2022-07-07 22:13:21 +02:00

25308 lines
710 KiB

// The MIT License
// Copyright (c) 2020 Temporal Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// Code generated by protoc-gen-gogo. DO NOT EDIT.
// source: temporal/api/history/v1/message.proto
package history
import (
fmt "fmt"
io "io"
math "math"
math_bits "math/bits"
reflect "reflect"
strings "strings"
time "time"
_ ""
proto ""
github_com_gogo_protobuf_sortkeys ""
_ ""
github_com_gogo_protobuf_types ""
v1 ""
v12 ""
v13 ""
v11 ""
v14 ""
// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
var _ = proto.Marshal
var _ = fmt.Errorf
var _ = math.Inf
var _ = time.Kitchen
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
// proto package needs to be updated.
const _ = proto.GoGoProtoPackageIsVersion3 // please upgrade the proto package
type WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes struct {
WorkflowType *v1.WorkflowType `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=workflow_type,json=workflowType,proto3" json:"workflow_type,omitempty"`
ParentWorkflowNamespace string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=parent_workflow_namespace,json=parentWorkflowNamespace,proto3" json:"parent_workflow_namespace,omitempty"`
ParentWorkflowExecution *v1.WorkflowExecution `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=parent_workflow_execution,json=parentWorkflowExecution,proto3" json:"parent_workflow_execution,omitempty"`
ParentInitiatedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=parent_initiated_event_id,json=parentInitiatedEventId,proto3" json:"parent_initiated_event_id,omitempty"`
TaskQueue *v11.TaskQueue `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=task_queue,json=taskQueue,proto3" json:"task_queue,omitempty"`
Input *v1.Payloads `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=input,proto3" json:"input,omitempty"`
// Total workflow execution timeout including retries and continue as new.
WorkflowExecutionTimeout *time.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=workflow_execution_timeout,json=workflowExecutionTimeout,proto3,stdduration" json:"workflow_execution_timeout,omitempty"`
// Timeout of a single workflow run.
WorkflowRunTimeout *time.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=workflow_run_timeout,json=workflowRunTimeout,proto3,stdduration" json:"workflow_run_timeout,omitempty"`
// Timeout of a single workflow task.
WorkflowTaskTimeout *time.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=workflow_task_timeout,json=workflowTaskTimeout,proto3,stdduration" json:"workflow_task_timeout,omitempty"`
// Run id of previous ContinueAsNew or retry or cron execution.
ContinuedExecutionRunId string `protobuf:"bytes,10,opt,name=continued_execution_run_id,json=continuedExecutionRunId,proto3" json:"continued_execution_run_id,omitempty"`
Initiator v12.ContinueAsNewInitiator `protobuf:"varint,11,opt,name=initiator,proto3,enum=temporal.api.enums.v1.ContinueAsNewInitiator" json:"initiator,omitempty"`
ContinuedFailure *v13.Failure `protobuf:"bytes,12,opt,name=continued_failure,json=continuedFailure,proto3" json:"continued_failure,omitempty"`
LastCompletionResult *v1.Payloads `protobuf:"bytes,13,opt,name=last_completion_result,json=lastCompletionResult,proto3" json:"last_completion_result,omitempty"`
// This is the runId when the WorkflowExecutionStarted event is written.
OriginalExecutionRunId string `protobuf:"bytes,14,opt,name=original_execution_run_id,json=originalExecutionRunId,proto3" json:"original_execution_run_id,omitempty"`
Identity string `protobuf:"bytes,15,opt,name=identity,proto3" json:"identity,omitempty"`
// This is the very first runId along the chain of ContinueAsNew and Reset.
FirstExecutionRunId string `protobuf:"bytes,16,opt,name=first_execution_run_id,json=firstExecutionRunId,proto3" json:"first_execution_run_id,omitempty"`
RetryPolicy *v1.RetryPolicy `protobuf:"bytes,17,opt,name=retry_policy,json=retryPolicy,proto3" json:"retry_policy,omitempty"`
Attempt int32 `protobuf:"varint,18,opt,name=attempt,proto3" json:"attempt,omitempty"`
// The absolute time at which workflow is timed out.
// This time is passed without change to the next run/retry of a workflow.
WorkflowExecutionExpirationTime *time.Time `protobuf:"bytes,19,opt,name=workflow_execution_expiration_time,json=workflowExecutionExpirationTime,proto3,stdtime" json:"workflow_execution_expiration_time,omitempty"`
CronSchedule string `protobuf:"bytes,20,opt,name=cron_schedule,json=cronSchedule,proto3" json:"cron_schedule,omitempty"`
FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff *time.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,21,opt,name=first_workflow_task_backoff,json=firstWorkflowTaskBackoff,proto3,stdduration" json:"first_workflow_task_backoff,omitempty"`
Memo *v1.Memo `protobuf:"bytes,22,opt,name=memo,proto3" json:"memo,omitempty"`
SearchAttributes *v1.SearchAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,23,opt,name=search_attributes,json=searchAttributes,proto3" json:"search_attributes,omitempty"`
PrevAutoResetPoints *v14.ResetPoints `protobuf:"bytes,24,opt,name=prev_auto_reset_points,json=prevAutoResetPoints,proto3" json:"prev_auto_reset_points,omitempty"`
Header *v1.Header `protobuf:"bytes,25,opt,name=header,proto3" json:"header,omitempty"`
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes{}
func (*WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{0}
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowType() *v1.WorkflowType {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowType
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetParentWorkflowNamespace() string {
if m != nil {
return m.ParentWorkflowNamespace
return ""
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetParentWorkflowExecution() *v1.WorkflowExecution {
if m != nil {
return m.ParentWorkflowExecution
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetParentInitiatedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.ParentInitiatedEventId
return 0
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetTaskQueue() *v11.TaskQueue {
if m != nil {
return m.TaskQueue
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetInput() *v1.Payloads {
if m != nil {
return m.Input
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowExecutionTimeout() *time.Duration {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowExecutionTimeout
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowRunTimeout() *time.Duration {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowRunTimeout
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowTaskTimeout() *time.Duration {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowTaskTimeout
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetContinuedExecutionRunId() string {
if m != nil {
return m.ContinuedExecutionRunId
return ""
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetInitiator() v12.ContinueAsNewInitiator {
if m != nil {
return m.Initiator
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetContinuedFailure() *v13.Failure {
if m != nil {
return m.ContinuedFailure
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetLastCompletionResult() *v1.Payloads {
if m != nil {
return m.LastCompletionResult
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetOriginalExecutionRunId() string {
if m != nil {
return m.OriginalExecutionRunId
return ""
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetIdentity() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Identity
return ""
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetFirstExecutionRunId() string {
if m != nil {
return m.FirstExecutionRunId
return ""
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetRetryPolicy() *v1.RetryPolicy {
if m != nil {
return m.RetryPolicy
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetAttempt() int32 {
if m != nil {
return m.Attempt
return 0
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowExecutionExpirationTime() *time.Time {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowExecutionExpirationTime
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetCronSchedule() string {
if m != nil {
return m.CronSchedule
return ""
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetFirstWorkflowTaskBackoff() *time.Duration {
if m != nil {
return m.FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetMemo() *v1.Memo {
if m != nil {
return m.Memo
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetSearchAttributes() *v1.SearchAttributes {
if m != nil {
return m.SearchAttributes
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetPrevAutoResetPoints() *v14.ResetPoints {
if m != nil {
return m.PrevAutoResetPoints
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetHeader() *v1.Header {
if m != nil {
return m.Header
return nil
type WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes struct {
Result *v1.Payloads `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=result,proto3" json:"result,omitempty"`
WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=workflow_task_completed_event_id,json=workflowTaskCompletedEventId,proto3" json:"workflow_task_completed_event_id,omitempty"`
// If another run is started by cron, this contains the new run id.
NewExecutionRunId string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=new_execution_run_id,json=newExecutionRunId,proto3" json:"new_execution_run_id,omitempty"`
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes{}
func (*WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{1}
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) GetResult() *v1.Payloads {
if m != nil {
return m.Result
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowTaskCompletedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId
return 0
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) GetNewExecutionRunId() string {
if m != nil {
return m.NewExecutionRunId
return ""
type WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes struct {
Failure *v13.Failure `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=failure,proto3" json:"failure,omitempty"`
RetryState v12.RetryState `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=retry_state,json=retryState,proto3,enum=temporal.api.enums.v1.RetryState" json:"retry_state,omitempty"`
WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=workflow_task_completed_event_id,json=workflowTaskCompletedEventId,proto3" json:"workflow_task_completed_event_id,omitempty"`
// If another run is started by cron or retry, this contains the new run id.
NewExecutionRunId string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=new_execution_run_id,json=newExecutionRunId,proto3" json:"new_execution_run_id,omitempty"`
func (m *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{}
func (*WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{2}
func (m *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetFailure() *v13.Failure {
if m != nil {
return m.Failure
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetRetryState() v12.RetryState {
if m != nil {
return m.RetryState
func (m *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowTaskCompletedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId
return 0
func (m *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetNewExecutionRunId() string {
if m != nil {
return m.NewExecutionRunId
return ""
type WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes struct {
RetryState v12.RetryState `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=retry_state,json=retryState,proto3,enum=temporal.api.enums.v1.RetryState" json:"retry_state,omitempty"`
// If another run is started by cron or retry, this contains the new run id.
NewExecutionRunId string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=new_execution_run_id,json=newExecutionRunId,proto3" json:"new_execution_run_id,omitempty"`
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes{}
func (*WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{3}
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) GetRetryState() v12.RetryState {
if m != nil {
return m.RetryState
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) GetNewExecutionRunId() string {
if m != nil {
return m.NewExecutionRunId
return ""
type WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes struct {
NewExecutionRunId string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=new_execution_run_id,json=newExecutionRunId,proto3" json:"new_execution_run_id,omitempty"`
WorkflowType *v1.WorkflowType `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=workflow_type,json=workflowType,proto3" json:"workflow_type,omitempty"`
TaskQueue *v11.TaskQueue `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=task_queue,json=taskQueue,proto3" json:"task_queue,omitempty"`
Input *v1.Payloads `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=input,proto3" json:"input,omitempty"`
// workflow_execution_timeout is omitted as it shouldn'be overridden from within a workflow.
// Timeout of a single workflow run.
WorkflowRunTimeout *time.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=workflow_run_timeout,json=workflowRunTimeout,proto3,stdduration" json:"workflow_run_timeout,omitempty"`
// Timeout of a single workflow task.
WorkflowTaskTimeout *time.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=workflow_task_timeout,json=workflowTaskTimeout,proto3,stdduration" json:"workflow_task_timeout,omitempty"`
WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=workflow_task_completed_event_id,json=workflowTaskCompletedEventId,proto3" json:"workflow_task_completed_event_id,omitempty"`
BackoffStartInterval *time.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=backoff_start_interval,json=backoffStartInterval,proto3,stdduration" json:"backoff_start_interval,omitempty"`
Initiator v12.ContinueAsNewInitiator `protobuf:"varint,9,opt,name=initiator,proto3,enum=temporal.api.enums.v1.ContinueAsNewInitiator" json:"initiator,omitempty"`
Failure *v13.Failure `protobuf:"bytes,10,opt,name=failure,proto3" json:"failure,omitempty"`
LastCompletionResult *v1.Payloads `protobuf:"bytes,11,opt,name=last_completion_result,json=lastCompletionResult,proto3" json:"last_completion_result,omitempty"`
Header *v1.Header `protobuf:"bytes,12,opt,name=header,proto3" json:"header,omitempty"`
Memo *v1.Memo `protobuf:"bytes,13,opt,name=memo,proto3" json:"memo,omitempty"`
SearchAttributes *v1.SearchAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,14,opt,name=search_attributes,json=searchAttributes,proto3" json:"search_attributes,omitempty"`
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes{}
func (*WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{4}
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) GetNewExecutionRunId() string {
if m != nil {
return m.NewExecutionRunId
return ""
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) GetWorkflowType() *v1.WorkflowType {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowType
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) GetTaskQueue() *v11.TaskQueue {
if m != nil {
return m.TaskQueue
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) GetInput() *v1.Payloads {
if m != nil {
return m.Input
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) GetWorkflowRunTimeout() *time.Duration {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowRunTimeout
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) GetWorkflowTaskTimeout() *time.Duration {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowTaskTimeout
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) GetWorkflowTaskCompletedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId
return 0
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) GetBackoffStartInterval() *time.Duration {
if m != nil {
return m.BackoffStartInterval
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) GetInitiator() v12.ContinueAsNewInitiator {
if m != nil {
return m.Initiator
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) GetFailure() *v13.Failure {
if m != nil {
return m.Failure
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) GetLastCompletionResult() *v1.Payloads {
if m != nil {
return m.LastCompletionResult
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) GetHeader() *v1.Header {
if m != nil {
return m.Header
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) GetMemo() *v1.Memo {
if m != nil {
return m.Memo
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) GetSearchAttributes() *v1.SearchAttributes {
if m != nil {
return m.SearchAttributes
return nil
type WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes struct {
TaskQueue *v11.TaskQueue `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=task_queue,json=taskQueue,proto3" json:"task_queue,omitempty"`
// (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
// "to" is used to indicate interval. --)
StartToCloseTimeout *time.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=start_to_close_timeout,json=startToCloseTimeout,proto3,stdduration" json:"start_to_close_timeout,omitempty"`
Attempt int32 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=attempt,proto3" json:"attempt,omitempty"`
func (m *WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) Reset() { *m = WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes{} }
func (*WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{5}
func (m *WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) GetTaskQueue() *v11.TaskQueue {
if m != nil {
return m.TaskQueue
return nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) GetStartToCloseTimeout() *time.Duration {
if m != nil {
return m.StartToCloseTimeout
return nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) GetAttempt() int32 {
if m != nil {
return m.Attempt
return 0
type WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes struct {
ScheduledEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=scheduled_event_id,json=scheduledEventId,proto3" json:"scheduled_event_id,omitempty"`
Identity string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=identity,proto3" json:"identity,omitempty"`
RequestId string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=request_id,json=requestId,proto3" json:"request_id,omitempty"`
func (m *WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) Reset() { *m = WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes{} }
func (*WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{6}
func (m *WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) GetScheduledEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.ScheduledEventId
return 0
func (m *WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) GetIdentity() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Identity
return ""
func (m *WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) GetRequestId() string {
if m != nil {
return m.RequestId
return ""
type WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes struct {
ScheduledEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=scheduled_event_id,json=scheduledEventId,proto3" json:"scheduled_event_id,omitempty"`
StartedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=started_event_id,json=startedEventId,proto3" json:"started_event_id,omitempty"`
Identity string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=identity,proto3" json:"identity,omitempty"`
BinaryChecksum string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=binary_checksum,json=binaryChecksum,proto3" json:"binary_checksum,omitempty"`
func (m *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) Reset() { *m = WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes{} }
func (*WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{7}
func (m *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) GetScheduledEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.ScheduledEventId
return 0
func (m *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) GetStartedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.StartedEventId
return 0
func (m *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) GetIdentity() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Identity
return ""
func (m *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) GetBinaryChecksum() string {
if m != nil {
return m.BinaryChecksum
return ""
type WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes struct {
ScheduledEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=scheduled_event_id,json=scheduledEventId,proto3" json:"scheduled_event_id,omitempty"`
StartedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=started_event_id,json=startedEventId,proto3" json:"started_event_id,omitempty"`
TimeoutType v12.TimeoutType `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=timeout_type,json=timeoutType,proto3,enum=temporal.api.enums.v1.TimeoutType" json:"timeout_type,omitempty"`
func (m *WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) Reset() { *m = WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes{} }
func (*WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{8}
func (m *WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) GetScheduledEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.ScheduledEventId
return 0
func (m *WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) GetStartedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.StartedEventId
return 0
func (m *WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) GetTimeoutType() v12.TimeoutType {
if m != nil {
return m.TimeoutType
type WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes struct {
ScheduledEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=scheduled_event_id,json=scheduledEventId,proto3" json:"scheduled_event_id,omitempty"`
StartedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=started_event_id,json=startedEventId,proto3" json:"started_event_id,omitempty"`
Cause v12.WorkflowTaskFailedCause `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=cause,proto3,enum=temporal.api.enums.v1.WorkflowTaskFailedCause" json:"cause,omitempty"`
Failure *v13.Failure `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=failure,proto3" json:"failure,omitempty"`
Identity string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=identity,proto3" json:"identity,omitempty"`
// For reset workflow.
