Mustafa Gezen ad0f7a5305
Major upgrades
Upgrade to Go 1.20.5, Hydra v2 SDK, rules-go v0.44.2 (with proper resolves), protobuf v25.3 and mass upgrade of Go dependencies.
2024-03-17 08:06:08 +01:00

1486 lines
45 KiB

// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package json
import (
// optimizeCommon specifies whether to use optimizations targeted for certain
// common patterns, rather than using the slower, but more general logic.
// All tests should pass regardless of whether this is true or not.
const optimizeCommon = true
var (
// Most natural Go type that correspond with each JSON type.
anyType = reflect.TypeOf((*any)(nil)).Elem() // JSON value
boolType = reflect.TypeOf((*bool)(nil)).Elem() // JSON bool
stringType = reflect.TypeOf((*string)(nil)).Elem() // JSON string
float64Type = reflect.TypeOf((*float64)(nil)).Elem() // JSON number
mapStringAnyType = reflect.TypeOf((*map[string]any)(nil)).Elem() // JSON object
sliceAnyType = reflect.TypeOf((*[]any)(nil)).Elem() // JSON array
bytesType = reflect.TypeOf((*[]byte)(nil)).Elem()
emptyStructType = reflect.TypeOf((*struct{})(nil)).Elem()
const startDetectingCyclesAfter = 1000
type seenPointers map[typedPointer]struct{}
type typedPointer struct {
typ reflect.Type
ptr any // always stores unsafe.Pointer, but avoids depending on unsafe
// visit visits pointer p of type t, reporting an error if seen before.
// If successfully visited, then the caller must eventually call leave.
func (m *seenPointers) visit(v reflect.Value) error {
p := typedPointer{v.Type(), v.UnsafePointer()}
if _, ok := (*m)[p]; ok {
return &SemanticError{action: "marshal", GoType: p.typ, Err: errors.New("encountered a cycle")}
if *m == nil {
*m = make(map[typedPointer]struct{})
(*m)[p] = struct{}{}
return nil
func (m *seenPointers) leave(v reflect.Value) {
p := typedPointer{v.Type(), v.UnsafePointer()}
delete(*m, p)
func makeDefaultArshaler(t reflect.Type) *arshaler {
switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool:
return makeBoolArshaler(t)
case reflect.String:
return makeStringArshaler(t)
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
return makeIntArshaler(t)
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
return makeUintArshaler(t)
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return makeFloatArshaler(t)
case reflect.Map:
return makeMapArshaler(t)
case reflect.Struct:
return makeStructArshaler(t)
case reflect.Slice:
fncs := makeSliceArshaler(t)
if t.AssignableTo(bytesType) {
return makeBytesArshaler(t, fncs)
return fncs
case reflect.Array:
fncs := makeArrayArshaler(t)
if reflect.SliceOf(t.Elem()).AssignableTo(bytesType) {
return makeBytesArshaler(t, fncs)
return fncs
case reflect.Pointer:
return makePointerArshaler(t)
case reflect.Interface:
return makeInterfaceArshaler(t)
return makeInvalidArshaler(t)
func makeBoolArshaler(t reflect.Type) *arshaler {
var fncs arshaler
fncs.marshal = func(mo MarshalOptions, enc *Encoder, va addressableValue) error {
if mo.format != "" && mo.formatDepth == enc.tokens.depth() {
return newInvalidFormatError("marshal", t, mo.format)
// Optimize for marshaling without preceding whitespace.
if optimizeCommon && !enc.options.multiline && !enc.tokens.last.needObjectName() {
enc.buf = enc.tokens.mayAppendDelim(enc.buf, 't')
if va.Bool() {
enc.buf = append(enc.buf, "true"...)
} else {
enc.buf = append(enc.buf, "false"...)
if enc.needFlush() {
return enc.flush()
return nil
return enc.WriteToken(Bool(va.Bool()))
fncs.unmarshal = func(uo UnmarshalOptions, dec *Decoder, va addressableValue) error {
if uo.format != "" && uo.formatDepth == dec.tokens.depth() {
return newInvalidFormatError("unmarshal", t, uo.format)
tok, err := dec.ReadToken()
if err != nil {
return err
k := tok.Kind()
switch k {
case 'n':
return nil
case 't', 'f':
return nil
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", JSONKind: k, GoType: t}
return &fncs
func makeStringArshaler(t reflect.Type) *arshaler {
var fncs arshaler
fncs.marshal = func(mo MarshalOptions, enc *Encoder, va addressableValue) error {
if mo.format != "" && mo.formatDepth == enc.tokens.depth() {
return newInvalidFormatError("marshal", t, mo.format)
return enc.WriteToken(String(va.String()))
fncs.unmarshal = func(uo UnmarshalOptions, dec *Decoder, va addressableValue) error {
if uo.format != "" && uo.formatDepth == dec.tokens.depth() {
return newInvalidFormatError("unmarshal", t, uo.format)
var flags valueFlags
val, err := dec.readValue(&flags)
if err != nil {
return err
k := val.Kind()
switch k {
case 'n':
return nil
case '"':
val = unescapeStringMayCopy(val, flags.isVerbatim())
if dec.stringCache == nil {
dec.stringCache = new(stringCache)
str := dec.stringCache.make(val)
return nil
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", JSONKind: k, GoType: t}
return &fncs
var (
encodeBase16 = func(dst, src []byte) { hex.Encode(dst, src) }
encodeBase32 = base32.StdEncoding.Encode
encodeBase32Hex = base32.HexEncoding.Encode
encodeBase64 = base64.StdEncoding.Encode
encodeBase64URL = base64.URLEncoding.Encode
encodedLenBase16 = hex.EncodedLen
encodedLenBase32 = base32.StdEncoding.EncodedLen
encodedLenBase32Hex = base32.HexEncoding.EncodedLen
encodedLenBase64 = base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen
encodedLenBase64URL = base64.URLEncoding.EncodedLen
decodeBase16 = hex.Decode
decodeBase32 = base32.StdEncoding.Decode
decodeBase32Hex = base32.HexEncoding.Decode
decodeBase64 = base64.StdEncoding.Decode
decodeBase64URL = base64.URLEncoding.Decode
decodedLenBase16 = hex.DecodedLen
decodedLenBase32 = base32.StdEncoding.WithPadding(base32.NoPadding).DecodedLen
decodedLenBase32Hex = base32.HexEncoding.WithPadding(base32.NoPadding).DecodedLen
decodedLenBase64 = base64.StdEncoding.WithPadding(base64.NoPadding).DecodedLen
decodedLenBase64URL = base64.URLEncoding.WithPadding(base64.NoPadding).DecodedLen
func makeBytesArshaler(t reflect.Type, fncs *arshaler) *arshaler {
// NOTE: This handles both []byte and [N]byte.
