API will return BadRequest if Temporal
// cluster or target namespace is not configured for visibility archival or read is not enabled. The query is basically the SQL WHERE clause.
// However, different visibility archivers have different limitations on the query. Please check the documentation of the visibility archiver used
// by your namespace to see what kind of queries are accept and whether retrieved workflow executions are ordered or not.
// The errors it can return:
// - serviceerror.InvalidArgument
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
ListArchivedWorkflow(ctx context.Context, request *workflowservice.ListArchivedWorkflowExecutionsRequest) (*workflowservice.ListArchivedWorkflowExecutionsResponse, error)
// ScanWorkflow gets workflow executions based on query. This API only works with ElasticSearch,
// and will return serviceerror.InvalidArgument when using Cassandra or MySQL. The query is basically the SQL WHERE clause
// (see ListWorkflow for query examples).
// ScanWorkflow should be used when retrieving large amount of workflows and order is not needed.
// It will use more ElasticSearch resources than ListWorkflow, but will be several times faster
// when retrieving millions of workflows.
// The errors it can return:
// - serviceerror.InvalidArgument
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
ScanWorkflow(ctx context.Context, request *workflowservice.ScanWorkflowExecutionsRequest) (*workflowservice.ScanWorkflowExecutionsResponse, error)
// CountWorkflow gets number of workflow executions based on query. This API only works with ElasticSearch,
// and will return serviceerror.InvalidArgument when using Cassandra or MySQL. The query is basically the SQL WHERE clause
// (see ListWorkflow for query examples).
// The errors it can return:
// - serviceerror.InvalidArgument
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
CountWorkflow(ctx context.Context, request *workflowservice.CountWorkflowExecutionsRequest) (*workflowservice.CountWorkflowExecutionsResponse, error)
// GetSearchAttributes returns valid search attributes keys and value types.
// The search attributes can be used in query of List/Scan/Count APIs. Adding new search attributes requires temporal server
// to update dynamic config ValidSearchAttributes.
GetSearchAttributes(ctx context.Context) (*workflowservice.GetSearchAttributesResponse, error)
// QueryWorkflow queries a given workflow execution and returns the query result synchronously. Parameter workflowID
// and queryType are required, other parameters are optional. The workflowID and runID (optional) identify the
// target workflow execution that this query will be send to. If runID is not specified (empty string), server will
// use the currently running execution of that workflowID. The queryType specifies the type of query you want to
// run. By default, temporal supports "__stack_trace" as a standard query type, which will return string value
// representing the call stack of the target workflow. The target workflow could also setup different query handler
// to handle custom query types.
// See comments at workflow.SetQueryHandler(ctx Context, queryType string, handler interface{}) for more details
// on how to setup query handler within the target workflow.
// - workflowID is required.
// - runID can be default(empty string). if empty string then it will pick the running execution of that workflow ID.
// - queryType is the type of the query.
// - args... are the optional query parameters.
// The errors it can return:
// - serviceerror.InvalidArgument
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
// - serviceerror.NotFound
// - serviceerror.QueryFailed
QueryWorkflow(ctx context.Context, workflowID string, runID string, queryType string, args ...interface{}) (converter.EncodedValue, error)
// QueryWorkflowWithOptions queries a given workflow execution and returns the query result synchronously.
// See QueryWorkflowWithOptionsRequest and QueryWorkflowWithOptionsResponse for more information.
// The errors it can return:
// - serviceerror.InvalidArgument
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
// - serviceerror.NotFound
// - serviceerror.QueryFailed
QueryWorkflowWithOptions(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWorkflowWithOptionsRequest) (*QueryWorkflowWithOptionsResponse, error)
// DescribeWorkflowExecution returns information about the specified workflow execution.