BaseRunId string `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=base_run_id,json=baseRunId,proto3" json:"base_run_id,omitempty"`
NewRunId string `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=new_run_id,json=newRunId,proto3" json:"new_run_id,omitempty"`
ForkEventVersion int64 `protobuf:"varint,8,opt,name=fork_event_version,json=forkEventVersion,proto3" json:"fork_event_version,omitempty"`
BinaryChecksum string `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=binary_checksum,json=binaryChecksum,proto3" json:"binary_checksum,omitempty"`
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) Reset() { *m = WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes{} }
func (*WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{9}
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) GetScheduledEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.ScheduledEventId
return 0
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) GetStartedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.StartedEventId
return 0
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) GetCause() v12.WorkflowTaskFailedCause {
if m != nil {
return m.Cause
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) GetFailure() *v13.Failure {
if m != nil {
return m.Failure
return nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) GetIdentity() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Identity
return ""
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) GetBaseRunId() string {
if m != nil {
return m.BaseRunId
return ""
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) GetNewRunId() string {
if m != nil {
return m.NewRunId
return ""
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) GetForkEventVersion() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.ForkEventVersion
return 0
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) GetBinaryChecksum() string {
if m != nil {
return m.BinaryChecksum
return ""
type ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes struct {
ActivityId string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=activity_id,json=activityId,proto3" json:"activity_id,omitempty"`
ActivityType *v1.ActivityType `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=activity_type,json=activityType,proto3" json:"activity_type,omitempty"`
Namespace string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=namespace,proto3" json:"namespace,omitempty"`
TaskQueue *v11.TaskQueue `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=task_queue,json=taskQueue,proto3" json:"task_queue,omitempty"`
Header *v1.Header `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=header,proto3" json:"header,omitempty"`
Input *v1.Payloads `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=input,proto3" json:"input,omitempty"`
// (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
// "to" is used to indicate interval. --)
// Indicates how long the caller is willing to wait for an activity completion.
// Limits for how long retries are happening. Either this or start_to_close_timeout_seconds must be specified.
ScheduleToCloseTimeout *time.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=schedule_to_close_timeout,json=scheduleToCloseTimeout,proto3,stdduration" json:"schedule_to_close_timeout,omitempty"`
// (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
// "to" is used to indicate interval. --)
// Limits time an activity task can stay in a task queue before a worker picks it up.
// This timeout is always non retryable as all a retry would achieve is to put it back into the same queue.
// Defaults to schedule_to_close_timeout_seconds or workflow execution timeout if not specified.
ScheduleToStartTimeout *time.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=schedule_to_start_timeout,json=scheduleToStartTimeout,proto3,stdduration" json:"schedule_to_start_timeout,omitempty"`
// (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
// "to" is used to indicate interval. --)
// Maximum time an activity is allowed to execute after a pick up by a worker.
// This timeout is always retryable. Either this or schedule_to_close_timeout_seconds must be specified.
StartToCloseTimeout *time.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=start_to_close_timeout,json=startToCloseTimeout,proto3,stdduration" json:"start_to_close_timeout,omitempty"`
// Maximum time between successful worker heartbeats.
HeartbeatTimeout *time.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,10,opt,name=heartbeat_timeout,json=heartbeatTimeout,proto3,stdduration" json:"heartbeat_timeout,omitempty"`
WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,11,opt,name=workflow_task_completed_event_id,json=workflowTaskCompletedEventId,proto3" json:"workflow_task_completed_event_id,omitempty"`
// Activities are provided by a default retry policy controlled through the service dynamic configuration.
// Retries are happening up to schedule_to_close_timeout.
// To disable retries set retry_policy.maximum_attempts to 1.
RetryPolicy *v1.RetryPolicy `protobuf:"bytes,12,opt,name=retry_policy,json=retryPolicy,proto3" json:"retry_policy,omitempty"`
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) Reset() { *m = ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes{} }
func (*ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{10}
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) GetActivityId() string {
if m != nil {
return m.ActivityId
return ""
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) GetActivityType() *v1.ActivityType {
if m != nil {
return m.ActivityType
return nil
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) GetNamespace() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Namespace
return ""
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) GetTaskQueue() *v11.TaskQueue {
if m != nil {
return m.TaskQueue
return nil
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) GetHeader() *v1.Header {
if m != nil {
return m.Header
return nil
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) GetInput() *v1.Payloads {
if m != nil {
return m.Input
return nil
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) GetScheduleToCloseTimeout() *time.Duration {
if m != nil {
return m.ScheduleToCloseTimeout
return nil
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) GetScheduleToStartTimeout() *time.Duration {
if m != nil {
return m.ScheduleToStartTimeout
return nil
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) GetStartToCloseTimeout() *time.Duration {
if m != nil {
return m.StartToCloseTimeout
return nil
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) GetHeartbeatTimeout() *time.Duration {
if m != nil {
return m.HeartbeatTimeout
return nil
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) GetWorkflowTaskCompletedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId
return 0
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) GetRetryPolicy() *v1.RetryPolicy {
if m != nil {
return m.RetryPolicy
return nil
type ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes struct {
ScheduledEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=scheduled_event_id,json=scheduledEventId,proto3" json:"scheduled_event_id,omitempty"`
Identity string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=identity,proto3" json:"identity,omitempty"`
RequestId string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=request_id,json=requestId,proto3" json:"request_id,omitempty"`
Attempt int32 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=attempt,proto3" json:"attempt,omitempty"`
LastFailure *v13.Failure `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=last_failure,json=lastFailure,proto3" json:"last_failure,omitempty"`
func (m *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) Reset() { *m = ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes{} }
func (*ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{11}
func (m *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) GetScheduledEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.ScheduledEventId
return 0
func (m *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) GetIdentity() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Identity
return ""
func (m *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) GetRequestId() string {
if m != nil {
return m.RequestId
return ""
func (m *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) GetAttempt() int32 {
if m != nil {
return m.Attempt
return 0
func (m *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) GetLastFailure() *v13.Failure {
if m != nil {
return m.LastFailure
return nil
type ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes struct {
Result *v1.Payloads `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=result,proto3" json:"result,omitempty"`
ScheduledEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=scheduled_event_id,json=scheduledEventId,proto3" json:"scheduled_event_id,omitempty"`
StartedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=started_event_id,json=startedEventId,proto3" json:"started_event_id,omitempty"`
Identity string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=identity,proto3" json:"identity,omitempty"`
func (m *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) Reset() { *m = ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes{} }
func (*ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{12}
func (m *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) GetResult() *v1.Payloads {
if m != nil {
return m.Result
return nil
func (m *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) GetScheduledEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.ScheduledEventId
return 0
func (m *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) GetStartedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.StartedEventId
return 0
func (m *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) GetIdentity() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Identity
return ""
type ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes struct {
Failure *v13.Failure `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=failure,proto3" json:"failure,omitempty"`
ScheduledEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=scheduled_event_id,json=scheduledEventId,proto3" json:"scheduled_event_id,omitempty"`
StartedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=started_event_id,json=startedEventId,proto3" json:"started_event_id,omitempty"`
Identity string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=identity,proto3" json:"identity,omitempty"`
RetryState v12.RetryState `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=retry_state,json=retryState,proto3,enum=temporal.api.enums.v1.RetryState" json:"retry_state,omitempty"`
func (m *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) Reset() { *m = ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes{} }
func (*ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{13}
func (m *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) GetFailure() *v13.Failure {
if m != nil {
return m.Failure
return nil
func (m *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) GetScheduledEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.ScheduledEventId
return 0
func (m *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) GetStartedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.StartedEventId
return 0
func (m *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) GetIdentity() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Identity
return ""
func (m *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) GetRetryState() v12.RetryState {
if m != nil {
return m.RetryState
type ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes struct {
// For retry activity, it may have a failure before timeout. It is stored as `cause` in `failure`.
Failure *v13.Failure `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=failure,proto3" json:"failure,omitempty"`
ScheduledEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=scheduled_event_id,json=scheduledEventId,proto3" json:"scheduled_event_id,omitempty"`
StartedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=started_event_id,json=startedEventId,proto3" json:"started_event_id,omitempty"`
RetryState v12.RetryState `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=retry_state,json=retryState,proto3,enum=temporal.api.enums.v1.RetryState" json:"retry_state,omitempty"`
func (m *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) Reset() { *m = ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes{} }
func (*ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{14}
func (m *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) GetFailure() *v13.Failure {
if m != nil {
return m.Failure
return nil
func (m *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) GetScheduledEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.ScheduledEventId
return 0
func (m *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) GetStartedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.StartedEventId
return 0
func (m *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) GetRetryState() v12.RetryState {
if m != nil {
return m.RetryState
type ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes struct {
ScheduledEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=scheduled_event_id,json=scheduledEventId,proto3" json:"scheduled_event_id,omitempty"`
WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=workflow_task_completed_event_id,json=workflowTaskCompletedEventId,proto3" json:"workflow_task_completed_event_id,omitempty"`
func (m *ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes{}
func (*ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{15}
func (m *ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) GetScheduledEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.ScheduledEventId
return 0
func (m *ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowTaskCompletedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId
return 0
type ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes struct {
Details *v1.Payloads `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=details,proto3" json:"details,omitempty"`
LatestCancelRequestedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=latest_cancel_requested_event_id,json=latestCancelRequestedEventId,proto3" json:"latest_cancel_requested_event_id,omitempty"`
ScheduledEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=scheduled_event_id,json=scheduledEventId,proto3" json:"scheduled_event_id,omitempty"`
StartedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=started_event_id,json=startedEventId,proto3" json:"started_event_id,omitempty"`
Identity string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=identity,proto3" json:"identity,omitempty"`
func (m *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) Reset() { *m = ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes{} }
func (*ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{16}
func (m *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) GetDetails() *v1.Payloads {
if m != nil {
return m.Details
return nil
func (m *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) GetLatestCancelRequestedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.LatestCancelRequestedEventId
return 0
func (m *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) GetScheduledEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.ScheduledEventId
return 0
func (m *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) GetStartedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.StartedEventId
return 0
func (m *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) GetIdentity() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Identity
return ""
type TimerStartedEventAttributes struct {
TimerId string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=timer_id,json=timerId,proto3" json:"timer_id,omitempty"`
// (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
// "to" is used to indicate interval. --)
StartToFireTimeout *time.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=start_to_fire_timeout,json=startToFireTimeout,proto3,stdduration" json:"start_to_fire_timeout,omitempty"`
WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=workflow_task_completed_event_id,json=workflowTaskCompletedEventId,proto3" json:"workflow_task_completed_event_id,omitempty"`
func (m *TimerStartedEventAttributes) Reset() { *m = TimerStartedEventAttributes{} }
func (*TimerStartedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*TimerStartedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{17}
func (m *TimerStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *TimerStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_TimerStartedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *TimerStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_TimerStartedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *TimerStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *TimerStartedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_TimerStartedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *TimerStartedEventAttributes) GetTimerId() string {
if m != nil {
return m.TimerId
return ""
func (m *TimerStartedEventAttributes) GetStartToFireTimeout() *time.Duration {
if m != nil {
return m.StartToFireTimeout
return nil
func (m *TimerStartedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowTaskCompletedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId
return 0
type TimerFiredEventAttributes struct {
TimerId string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=timer_id,json=timerId,proto3" json:"timer_id,omitempty"`
StartedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=started_event_id,json=startedEventId,proto3" json:"started_event_id,omitempty"`
func (m *TimerFiredEventAttributes) Reset() { *m = TimerFiredEventAttributes{} }
func (*TimerFiredEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*TimerFiredEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{18}
func (m *TimerFiredEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *TimerFiredEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_TimerFiredEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *TimerFiredEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_TimerFiredEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *TimerFiredEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *TimerFiredEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_TimerFiredEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *TimerFiredEventAttributes) GetTimerId() string {
if m != nil {
return m.TimerId
return ""
func (m *TimerFiredEventAttributes) GetStartedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.StartedEventId
return 0
type TimerCanceledEventAttributes struct {
TimerId string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=timer_id,json=timerId,proto3" json:"timer_id,omitempty"`
StartedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=started_event_id,json=startedEventId,proto3" json:"started_event_id,omitempty"`
WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=workflow_task_completed_event_id,json=workflowTaskCompletedEventId,proto3" json:"workflow_task_completed_event_id,omitempty"`
Identity string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=identity,proto3" json:"identity,omitempty"`
func (m *TimerCanceledEventAttributes) Reset() { *m = TimerCanceledEventAttributes{} }
func (*TimerCanceledEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*TimerCanceledEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{19}
func (m *TimerCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *TimerCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_TimerCanceledEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *TimerCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_TimerCanceledEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *TimerCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *TimerCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_TimerCanceledEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *TimerCanceledEventAttributes) GetTimerId() string {
if m != nil {
return m.TimerId
return ""
func (m *TimerCanceledEventAttributes) GetStartedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.StartedEventId
return 0
func (m *TimerCanceledEventAttributes) GetWorkflowTaskCompletedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId
return 0
func (m *TimerCanceledEventAttributes) GetIdentity() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Identity
return ""
type WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes struct {
Cause string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=cause,proto3" json:"cause,omitempty"`
ExternalInitiatedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=external_initiated_event_id,json=externalInitiatedEventId,proto3" json:"external_initiated_event_id,omitempty"`
ExternalWorkflowExecution *v1.WorkflowExecution `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=external_workflow_execution,json=externalWorkflowExecution,proto3" json:"external_workflow_execution,omitempty"`
Identity string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=identity,proto3" json:"identity,omitempty"`
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes{}
func (*WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{20}
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) GetCause() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Cause
return ""
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) GetExternalInitiatedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.ExternalInitiatedEventId
return 0
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) GetExternalWorkflowExecution() *v1.WorkflowExecution {
if m != nil {
return m.ExternalWorkflowExecution
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) GetIdentity() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Identity
return ""
type WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes struct {
WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=workflow_task_completed_event_id,json=workflowTaskCompletedEventId,proto3" json:"workflow_task_completed_event_id,omitempty"`
Details *v1.Payloads `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=details,proto3" json:"details,omitempty"`
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes{}
func (*WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{21}
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) GetWorkflowTaskCompletedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId
return 0
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) GetDetails() *v1.Payloads {
if m != nil {
return m.Details
return nil
type MarkerRecordedEventAttributes struct {
MarkerName string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=marker_name,json=markerName,proto3" json:"marker_name,omitempty"`
Details map[string]*v1.Payloads `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=details,proto3" json:"details,omitempty" protobuf_key:"bytes,1,opt,name=key,proto3" protobuf_val:"bytes,2,opt,name=value,proto3"`
WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=workflow_task_completed_event_id,json=workflowTaskCompletedEventId,proto3" json:"workflow_task_completed_event_id,omitempty"`
Header *v1.Header `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=header,proto3" json:"header,omitempty"`
Failure *v13.Failure `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=failure,proto3" json:"failure,omitempty"`
func (m *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) Reset() { *m = MarkerRecordedEventAttributes{} }
func (*MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{22}
func (m *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_MarkerRecordedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_MarkerRecordedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_MarkerRecordedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) GetMarkerName() string {
if m != nil {
return m.MarkerName
return ""
func (m *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) GetDetails() map[string]*v1.Payloads {
if m != nil {
return m.Details
return nil
func (m *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowTaskCompletedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId
return 0
func (m *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) GetHeader() *v1.Header {
if m != nil {
return m.Header
return nil
func (m *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) GetFailure() *v13.Failure {
if m != nil {
return m.Failure
return nil
type WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes struct {
SignalName string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=signal_name,json=signalName,proto3" json:"signal_name,omitempty"`
Input *v1.Payloads `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=input,proto3" json:"input,omitempty"`
Identity string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=identity,proto3" json:"identity,omitempty"`
// Headers that were passed by the sender of the signal and copied by temporal
// server into the workflow task.