marshalDefault := fncs.marshal
fncs.marshal = func(mo MarshalOptions, enc *Encoder, va addressableValue) error {
encode, encodedLen := encodeBase64, encodedLenBase64
if mo.format != "" && mo.formatDepth == enc.tokens.depth() {
switch mo.format {
case "base64":
encode, encodedLen = encodeBase64, encodedLenBase64
case "base64url":
encode, encodedLen = encodeBase64URL, encodedLenBase64URL
case "base32":
encode, encodedLen = encodeBase32, encodedLenBase32
case "base32hex":
encode, encodedLen = encodeBase32Hex, encodedLenBase32Hex
case "base16", "hex":
encode, encodedLen = encodeBase16, encodedLenBase16
case "array":
mo.format = ""
return marshalDefault(mo, enc, va)
return newInvalidFormatError("marshal", t, mo.format)
val := enc.UnusedBuffer()
b := va.Bytes()
n := len(`"`) + encodedLen(len(b)) + len(`"`)
if cap(val) < n {
val = make([]byte, n)
} else {
val = val[:n]
val[0] = '"'
encode(val[len(`"`):len(val)-len(`"`)], b)
val[len(val)-1] = '"'
return enc.WriteValue(val)
unmarshalDefault := fncs.unmarshal
fncs.unmarshal = func(uo UnmarshalOptions, dec *Decoder, va addressableValue) error {
decode, decodedLen, encodedLen := decodeBase64, decodedLenBase64, encodedLenBase64
if uo.format != "" && uo.formatDepth == dec.tokens.depth() {
switch uo.format {
case "base64":
decode, decodedLen, encodedLen = decodeBase64, decodedLenBase64, encodedLenBase64
case "base64url":
decode, decodedLen, encodedLen = decodeBase64URL, decodedLenBase64URL, encodedLenBase64URL
case "base32":
decode, decodedLen, encodedLen = decodeBase32, decodedLenBase32, encodedLenBase32
case "base32hex":
decode, decodedLen, encodedLen = decodeBase32Hex, decodedLenBase32Hex, encodedLenBase32Hex
case "base16", "hex":
decode, decodedLen, encodedLen = decodeBase16, decodedLenBase16, encodedLenBase16
case "array":
uo.format = ""
return unmarshalDefault(uo, dec, va)
return newInvalidFormatError("unmarshal", t, uo.format)
var flags valueFlags
val, err := dec.readValue(&flags)
if err != nil {
return err
k := val.Kind()
switch k {
case 'n':
return nil
case '"':
val = unescapeStringMayCopy(val, flags.isVerbatim())
// For base64 and base32, decodedLen computes the maximum output size
// when given the original input size. To compute the exact size,
// adjust the input size by excluding trailing padding characters.
// This is unnecessary for base16, but also harmless.
n := len(val)
for n > 0 && val[n-1] == '=' {
n = decodedLen(n)
b := va.Bytes()
if va.Kind() == reflect.Array {
if n != len(b) {
err := fmt.Errorf("decoded base64 length of %d mismatches array length of %d", n, len(b))
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", JSONKind: k, GoType: t, Err: err}
} else {
if b == nil || cap(b) < n {
b = make([]byte, n)
} else {
b = b[:n]
n2, err := decode(b, val)
if err == nil && len(val) != encodedLen(n2) {
// TODO( RFC 4648, section 3.3,
// specifies that non-alphabet characters must be rejected.