// The errors it can return:
// - serviceerror.InvalidArgument
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
// - serviceerror.NotFound
DescribeWorkflowExecution(ctx context.Context, workflowID, runID string) (*workflowservice.DescribeWorkflowExecutionResponse, error)
// DescribeTaskQueue returns information about the target taskqueue, right now this API returns the
// pollers which polled this taskqueue in last few minutes.
// The errors it can return:
// - serviceerror.InvalidArgument
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
// - serviceerror.NotFound
DescribeTaskQueue(ctx context.Context, taskqueue string, taskqueueType enumspb.TaskQueueType) (*workflowservice.DescribeTaskQueueResponse, error)
// ResetWorkflowExecution reset an existing workflow execution to WorkflowTaskFinishEventId(exclusive).
// And it will immediately terminating the current execution instance.
// RequestId is used to deduplicate requests. It will be autogenerated if not set.
ResetWorkflowExecution(ctx context.Context, request *workflowservice.ResetWorkflowExecutionRequest) (*workflowservice.ResetWorkflowExecutionResponse, error)
// WorkflowService provides access to the underlying gRPC service. This should only be used for advanced use cases
// that cannot be accomplished via other Client methods. Unlike calls to other Client methods, calls directly to the
// service are not configured with internal semantics such as automatic retries.
WorkflowService() workflowservice.WorkflowServiceClient
// Close client and clean up underlying resources.
// ClientOptions are optional parameters for Client creation.
ClientOptions struct {
// Optional: To set the host:port for this client to connect to.
// default: localhost:7233
// This is a gRPC address and therefore can also support a special-formatted address of "<resolver>:///<value>" that
// will use a registered resolver. By default all hosts returned from the resolver will be used in a round-robin
// fashion.
// The "dns" resolver is registered by default. Using a "dns:///" prefixed address will periodically resolve all IPs
// for DNS address given and round robin amongst them.
// A custom resolver can be created to provide multiple hosts in other ways. For example, to manually provide
// multiple IPs to round-robin across, a google.golang.org/grpc/resolver/manual resolver can be created and
// registered with google.golang.org/grpc/resolver with a custom scheme:
// builder := manual.NewBuilderWithScheme("myresolver")
// builder.InitialState(resolver.State{Addresses: []resolver.Address{{Addr: ""}, {Addr: ""}}})
// resolver.Register(builder)
// c, err := client.NewClient(client.Options{HostPort: "myresolver:///ignoredvalue"})
// Other more advanced resolvers can also be registered.
HostPort string
// Optional: To set the namespace name for this client to work with.
// default: default
Namespace string
// Optional: Logger framework can use to log.
// default: default logger provided.
Logger log.Logger
// Optional: Metrics handler for reporting metrics.
// default: no metrics.
MetricsHandler metrics.Handler
// Optional: Sets an identify that can be used to track this host for debugging.
// default: default identity that include hostname, groupName and process ID.
Identity string
// Optional: Sets DataConverter to customize serialization/deserialization of arguments in Temporal
// default: defaultDataConverter, an combination of google protobuf converter, gogo protobuf converter and json converter
DataConverter converter.DataConverter
// Optional: Sets ContextPropagators that allows users to control the context information passed through a workflow
// default: nil
ContextPropagators []ContextPropagator
// Optional: Sets options for server connection that allow users to control features of connections such as TLS settings.
// default: no extra options
ConnectionOptions ConnectionOptions
// Optional: HeadersProvider will be invoked on every outgoing gRPC request and gives user ability to
// set custom request headers. This can be used to set auth headers for example.
HeadersProvider HeadersProvider
// Optional parameter that is designed to be used *in tests*. It gets invoked last in
// the gRPC interceptor chain and can be used to induce artificial failures in test scenarios.
TrafficController TrafficController
// Interceptors to apply to some calls of the client. Earlier interceptors
// wrap later interceptors.
// Any interceptors that also implement Interceptor (meaning they implement
// WorkerInterceptor in addition to ClientInterceptor) will be used for
// worker interception as well. When worker interceptors are here and in
// worker options, the ones here wrap the ones in worker options. The same
// interceptor should not be set here and in worker options.