Header *v1.Header `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=header,proto3" json:"header,omitempty"`
func (m *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes{}
func (*WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{23}
func (m *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) GetSignalName() string {
if m != nil {
return m.SignalName
return ""
func (m *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) GetInput() *v1.Payloads {
if m != nil {
return m.Input
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) GetIdentity() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Identity
return ""
func (m *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) GetHeader() *v1.Header {
if m != nil {
return m.Header
return nil
type WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes struct {
Reason string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=reason,proto3" json:"reason,omitempty"`
Details *v1.Payloads `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=details,proto3" json:"details,omitempty"`
Identity string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=identity,proto3" json:"identity,omitempty"`
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes{}
func (*WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{24}
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) GetReason() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Reason
return ""
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) GetDetails() *v1.Payloads {
if m != nil {
return m.Details
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) GetIdentity() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Identity
return ""
type RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes struct {
WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=workflow_task_completed_event_id,json=workflowTaskCompletedEventId,proto3" json:"workflow_task_completed_event_id,omitempty"`
Namespace string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=namespace,proto3" json:"namespace,omitempty"`
WorkflowExecution *v1.WorkflowExecution `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=workflow_execution,json=workflowExecution,proto3" json:"workflow_execution,omitempty"`
Control string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=control,proto3" json:"control,omitempty"`
ChildWorkflowOnly bool `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=child_workflow_only,json=childWorkflowOnly,proto3" json:"child_workflow_only,omitempty"`
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{}
func (*RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{25}
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowTaskCompletedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId
return 0
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetNamespace() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Namespace
return ""
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowExecution() *v1.WorkflowExecution {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowExecution
return nil
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetControl() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Control
return ""
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetChildWorkflowOnly() bool {
if m != nil {
return m.ChildWorkflowOnly
return false
type RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes struct {
Cause v12.CancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedCause `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=cause,proto3,enum=temporal.api.enums.v1.CancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedCause" json:"cause,omitempty"`
WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=workflow_task_completed_event_id,json=workflowTaskCompletedEventId,proto3" json:"workflow_task_completed_event_id,omitempty"`
Namespace string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=namespace,proto3" json:"namespace,omitempty"`
WorkflowExecution *v1.WorkflowExecution `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=workflow_execution,json=workflowExecution,proto3" json:"workflow_execution,omitempty"`
InitiatedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=initiated_event_id,json=initiatedEventId,proto3" json:"initiated_event_id,omitempty"`
Control string `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=control,proto3" json:"control,omitempty"`
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{}
func (*RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{26}
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetCause() v12.CancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedCause {
if m != nil {
return m.Cause
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowTaskCompletedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId
return 0
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetNamespace() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Namespace
return ""
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowExecution() *v1.WorkflowExecution {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowExecution
return nil
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetInitiatedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.InitiatedEventId
return 0
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetControl() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Control
return ""
type ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes struct {
InitiatedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=initiated_event_id,json=initiatedEventId,proto3" json:"initiated_event_id,omitempty"`
Namespace string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=namespace,proto3" json:"namespace,omitempty"`
WorkflowExecution *v1.WorkflowExecution `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=workflow_execution,json=workflowExecution,proto3" json:"workflow_execution,omitempty"`
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes{}
func (*ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{27}
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) GetInitiatedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.InitiatedEventId
return 0
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) GetNamespace() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Namespace
return ""
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowExecution() *v1.WorkflowExecution {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowExecution
return nil
type SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes struct {
WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=workflow_task_completed_event_id,json=workflowTaskCompletedEventId,proto3" json:"workflow_task_completed_event_id,omitempty"`
Namespace string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=namespace,proto3" json:"namespace,omitempty"`
WorkflowExecution *v1.WorkflowExecution `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=workflow_execution,json=workflowExecution,proto3" json:"workflow_execution,omitempty"`
SignalName string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=signal_name,json=signalName,proto3" json:"signal_name,omitempty"`
Input *v1.Payloads `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=input,proto3" json:"input,omitempty"`
Control string `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=control,proto3" json:"control,omitempty"`
ChildWorkflowOnly bool `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=child_workflow_only,json=childWorkflowOnly,proto3" json:"child_workflow_only,omitempty"`
Header *v1.Header `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=header,proto3" json:"header,omitempty"`
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{}
func (*SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{28}
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowTaskCompletedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId
return 0
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetNamespace() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Namespace
return ""
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowExecution() *v1.WorkflowExecution {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowExecution
return nil
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetSignalName() string {
if m != nil {
return m.SignalName
return ""
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetInput() *v1.Payloads {
if m != nil {
return m.Input
return nil
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetControl() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Control
return ""
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetChildWorkflowOnly() bool {
if m != nil {
return m.ChildWorkflowOnly
return false
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetHeader() *v1.Header {
if m != nil {
return m.Header
return nil
type SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes struct {
Cause v12.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedCause `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=cause,proto3,enum=temporal.api.enums.v1.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedCause" json:"cause,omitempty"`
WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=workflow_task_completed_event_id,json=workflowTaskCompletedEventId,proto3" json:"workflow_task_completed_event_id,omitempty"`
Namespace string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=namespace,proto3" json:"namespace,omitempty"`
WorkflowExecution *v1.WorkflowExecution `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=workflow_execution,json=workflowExecution,proto3" json:"workflow_execution,omitempty"`
InitiatedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=initiated_event_id,json=initiatedEventId,proto3" json:"initiated_event_id,omitempty"`
Control string `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=control,proto3" json:"control,omitempty"`
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{}
func (*SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{29}
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetCause() v12.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedCause {
if m != nil {
return m.Cause
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowTaskCompletedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId
return 0
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetNamespace() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Namespace
return ""
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowExecution() *v1.WorkflowExecution {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowExecution
return nil
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetInitiatedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.InitiatedEventId
return 0
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetControl() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Control
return ""
type ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes struct {
InitiatedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=initiated_event_id,json=initiatedEventId,proto3" json:"initiated_event_id,omitempty"`
Namespace string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=namespace,proto3" json:"namespace,omitempty"`
WorkflowExecution *v1.WorkflowExecution `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=workflow_execution,json=workflowExecution,proto3" json:"workflow_execution,omitempty"`
Control string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=control,proto3" json:"control,omitempty"`
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes{}
func (*ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{30}
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) GetInitiatedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.InitiatedEventId
return 0
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) GetNamespace() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Namespace
return ""
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) GetWorkflowExecution() *v1.WorkflowExecution {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowExecution
return nil
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) GetControl() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Control
return ""
type UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes struct {
WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=workflow_task_completed_event_id,json=workflowTaskCompletedEventId,proto3" json:"workflow_task_completed_event_id,omitempty"`
SearchAttributes *v1.SearchAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=search_attributes,json=searchAttributes,proto3" json:"search_attributes,omitempty"`
func (m *UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes{}
func (*UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{31}
func (m *UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) GetWorkflowTaskCompletedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId
return 0
func (m *UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) GetSearchAttributes() *v1.SearchAttributes {
if m != nil {
return m.SearchAttributes
return nil
type StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes struct {
Namespace string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=namespace,proto3" json:"namespace,omitempty"`
WorkflowId string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=workflow_id,json=workflowId,proto3" json:"workflow_id,omitempty"`
WorkflowType *v1.WorkflowType `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=workflow_type,json=workflowType,proto3" json:"workflow_type,omitempty"`
TaskQueue *v11.TaskQueue `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=task_queue,json=taskQueue,proto3" json:"task_queue,omitempty"`
Input *v1.Payloads `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=input,proto3" json:"input,omitempty"`
// Total workflow execution timeout including retries and continue as new.
WorkflowExecutionTimeout *time.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=workflow_execution_timeout,json=workflowExecutionTimeout,proto3,stdduration" json:"workflow_execution_timeout,omitempty"`
// Timeout of a single workflow run.
WorkflowRunTimeout *time.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=workflow_run_timeout,json=workflowRunTimeout,proto3,stdduration" json:"workflow_run_timeout,omitempty"`
// Timeout of a single workflow task.