// Unfortunately, the "base32" and "base64" packages allow
// '\r' and '\n' characters by default.
err = errors.New("illegal data at input byte " + strconv.Itoa(bytes.IndexAny(val, "\r\n")))
if err != nil {
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", JSONKind: k, GoType: t, Err: err}
if va.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
return nil
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", JSONKind: k, GoType: t}
return fncs
func makeIntArshaler(t reflect.Type) *arshaler {
var fncs arshaler
bits := t.Bits()
fncs.marshal = func(mo MarshalOptions, enc *Encoder, va addressableValue) error {
if mo.format != "" && mo.formatDepth == enc.tokens.depth() {
return newInvalidFormatError("marshal", t, mo.format)
// Optimize for marshaling without preceding whitespace or string escaping.
if optimizeCommon && !enc.options.multiline && !mo.StringifyNumbers && !enc.tokens.last.needObjectName() {
enc.buf = enc.tokens.mayAppendDelim(enc.buf, '0')
enc.buf = strconv.AppendInt(enc.buf, va.Int(), 10)
if enc.needFlush() {
return enc.flush()
return nil
x := math.Float64frombits(uint64(va.Int()))
return enc.writeNumber(x, rawIntNumber, mo.StringifyNumbers)
fncs.unmarshal = func(uo UnmarshalOptions, dec *Decoder, va addressableValue) error {
if uo.format != "" && uo.formatDepth == dec.tokens.depth() {
return newInvalidFormatError("unmarshal", t, uo.format)
var flags valueFlags
val, err := dec.readValue(&flags)
if err != nil {
return err
k := val.Kind()
switch k {
case 'n':
return nil
case '"':
if !uo.StringifyNumbers {
val = unescapeStringMayCopy(val, flags.isVerbatim())
case '0':
var negOffset int
neg := val[0] == '-'
if neg {
negOffset = 1
n, ok := parseDecUint(val[negOffset:])
maxInt := uint64(1) << (bits - 1)
overflow := (neg && n > maxInt) || (!neg && n > maxInt-1)
if !ok {
if n != math.MaxUint64 {
err := fmt.Errorf("cannot parse %q as signed integer: %w", val, strconv.ErrSyntax)
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", JSONKind: k, GoType: t, Err: err}
overflow = true
if overflow {
err := fmt.Errorf("cannot parse %q as signed integer: %w", val, strconv.ErrRange)
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", JSONKind: k, GoType: t, Err: err}
if neg {
} else {
return nil
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", JSONKind: k, GoType: t}
return &fncs
func makeUintArshaler(t reflect.Type) *arshaler {
var fncs arshaler
bits := t.Bits()
fncs.marshal = func(mo MarshalOptions, enc *Encoder, va addressableValue) error {
if mo.format != "" && mo.formatDepth == enc.tokens.depth() {
return newInvalidFormatError("marshal", t, mo.format)
// Optimize for marshaling without preceding whitespace or string escaping.
if optimizeCommon && !enc.options.multiline && !mo.StringifyNumbers && !enc.tokens.last.needObjectName() {
enc.buf = enc.tokens.mayAppendDelim(enc.buf, '0')
enc.buf = strconv.AppendUint(enc.buf, va.Uint(), 10)
if enc.needFlush() {
return enc.flush()
return nil
x := math.Float64frombits(va.Uint())
return enc.writeNumber(x, rawUintNumber, mo.StringifyNumbers)
fncs.unmarshal = func(uo UnmarshalOptions, dec *Decoder, va addressableValue) error {
if uo.format != "" && uo.formatDepth == dec.tokens.depth() {
return newInvalidFormatError("unmarshal", t, uo.format)
var flags valueFlags
val, err := dec.readValue(&flags)
if err != nil {
return err
k := val.Kind()
switch k {
case 'n':
return nil
case '"':
if !uo.StringifyNumbers {
val = unescapeStringMayCopy(val, flags.isVerbatim())
case '0':
n, ok := parseDecUint(val)
maxUint := uint64(1) << bits
overflow := n > maxUint-1
if !ok {
if n != math.MaxUint64 {
err := fmt.Errorf("cannot parse %q as unsigned integer: %w", val, strconv.ErrSyntax)
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", JSONKind: k, GoType: t, Err: err}
overflow = true
if overflow {
err := fmt.Errorf("cannot parse %q as unsigned integer: %w", val, strconv.ErrRange)
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", JSONKind: k, GoType: t, Err: err}
return nil
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", JSONKind: k, GoType: t}
return &fncs
func makeFloatArshaler(t reflect.Type) *arshaler {
var fncs arshaler
bits := t.Bits()
fncs.marshal = func(mo MarshalOptions, enc *Encoder, va addressableValue) error {
var allowNonFinite bool
if mo.format != "" && mo.formatDepth == enc.tokens.depth() {
if mo.format == "nonfinite" {
allowNonFinite = true
} else {
return newInvalidFormatError("marshal", t, mo.format)
fv := va.Float()
if math.IsNaN(fv) || math.IsInf(fv, 0) {
if !allowNonFinite {
err := fmt.Errorf("invalid value: %v", fv)
return &SemanticError{action: "marshal", GoType: t, Err: err}
return enc.WriteToken(Float(fv))
// Optimize for marshaling without preceding whitespace or string escaping.
if optimizeCommon && !enc.options.multiline && !mo.StringifyNumbers && !enc.tokens.last.needObjectName() {
enc.buf = enc.tokens.mayAppendDelim(enc.buf, '0')
enc.buf = appendNumber(enc.buf, fv, bits)
if enc.needFlush() {
return enc.flush()
return nil
return enc.writeNumber(fv, bits, mo.StringifyNumbers)
fncs.unmarshal = func(uo UnmarshalOptions, dec *Decoder, va addressableValue) error {
var allowNonFinite bool
if uo.format != "" && uo.formatDepth == dec.tokens.depth() {
if uo.format == "nonfinite" {
allowNonFinite = true
} else {
return newInvalidFormatError("unmarshal", t, uo.format)
var flags valueFlags
val, err := dec.readValue(&flags)
if err != nil {
return err
k := val.Kind()
switch k {
case 'n':
return nil
case '"':
val = unescapeStringMayCopy(val, flags.isVerbatim())
if allowNonFinite {
switch string(val) {
case "NaN":
return nil
case "Infinity":
return nil
case "-Infinity":
return nil
if !uo.StringifyNumbers {
if n, err := consumeNumber(val); n != len(val) || err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("cannot parse %q as JSON number: %w", val, strconv.ErrSyntax)
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", JSONKind: k, GoType: t, Err: err}
case '0':
// NOTE: Floating-point parsing is by nature a lossy operation.