Interceptors []ClientInterceptor
// HeadersProvider returns a map of gRPC headers that should be used on every request.
HeadersProvider interface {
GetHeaders(ctx context.Context) (map[string]string, error)
// TrafficController is getting called in the interceptor chain with API invocation parameters.
// Result is either nil if API call is allowed or an error, in which case request would be interrupted and
// the error will be propagated back through the interceptor chain.
TrafficController interface {
CheckCallAllowed(ctx context.Context, method string, req, reply interface{}) error
// ConnectionOptions is provided by SDK consumers to control optional connection params.
ConnectionOptions struct {
// TLS configures connection level security credentials.
TLS *tls.Config
// Authority specifies the value to be used as the :authority pseudo-header.
// This value only used when TLS is nil.
Authority string
// By default, after gRPC connection to the Server is created, client will make a request to
// health check endpoint to make sure that the Server is accessible.
// Set DisableHealthCheck to true to disable it.
DisableHealthCheck bool
// HealthCheckAttemptTimeout specifies how to long to wait for service response on each health check attempt.
// Default: 5s.
HealthCheckAttemptTimeout time.Duration
// HealthCheckTimeout defines how long client should be sending health check requests to the server before concluding
// that it is unavailable. Defaults to 10s, once this timeout is reached error will be propagated to the client.
HealthCheckTimeout time.Duration
// Enables keep alive ping from client to the server, which can help detect abruptly closed connections faster.
EnableKeepAliveCheck bool
// After a duration of this time if the client doesn't see any activity it
// pings the server to see if the transport is still alive.
// If set below 10s, a minimum value of 10s will be used instead.
KeepAliveTime time.Duration
// After having pinged for keepalive check, the client waits for a duration
// of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is
// closed.
KeepAliveTimeout time.Duration
// If true, client sends keepalive pings even with no active RPCs. If false,
// when there are no active RPCs, Time and Timeout will be ignored and no
// keepalive pings will be sent.
KeepAlivePermitWithoutStream bool
// MaxPayloadSize is a number of bytes that gRPC would allow to travel to and from server. Defaults to 64 MB.
MaxPayloadSize int
// Advanced dial options for gRPC connections. These are applied after the internal default dial options are
// applied. Therefore any dial options here may override internal ones.
// For gRPC interceptors, internal interceptors such as error handling, metrics, and retrying are done via
// grpc.WithChainUnaryInterceptor. Therefore to add inner interceptors that are wrapped by those, a
// grpc.WithChainUnaryInterceptor can be added as an option here. To add a single outer interceptor, a
// grpc.WithUnaryInterceptor option can be added since grpc.WithUnaryInterceptor is prepended to chains set with
// grpc.WithChainUnaryInterceptor.
DialOptions []grpc.DialOption
// StartWorkflowOptions configuration parameters for starting a workflow execution.
// The current timeout resolution implementation is in seconds and uses math.Ceil(d.Seconds()) as the duration. But is
// subjected to change in the future.
StartWorkflowOptions struct {
// ID - The business identifier of the workflow execution.
// Optional: defaulted to a uuid.
ID string
// TaskQueue - The workflow tasks of the workflow are scheduled on the queue with this name.
// This is also the name of the activity task queue on which activities are scheduled.
// The workflow author can choose to override this using activity options.
// Mandatory: No default.
TaskQueue string
// WorkflowExecutionTimeout - The timeout for duration of workflow execution.
// It includes retries and continue as new. Use WorkflowRunTimeout to limit execution time
// of a single workflow run.
// The resolution is seconds.
// Optional: defaulted to unlimited.
WorkflowExecutionTimeout time.Duration
// WorkflowRunTimeout - The timeout for duration of a single workflow run.
// The resolution is seconds.
// Optional: defaulted to WorkflowExecutionTimeout.