WorkflowTaskTimeout *time.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=workflow_task_timeout,json=workflowTaskTimeout,proto3,stdduration" json:"workflow_task_timeout,omitempty"`
ParentClosePolicy v12.ParentClosePolicy `protobuf:"varint,9,opt,name=parent_close_policy,json=parentClosePolicy,proto3,enum=temporal.api.enums.v1.ParentClosePolicy" json:"parent_close_policy,omitempty"`
Control string `protobuf:"bytes,10,opt,name=control,proto3" json:"control,omitempty"`
WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,11,opt,name=workflow_task_completed_event_id,json=workflowTaskCompletedEventId,proto3" json:"workflow_task_completed_event_id,omitempty"`
WorkflowIdReusePolicy v12.WorkflowIdReusePolicy `protobuf:"varint,12,opt,name=workflow_id_reuse_policy,json=workflowIdReusePolicy,proto3,enum=temporal.api.enums.v1.WorkflowIdReusePolicy" json:"workflow_id_reuse_policy,omitempty"`
RetryPolicy *v1.RetryPolicy `protobuf:"bytes,13,opt,name=retry_policy,json=retryPolicy,proto3" json:"retry_policy,omitempty"`
CronSchedule string `protobuf:"bytes,14,opt,name=cron_schedule,json=cronSchedule,proto3" json:"cron_schedule,omitempty"`
Header *v1.Header `protobuf:"bytes,15,opt,name=header,proto3" json:"header,omitempty"`
Memo *v1.Memo `protobuf:"bytes,16,opt,name=memo,proto3" json:"memo,omitempty"`
SearchAttributes *v1.SearchAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,17,opt,name=search_attributes,json=searchAttributes,proto3" json:"search_attributes,omitempty"`
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{}
func (*StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{32}
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetNamespace() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Namespace
return ""
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowId() string {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowId
return ""
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowType() *v1.WorkflowType {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowType
return nil
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetTaskQueue() *v11.TaskQueue {
if m != nil {
return m.TaskQueue
return nil
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetInput() *v1.Payloads {
if m != nil {
return m.Input
return nil
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowExecutionTimeout() *time.Duration {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowExecutionTimeout
return nil
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowRunTimeout() *time.Duration {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowRunTimeout
return nil
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowTaskTimeout() *time.Duration {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowTaskTimeout
return nil
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetParentClosePolicy() v12.ParentClosePolicy {
if m != nil {
return m.ParentClosePolicy
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetControl() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Control
return ""
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowTaskCompletedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId
return 0
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowIdReusePolicy() v12.WorkflowIdReusePolicy {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowIdReusePolicy
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetRetryPolicy() *v1.RetryPolicy {
if m != nil {
return m.RetryPolicy
return nil
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetCronSchedule() string {
if m != nil {
return m.CronSchedule
return ""
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetHeader() *v1.Header {
if m != nil {
return m.Header
return nil
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetMemo() *v1.Memo {
if m != nil {
return m.Memo
return nil
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GetSearchAttributes() *v1.SearchAttributes {
if m != nil {
return m.SearchAttributes
return nil
type StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes struct {
Namespace string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=namespace,proto3" json:"namespace,omitempty"`
WorkflowId string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=workflow_id,json=workflowId,proto3" json:"workflow_id,omitempty"`
WorkflowType *v1.WorkflowType `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=workflow_type,json=workflowType,proto3" json:"workflow_type,omitempty"`
Cause v12.StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedCause `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=cause,proto3,enum=temporal.api.enums.v1.StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedCause" json:"cause,omitempty"`
Control string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=control,proto3" json:"control,omitempty"`
InitiatedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=initiated_event_id,json=initiatedEventId,proto3" json:"initiated_event_id,omitempty"`
WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=workflow_task_completed_event_id,json=workflowTaskCompletedEventId,proto3" json:"workflow_task_completed_event_id,omitempty"`
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{}
func (*StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{33}
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetNamespace() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Namespace
return ""
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowId() string {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowId
return ""
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowType() *v1.WorkflowType {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowType
return nil
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetCause() v12.StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedCause {
if m != nil {
return m.Cause
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetControl() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Control
return ""
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetInitiatedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.InitiatedEventId
return 0
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowTaskCompletedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId
return 0
type ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes struct {
Namespace string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=namespace,proto3" json:"namespace,omitempty"`
InitiatedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=initiated_event_id,json=initiatedEventId,proto3" json:"initiated_event_id,omitempty"`
WorkflowExecution *v1.WorkflowExecution `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=workflow_execution,json=workflowExecution,proto3" json:"workflow_execution,omitempty"`
WorkflowType *v1.WorkflowType `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=workflow_type,json=workflowType,proto3" json:"workflow_type,omitempty"`
Header *v1.Header `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=header,proto3" json:"header,omitempty"`
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes{}
func (*ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{34}
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetNamespace() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Namespace
return ""
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetInitiatedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.InitiatedEventId
return 0
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowExecution() *v1.WorkflowExecution {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowExecution
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowType() *v1.WorkflowType {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowType
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GetHeader() *v1.Header {
if m != nil {
return m.Header
return nil
type ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes struct {
Result *v1.Payloads `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=result,proto3" json:"result,omitempty"`
Namespace string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=namespace,proto3" json:"namespace,omitempty"`
WorkflowExecution *v1.WorkflowExecution `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=workflow_execution,json=workflowExecution,proto3" json:"workflow_execution,omitempty"`
WorkflowType *v1.WorkflowType `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=workflow_type,json=workflowType,proto3" json:"workflow_type,omitempty"`
InitiatedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=initiated_event_id,json=initiatedEventId,proto3" json:"initiated_event_id,omitempty"`
StartedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=started_event_id,json=startedEventId,proto3" json:"started_event_id,omitempty"`
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes{}
func (*ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{35}
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) GetResult() *v1.Payloads {
if m != nil {
return m.Result
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) GetNamespace() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Namespace
return ""
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowExecution() *v1.WorkflowExecution {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowExecution
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowType() *v1.WorkflowType {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowType
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) GetInitiatedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.InitiatedEventId
return 0
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) GetStartedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.StartedEventId
return 0
type ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes struct {
Failure *v13.Failure `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=failure,proto3" json:"failure,omitempty"`
Namespace string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=namespace,proto3" json:"namespace,omitempty"`
WorkflowExecution *v1.WorkflowExecution `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=workflow_execution,json=workflowExecution,proto3" json:"workflow_execution,omitempty"`
WorkflowType *v1.WorkflowType `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=workflow_type,json=workflowType,proto3" json:"workflow_type,omitempty"`
InitiatedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=initiated_event_id,json=initiatedEventId,proto3" json:"initiated_event_id,omitempty"`
StartedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=started_event_id,json=startedEventId,proto3" json:"started_event_id,omitempty"`
RetryState v12.RetryState `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=retry_state,json=retryState,proto3,enum=temporal.api.enums.v1.RetryState" json:"retry_state,omitempty"`
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{}
func (*ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{36}
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetFailure() *v13.Failure {
if m != nil {
return m.Failure
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetNamespace() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Namespace
return ""
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowExecution() *v1.WorkflowExecution {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowExecution
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowType() *v1.WorkflowType {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowType
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetInitiatedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.InitiatedEventId
return 0
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetStartedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.StartedEventId
return 0
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GetRetryState() v12.RetryState {
if m != nil {
return m.RetryState
type ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes struct {
Details *v1.Payloads `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=details,proto3" json:"details,omitempty"`
Namespace string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=namespace,proto3" json:"namespace,omitempty"`
WorkflowExecution *v1.WorkflowExecution `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=workflow_execution,json=workflowExecution,proto3" json:"workflow_execution,omitempty"`
WorkflowType *v1.WorkflowType `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=workflow_type,json=workflowType,proto3" json:"workflow_type,omitempty"`
InitiatedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=initiated_event_id,json=initiatedEventId,proto3" json:"initiated_event_id,omitempty"`
StartedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=started_event_id,json=startedEventId,proto3" json:"started_event_id,omitempty"`
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes{}
func (*ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{37}
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) GetDetails() *v1.Payloads {
if m != nil {
return m.Details
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) GetNamespace() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Namespace
return ""
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) GetWorkflowExecution() *v1.WorkflowExecution {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowExecution
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) GetWorkflowType() *v1.WorkflowType {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowType
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) GetInitiatedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.InitiatedEventId
return 0
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) GetStartedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.StartedEventId
return 0
type ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes struct {
Namespace string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=namespace,proto3" json:"namespace,omitempty"`
WorkflowExecution *v1.WorkflowExecution `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=workflow_execution,json=workflowExecution,proto3" json:"workflow_execution,omitempty"`
WorkflowType *v1.WorkflowType `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=workflow_type,json=workflowType,proto3" json:"workflow_type,omitempty"`
InitiatedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=initiated_event_id,json=initiatedEventId,proto3" json:"initiated_event_id,omitempty"`
StartedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=started_event_id,json=startedEventId,proto3" json:"started_event_id,omitempty"`
RetryState v12.RetryState `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=retry_state,json=retryState,proto3,enum=temporal.api.enums.v1.RetryState" json:"retry_state,omitempty"`
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes{}
func (*ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{38}
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) GetNamespace() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Namespace
return ""
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) GetWorkflowExecution() *v1.WorkflowExecution {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowExecution
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) GetWorkflowType() *v1.WorkflowType {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowType
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) GetInitiatedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.InitiatedEventId
return 0
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) GetStartedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.StartedEventId
return 0
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) GetRetryState() v12.RetryState {
if m != nil {
return m.RetryState
type ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes struct {
Namespace string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=namespace,proto3" json:"namespace,omitempty"`
WorkflowExecution *v1.WorkflowExecution `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=workflow_execution,json=workflowExecution,proto3" json:"workflow_execution,omitempty"`
WorkflowType *v1.WorkflowType `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=workflow_type,json=workflowType,proto3" json:"workflow_type,omitempty"`
InitiatedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=initiated_event_id,json=initiatedEventId,proto3" json:"initiated_event_id,omitempty"`
StartedEventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=started_event_id,json=startedEventId,proto3" json:"started_event_id,omitempty"`
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) Reset() {
*m = ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes{}
func (*ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{39}
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes.Merge(m, src)
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) GetNamespace() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Namespace
return ""
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowExecution() *v1.WorkflowExecution {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowExecution
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) GetWorkflowType() *v1.WorkflowType {
if m != nil {
return m.WorkflowType
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) GetInitiatedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.InitiatedEventId
return 0
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) GetStartedEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.StartedEventId
return 0
type HistoryEvent struct {
EventId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=event_id,json=eventId,proto3" json:"event_id,omitempty"`
EventTime *time.Time `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=event_time,json=eventTime,proto3,stdtime" json:"event_time,omitempty"`
EventType v12.EventType `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=event_type,json=eventType,proto3,enum=temporal.api.enums.v1.EventType" json:"event_type,omitempty"`
Version int64 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=version,proto3" json:"version,omitempty"`
TaskId int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=task_id,json=taskId,proto3" json:"task_id,omitempty"`
// Types that are valid to be assigned to Attributes:
// *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_TimerStartedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_TimerFiredEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_TimerCanceledEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_MarkerRecordedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes
// *HistoryEvent_UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes
Attributes isHistoryEvent_Attributes `protobuf_oneof:"attributes"`
func (m *HistoryEvent) Reset() { *m = HistoryEvent{} }
func (*HistoryEvent) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*HistoryEvent) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{40}
func (m *HistoryEvent) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *HistoryEvent) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_HistoryEvent.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_HistoryEvent.Merge(m, src)
func (m *HistoryEvent) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *HistoryEvent) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_HistoryEvent proto.InternalMessageInfo
type isHistoryEvent_Attributes interface {
Equal(interface{}) bool
MarshalTo([]byte) (int, error)
Size() int
type HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes struct {
WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=workflow_execution_started_event_attributes,json=workflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"workflow_execution_started_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes struct {
WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes *WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=workflow_execution_completed_event_attributes,json=workflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"workflow_execution_completed_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes struct {
WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=workflow_execution_failed_event_attributes,json=workflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"workflow_execution_failed_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes struct {
WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes *WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=workflow_execution_timed_out_event_attributes,json=workflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"workflow_execution_timed_out_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes struct {
WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes *WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,10,opt,name=workflow_task_scheduled_event_attributes,json=workflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"workflow_task_scheduled_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes struct {
WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes *WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,11,opt,name=workflow_task_started_event_attributes,json=workflowTaskStartedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"workflow_task_started_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes struct {
WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,12,opt,name=workflow_task_completed_event_attributes,json=workflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"workflow_task_completed_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes struct {
WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes *WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,13,opt,name=workflow_task_timed_out_event_attributes,json=workflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"workflow_task_timed_out_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes struct {
WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,14,opt,name=workflow_task_failed_event_attributes,json=workflowTaskFailedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"workflow_task_failed_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes struct {
ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,15,opt,name=activity_task_scheduled_event_attributes,json=activityTaskScheduledEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"activity_task_scheduled_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes struct {
ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,16,opt,name=activity_task_started_event_attributes,json=activityTaskStartedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"activity_task_started_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes struct {
ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,17,opt,name=activity_task_completed_event_attributes,json=activityTaskCompletedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"activity_task_completed_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes struct {
ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,18,opt,name=activity_task_failed_event_attributes,json=activityTaskFailedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"activity_task_failed_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes struct {
ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,19,opt,name=activity_task_timed_out_event_attributes,json=activityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"activity_task_timed_out_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_TimerStartedEventAttributes struct {
TimerStartedEventAttributes *TimerStartedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,20,opt,name=timer_started_event_attributes,json=timerStartedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"timer_started_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_TimerFiredEventAttributes struct {
TimerFiredEventAttributes *TimerFiredEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,21,opt,name=timer_fired_event_attributes,json=timerFiredEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"timer_fired_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes struct {
ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes *ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,22,opt,name=activity_task_cancel_requested_event_attributes,json=activityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"activity_task_cancel_requested_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes struct {
ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,23,opt,name=activity_task_canceled_event_attributes,json=activityTaskCanceledEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"activity_task_canceled_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_TimerCanceledEventAttributes struct {
TimerCanceledEventAttributes *TimerCanceledEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,24,opt,name=timer_canceled_event_attributes,json=timerCanceledEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"timer_canceled_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_MarkerRecordedEventAttributes struct {
MarkerRecordedEventAttributes *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,25,opt,name=marker_recorded_event_attributes,json=markerRecordedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"marker_recorded_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes struct {
WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,26,opt,name=workflow_execution_signaled_event_attributes,json=workflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"workflow_execution_signaled_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes struct {
WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes *WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,27,opt,name=workflow_execution_terminated_event_attributes,json=workflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"workflow_execution_terminated_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes struct {
WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,28,opt,name=workflow_execution_cancel_requested_event_attributes,json=workflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"workflow_execution_cancel_requested_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes struct {
WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes *WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,29,opt,name=workflow_execution_canceled_event_attributes,json=workflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"workflow_execution_canceled_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes struct {
RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,30,opt,name=request_cancel_external_workflow_execution_initiated_event_attributes,json=requestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"request_cancel_external_workflow_execution_initiated_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes struct {
RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,31,opt,name=request_cancel_external_workflow_execution_failed_event_attributes,json=requestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"request_cancel_external_workflow_execution_failed_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes struct {
ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes *ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,32,opt,name=external_workflow_execution_cancel_requested_event_attributes,json=externalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"external_workflow_execution_cancel_requested_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes struct {
WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,33,opt,name=workflow_execution_continued_as_new_event_attributes,json=workflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"workflow_execution_continued_as_new_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes struct {
StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,34,opt,name=start_child_workflow_execution_initiated_event_attributes,json=startChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"start_child_workflow_execution_initiated_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes struct {
StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,35,opt,name=start_child_workflow_execution_failed_event_attributes,json=startChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"start_child_workflow_execution_failed_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes struct {
ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,36,opt,name=child_workflow_execution_started_event_attributes,json=childWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"child_workflow_execution_started_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes struct {
ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,37,opt,name=child_workflow_execution_completed_event_attributes,json=childWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"child_workflow_execution_completed_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes struct {
ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,38,opt,name=child_workflow_execution_failed_event_attributes,json=childWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"child_workflow_execution_failed_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes struct {
ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,39,opt,name=child_workflow_execution_canceled_event_attributes,json=childWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"child_workflow_execution_canceled_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes struct {
ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,40,opt,name=child_workflow_execution_timed_out_event_attributes,json=childWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"child_workflow_execution_timed_out_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes struct {
ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,41,opt,name=child_workflow_execution_terminated_event_attributes,json=childWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"child_workflow_execution_terminated_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes struct {
SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,42,opt,name=signal_external_workflow_execution_initiated_event_attributes,json=signalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"signal_external_workflow_execution_initiated_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes struct {
SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,43,opt,name=signal_external_workflow_execution_failed_event_attributes,json=signalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"signal_external_workflow_execution_failed_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes struct {
ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,44,opt,name=external_workflow_execution_signaled_event_attributes,json=externalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"external_workflow_execution_signaled_event_attributes,omitempty"`
type HistoryEvent_UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes struct {
UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes *UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,45,opt,name=upsert_workflow_search_attributes_event_attributes,json=upsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes,proto3,oneof" json:"upsert_workflow_search_attributes_event_attributes,omitempty"`
func (*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_TimerStartedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_TimerFiredEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_TimerCanceledEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {
func (*HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {
func (*HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {
func (*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {
func (*HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {
func (*HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {
func (*HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (*HistoryEvent_UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) isHistoryEvent_Attributes() {}
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetAttributes() isHistoryEvent_Attributes {
if m != nil {
return m.Attributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetEventId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.EventId
return 0
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetEventTime() *time.Time {
if m != nil {
return m.EventTime
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetEventType() v12.EventType {
if m != nil {
return m.EventType
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetVersion() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.Version
return 0
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetTaskId() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.TaskId
return 0
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes() *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes() *WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes() *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes() *WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes); ok {
return x.WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetWorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes() *WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes); ok {
return x.WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetWorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes() *WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetWorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes() *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetWorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes() *WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes); ok {
return x.WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetWorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes() *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes() *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes); ok {
return x.ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes() *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes() *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes() *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes() *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes); ok {
return x.ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetTimerStartedEventAttributes() *TimerStartedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_TimerStartedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.TimerStartedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetTimerFiredEventAttributes() *TimerFiredEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_TimerFiredEventAttributes); ok {
return x.TimerFiredEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes() *ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes() *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes); ok {
return x.ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetTimerCanceledEventAttributes() *TimerCanceledEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_TimerCanceledEventAttributes); ok {
return x.TimerCanceledEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetMarkerRecordedEventAttributes() *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_MarkerRecordedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.MarkerRecordedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes() *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes); ok {
return x.WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes() *WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes() *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes() *WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes); ok {
return x.WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetRequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes() *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetRequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes() *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes() *ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetWorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes() *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes); ok {
return x.WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetStartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes() *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetStartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes() *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes() *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes() *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes() *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes() *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes); ok {
return x.ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes() *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes); ok {
return x.ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes() *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetSignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes() *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetSignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes() *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes); ok {
return x.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes() *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes); ok {
return x.ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) GetUpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes() *UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes {
if x, ok := m.GetAttributes().(*HistoryEvent_UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes); ok {
return x.UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes
return nil
// XXX_OneofWrappers is for the internal use of the proto package.
