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// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package trace // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace"
import (
// NewNoopTracerProvider returns an implementation of TracerProvider that
// performs no operations. The Tracer and Spans created from the returned
// TracerProvider also perform no operations.
// Deprecated: Use [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace/noop.NewTracerProvider]
// instead.
func NewNoopTracerProvider() TracerProvider {
return noopTracerProvider{}
type noopTracerProvider struct{ embedded.TracerProvider }
var _ TracerProvider = noopTracerProvider{}
// Tracer returns noop implementation of Tracer.
func (p noopTracerProvider) Tracer(string, ...TracerOption) Tracer {
return noopTracer{}
// noopTracer is an implementation of Tracer that performs no operations.
type noopTracer struct{ embedded.Tracer }
var _ Tracer = noopTracer{}
// Start carries forward a non-recording Span, if one is present in the context, otherwise it
// creates a no-op Span.
func (t noopTracer) Start(ctx context.Context, name string, _ ...SpanStartOption) (context.Context, Span) {
span := SpanFromContext(ctx)
if _, ok := span.(nonRecordingSpan); !ok {
// span is likely already a noopSpan, but let's be sure
span = noopSpanInstance
return ContextWithSpan(ctx, span), span
// noopSpan is an implementation of Span that performs no operations.
type noopSpan struct{ embedded.Span }
var noopSpanInstance Span = noopSpan{}
// SpanContext returns an empty span context.
func (noopSpan) SpanContext() SpanContext { return SpanContext{} }
// IsRecording always returns false.
func (noopSpan) IsRecording() bool { return false }
// SetStatus does nothing.
func (noopSpan) SetStatus(codes.Code, string) {}
// SetError does nothing.
func (noopSpan) SetError(bool) {}
// SetAttributes does nothing.
func (noopSpan) SetAttributes(...attribute.KeyValue) {}
// End does nothing.
func (noopSpan) End(...SpanEndOption) {}
// RecordError does nothing.
func (noopSpan) RecordError(error, ...EventOption) {}
// AddEvent does nothing.
func (noopSpan) AddEvent(string, ...EventOption) {}
// AddLink does nothing.
func (noopSpan) AddLink(Link) {}
// SetName does nothing.
func (noopSpan) SetName(string) {}
// TracerProvider returns a no-op TracerProvider.
func (noopSpan) TracerProvider() TracerProvider { return noopTracerProvider{} }