WorkflowRunTimeout time.Duration
// WorkflowTaskTimeout - The timeout for processing workflow task from the time the worker
// pulled this task. If a workflow task is lost, it is retried after this timeout.
// The resolution is seconds.
// Optional: defaulted to 10 secs.
WorkflowTaskTimeout time.Duration
// WorkflowIDReusePolicy - Whether server allow reuse of workflow ID, can be useful
// for dedupe logic if set to RejectDuplicate.
// Optional: defaulted to AllowDuplicate.
WorkflowIDReusePolicy enumspb.WorkflowIdReusePolicy
// When WorkflowExecutionErrorWhenAlreadyStarted is true, Client.ExecuteWorkflow will return an error if the
// workflow id has already been used and WorkflowIDReusePolicy would disallow a re-run. If it is set to false,
// rather than erroring a WorkflowRun instance representing the current or last run will be returned.
// Optional: defaults to false
WorkflowExecutionErrorWhenAlreadyStarted bool
// RetryPolicy - Optional retry policy for workflow. If a retry policy is specified, in case of workflow failure
// server will start new workflow execution if needed based on the retry policy.
RetryPolicy *RetryPolicy
// CronSchedule - Optional cron schedule for workflow. If a cron schedule is specified, the workflow will run
// as a cron based on the schedule. The scheduling will be based on UTC time. Schedule for next run only happen
// after the current run is completed/failed/timeout. If a RetryPolicy is also supplied, and the workflow failed
// or timeout, the workflow will be retried based on the retry policy. While the workflow is retrying, it won't
// schedule its next run. If next schedule is due while workflow is running (or retrying), then it will skip that
// schedule. Cron workflow will not stop until it is terminated or canceled (by returning temporal.CanceledError).
// The cron spec is as following:
// ┌───────────── minute (0 - 59)
// │ ┌───────────── hour (0 - 23)
// │ │ ┌───────────── day of the month (1 - 31)
// │ │ │ ┌───────────── month (1 - 12)
// │ │ │ │ ┌───────────── day of the week (0 - 6) (Sunday to Saturday)
// │ │ │ │ │
// │ │ │ │ │
// * * * * *
CronSchedule string
// Memo - Optional non-indexed info that will be shown in list workflow.
Memo map[string]interface{}
// SearchAttributes - Optional indexed info that can be used in query of List/Scan/Count workflow APIs (only
// supported when Temporal server is using ElasticSearch). The key and value type must be registered on Temporal server side.
// Use GetSearchAttributes API to get valid key and corresponding value type.
SearchAttributes map[string]interface{}
// RetryPolicy defines the retry policy.
// Note that the history of activity with retry policy will be different: the started event will be written down into
// history only when the activity completes or "finally" timeouts/fails. And the started event only records the last
// started time. Because of that, to check an activity has started or not, you cannot rely on history events. Instead,
// you can use CLI to describe the workflow to see the status of the activity:
// tctl --ns <namespace> wf desc -w <wf-id>
RetryPolicy struct {
// Backoff interval for the first retry. If BackoffCoefficient is 1.0 then it is used for all retries.
// If not set or set to 0, a default interval of 1s will be used.
InitialInterval time.Duration
// Coefficient used to calculate the next retry backoff interval.
// The next retry interval is previous interval multiplied by this coefficient.
// Must be 1 or larger. Default is 2.0.
BackoffCoefficient float64
// Maximum backoff interval between retries. Exponential backoff leads to interval increase.
// This value is the cap of the interval. Default is 100x of initial interval.
MaximumInterval time.Duration
// Maximum number of attempts. When exceeded the retries stop even if not expired yet.
// If not set or set to 0, it means unlimited, and rely on activity ScheduleToCloseTimeout to stop.
MaximumAttempts int32
// Non-Retriable errors. This is optional. Temporal server will stop retry if error type matches this list.