func (*HistoryEvent) XXX_OneofWrappers() []interface{} {
return []interface{}{
type History struct {
Events []*HistoryEvent `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=events,proto3" json:"events,omitempty"`
func (m *History) Reset() { *m = History{} }
func (*History) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*History) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0, []int{41}
func (m *History) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *History) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_History.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *History) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_History.Merge(m, src)
func (m *History) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *History) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_History proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *History) GetEvents() []*HistoryEvent {
if m != nil {
return m.Events
return nil
func init() {
proto.RegisterType((*WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*TimerStartedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.TimerStartedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*TimerFiredEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.TimerFiredEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*TimerCanceledEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.TimerCanceledEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*MarkerRecordedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.MarkerRecordedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterMapType((map[string]*v1.Payloads)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.MarkerRecordedEventAttributes.DetailsEntry")
proto.RegisterType((*WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes")
proto.RegisterType((*HistoryEvent)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.HistoryEvent")
proto.RegisterType((*History)(nil), "temporal.api.history.v1.History")
func init() {
proto.RegisterFile("temporal/api/history/v1/message.proto", fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0)
var fileDescriptor_1c66159704ad8ab0 = []byte{
// 3856 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0xec, 0x3c, 0x5b, 0x6c, 0x1b, 0xd7,
0x95, 0xbc, 0x24, 0xf5, 0x3a, 0x92, 0x65, 0x69, 0x6c, 0xcb, 0x94, 0x6c, 0xd3, 0xf2, 0xf8, 0x25,
0xdb, 0x32, 0xe5, 0x57, 0xec, 0x44, 0x5e, 0x27, 0x2b, 0xc9, 0xf2, 0x52, 0xd8, 0x38, 0x71, 0xc6,
0x8a, 0x1d, 0x04, 0x9b, 0xe5, 0x8e, 0xc9, 0x2b, 0x79, 0x20, 0x92, 0xc3, 0xcc, 0x0c, 0xc5, 0x08,
0x0b, 0x2c, 0x76, 0x3f, 0x36, 0x7f, 0x09, 0x92, 0x45, 0x82, 0xec, 0x47, 0xd3, 0x36, 0x6d, 0x51,
0xb4, 0x01, 0x1a, 0x14, 0x68, 0xd1, 0x22, 0x40, 0xdb, 0x9f, 0x16, 0x6d, 0x5a, 0x14, 0x45, 0x5a,
0x04, 0x48, 0x80, 0x02, 0x4d, 0xe3, 0xfc, 0x04, 0x45, 0x3f, 0x82, 0xfe, 0x17, 0x28, 0xee, 0xbd,
0x33, 0xc3, 0x79, 0xdd, 0x79, 0x90, 0x14, 0x9c, 0xa2, 0xfe, 0xe3, 0xdc, 0xb9, 0xf7, 0xdc, 0x73,
0xce, 0x3d, 0xcf, 0x7b, 0xce, 0x10, 0x8e, 0x1a, 0xb8, 0xd6, 0x50, 0x35, 0xb9, 0x3a, 0x27, 0x37,
0x94, 0xb9, 0xbb, 0x8a, 0x6e, 0xa8, 0xda, 0xd6, 0xdc, 0xe6, 0xd9, 0xb9, 0x1a, 0xd6, 0x75, 0x79,
0x1d, 0x17, 0x1a, 0x9a, 0x6a, 0xa8, 0xc2, 0x5e, 0x6b, 0x5a, 0x41, 0x6e, 0x28, 0x05, 0x73, 0x5a,
0x61, 0xf3, 0xec, 0x54, 0x7e, 0x5d, 0x55, 0xd7, 0xab, 0x78, 0x8e, 0x4e, 0xbb, 0xd3, 0x5c, 0x9b,
0xab, 0x34, 0x35, 0xd9, 0x50, 0xd4, 0x3a, 0x5b, 0x38, 0x75, 0xd0, 0xfb, 0xde, 0x50, 0x6a, 0x58,
0x37, 0xe4, 0x5a, 0xc3, 0x9c, 0x70, 0xa8, 0x82, 0x1b, 0xb8, 0x5e, 0xc1, 0xf5, 0xb2, 0x82, 0xf5,
0xb9, 0x75, 0x75, 0x5d, 0xa5, 0xe3, 0xf4, 0x97, 0x39, 0xe5, 0x98, 0x0b, 0x47, 0x5c, 0x6f, 0xd6,
0x74, 0x82, 0x21, 0xde, 0xc4, 0x75, 0xa3, 0x64, 0x6c, 0x35, 0x4c, 0x24, 0xa7, 0x66, 0x82, 0xe7,
0xad, 0xc9, 0x4a, 0x15, 0x57, 0x4a, 0x65, 0xb9, 0xa9, 0x5b, 0x33, 0x8f, 0x04, 0xcf, 0x6c, 0xa9,
0xda, 0xc6, 0x5a, 0x55, 0x6d, 0x05, 0xce, 0x2a, 0xab, 0xb5, 0x9a, 0x5a, 0xf7, 0xb1, 0x66, 0xca,
0xcd, 0x41, 0xb2, 0x59, 0x53, 0xc3, 0xfe, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x22, 0xac, 0x9d, 0xfc, 0xf3, 0x8e, 0xbb,
0xe6, 0x19, 0xb2, 0xbe, 0xf1, 0x7c, 0x13, 0x37, 0xfd, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x17, 0x47, 0xe1, 0xf8, 0x6d,
0x13, 0xcc, 0xf2, 0x0b, 0xb8, 0xdc, 0x24, 0x5c, 0xbf, 0x69, 0xc8, 0x9a, 0x81, 0x2b, 0xcb, 0x84,
0x35, 0x0b, 0x86, 0xa1, 0x29, 0x77, 0x9a, 0x06, 0xd6, 0x85, 0x15, 0xd8, 0x61, 0xed, 0x48, 0x19,
0x96, 0x43, 0xd3, 0x68, 0x66, 0xf8, 0xdc, 0x91, 0x82, 0xeb, 0x58, 0x19, 0x85, 0x85, 0xcd, 0xb3,
0x05, 0x0b, 0xee, 0xea, 0x56, 0x03, 0x4b, 0x23, 0x2d, 0xc7, 0x93, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x93, 0x0d, 0x59,
0x23, 0x9c, 0xb7, 0x21, 0xd6, 0xe5, 0x1a, 0xd6, 0x1b, 0x72, 0x19, 0xe7, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0x68, 0x66,
0x48, 0xda, 0xcb, 0x26, 0x58, 0x40, 0x9e, 0xb0, 0x5e, 0x0b, 0xd8, 0xbf, 0x16, 0x5b, 0x98, 0xe7,
0x32, 0x14, 0xa5, 0x13, 0x51, 0x28, 0xd9, 0xa4, 0x7a, 0xb7, 0xb1, 0x5f, 0x08, 0x8f, 0xd8, 0xdb,
0x28, 0x75, 0xc5, 0x50, 0x64, 0x03, 0x57, 0x4a, 0x4c, 0x58, 0x94, 0x4a, 0x2e, 0x3b, 0x8d, 0x66,
0x32, 0xd2, 0x04, 0x9b, 0xb0, 0x62, 0xbd, 0xa7, 0x0c, 0x5b, 0xa9, 0x08, 0x4b, 0x00, 0x84, 0xe5,
0x25, 0xca, 0xf3, 0x5c, 0x5f, 0x10, 0x97, 0xec, 0x23, 0x21, 0x58, 0xad, 0xca, 0xfa, 0xc6, 0x53,
0xe4, 0x41, 0x1a, 0x32, 0xac, 0x9f, 0xc2, 0x45, 0xe8, 0x53, 0xea, 0x8d, 0xa6, 0x91, 0xeb, 0xa7,
0xeb, 0xa7, 0x79, 0x24, 0xdd, 0x90, 0xb7, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0x5c, 0xd1, 0x25, 0x36, 0x5d, 0x78, 0x0e,
0xa6, 0xfc, 0x7c, 0x29, 0x11, 0x85, 0x51, 0x9b, 0x46, 0x6e, 0x80, 0x02, 0x9b, 0x2c, 0x30, 0x85,
0x2a, 0x58, 0x0a, 0x55, 0xb8, 0x6a, 0x2a, 0xdc, 0x62, 0xf6, 0xff, 0x3f, 0x3e, 0x88, 0xa4, 0x5c,
0xcb, 0xcb, 0x8f, 0x55, 0x06, 0x40, 0x78, 0x0a, 0x76, 0xdb, 0xe0, 0xb5, 0x66, 0x1b, 0xf0, 0x60,
0x3c, 0xc0, 0x82, 0xb5, 0x58, 0x6a, 0xda, 0x20, 0x6f, 0xc2, 0x9e, 0xb6, 0x5c, 0x11, 0xbe, 0x59,
0x30, 0x87, 0xe2, 0xc1, 0xdc, 0x65, 0x8b, 0x96, 0xac, 0x6f, 0x58, 0x40, 0x2f, 0xc3, 0x54, 0x59,
0xad, 0x1b, 0x4a, 0xbd, 0x49, 0xce, 0xcd, 0xe6, 0x03, 0x41, 0x59, 0xa9, 0xe4, 0x80, 0x89, 0x98,
0x3d, 0xa3, 0x2d, 0x0f, 0xcd, 0xfa, 0x4a, 0x45, 0xf8, 0x57, 0x18, 0x32, 0x0f, 0x5d, 0xd5, 0x72,
0xc3, 0xd3, 0x68, 0x66, 0xf4, 0xdc, 0x69, 0x37, 0xff, 0xa9, 0xb6, 0x13, 0xf6, 0x2f, 0x99, 0x20,
0x16, 0xf4, 0x27, 0x70, 0x6b, 0xc5, 0x5a, 0x24, 0xb5, 0xd7, 0x0b, 0xd7, 0x61, 0xbc, 0x8d, 0x89,
0xa9, 0xd9, 0xb9, 0x91, 0xa0, 0x43, 0x35, 0x5f, 0x12, 0xb0, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0x4f, 0x69, 0xcc, 0x5e,
0x6a, 0x8e, 0x08, 0xb7, 0x60, 0xa2, 0x2a, 0xeb, 0x46, 0xa9, 0xac, 0xd6, 0x1a, 0x55, 0xcc, 0x88,
0xc2, 0x7a, 0xb3, 0x6a, 0xe4, 0x76, 0xc4, 0x14, 0x94, 0xdd, 0x64, 0xfd, 0x92, 0xbd, 0x5c, 0xa2,
0xab, 0x89, 0xbc, 0xab, 0x9a, 0xb2, 0xae, 0xd4, 0xe5, 0xaa, 0x9f, 0x5f, 0xa3, 0x94, 0x5f, 0x13,
0xd6, 0x04, 0x0f, 0xbb, 0xa6, 0x60, 0x50, 0xa9, 0xe0, 0xba, 0xa1, 0x18, 0x5b, 0xb9, 0x9d, 0x74,
0xa6, 0xfd, 0x2c, 0x9c, 0x87, 0x89, 0x35, 0x45, 0xd3, 0x0d, 0x3f, 0xcc, 0x31, 0x3a, 0x73, 0x17,
0x7d, 0xeb, 0x01, 0x78, 0x0d, 0x46, 0x34, 0x6c, 0x68, 0x5b, 0xa5, 0x86, 0x5a, 0x55, 0xca, 0x5b,
0xb9, 0x71, 0x4a, 0xd9, 0x61, 0x1e, 0x65, 0x12, 0x99, 0x7b, 0x83, 0x4e, 0x95, 0x86, 0xb5, 0xf6,
0x83, 0x90, 0x83, 0x01, 0xd9, 0x20, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x9c, 0x30, 0x8d, 0x66, 0xfa, 0x24, 0xeb, 0x51,
0xa8, 0x81, 0x18, 0xa0, 0x25, 0xf8, 0x85, 0x86, 0xc2, 0x44, 0x8b, 0xca, 0x60, 0x6e, 0x17, 0xdd,
0x77, 0xca, 0x27, 0x80, 0xab, 0x96, 0xfb, 0x59, 0xcc, 0xbe, 0x42, 0x24, 0xf0, 0xa0, 0x4f, 0x5d,
0x96, 0x6d, 0x48, 0x64, 0xae, 0x70, 0x18, 0x76, 0x94, 0x35, 0xb5, 0x5e, 0xd2, 0xcb, 0x77, 0x71,
0xa5, 0x59, 0xc5, 0xb9, 0xdd, 0x94, 0xf8, 0x11, 0x32, 0x78, 0xd3, 0x1c, 0x13, 0xfe, 0x1d, 0xf6,
0x31, 0x56, 0xb9, 0xb5, 0xe1, 0x8e, 0x5c, 0xde, 0x50, 0xd7, 0xd6, 0x72, 0x7b, 0x62, 0xaa, 0x2e,
0x85, 0x71, 0xdb, 0xa1, 0x12, 0x8b, 0x0c, 0x80, 0x70, 0x06, 0xb2, 0x35, 0x5c, 0x53, 0x73, 0x13,
0x14, 0xd0, 0x7e, 0x1e, 0x37, 0xaf, 0xe3, 0x9a, 0x2a, 0xd1, 0x99, 0xc2, 0xd3, 0x30, 0xae, 0x63,
0x59, 0x2b, 0xdf, 0x2d, 0xc9, 0xb6, 0x1b, 0xc8, 0xed, 0xa5, 0xcb, 0x67, 0x78, 0xcb, 0x6f, 0xd2,