// We never report an overflow condition since we can always
// round the input to the closest representable finite value.
// For extremely large numbers, the closest value is ±MaxFloat.
fv, _ := parseFloat(val, bits)
return nil
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", JSONKind: k, GoType: t}
return &fncs
func makeMapArshaler(t reflect.Type) *arshaler {
// NOTE: The logic below disables namespaces for tracking duplicate names
// when handling map keys with a unique representation.
// NOTE: Values retrieved from a map are not addressable,
// so we shallow copy the values to make them addressable and
// store them back into the map afterwards.
var fncs arshaler
var (
once sync.Once
keyFncs *arshaler
valFncs *arshaler
init := func() {
keyFncs = lookupArshaler(t.Key())
valFncs = lookupArshaler(t.Elem())
fncs.marshal = func(mo MarshalOptions, enc *Encoder, va addressableValue) error {
// Check for cycles.
if enc.tokens.depth() > startDetectingCyclesAfter {
if err := enc.seenPointers.visit(va.Value); err != nil {
return err
defer enc.seenPointers.leave(va.Value)
if mo.format != "" && mo.formatDepth == enc.tokens.depth() {
if mo.format == "emitnull" {
if va.IsNil() {
return enc.WriteToken(Null)
mo.format = ""
} else {
return newInvalidFormatError("marshal", t, mo.format)
// Optimize for marshaling an empty map without any preceding whitespace.
n := va.Len()
if optimizeCommon && n == 0 && !enc.options.multiline && !enc.tokens.last.needObjectName() {
enc.buf = enc.tokens.mayAppendDelim(enc.buf, '{')
enc.buf = append(enc.buf, "{}"...)
if enc.needFlush() {
return enc.flush()
return nil
if err := enc.WriteToken(ObjectStart); err != nil {
return err
if n > 0 {
// Handle maps with numeric key types by stringifying them.
mko := mo
mko.StringifyNumbers = true
nonDefaultKey := keyFncs.nonDefault
marshalKey := keyFncs.marshal
marshalVal := valFncs.marshal
if mo.Marshalers != nil {
var ok bool
marshalKey, ok = mo.Marshalers.lookup(marshalKey, t.Key())
marshalVal, _ = mo.Marshalers.lookup(marshalVal, t.Elem())
nonDefaultKey = nonDefaultKey || ok
k := newAddressableValue(t.Key())
v := newAddressableValue(t.Elem())
// A Go map guarantees that each entry has a unique key.
// As such, disable the expensive duplicate name check if we know
// that every Go key will serialize as a unique JSON string.
if !nonDefaultKey && mapKeyWithUniqueRepresentation(k.Kind(), enc.options.AllowInvalidUTF8) {
switch {
case !mo.Deterministic || n <= 1:
for iter := va.Value.MapRange(); iter.Next(); {
if err := marshalKey(mko, enc, k); err != nil {
// TODO: If err is errMissingName, then wrap it as a
// SemanticError since this key type cannot be serialized
// as a JSON string.
return err
if err := marshalVal(mo, enc, v); err != nil {
return err
case !nonDefaultKey && t.Key().Kind() == reflect.String:
names := getStrings(n)
for i, iter := 0, va.Value.MapRange(); i < n && iter.Next(); i++ {
(*names)[i] = k.String()
for _, name := range *names {
if err := enc.WriteToken(String(name)); err != nil {
return err
// TODO( Use v.SetMapIndexOf.
if err := marshalVal(mo, enc, v); err != nil {
return err
type member struct {
name string // unquoted name
key addressableValue
members := make([]member, n)
keys := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(t.Key()), n, n)
for i, iter := 0, va.Value.MapRange(); i < n && iter.Next(); i++ {
// Marshal the member name.
k := addressableValue{keys.Index(i)} // indexed slice element is always addressable
if err := marshalKey(mko, enc, k); err != nil {
// TODO: If err is errMissingName, then wrap it as a
// SemanticError since this key type cannot be serialized
// as a JSON string.
return err
name := enc.unwriteOnlyObjectMemberName()
members[i] = member{name, k}
// TODO: If AllowDuplicateNames is enabled, then sort according
// to reflect.Value as well if the names are equal.
// See internal/fmtsort.