// Note:
// - cancellation is not a failure, so it won't be retried,
// - only StartToClose or Heartbeat timeouts are retryable.
NonRetryableErrorTypes []string
// NamespaceClient is the client for managing operations on the namespace.
// CLI, tools, ... can use this layer to manager operations on namespace.
NamespaceClient interface {
// Register a namespace with temporal server
// The errors it can throw:
// - NamespaceAlreadyExistsError
// - serviceerror.InvalidArgument
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
Register(ctx context.Context, request *workflowservice.RegisterNamespaceRequest) error
// Describe a namespace. The namespace has 3 part of information
// NamespaceInfo - Which has Name, Status, Description, Owner Email
// NamespaceConfiguration - Configuration like Workflow Execution Retention Period In Days, Whether to emit metrics.
// ReplicationConfiguration - replication config like clusters and active cluster name
// The errors it can throw:
// - serviceerror.NotFound
// - serviceerror.InvalidArgument
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
Describe(ctx context.Context, name string) (*workflowservice.DescribeNamespaceResponse, error)
// Update a namespace.
// The errors it can throw:
// - serviceerror.NotFound
// - serviceerror.InvalidArgument
// - serviceerror.Internal
// - serviceerror.Unavailable
Update(ctx context.Context, request *workflowservice.UpdateNamespaceRequest) error
// Close client and clean up underlying resources.
// NewClient creates an instance of a workflow client
func NewClient(options ClientOptions) (Client, error) {
if options.Namespace == "" {
options.Namespace = DefaultNamespace
// Initialize root tags
if options.MetricsHandler == nil {
options.MetricsHandler = metrics.NopHandler
options.MetricsHandler = options.MetricsHandler.WithTags(metrics.RootTags(options.Namespace))
if options.HostPort == "" {
options.HostPort = LocalHostPort
if options.Logger == nil {
options.Logger = ilog.NewDefaultLogger()
options.Logger.Info("No logger configured for temporal client. Created default one.")
connection, err := dial(newDialParameters(&options))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = checkHealth(connection, options.ConnectionOptions); err != nil {
if err := connection.Close(); err != nil {
options.Logger.Warn("Unable to close connection on health check failure.", "error", err)
return nil, err
return NewServiceClient(workflowservice.NewWorkflowServiceClient(connection), connection, options), nil
func newDialParameters(options *ClientOptions) dialParameters {
return dialParameters{
UserConnectionOptions: options.ConnectionOptions,
HostPort: options.HostPort,
RequiredInterceptors: requiredInterceptors(options.MetricsHandler, options.HeadersProvider, options.TrafficController),
DefaultServiceConfig: defaultServiceConfig,
// NewServiceClient creates workflow client from workflowservice.WorkflowServiceClient. Must be used internally in unit tests only.
func NewServiceClient(workflowServiceClient workflowservice.WorkflowServiceClient, connectionCloser io.Closer, options ClientOptions) *WorkflowClient {
// Namespace can be empty in unit tests.
if options.Namespace == "" {
options.Namespace = DefaultNamespace
if options.Identity == "" {
options.Identity = getWorkerIdentity("")
if options.DataConverter == nil {
options.DataConverter = converter.GetDefaultDataConverter()
if options.MetricsHandler == nil {
options.MetricsHandler = metrics.NopHandler
// Collect set of applicable worker interceptors
var workerInterceptors []WorkerInterceptor
for _, interceptor := range options.Interceptors {
if workerInterceptor, _ := interceptor.(WorkerInterceptor); workerInterceptor != nil {
workerInterceptors = append(workerInterceptors, workerInterceptor)
client := &WorkflowClient{
workflowService: workflowServiceClient,
connectionCloser: connectionCloser,
namespace: options.Namespace,
registry: newRegistry(),
metricsHandler: options.MetricsHandler,
logger: options.Logger,
identity: options.Identity,
dataConverter: options.DataConverter,
contextPropagators: options.ContextPropagators,
workerInterceptors: workerInterceptors,
// Create outbound interceptor by wrapping backwards through chain
client.interceptor = &workflowClientInterceptor{client: client}
for i := len(options.Interceptors) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
client.interceptor = options.Interceptors[i].InterceptClient(client.interceptor)
return client
// NewNamespaceClient creates an instance of a namespace client, to manager lifecycle of namespaces.