0x05, 0x6d, 0xb7, 0x21, 0x8d, 0xe9, 0x9e, 0x11, 0xe1, 0x59, 0x98, 0x68, 0x68, 0x78, 0xb3, 0x24,
0x37, 0x0d, 0x95, 0x08, 0x2f, 0x36, 0x4a, 0x0d, 0x55, 0xa9, 0x1b, 0x7a, 0x2e, 0x47, 0x61, 0x1f,
0x75, 0xc3, 0xb6, 0x1d, 0x2a, 0x3d, 0x6a, 0x1d, 0x1b, 0x37, 0xe8, 0x64, 0x69, 0x17, 0x01, 0xb2,
0xd0, 0x34, 0x54, 0xc7, 0xa0, 0x70, 0x11, 0xfa, 0xef, 0x62, 0xb9, 0x82, 0xb5, 0xdc, 0x24, 0x85,
0x95, 0xe7, 0xe1, 0x59, 0xa4, 0xb3, 0x24, 0x73, 0xb6, 0xf8, 0x07, 0x04, 0x27, 0x7c, 0x4e, 0xc0,
0x54, 0x12, 0xbf, 0x2b, 0x7c, 0x18, 0xfa, 0x4d, 0xa5, 0x43, 0x31, 0x95, 0xce, 0x9c, 0x2f, 0x5c,
0x83, 0x69, 0xf7, 0xf1, 0x96, 0xad, 0x3d, 0xda, 0xde, 0x25, 0x4d, 0xbd, 0xcb, 0x7e, 0xa7, 0x59,
0x73, 0x63, 0xb2, 0x52, 0x11, 0xe6, 0x60, 0x77, 0x1d, 0xb7, 0xfc, 0x5a, 0x95, 0xa1, 0x82, 0x35,
0x5e, 0xc7, 0x2d, 0xb7, 0x4e, 0x89, 0x6f, 0xa5, 0xe1, 0x98, 0x8f, 0xc0, 0x6b, 0x34, 0xaa, 0xf1,
0x52, 0x37, 0x0f, 0x03, 0x96, 0x9d, 0x42, 0x31, 0xed, 0x94, 0xb5, 0x40, 0x58, 0x04, 0xa6, 0x81,
0x25, 0xdd, 0x90, 0x0d, 0xe6, 0xcb, 0x47, 0xcf, 0x1d, 0xe2, 0x18, 0x4f, 0xaa, 0xb8, 0x37, 0xc9,
0x44, 0x09, 0x34, 0xfb, 0x77, 0x2c, 0x1e, 0x65, 0xba, 0xe0, 0x51, 0x96, 0xc7, 0xa3, 0xaf, 0x20,
0x98, 0xb9, 0x1d, 0xe4, 0xf9, 0x2a, 0x4f, 0x36, 0x0d, 0x2f, 0x97, 0x3c, 0x94, 0xa2, 0x4e, 0x28,
0xe5, 0x61, 0x98, 0xe6, 0x61, 0xf8, 0x7f, 0x83, 0x50, 0x08, 0x10, 0x53, 0xd3, 0x47, 0x50, 0x27,
0xe4, 0xc5, 0x93, 0xb7, 0x07, 0xe2, 0xec, 0xe1, 0x8f, 0xf3, 0xd2, 0x1d, 0xc7, 0x79, 0xee, 0x48,
0x28, 0xd3, 0x65, 0x24, 0x94, 0x4d, 0x16, 0x09, 0xf1, 0x42, 0x95, 0xbe, 0x6d, 0x08, 0x55, 0xfa,
0xbb, 0x08, 0x55, 0xe2, 0x88, 0xfb, 0x40, 0x0c, 0x71, 0x7f, 0x1a, 0x26, 0x4c, 0x5f, 0x41, 0x44,
0x52, 0x23, 0x81, 0xab, 0x81, 0xb5, 0x4d, 0xb9, 0x1a, 0x37, 0x38, 0xdb, 0x6d, 0x2e, 0xa7, 0xf1,
0xff, 0x8a, 0xb9, 0xd8, 0x1d, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x75, 0x19, 0x0c, 0x39, 0x4c, 0x0b, 0x24, 0x35, 0x2d,
0xfc, 0xc8, 0x67, 0xb8, 0xab, 0xc8, 0xa7, 0xed, 0x32, 0x46, 0x92, 0xb8, 0x0c, 0xdb, 0x9f, 0xee,
0xe8, 0xce, 0x9f, 0x8e, 0x76, 0xeb, 0x4f, 0xc5, 0xdf, 0x23, 0x38, 0xe2, 0x74, 0xf8, 0x56, 0x44,
0xe1, 0x33, 0xec, 0x6e, 0x75, 0x44, 0x9d, 0xa9, 0xe3, 0x2a, 0x4c, 0x30, 0xf1, 0x32, 0xd4, 0x52,
0xb9, 0xaa, 0xea, 0xd8, 0x56, 0x82, 0x74, 0x4c, 0x25, 0xa0, 0xcb, 0x57, 0xd5, 0x25, 0xb2, 0xd8,
0x52, 0x02, 0x47, 0xa8, 0x96, 0x71, 0x85, 0x6a, 0xe2, 0x4b, 0x08, 0x44, 0x17, 0x75, 0xc1, 0xd9,
0xe9, 0x2c, 0x08, 0x56, 0x74, 0xe5, 0xd0, 0x1b, 0x44, 0xf5, 0x66, 0x4c, 0x77, 0x71, 0xc4, 0x13,
0xb2, 0xa6, 0x3d, 0x21, 0xeb, 0x01, 0x00, 0x0d, 0x3f, 0xdf, 0xc4, 0xba, 0xd1, 0x76, 0xa8, 0x43,
0xe6, 0xc8, 0x4a, 0x45, 0xfc, 0xa9, 0x87, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0x20, 0x21, 0x19, 0x46, 0x33, 0x30, 0xa6,
0x33, 0xca, 0xbc, 0x81, 0xc0, 0xa8, 0xee, 0xa0, 0xd8, 0x83, 0x7b, 0xc6, 0x83, 0xfb, 0x71, 0xd8,
0x79, 0x47, 0xa9, 0xcb, 0xda, 0x56, 0xa9, 0x7c, 0x17, 0x97, 0x37, 0xf4, 0x66, 0xcd, 0xf4, 0x76,
0xa3, 0x6c, 0x78, 0xc9, 0x1c, 0x15, 0x7f, 0x86, 0xe0, 0xf0, 0x6d, 0x8f, 0x31, 0x0a, 0xf2, 0x72,
0xdb, 0x45, 0xc4, 0x32, 0x8c, 0x98, 0x62, 0xc3, 0x7c, 0x4c, 0x86, 0x1a, 0x16, 0x91, 0x63, 0x58,
0x4c, 0x29, 0xa1, 0x1e, 0x66, 0xd8, 0x68, 0x3f, 0x88, 0xef, 0x64, 0xe0, 0x90, 0x93, 0x8c, 0xe0,
0x80, 0x66, 0xbb, 0x88, 0xb8, 0x0a, 0x7d, 0xf4, 0x42, 0xc8, 0xc4, 0xbe, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xde, 0x8f,
0xe0, 0x12, 0x59, 0x25, 0xb1, 0xc5, 0x4e, 0x9b, 0x98, 0x4d, 0x6a, 0x13, 0x9d, 0xb2, 0xd0, 0xe7,
0x91, 0x85, 0x3c, 0x0c, 0xdf, 0x91, 0x75, 0x6c, 0xf9, 0xfb, 0x7e, 0x26, 0xc8, 0x64, 0x88, 0xf9,
0xf9, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x24, 0x30, 0x30, 0x5f, 0x0f, 0xb0, 0xd5, 0x75, 0xdc, 0x62, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x41,
0x58, 0x53, 0xb5, 0x0d, 0x93, 0x05, 0x9b, 0x58, 0xd3, 0x15, 0xb5, 0x4e, 0x3d, 0x49, 0x46, 0x1a,
0x23, 0x6f, 0x28, 0x13, 0x6e, 0xb1, 0xf1, 0x20, 0xb9, 0x1b, 0x0a, 0x94, 0xbb, 0xdf, 0xf6, 0xc3,
0x91, 0x85, 0xb2, 0xa1, 0x6c, 0x2a, 0xc6, 0x56, 0xa8, 0xad, 0x3a, 0x08, 0xc3, 0xb2, 0x39, 0xaf,
0x1d, 0xad, 0x80, 0x35, 0xc4, 0xc2, 0x14, 0x7b, 0x42, 0x9c, 0x30, 0xc5, 0xde, 0x95, 0x86, 0x29,
0xb2, 0xe3, 0x49, 0xd8, 0x0f, 0x43, 0xed, 0xeb, 0x27, 0x53, 0xe1, 0xed, 0x01, 0x8f, 0xd5, 0xcc,
0x76, 0x1a, 0xc4, 0x58, 0x4e, 0xa6, 0x2f, 0x91, 0x93, 0xe9, 0xf4, 0x1a, 0xe8, 0x59, 0x98, 0xb4,
0x04, 0xdb, 0x6f, 0xa8, 0x63, 0xde, 0x02, 0x4d, 0x58, 0x10, 0x3c, 0xb6, 0xda, 0x03, 0xdb, 0xf4,
0x06, 0xc9, 0x2e, 0x82, 0x1c, 0xb0, 0xa9, 0x41, 0xb7, 0x60, 0xf3, 0xbd, 0xcb, 0x50, 0x17, 0xde,
0xe5, 0x71, 0x18, 0xbf, 0x8b, 0x65, 0xcd, 0xb8, 0x83, 0xe5, 0x36, 0xa6, 0x10, 0x0f, 0xe0, 0x98,
0xbd, 0x32, 0x49, 0xc0, 0x36, 0x1c, 0x23, 0x60, 0xf3, 0x5e, 0x73, 0x8c, 0x74, 0x76, 0xcd, 0x21,
0xfe, 0x19, 0x81, 0xe8, 0xd2, 0xa9, 0xfb, 0xeb, 0x21, 0x9d, 0xbe, 0x3c, 0xeb, 0xbe, 0x76, 0x59,
0x82, 0x11, 0x1a, 0xc2, 0x59, 0xf6, 0xae, 0x2f, 0xa6, 0xbd, 0x1b, 0x26, 0xab, 0xcc, 0x07, 0xf1,
0x03, 0xe4, 0x36, 0x21, 0xdb, 0x90, 0xa5, 0x07, 0xb3, 0x2a, 0x9d, 0xc0, 0x61, 0x64, 0x22, 0x5d,
0x77, 0xd6, 0xcd, 0x54, 0xf1, 0x8d, 0x34, 0x1c, 0x72, 0x92, 0xd5, 0xfb, 0xdc, 0xfc, 0x3e, 0x50,
0xe5, 0xcd, 0x92, 0xfb, 0x3a, 0xc8, 0x92, 0xc5, 0xbf, 0x22, 0x38, 0xec, 0xe4, 0x0c, 0x2f, 0x56,
0xf9, 0x22, 0xf2, 0xc6, 0x43, 0x7f, 0xb6, 0x13, 0xfa, 0xbf, 0x86, 0xe0, 0xa4, 0x4b, 0xe0, 0xe5,
0x7a, 0x19, 0x57, 0x25, 0xa6, 0x6f, 0xdd, 0xea, 0x79, 0x8f, 0x2e, 0xa4, 0xc4, 0x37, 0xd3, 0xee,
0x43, 0x62, 0x48, 0x06, 0x0a, 0x70, 0x05, 0x1b, 0xb2, 0x52, 0xd5, 0x63, 0x6b, 0xa5, 0xb5, 0x80,
0xe0, 0x5a, 0x95, 0x0d, 0x62, 0x76, 0xca, 0x14, 0x7a, 0x49, 0xb3, 0x78, 0xe0, 0xc3, 0x95, 0xcd,
0x0b, 0xe2, 0x14, 0x8b, 0x6d, 0x02, 0x38, 0x94, 0x49, 0x70, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0x48, 0x45, 0xf0, 0x44,
0x63, 0xc4, 0x6a, 0xed, 0x23, 0x82, 0xab, 0x71, 0xac, 0xf3, 0x24, 0x0c, 0x12, 0xc7, 0xa4, 0xb5,
0x83, 0x9d, 0x01, 0xfa, 0xbc, 0x52, 0x11, 0x24, 0xd8, 0x63, 0xfb, 0xc4, 0x35, 0x45, 0x4b, 0x9c,
0x70, 0x09, 0xa6, 0x4b, 0xbc, 0xa6, 0x68, 0x38, 0x89, 0x0f, 0x8b, 0x71, 0xc7, 0x26, 0xfe, 0x07,
0x4c, 0x52, 0xaa, 0x08, 0xec, 0x24, 0x34, 0xc5, 0x0e, 0xb2, 0xc5, 0x5f, 0x20, 0xd8, 0x4f, 0xb7,
0xe0, 0x49, 0x54, 0x2f, 0x76, 0xe9, 0xd9, 0x9d, 0x63, 0x98, 0x85, 0x7f, 0x29, 0x0d, 0x73, 0xfe,
0xcb, 0xbb, 0x70, 0x65, 0xde, 0x6d, 0xa5, 0x18, 0x8c, 0x32, 0x33, 0x65, 0xb8, 0x02, 0xfb, 0xf0,
0x0b, 0x06, 0xd6, 0xea, 0x72, 0x35, 0xa8, 0x3c, 0xc9, 0x48, 0xcc, 0x59, 0x53, 0x7c, 0x05, 0x4a,
0xc5, 0xb1, 0xbc, 0x17, 0x45, 0xd4, 0x49, 0x0b, 0x9a, 0xbf, 0x8c, 0x1a, 0xc6, 0x8f, 0x77, 0x82,
0xae, 0x5b, 0x79, 0xa7, 0x1c, 0xe7, 0x80, 0x50, 0x8c, 0x03, 0x72, 0xd8, 0x9f, 0x74, 0x42, 0xfb,
0x23, 0xbe, 0x9b, 0x81, 0x03, 0xd7, 0x65, 0x6d, 0x03, 0x6b, 0x12, 0x2e, 0xab, 0x5a, 0x25, 0x30,
0x6b, 0xa9, 0xd1, 0x09, 0xb4, 0x9e, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x2d, 0x6c, 0xe8, 0x09, 0xb9, 0x86, 0x85, 0xe7,
0x9c, 0xdb, 0x67, 0x66, 0x86, 0xcf, 0x2d, 0x15, 0x38, 0x5d, 0x11, 0x85, 0xd0, 0x9d, 0x0a, 0x57,
0x19, 0x94, 0xe5, 0xba, 0xa1, 0x6d, 0xb9, 0x2c, 0x64, 0x4f, 0xc4, 0xb8, 0x9d, 0xae, 0x64, 0x13,
0xa5, 0x2b, 0x0e, 0x17, 0xdc, 0x97, 0xd0, 0x05, 0x4f, 0xfd, 0x1b, 0x8c, 0x38, 0x89, 0x12, 0xc6,
0x20, 0xb3, 0x81, 0xb7, 0x4c, 0x1e, 0x92, 0x9f, 0x24, 0x19, 0xda, 0x94, 0xab, 0x4d, 0x1c, 0xfb,
0xe4, 0xd8, 0xf4, 0xf9, 0xf4, 0xc3, 0x48, 0xfc, 0x30, 0x48, 0xd8, 0x6e, 0x2a, 0xeb, 0x75, 0x39,
0x38, 0xf9, 0xd4, 0xe9, 0x2b, 0xd7, 0x31, 0xb2, 0x21, 0x7a, 0x8c, 0x76, 0x5a, 0x96, 0x4e, 0x96,
0x96, 0x85, 0xdd, 0xdd, 0x74, 0xc8, 0x73, 0xf1, 0x4b, 0x08, 0x4e, 0xfa, 0xab, 0x16, 0x58, 0xab,
0x29, 0x75, 0x39, 0xc0, 0xa2, 0x4c, 0x90, 0xa8, 0x58, 0xd6, 0xd5, 0xba, 0x49, 0x96, 0xf9, 0xd4,
0x8d, 0x62, 0x84, 0x91, 0x25, 0xfe, 0x2a, 0x0d, 0x8f, 0x9a, 0xe6, 0x8d, 0xe9, 0xf6, 0x32, 0xcf,
0x58, 0xb8, 0xed, 0xd4, 0x36, 0xe8, 0xbe, 0x2b, 0xcf, 0x4f, 0x7b, 0xf3, 0xfc, 0x67, 0x40, 0xe8,
0x85, 0x31, 0x1c, 0xf7, 0x15, 0x83, 0x49, 0x42, 0x54, 0x56, 0xeb, 0x86, 0xa6, 0x56, 0x4d, 0x1b,
0x68, 0x3d, 0x0a, 0x05, 0xd8, 0x55, 0xbe, 0xab, 0x54, 0x2b, 0x6d, 0x33, 0xac, 0xd6, 0xab, 0x2c,
0x78, 0x18, 0x94, 0xc6, 0xe9, 0x2b, 0x6b, 0x87, 0x27, 0xeb, 0xd5, 0x2d, 0xf1, 0xcb, 0x19, 0xb8,