// TODO( Use slices.SortFunc instead.
sort.Slice(members, func(i, j int) bool {
return lessUTF16(members[i].name, members[j].name)
for _, member := range members {
if err := enc.WriteToken(String(; err != nil {
return err
// TODO( Use v.SetMapIndexOf.
if err := marshalVal(mo, enc, v); err != nil {
return err
if err := enc.WriteToken(ObjectEnd); err != nil {
return err
return nil
fncs.unmarshal = func(uo UnmarshalOptions, dec *Decoder, va addressableValue) error {
if uo.format != "" && uo.formatDepth == dec.tokens.depth() {
if uo.format == "emitnull" {
uo.format = "" // only relevant for marshaling
} else {
return newInvalidFormatError("unmarshal", t, uo.format)
tok, err := dec.ReadToken()
if err != nil {
return err
k := tok.Kind()
switch k {
case 'n':
return nil
case '{':
if va.IsNil() {
// Handle maps with numeric key types by stringifying them.
uko := uo
uko.StringifyNumbers = true
nonDefaultKey := keyFncs.nonDefault
unmarshalKey := keyFncs.unmarshal
unmarshalVal := valFncs.unmarshal
if uo.Unmarshalers != nil {
var ok bool
unmarshalKey, ok = uo.Unmarshalers.lookup(unmarshalKey, t.Key())
unmarshalVal, _ = uo.Unmarshalers.lookup(unmarshalVal, t.Elem())
nonDefaultKey = nonDefaultKey || ok
k := newAddressableValue(t.Key())
v := newAddressableValue(t.Elem())
// Manually check for duplicate entries by virtue of whether the
// unmarshaled key already exists in the destination Go map.
// Consequently, syntactically different names (e.g., "0" and "-0")
// will be rejected as duplicates since they semantically refer
// to the same Go value. This is an unusual interaction
// between syntax and semantics, but is more correct.
if !nonDefaultKey && mapKeyWithUniqueRepresentation(k.Kind(), dec.options.AllowInvalidUTF8) {
// In the rare case where the map is not already empty,
// then we need to manually track which keys we already saw
// since existing presence alone is insufficient to indicate
// whether the input had a duplicate name.
var seen reflect.Value
if !dec.options.AllowDuplicateNames && va.Len() > 0 {
seen = reflect.MakeMap(reflect.MapOf(k.Type(), emptyStructType))
for dec.PeekKind() != '}' {
if err := unmarshalKey(uko, dec, k); err != nil {
return err
if k.Kind() == reflect.Interface && !k.IsNil() && !k.Elem().Type().Comparable() {
err := fmt.Errorf("invalid incomparable key type %v", k.Elem().Type())
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", GoType: t, Err: err}
if v2 := va.MapIndex(k.Value); v2.IsValid() {
if !dec.options.AllowDuplicateNames && (!seen.IsValid() || seen.MapIndex(k.Value).IsValid()) {
// TODO: Unread the object name.
name := dec.previousBuffer()
err := &SyntacticError{str: "duplicate name " + string(name) + " in object"}
return err.withOffset(dec.InputOffset() - int64(len(name)))
} else {
err := unmarshalVal(uo, dec, v)
va.SetMapIndex(k.Value, v.Value)
if seen.IsValid() {
seen.SetMapIndex(k.Value, reflect.Zero(emptyStructType))
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := dec.ReadToken(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", JSONKind: k, GoType: t}
return &fncs
// mapKeyWithUniqueRepresentation reports whether all possible values of k
// marshal to a different JSON value, and whether all possible JSON values
// that can unmarshal into k unmarshal to different Go values.
// In other words, the representation must be a bijective.
func mapKeyWithUniqueRepresentation(k reflect.Kind, allowInvalidUTF8 bool) bool {
switch k {
case reflect.Bool,
reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64,
reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
return true
case reflect.String:
// For strings, we have to be careful since names with invalid UTF-8
// maybe unescape to the same Go string value.
return !allowInvalidUTF8
// Floating-point kinds are not listed above since NaNs
// can appear multiple times and all serialize as "NaN".
return false
func makeStructArshaler(t reflect.Type) *arshaler {
// NOTE: The logic below disables namespaces for tracking duplicate names
// and does the tracking locally with an efficient bit-set based on which
// Go struct fields were seen.
var fncs arshaler
var (
once sync.Once
fields structFields
errInit *SemanticError
init := func() {
fields, errInit = makeStructFields(t)
fncs.marshal = func(mo MarshalOptions, enc *Encoder, va addressableValue) error {
if mo.format != "" && mo.formatDepth == enc.tokens.depth() {
return newInvalidFormatError("marshal", t, mo.format)
if errInit != nil {
err := *errInit // shallow copy SemanticError
err.action = "marshal"
return &err
if err := enc.WriteToken(ObjectStart); err != nil {
return err
var seenIdxs uintSet
prevIdx := -1
enc.tokens.last.disableNamespace() // we manually ensure unique names below
for i := range fields.flattened {
f := &fields.flattened[i]
v := addressableValue{va.Field(f.index[0])} // addressable if struct value is addressable
if len(f.index) > 1 {
v = v.fieldByIndex(f.index[1:], false)
if !v.IsValid() {
continue // implies a nil inlined field
// OmitZero skips the field if the Go value is zero,
// which we can determine up front without calling the marshaler.
if f.omitzero && ((f.isZero == nil && v.IsZero()) || (f.isZero != nil && f.isZero(v))) {
marshal := f.fncs.marshal
nonDefault := f.fncs.nonDefault
if mo.Marshalers != nil {
var ok bool
marshal, ok = mo.Marshalers.lookup(marshal, f.typ)
nonDefault = nonDefault || ok
// OmitEmpty skips the field if the marshaled JSON value is empty,
// which we can know up front if there are no custom marshalers,
// otherwise we must marshal the value and unwrite it if empty.
if f.omitempty && !nonDefault && f.isEmpty != nil && f.isEmpty(v) {
continue // fast path for omitempty
// Write the object member name.
