
33 lines
924 B

# These default to values in deploy.jsonnet (automatically set by resfdeploy)
builderOciImageX8664: null
builderOciImageAarch64: null
builderOciImageS390x: null
builderOciImagePpc64le: null
imagePullSecret: null
# Set if not AWS S3 (example: Minio)
s3Endpoint: null
s3DisableSsl: false
s3ForcePathStyle: false
s3Region: us-east-2
awsRegion: us-east-2
s3Bucket: resf-peridot-prod
# Set to true if your cluster can emulate using qemu (example: Docker Desktop on Mac)
k8sSupportsCrossPlatformNoAffinity: false
# Set to contact services in another cluster (Example: from extarches to main)
yumrepofsHttpEndpointOverride: null
temporalHostPort: null
# Provision only mode doesn't take on any "real" work other than provision and destroying workers
# This is set to true for extarches site
provisionOnly: false
site: normal
# AWS credentials for external sites (non-AWS sites)
awsAccessKeyId: null
awsSecretAccessKey: null