0x1c, 0x8f, 0x99, 0xc1, 0xe9, 0xc3, 0x6d, 0xa7, 0x3b, 0x19, 0x3d, 0xb7, 0xc0, 0xbb, 0xc8, 0x8f,
0x03, 0xdb, 0x75, 0x89, 0xd5, 0xab, 0xba, 0x66, 0xf8, 0x55, 0x4c, 0xf0, 0x11, 0x65, 0x7b, 0x70,
0x44, 0xb3, 0x20, 0x04, 0x38, 0xd2, 0x3e, 0x16, 0x12, 0x2a, 0x5e, 0x07, 0xea, 0x38, 0xd0, 0x7e,
0xd7, 0x81, 0x8a, 0x1f, 0x23, 0xb8, 0xc4, 0xe5, 0x5b, 0x74, 0xe0, 0x1e, 0x80, 0x03, 0xe2, 0xe0,
0x70, 0x9f, 0x84, 0x59, 0xfc, 0x20, 0x03, 0x97, 0x98, 0xdd, 0xfc, 0xc7, 0x53, 0x64, 0x8f, 0x5f,
0xc8, 0xf2, 0xfd, 0x42, 0x5f, 0x32, 0xbf, 0xc0, 0x15, 0x28, 0x9e, 0x85, 0x18, 0xe0, 0x58, 0x08,
0x87, 0x17, 0x19, 0x4c, 0xe4, 0x45, 0xde, 0xc8, 0xc0, 0x85, 0x88, 0x63, 0xed, 0xca, 0xa4, 0xc4,
0x82, 0xfd, 0xc0, 0xa4, 0x04, 0x98, 0x94, 0xbf, 0x20, 0x38, 0xc3, 0xe5, 0x1b, 0x2f, 0x82, 0xf9,
0xbb, 0xb0, 0x25, 0x7c, 0xc7, 0x28, 0xfe, 0x06, 0xc1, 0xe9, 0xa7, 0x1b, 0x3a, 0xd6, 0xec, 0x56,
0x26, 0x6f, 0x21, 0x74, 0xbb, 0x6c, 0x4b, 0x60, 0x91, 0x36, 0xdd, 0x75, 0x91, 0xf6, 0xb5, 0x21,
0x38, 0x4f, 0x53, 0xff, 0x25, 0xa7, 0xca, 0x46, 0x9b, 0x4c, 0xd7, 0xd1, 0x20, 0xef, 0xd1, 0x1c,
0x84, 0x61, 0x9b, 0x68, 0xbb, 0x6f, 0x04, 0xac, 0xa1, 0xa0, 0x66, 0x8e, 0x4c, 0x8f, 0x9a, 0x39,
0xb2, 0x5d, 0x36, 0x73, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xb2, 0xad, 0xb5, 0x7f, 0xbb, 0xda, 0x5a, 0x07, 0xb6, 0xa1,
0x57, 0x64, 0xb0, 0x8b, 0x5e, 0x91, 0x67, 0x60, 0x97, 0xd9, 0x95, 0xcc, 0x8a, 0x23, 0x66, 0xe5,
0x80, 0xb5, 0x65, 0xcc, 0x70, 0x4c, 0xef, 0x0d, 0xba, 0x82, 0x16, 0x44, 0xcc, 0xf2, 0xc1, 0x78,
0xc3, 0x3b, 0xe4, 0x54, 0x45, 0x70, 0x7b, 0xa0, 0x5e, 0x95, 0x3b, 0x30, 0xe4, 0x1c, 0xb2, 0x5a,
0xd2, 0x70, 0xb3, 0x4d, 0xc0, 0x08, 0x25, 0x60, 0x36, 0xa2, 0x80, 0xba, 0x52, 0x91, 0xc8, 0x22,
0x93, 0x88, 0x3d, 0xad, 0xa0, 0x61, 0x5f, 0x55, 0x65, 0x47, 0x87, 0xcd, 0xa3, 0xbe, 0x9e, 0xcd,
0xd1, 0x80, 0x9e, 0xcd, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xdd, 0xd9, 0x51, 0xef, 0xc8, 0x58, 0x77, 0xbd, 0x23, 0xe3,
0x5d, 0x9b, 0xa5, 0xb7, 0x32, 0x70, 0x26, 0xc4, 0x2c, 0x05, 0xbb, 0xfc, 0x2f, 0x8e, 0x4d, 0xba,
0x69, 0x05, 0x1f, 0xec, 0x62, 0xfd, 0x0a, 0x2f, 0xf8, 0x88, 0xa2, 0xd0, 0x15, 0x78, 0x38, 0x54,
0xa1, 0xcf, 0xad, 0x0a, 0xc1, 0x5e, 0xb5, 0x9f, 0xe3, 0x55, 0x7b, 0xd4, 0xd8, 0x25, 0x7e, 0x98,
0x86, 0xd9, 0x60, 0xe4, 0x39, 0x77, 0xc9, 0xe1, 0xe7, 0x13, 0x4c, 0x44, 0x9a, 0x43, 0xc4, 0xf6,
0x39, 0x7f, 0x9f, 0x18, 0x64, 0x3b, 0x16, 0x83, 0x0e, 0xab, 0xeb, 0xe2, 0xff, 0x66, 0xa0, 0x10,
0xcc, 0xd9, 0x6d, 0x28, 0x2a, 0xde, 0xaf, 0x20, 0xab, 0x87, 0x7c, 0x4e, 0x16, 0xd2, 0x06, 0xdd,
0xbe, 0xf7, 0x07, 0xde, 0xf1, 0xbf, 0x97, 0x81, 0x53, 0x49, 0x0c, 0x50, 0x37, 0x95, 0xbe, 0x07,
0xc7, 0xc0, 0x3b, 0x06, 0x6f, 0xb1, 0x72, 0xa0, 0x93, 0x62, 0xe5, 0x8b, 0x19, 0x38, 0xcd, 0x51,
0xa9, 0x6d, 0xa8, 0x08, 0x3e, 0x38, 0x4c, 0xae, 0x4e, 0xbd, 0xcc, 0x3d, 0x08, 0x5e, 0xfd, 0x3c,
0xdc, 0x6d, 0x04, 0x33, 0x33, 0xbd, 0x1d, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xf4, 0x98, 0x99, 0xd9, 0x04, 0xcc, 0xec,
0x8b, 0xa3, 0x19, 0xfd, 0x9d, 0x68, 0xc6, 0xaf, 0xd3, 0x30, 0xc7, 0x39, 0x10, 0xee, 0x65, 0xfd,
0x83, 0x23, 0xe1, 0x1d, 0x89, 0xf8, 0xea, 0x25, 0x18, 0x29, 0xb2, 0x6a, 0x19, 0x1d, 0x12, 0x26,
0x61, 0xd0, 0x93, 0xe8, 0x0f, 0x60, 0x13, 0xea, 0x63, 0x00, 0xe6, 0x87, 0xbe, 0x4a, 0xcd, 0xaa,
0x1e, 0x45, 0x7f, 0xd6, 0x35, 0x44, 0xd7, 0xd0, 0x0f, 0xb8, 0xda, 0x00, 0xda, 0xcd, 0xaa, 0xd3,
0x9c, 0xe3, 0xa7, 0xd8, 0x50, 0x46, 0x98, 0x00, 0x08, 0x17, 0x72, 0x30, 0x60, 0xf5, 0x50, 0x32,
0xd2, 0xad, 0x47, 0x61, 0x2f, 0x0c, 0xd0, 0xe0, 0xd0, 0x26, 0xb4, 0x9f, 0x3c, 0xae, 0x54, 0x84,
0xaf, 0x22, 0x38, 0x15, 0x90, 0xf3, 0xba, 0xd9, 0xe3, 0x48, 0x06, 0x58, 0x12, 0xfc, 0xcf, 0xdc,
0x7a, 0x62, 0xcc, 0xe8, 0xb1, 0x98, 0x92, 0x8e, 0xb7, 0x62, 0x06, 0x9a, 0xdf, 0x44, 0x70, 0x3a,
0x00, 0x45, 0x6f, 0x9c, 0xeb, 0x40, 0x92, 0x25, 0xd4, 0x8b, 0xf1, 0x91, 0xe4, 0x05, 0x62, 0xc5,
0x94, 0x74, 0xa2, 0x15, 0x3b, 0x6a, 0x7b, 0x13, 0xc1, 0xc9, 0x00, 0x44, 0xcd, 0xaf, 0xba, 0x7d,
0x58, 0xb2, 0x14, 0xfd, 0xb1, 0xf8, 0x58, 0x06, 0x86, 0x29, 0xc5, 0x94, 0x74, 0xac, 0x15, 0x2f,
0xa0, 0xf9, 0x46, 0x30, 0x23, 0x89, 0xb8, 0x56, 0x4a, 0x6a, 0xd3, 0xf0, 0xa3, 0xc8, 0xda, 0x21,
0x17, 0xe2, 0xa3, 0xc8, 0xb1, 0xfa, 0xc5, 0x94, 0x34, 0xd3, 0x8a, 0xeb, 0x21, 0xde, 0x40, 0x30,
0xe3, 0x4e, 0x69, 0xbc, 0x7d, 0x34, 0x0e, 0x0c, 0x59, 0x7f, 0xe5, 0x95, 0x48, 0x0c, 0xc3, 0xda,
0x80, 0x8b, 0x29, 0xe9, 0x48, 0x2b, 0xce, 0xa7, 0x0d, 0xaf, 0x22, 0x38, 0xe6, 0xc1, 0x8c, 0xa7,
0x27, 0xec, 0x6b, 0x91, 0xcb, 0xf1, 0xf0, 0xe2, 0xa9, 0x88, 0xd8, 0x8a, 0xfe, 0x24, 0xc1, 0xcf,
0xad, 0x10, 0xc5, 0x18, 0x49, 0xc0, 0xad, 0x10, 0x9d, 0x38, 0xd2, 0x8a, 0xf3, 0x69, 0xc2, 0xeb,
0x3e, 0xcc, 0x42, 0x24, 0x8d, 0x5d, 0xa0, 0xfc, 0x53, 0x2c, 0xcc, 0xf8, 0x42, 0x76, 0xb8, 0x15,
0xe3, 0x6b, 0x83, 0x97, 0x11, 0x1c, 0x75, 0xe3, 0xc5, 0xd3, 0x50, 0xf6, 0xd5, 0xcc, 0x7c, 0x2c,
0xa4, 0x78, 0xca, 0x79, 0xa8, 0x15, 0xf9, 0xe5, 0x00, 0x39, 0xc2, 0x76, 0x97, 0x79, 0x84, 0xc0,
0xef, 0x8c, 0x38, 0xc2, 0x38, 0x7d, 0xef, 0xe4, 0x08, 0xe5, 0x38, 0xfd, 0xf1, 0x44, 0xe0, 0x3d,
0x98, 0xf1, 0x04, 0x7e, 0x2c, 0x42, 0xe0, 0xa3, 0x7b, 0x87, 0x89, 0xc0, 0xcb, 0xd1, 0x1d, 0xc6,
0x7e, 0x6e, 0x85, 0x08, 0xfc, 0x78, 0x02, 0x6e, 0x85, 0x09, 0xbc, 0x1c, 0xa7, 0x15, 0x98, 0x08,
0x96, 0x1b, 0x33, 0x9e, 0x60, 0x09, 0x11, 0x82, 0x15, 0xd9, 0xa2, 0x4b, 0x04, 0x4b, 0x8e, 0xec,
0xe3, 0x7d, 0xdd, 0xc7, 0xaa, 0x10, 0x0d, 0xdc, 0x15, 0xa1, 0x81, 0x31, 0x9a, 0x63, 0x89, 0x06,
0xca, 0x31, 0x7a, 0x68, 0xff, 0x13, 0xf2, 0xac, 0x99, 0x8e, 0x2b, 0x4d, 0xbb, 0x29, 0x32, 0x17,
0xb8, 0xc8, 0x84, 0x34, 0x39, 0x16, 0x53, 0xd2, 0x3e, 0x23, 0xa4, 0x07, 0xb2, 0x09, 0xfb, 0xd9,
0xe6, 0x6b, 0x8a, 0x16, 0xb4, 0x35, 0xfb, 0x04, 0xfe, 0x5c, 0xf8, 0xd6, 0x41, 0x9d, 0x88, 0xc5,
0x94, 0x34, 0x69, 0x70, 0xdb, 0x14, 0xdf, 0x46, 0x30, 0xe7, 0x11, 0xdb, 0xe0, 0xf6, 0x52, 0x07,
0x2a, 0xec, 0x23, 0xfa, 0xa5, 0x78, 0xd2, 0x1b, 0x5a, 0xf6, 0x2f, 0xa6, 0xa4, 0x93, 0x72, 0xfc,
0xee, 0xde, 0xd7, 0x10, 0x1c, 0x0f, 0x42, 0x36, 0x08, 0xc9, 0xbd, 0x09, 0xe4, 0x86, 0x93, 0x9d,
0x7b, 0xe5, 0x86, 0x97, 0xc4, 0xff, 0x17, 0x1c, 0x64, 0x47, 0xc7, 0xc7, 0x86, 0x7d, 0xdc, 0xff,
0x50, 0xf8, 0xe9, 0xf1, 0xd1, 0x60, 0xa2, 0xc1, 0xdb, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x10, 0x4c, 0x9b, 0x9d, 0x77,
0x9a, 0xd9, 0x31, 0xe7, 0xc7, 0x80, 0xfd, 0x25, 0xc0, 0xc5, 0xce, 0x3a, 0xee, 0x8a, 0x29, 0xe9,
0x40, 0x2d, 0xb4, 0xf9, 0xef, 0xeb, 0x08, 0x66, 0x83, 0x02, 0x76, 0xb3, 0x44, 0xeb, 0xc7, 0x67,
0x2a, 0x69, 0x0c, 0xc7, 0xa9, 0xf6, 0x06, 0xc6, 0x70, 0xbc, 0xca, 0xf0, 0xb7, 0x11, 0x14, 0x82,
0x42, 0x4d, 0x3b, 0x07, 0xf5, 0xe3, 0xb9, 0x2f, 0x42, 0xd8, 0xe3, 0x27, 0xb4, 0x44, 0xd8, 0x5b,
0xf1, 0xd3, 0xdf, 0x77, 0x11, 0x5c, 0x08, 0xca, 0x2f, 0x22, 0xd5, 0x73, 0x3f, 0xc5, 0xb8, 0x98,
0x20, 0xcd, 0x88, 0xd2, 0xd1, 0xb9, 0x56, 0xc2, 0x6e, 0x1e, 0x8e, 0x34, 0xf0, 0xf5, 0xe3, 0x40,
0x52, 0x69, 0xe0, 0xeb, 0xca, 0x4c, 0x2b, 0xee, 0xe5, 0xdb, 0x67, 0x08, 0x96, 0xad, 0x6f, 0x79,
0x4c, 0xb6, 0x86, 0xb4, 0x06, 0xfb, 0x9a, 0x8d, 0x1d, 0xe8, 0xe7, 0x29, 0xfa, 0xb7, 0xb9, 0xe8,
0x77, 0xd7, 0x03, 0x58, 0x4c, 0x49, 0x8f, 0x6a, 0xdd, 0x75, 0x11, 0x7e, 0x8c, 0x60, 0x31, 0x01,
0xa9, 0xbc, 0x00, 0xe1, 0x20, 0xa5, 0x73, 0xb5, 0x4b, 0x3a, 0x79, 0xa1, 0xc3, 0x65, 0xad, 0x8b,
0xee, 0xbe, 0xdf, 0x21, 0xb8, 0x12, 0x46, 0x52, 0xb4, 0xde, 0x4c, 0x53, 0xe2, 0x6e, 0x70, 0x89,
0xeb, 0xb0, 0xb5, 0xad, 0x98, 0x92, 0x2e, 0xe1, 0x0e, 0xbb, 0xe2, 0x7e, 0xc8, 0xb1, 0x01, 0xf6,
0x7f, 0x2a, 0xc9, 0x7a, 0x89, 0xfe, 0xc1, 0x85, 0x97, 0x96, 0x43, 0x94, 0x96, 0x7f, 0x49, 0x72,
0xd5, 0x10, 0xf2, 0x3f, 0x1a, 0xc5, 0x94, 0x54, 0x68, 0x25, 0xfb, 0xe7, 0x8d, 0x9f, 0x23, 0x78,
0x84, 0x7d, 0xb8, 0xe1, 0xe9, 0xe0, 0x8a, 0xa5, 0x4f, 0x22, 0x45, 0xff, 0x71, 0x2e, 0xfa, 0x1d,
0x34, 0x93, 0x14, 0x53, 0xd2, 0x79, 0xbd, 0x83, 0x1e, 0x94, 0x1f, 0x23, 0xb8, 0x18, 0x41, 0x08,
0x4f, 0x5b, 0x0e, 0x53, 0x2a, 0x56, 0x3a, 0xa1, 0x82, 0xa7, 0x22, 0x67, 0xf4, 0xa4, 0xf5, 0xea,
0xef, 0x22, 0x38, 0xcb, 0xc5, 0x9c, 0x1b, 0xe8, 0x1e, 0xa1, 0xa8, 0x2f, 0x73, 0x51, 0x4f, 0x52,
0x92, 0x2d, 0xa6, 0xa4, 0xd9, 0x72, 0x92, 0x12, 0xee, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x9c, 0xe7, 0xa2, 0x1c, 0x92,