// The logic below is semantically equivalent to:
// enc.WriteToken(String(
// but specialized and simplified because:
// 1. The Encoder must be expecting an object name.
// 2. The object namespace is guaranteed to be disabled.
// 3. The object name is guaranteed to be valid and pre-escaped.
// 4. There is no need to flush the buffer (for unwrite purposes).
// 5. There is no possibility of an error occurring.
if optimizeCommon {
// Append any delimiters or optional whitespace.
if enc.tokens.last.length() > 0 {
enc.buf = append(enc.buf, ',')
if enc.options.multiline {
enc.buf = enc.appendIndent(enc.buf, enc.tokens.needIndent('"'))
// Append the token to the output and to the state machine.
n0 := len(enc.buf) // offset before calling appendString
if enc.options.EscapeRune == nil {
enc.buf = append(enc.buf, f.quotedName...)
} else {
enc.buf, _ = appendString(enc.buf,, false, enc.options.EscapeRune)
if !enc.options.AllowDuplicateNames {
} else {
if err := enc.WriteToken(String(; err != nil {
return err
// Write the object member value.
mo2 := mo
if f.string {
mo2.StringifyNumbers = true
if f.format != "" {
mo2.formatDepth = enc.tokens.depth()
mo2.format = f.format
if err := marshal(mo2, enc, v); err != nil {
return err
// Try unwriting the member if empty (slow path for omitempty).
if f.omitempty {
var prevName *string
if prevIdx >= 0 {
prevName = &fields.flattened[prevIdx].name
if enc.unwriteEmptyObjectMember(prevName) {
// Remember the previous written object member.
// The set of seen fields only needs to be updated to detect
// duplicate names with those from the inlined fallback.
if !enc.options.AllowDuplicateNames && fields.inlinedFallback != nil {
prevIdx =
if fields.inlinedFallback != nil && !(mo.DiscardUnknownMembers && fields.inlinedFallback.unknown) {
var insertUnquotedName func([]byte) bool
if !enc.options.AllowDuplicateNames {
insertUnquotedName = func(name []byte) bool {
// Check that the name from inlined fallback does not match
// one of the previously marshaled names from known fields.
if foldedFields := fields.byFoldedName[string(foldName(name))]; len(foldedFields) > 0 {
if f := fields.byActualName[string(name)]; f != nil {
return seenIdxs.insert(uint(
for _, f := range foldedFields {
if f.nocase {
return seenIdxs.insert(uint(
// Check that the name does not match any other name
// previously marshaled from the inlined fallback.
return enc.namespaces.last().insertUnquoted(name)
if err := marshalInlinedFallbackAll(mo, enc, va, fields.inlinedFallback, insertUnquotedName); err != nil {
return err
if err := enc.WriteToken(ObjectEnd); err != nil {
return err
return nil
fncs.unmarshal = func(uo UnmarshalOptions, dec *Decoder, va addressableValue) error {
if uo.format != "" && uo.formatDepth == dec.tokens.depth() {
return newInvalidFormatError("unmarshal", t, uo.format)
tok, err := dec.ReadToken()
if err != nil {
return err
k := tok.Kind()
switch k {
case 'n':
return nil
case '{':
if errInit != nil {
err := *errInit // shallow copy SemanticError
err.action = "unmarshal"
return &err
var seenIdxs uintSet
for dec.PeekKind() != '}' {
// Process the object member name.
var flags valueFlags
val, err := dec.readValue(&flags)
if err != nil {
return err
name := unescapeStringMayCopy(val, flags.isVerbatim())
f := fields.byActualName[string(name)]
if f == nil {
for _, f2 := range fields.byFoldedName[string(foldName(name))] {
if f2.nocase {
f = f2
if f == nil {
if uo.RejectUnknownMembers && (fields.inlinedFallback == nil || fields.inlinedFallback.unknown) {
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", GoType: t, Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown name %s", val)}
if !dec.options.AllowDuplicateNames && !dec.namespaces.last().insertUnquoted(name) {
// TODO: Unread the object name.
err := &SyntacticError{str: "duplicate name " + string(val) + " in object"}
return err.withOffset(dec.InputOffset() - int64(len(val)))
if fields.inlinedFallback == nil {
// Skip unknown value since we have no place to store it.
if err := dec.SkipValue(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
// Marshal into value capable of storing arbitrary object members.
if err := unmarshalInlinedFallbackNext(uo, dec, va, fields.inlinedFallback, val, name); err != nil {
return err
if !dec.options.AllowDuplicateNames && !seenIdxs.insert(uint( {
// TODO: Unread the object name.
err := &SyntacticError{str: "duplicate name " + string(val) + " in object"}
return err.withOffset(dec.InputOffset() - int64(len(val)))
// Process the object member value.
unmarshal := f.fncs.unmarshal
if uo.Unmarshalers != nil {
unmarshal, _ = uo.Unmarshalers.lookup(unmarshal, f.typ)
uo2 := uo
if f.string {
uo2.StringifyNumbers = true
if f.format != "" {
uo2.formatDepth = dec.tokens.depth()
uo2.format = f.format
v := addressableValue{va.Field(f.index[0])} // addressable if struct value is addressable
if len(f.index) > 1 {
v = v.fieldByIndex(f.index[1:], true)
if err := unmarshal(uo2, dec, v); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := dec.ReadToken(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", JSONKind: k, GoType: t}
return &fncs
func (va addressableValue) fieldByIndex(index []int, mayAlloc bool) addressableValue {
for _, i := range index {
va = va.indirect(mayAlloc)
if !va.IsValid() {
return va
va = addressableValue{va.Field(i)} // addressable if struct value is addressable
return va
func (va addressableValue) indirect(mayAlloc bool) addressableValue {
if va.Kind() == reflect.Pointer {
if va.IsNil() {
if !mayAlloc {
return addressableValue{}
va = addressableValue{va.Elem()} // dereferenced pointer is always addressable
return va
func makeSliceArshaler(t reflect.Type) *arshaler {
var fncs arshaler
var (
once sync.Once
valFncs *arshaler
init := func() {
valFncs = lookupArshaler(t.Elem())
fncs.marshal = func(mo MarshalOptions, enc *Encoder, va addressableValue) error {
// Check for cycles.