func NewNamespaceClient(options ClientOptions) (NamespaceClient, error) {
// Initialize root tags
if options.MetricsHandler == nil {
options.MetricsHandler = metrics.NopHandler
options.MetricsHandler = options.MetricsHandler.WithTags(metrics.RootTags(metrics.NoneTagValue))
if options.HostPort == "" {
options.HostPort = LocalHostPort
connection, err := dial(newDialParameters(&options))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = checkHealth(connection, options.ConnectionOptions); err != nil {
if err := connection.Close(); err != nil {
options.Logger.Warn("Unable to close connection on health check failure.", "error", err)
return nil, err
return newNamespaceServiceClient(workflowservice.NewWorkflowServiceClient(connection), connection, options), nil
func newNamespaceServiceClient(workflowServiceClient workflowservice.WorkflowServiceClient, clientConn *grpc.ClientConn, options ClientOptions) NamespaceClient {
if options.Identity == "" {
options.Identity = getWorkerIdentity("")
return &namespaceClient{
workflowService: workflowServiceClient,
connectionCloser: clientConn,
metricsHandler: options.MetricsHandler,
logger: options.Logger,
identity: options.Identity,
// NewValue creates a new converter.EncodedValue which can be used to decode binary data returned by Temporal. For example:
// User had Activity.RecordHeartbeat(ctx, "my-heartbeat") and then got response from calling Client.DescribeWorkflowExecution.
// The response contains binary field PendingActivityInfo.HeartbeatDetails,
// which can be decoded by using:
// var result string // This need to be same type as the one passed to RecordHeartbeat
// NewValue(data).Get(&result)
func NewValue(data *commonpb.Payloads) converter.EncodedValue {
return newEncodedValue(data, nil)
// NewValues creates a new converter.EncodedValues which can be used to decode binary data returned by Temporal. For example:
// User had Activity.RecordHeartbeat(ctx, "my-heartbeat", 123) and then got response from calling Client.DescribeWorkflowExecution.
// The response contains binary field PendingActivityInfo.HeartbeatDetails,
// which can be decoded by using:
// var result1 string
// var result2 int // These need to be same type as those arguments passed to RecordHeartbeat
// NewValues(data).Get(&result1, &result2)
func NewValues(data *commonpb.Payloads) converter.EncodedValues {
return newEncodedValues(data, nil)
// checkHealth checks service health using gRPC health check:
// https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/health-checking.md
func checkHealth(connection grpc.ClientConnInterface, options ConnectionOptions) error {
if options.DisableHealthCheck {
return nil
healthClient := healthpb.NewHealthClient(connection)
request := &healthpb.HealthCheckRequest{
Service: healthCheckServiceName,
attemptTimeout := options.HealthCheckAttemptTimeout
if attemptTimeout == 0 {
attemptTimeout = defaultHealthCheckAttemptTimeout
timeout := options.HealthCheckTimeout
if timeout == 0 {
timeout = defaultHealthCheckTimeout
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
defer cancel()
policy := createDynamicServiceRetryPolicy(ctx)
// TODO: refactor using grpc retry interceptor
return backoff.Retry(ctx, func() error {
healthCheckCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), attemptTimeout)
defer cancel()
resp, err := healthClient.Check(healthCheckCtx, request)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("health check error: %w", err)
if resp.Status != healthpb.HealthCheckResponse_SERVING {
return fmt.Errorf("health check returned unhealthy status: %v", resp.Status)
return nil
}, policy, nil)