2024-10-16 12:56:53 +02:00

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// Package sign provides unified interfaces for signature schemes.
// A register of schemes is available in the package
package sign
import (
type SignatureOpts struct {
// If non-empty, includes the given context in the signature if supported
// and will cause an error during signing otherwise.
Context string
// A public key is used to verify a signature set by the corresponding private
// key.
type PublicKey interface {
// Returns the signature scheme for this public key.
Scheme() Scheme
Equal(crypto.PublicKey) bool
// A private key allows one to create signatures.
type PrivateKey interface {
// Returns the signature scheme for this private key.
Scheme() Scheme
Equal(crypto.PrivateKey) bool
// For compatibility with Go standard library
// A Scheme represents a specific instance of a signature scheme.
type Scheme interface {
// Name of the scheme.
Name() string
// GenerateKey creates a new key-pair.
GenerateKey() (PublicKey, PrivateKey, error)
// Creates a signature using the PrivateKey on the given message and
// returns the signature. opts are additional options which can be nil.
// Panics if key is nil or wrong type or opts context is not supported.
Sign(sk PrivateKey, message []byte, opts *SignatureOpts) []byte
// Checks whether the given signature is a valid signature set by
// the private key corresponding to the given public key on the
// given message. opts are additional options which can be nil.
// Panics if key is nil or wrong type or opts context is not supported.
Verify(pk PublicKey, message []byte, signature []byte, opts *SignatureOpts) bool
// Deterministically derives a keypair from a seed. If you're unsure,
// you're better off using GenerateKey().
// Panics if seed is not of length SeedSize().
DeriveKey(seed []byte) (PublicKey, PrivateKey)
// Unmarshals a PublicKey from the provided buffer.
UnmarshalBinaryPublicKey([]byte) (PublicKey, error)
// Unmarshals a PublicKey from the provided buffer.
UnmarshalBinaryPrivateKey([]byte) (PrivateKey, error)
// Size of binary marshalled public keys.
PublicKeySize() int
// Size of binary marshalled public keys.
PrivateKeySize() int
// Size of signatures.
SignatureSize() int
// Size of seeds.
SeedSize() int
// Returns whether contexts are supported.
SupportsContext() bool
var (
// ErrTypeMismatch is the error used if types of, for instance, private
// and public keys don't match.
ErrTypeMismatch = errors.New("types mismatch")
// ErrSeedSize is the error used if the provided seed is of the wrong
// size.
ErrSeedSize = errors.New("wrong seed size")
// ErrPubKeySize is the error used if the provided public key is of
// the wrong size.
ErrPubKeySize = errors.New("wrong size for public key")
// ErrPrivKeySize is the error used if the provided private key is of
// the wrong size.
ErrPrivKeySize = errors.New("wrong size for private key")
// ErrContextNotSupported is the error used if a context is not
// supported.
ErrContextNotSupported = errors.New("context not supported")