if enc.tokens.depth() > startDetectingCyclesAfter {
if err := enc.seenPointers.visit(va.Value); err != nil {
return err
defer enc.seenPointers.leave(va.Value)
if mo.format != "" && mo.formatDepth == enc.tokens.depth() {
if mo.format == "emitnull" {
if va.IsNil() {
return enc.WriteToken(Null)
mo.format = ""
} else {
return newInvalidFormatError("marshal", t, mo.format)
// Optimize for marshaling an empty slice without any preceding whitespace.
n := va.Len()
if optimizeCommon && n == 0 && !enc.options.multiline && !enc.tokens.last.needObjectName() {
enc.buf = enc.tokens.mayAppendDelim(enc.buf, '[')
enc.buf = append(enc.buf, "[]"...)
if enc.needFlush() {
return enc.flush()
return nil
if err := enc.WriteToken(ArrayStart); err != nil {
return err
marshal := valFncs.marshal
if mo.Marshalers != nil {
marshal, _ = mo.Marshalers.lookup(marshal, t.Elem())
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
v := addressableValue{va.Index(i)} // indexed slice element is always addressable
if err := marshal(mo, enc, v); err != nil {
return err
if err := enc.WriteToken(ArrayEnd); err != nil {
return err
return nil
emptySlice := reflect.MakeSlice(t, 0, 0)
fncs.unmarshal = func(uo UnmarshalOptions, dec *Decoder, va addressableValue) error {
if uo.format != "" && uo.formatDepth == dec.tokens.depth() {
if uo.format == "emitnull" {
uo.format = "" // only relevant for marshaling
} else {
return newInvalidFormatError("unmarshal", t, uo.format)
tok, err := dec.ReadToken()
if err != nil {
return err
k := tok.Kind()
switch k {
case 'n':
return nil
case '[':
unmarshal := valFncs.unmarshal
if uo.Unmarshalers != nil {
unmarshal, _ = uo.Unmarshalers.lookup(unmarshal, t.Elem())
mustZero := true // we do not know the cleanliness of unused capacity
cap := va.Cap()
if cap > 0 {
var i int
for dec.PeekKind() != ']' {
if i == cap {
// TODO( Use reflect.Value.Append.
va.Set(reflect.Append(va.Value, reflect.Zero(t.Elem())))
cap = va.Cap()
mustZero = false // append guarantees that unused capacity is zero-initialized
v := addressableValue{va.Index(i)} // indexed slice element is always addressable
if mustZero {
if err := unmarshal(uo, dec, v); err != nil {
return err
if i == 0 {
} else {
if _, err := dec.ReadToken(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", JSONKind: k, GoType: t}
return &fncs
func makeArrayArshaler(t reflect.Type) *arshaler {
var fncs arshaler
var (
once sync.Once
valFncs *arshaler
init := func() {
valFncs = lookupArshaler(t.Elem())
n := t.Len()
fncs.marshal = func(mo MarshalOptions, enc *Encoder, va addressableValue) error {
if mo.format != "" && mo.formatDepth == enc.tokens.depth() {
return newInvalidFormatError("marshal", t, mo.format)
if err := enc.WriteToken(ArrayStart); err != nil {
return err
marshal := valFncs.marshal
if mo.Marshalers != nil {
marshal, _ = mo.Marshalers.lookup(marshal, t.Elem())
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
v := addressableValue{va.Index(i)} // indexed array element is addressable if array is addressable
if err := marshal(mo, enc, v); err != nil {
return err
if err := enc.WriteToken(ArrayEnd); err != nil {
return err
return nil
fncs.unmarshal = func(uo UnmarshalOptions, dec *Decoder, va addressableValue) error {
if uo.format != "" && uo.formatDepth == dec.tokens.depth() {
return newInvalidFormatError("unmarshal", t, uo.format)
tok, err := dec.ReadToken()
if err != nil {
return err
k := tok.Kind()
switch k {
case 'n':
return nil
case '[':
unmarshal := valFncs.unmarshal
if uo.Unmarshalers != nil {
unmarshal, _ = uo.Unmarshalers.lookup(unmarshal, t.Elem())
var i int
for dec.PeekKind() != ']' {
if i >= n {
err := errors.New("too many array elements")
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", GoType: t, Err: err}
v := addressableValue{va.Index(i)} // indexed array element is addressable if array is addressable
if err := unmarshal(uo, dec, v); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := dec.ReadToken(); err != nil {
return err
if i < n {
err := errors.New("too few array elements")
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", GoType: t, Err: err}
return nil
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", JSONKind: k, GoType: t}
return &fncs
func makePointerArshaler(t reflect.Type) *arshaler {
var fncs arshaler
var (
once sync.Once
valFncs *arshaler
init := func() {
valFncs = lookupArshaler(t.Elem())
fncs.marshal = func(mo MarshalOptions, enc *Encoder, va addressableValue) error {
// Check for cycles.
if enc.tokens.depth() > startDetectingCyclesAfter {
if err := enc.seenPointers.visit(va.Value); err != nil {
return err
defer enc.seenPointers.leave(va.Value)
// NOTE: MarshalOptions.format is forwarded to underlying marshal.
if va.IsNil() {
return enc.WriteToken(Null)
marshal := valFncs.marshal
if mo.Marshalers != nil {
marshal, _ = mo.Marshalers.lookup(marshal, t.Elem())
v := addressableValue{va.Elem()} // dereferenced pointer is always addressable
return marshal(mo, enc, v)
fncs.unmarshal = func(uo UnmarshalOptions, dec *Decoder, va addressableValue) error {
// NOTE: UnmarshalOptions.format is forwarded to underlying unmarshal.
if dec.PeekKind() == 'n' {
if _, err := dec.ReadToken(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
unmarshal := valFncs.unmarshal
if uo.Unmarshalers != nil {
unmarshal, _ = uo.Unmarshalers.lookup(unmarshal, t.Elem())
if va.IsNil() {
v := addressableValue{va.Elem()} // dereferenced pointer is always addressable
return unmarshal(uo, dec, v)
return &fncs
func makeInterfaceArshaler(t reflect.Type) *arshaler {
// NOTE: Values retrieved from an interface are not addressable,
// so we shallow copy the values to make them addressable and
// store them back into the interface afterwards.
var fncs arshaler
fncs.marshal = func(mo MarshalOptions, enc *Encoder, va addressableValue) error {
if mo.format != "" && mo.formatDepth == enc.tokens.depth() {
return newInvalidFormatError("marshal", t, mo.format)
if va.IsNil() {
return enc.WriteToken(Null)
v := newAddressableValue(va.Elem().Type())
marshal := lookupArshaler(v.Type()).marshal
if mo.Marshalers != nil {
marshal, _ = mo.Marshalers.lookup(marshal, v.Type())
// Optimize for the any type if there are no special options.
if optimizeCommon && t == anyType && !mo.StringifyNumbers && mo.format == "" && (mo.Marshalers == nil || !mo.Marshalers.fromAny) {
return marshalValueAny(mo, enc, va.Elem().Interface())
return marshal(mo, enc, v)
fncs.unmarshal = func(uo UnmarshalOptions, dec *Decoder, va addressableValue) error {
if uo.format != "" && uo.formatDepth == dec.tokens.depth() {
return newInvalidFormatError("unmarshal", t, uo.format)
if dec.PeekKind() == 'n' {
if _, err := dec.ReadToken(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
var v addressableValue
if va.IsNil() {
// Optimize for the any type if there are no special options.
// We do not care about stringified numbers since JSON strings
// are always unmarshaled into an any value as Go strings.
// Duplicate name check must be enforced since unmarshalValueAny
// does not implement merge semantics.
if optimizeCommon && t == anyType && uo.format == "" && (uo.Unmarshalers == nil || !uo.Unmarshalers.fromAny) && !dec.options.AllowDuplicateNames {
v, err := unmarshalValueAny(uo, dec)
// We must check for nil interface values up front.
// See
if v != nil {
return err
k := dec.PeekKind()
if !isAnyType(t) {
err := errors.New("cannot derive concrete type for non-empty interface")
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", JSONKind: k, GoType: t, Err: err}
switch k {
case 'f', 't':
v = newAddressableValue(boolType)
case '"':
v = newAddressableValue(stringType)
case '0':
v = newAddressableValue(float64Type)
case '{':
v = newAddressableValue(mapStringAnyType)
case '[':
v = newAddressableValue(sliceAnyType)
// If k is invalid (e.g., due to an I/O or syntax error), then
// that will be cached by PeekKind and returned by ReadValue.
// If k is '}' or ']', then ReadValue must error since
// those are invalid kinds at the start of a JSON value.
_, err := dec.ReadValue()
return err
} else {
// Shallow copy the existing value to keep it addressable.
// Any mutations at the top-level of the value will be observable
// since we always store this value back into the interface value.
v = newAddressableValue(va.Elem().Type())
unmarshal := lookupArshaler(v.Type()).unmarshal
if uo.Unmarshalers != nil {
unmarshal, _ = uo.Unmarshalers.lookup(unmarshal, v.Type())
err := unmarshal(uo, dec, v)
return err
return &fncs
// isAnyType reports wether t is equivalent to the any interface type.
func isAnyType(t reflect.Type) bool {
// This is forward compatible if the Go language permits type sets within
// ordinary interfaces where an interface with zero methods does not
// necessarily mean it can hold every possible Go type.
// See
return t == anyType || anyType.Implements(t)
func makeInvalidArshaler(t reflect.Type) *arshaler {
var fncs arshaler
fncs.marshal = func(mo MarshalOptions, enc *Encoder, va addressableValue) error {
return &SemanticError{action: "marshal", GoType: t}
fncs.unmarshal = func(uo UnmarshalOptions, dec *Decoder, va addressableValue) error {
return &SemanticError{action: "unmarshal", GoType: t}
return &fncs
func newInvalidFormatError(action string, t reflect.Type, format string) error {
err := fmt.Errorf("invalid format flag: %q", format)
return &SemanticError{action: action, GoType: t, Err: err}