0x55, 0x1d, 0x8d, 0x10, 0xfa, 0x64, 0xd5, 0x4e, 0x22, 0xf4, 0xe5, 0x64, 0xf5, 0xd1, 0xef, 0x20,
0x38, 0x93, 0x58, 0x4a, 0x8e, 0x51, 0xac, 0xaf, 0x26, 0xc4, 0x9a, 0x27, 0x20, 0xa7, 0xca, 0x09,
0x64, 0xe3, 0x7b, 0x08, 0xce, 0xf1, 0x19, 0xcd, 0x75, 0xd6, 0xc7, 0x29, 0xc6, 0xd7, 0x92, 0xf2,
0x99, 0xeb, 0xb1, 0x4f, 0x97, 0x13, 0xd5, 0xcc, 0xbe, 0x1f, 0x26, 0x1e, 0x21, 0x99, 0xe4, 0x4c,
0x47, 0x68, 0xf3, 0x73, 0x4a, 0x0e, 0xda, 0xbc, 0xec, 0x92, 0xc4, 0x73, 0x7c, 0xb4, 0x43, 0x22,
0xd0, 0x13, 0x11, 0xf1, 0x5c, 0xc2, 0xba, 0x0a, 0x89, 0xe7, 0xca, 0x09, 0x4b, 0x31, 0xc4, 0xb9,
0x9a, 0xcd, 0xbf, 0x1d, 0x46, 0x48, 0x27, 0x23, 0x9c, 0x6b, 0x87, 0x5d, 0xd5, 0xc4, 0xb9, 0xea,
0x1d, 0x36, 0x64, 0xff, 0x12, 0xc1, 0x7c, 0x0c, 0xa2, 0x78, 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x8a, 0x52, 0x74, 0xbd,
0x53, 0x8a, 0x78, 0x0a, 0x7c, 0x41, 0xef, 0xa4, 0x11, 0xf9, 0x47, 0x08, 0x1e, 0x0a, 0x23, 0x82,
0x9f, 0x87, 0xcd, 0x46, 0x38, 0xa9, 0xa4, 0xdd, 0xb7, 0xc4, 0x49, 0xe1, 0xa4, 0x1d, 0xbb, 0xc4,
0x10, 0x35, 0x69, 0xc7, 0x6b, 0x1b, 0x79, 0x5f, 0xc7, 0x97, 0x1f, 0xf7, 0xd3, 0x11, 0x1a, 0x9d,
0xa8, 0x89, 0x96, 0x68, 0x74, 0x33, 0xc9, 0x82, 0xc5, 0x11, 0x80, 0x36, 0x32, 0x62, 0x11, 0x06,
0xcc, 0x92, 0x9c, 0x70, 0x05, 0xfa, 0x29, 0xae, 0x7a, 0x0e, 0xd1, 0xef, 0xdc, 0x8e, 0x72, 0x31,
0x74, 0x16, 0xf1, 0x24, 0x73, 0xd1, 0xe2, 0x4f, 0xd0, 0xfb, 0x9f, 0xe4, 0x53, 0x1f, 0x7d, 0x92,
0x4f, 0x7d, 0xfe, 0x49, 0x1e, 0xfd, 0xf7, 0xbd, 0x3c, 0xfa, 0xd6, 0xbd, 0x3c, 0x7a, 0xef, 0x5e,
0x1e, 0xbd, 0x7f, 0x2f, 0x8f, 0xfe, 0x78, 0x2f, 0x8f, 0x3e, 0xbb, 0x97, 0x4f, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x2f,
0x8f, 0x5e, 0xf9, 0x34, 0x9f, 0x7a, 0xff, 0xd3, 0x7c, 0xea, 0xa3, 0x4f, 0xf3, 0x29, 0x98, 0x52,
0x54, 0xde, 0x3e, 0x8b, 0x23, 0xd7, 0xd9, 0x5f, 0xdf, 0xde, 0xd0, 0x54, 0x43, 0xbd, 0x81, 0x9e,
0x3d, 0xba, 0xee, 0x98, 0xab, 0xa8, 0x9e, 0xff, 0x2e, 0xbe, 0x6c, 0xfe, 0x7c, 0x3b, 0xbd, 0x77,
0xd5, 0x9a, 0xb4, 0xd0, 0x50, 0x2c, 0x6c, 0x0b, 0xb7, 0xce, 0xfe, 0x29, 0x3d, 0x65, 0xbd, 0x99,
0x9f, 0x5f, 0x68, 0x28, 0xf3, 0xf3, 0xe6, 0xbb, 0xf9, 0xf9, 0x5b, 0x67, 0xef, 0xf4, 0xd3, 0xb2,
0xe2, 0xf9, 0xbf, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xdb, 0xda, 0x8c, 0x23, 0x1c, 0x59, 0x00, 0x00,
func (this *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.WorkflowType.Equal(that1.WorkflowType) {
return false
if this.ParentWorkflowNamespace != that1.ParentWorkflowNamespace {
return false
if !this.ParentWorkflowExecution.Equal(that1.ParentWorkflowExecution) {
return false
if this.ParentInitiatedEventId != that1.ParentInitiatedEventId {
return false
if !this.TaskQueue.Equal(that1.TaskQueue) {
return false
if !this.Input.Equal(that1.Input) {
return false
if this.WorkflowExecutionTimeout != nil && that1.WorkflowExecutionTimeout != nil {
if *this.WorkflowExecutionTimeout != *that1.WorkflowExecutionTimeout {
return false
} else if this.WorkflowExecutionTimeout != nil {
return false
} else if that1.WorkflowExecutionTimeout != nil {
return false
if this.WorkflowRunTimeout != nil && that1.WorkflowRunTimeout != nil {
if *this.WorkflowRunTimeout != *that1.WorkflowRunTimeout {
return false
} else if this.WorkflowRunTimeout != nil {
return false
} else if that1.WorkflowRunTimeout != nil {
return false
if this.WorkflowTaskTimeout != nil && that1.WorkflowTaskTimeout != nil {
if *this.WorkflowTaskTimeout != *that1.WorkflowTaskTimeout {
return false
} else if this.WorkflowTaskTimeout != nil {
return false
} else if that1.WorkflowTaskTimeout != nil {
return false
if this.ContinuedExecutionRunId != that1.ContinuedExecutionRunId {
return false
if this.Initiator != that1.Initiator {
return false
if !this.ContinuedFailure.Equal(that1.ContinuedFailure) {
return false
if !this.LastCompletionResult.Equal(that1.LastCompletionResult) {
return false
if this.OriginalExecutionRunId != that1.OriginalExecutionRunId {
return false
if this.Identity != that1.Identity {
return false
if this.FirstExecutionRunId != that1.FirstExecutionRunId {
return false
if !this.RetryPolicy.Equal(that1.RetryPolicy) {
return false
if this.Attempt != that1.Attempt {
return false
if that1.WorkflowExecutionExpirationTime == nil {
if this.WorkflowExecutionExpirationTime != nil {
return false
} else if !this.WorkflowExecutionExpirationTime.Equal(*that1.WorkflowExecutionExpirationTime) {
return false
if this.CronSchedule != that1.CronSchedule {
return false
if this.FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff != nil && that1.FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff != nil {
if *this.FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff != *that1.FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff {
return false
} else if this.FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff != nil {
return false
} else if that1.FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff != nil {
return false
if !this.Memo.Equal(that1.Memo) {
return false
if !this.SearchAttributes.Equal(that1.SearchAttributes) {
return false
if !this.PrevAutoResetPoints.Equal(that1.PrevAutoResetPoints) {
return false
if !this.Header.Equal(that1.Header) {
return false
return true
func (this *WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.Result.Equal(that1.Result) {
return false
if this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != that1.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId {
return false
if this.NewExecutionRunId != that1.NewExecutionRunId {
return false
return true
func (this *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.Failure.Equal(that1.Failure) {
return false
if this.RetryState != that1.RetryState {
return false
if this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != that1.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId {
return false
if this.NewExecutionRunId != that1.NewExecutionRunId {
return false
return true
func (this *WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.RetryState != that1.RetryState {
return false
if this.NewExecutionRunId != that1.NewExecutionRunId {
return false
return true
func (this *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.NewExecutionRunId != that1.NewExecutionRunId {
return false
if !this.WorkflowType.Equal(that1.WorkflowType) {
return false
if !this.TaskQueue.Equal(that1.TaskQueue) {
return false
if !this.Input.Equal(that1.Input) {
return false
if this.WorkflowRunTimeout != nil && that1.WorkflowRunTimeout != nil {
if *this.WorkflowRunTimeout != *that1.WorkflowRunTimeout {
return false
} else if this.WorkflowRunTimeout != nil {
return false
} else if that1.WorkflowRunTimeout != nil {
return false
if this.WorkflowTaskTimeout != nil && that1.WorkflowTaskTimeout != nil {
if *this.WorkflowTaskTimeout != *that1.WorkflowTaskTimeout {
return false
} else if this.WorkflowTaskTimeout != nil {
return false
} else if that1.WorkflowTaskTimeout != nil {
return false
if this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != that1.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId {
return false
if this.BackoffStartInterval != nil && that1.BackoffStartInterval != nil {
if *this.BackoffStartInterval != *that1.BackoffStartInterval {
return false
} else if this.BackoffStartInterval != nil {
return false
} else if that1.BackoffStartInterval != nil {
return false
if this.Initiator != that1.Initiator {
return false
if !this.Failure.Equal(that1.Failure) {
return false
if !this.LastCompletionResult.Equal(that1.LastCompletionResult) {
return false
if !this.Header.Equal(that1.Header) {
return false
if !this.Memo.Equal(that1.Memo) {
return false
if !this.SearchAttributes.Equal(that1.SearchAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.TaskQueue.Equal(that1.TaskQueue) {
return false
if this.StartToCloseTimeout != nil && that1.StartToCloseTimeout != nil {
if *this.StartToCloseTimeout != *that1.StartToCloseTimeout {
return false
} else if this.StartToCloseTimeout != nil {
return false
} else if that1.StartToCloseTimeout != nil {
return false
if this.Attempt != that1.Attempt {
return false
return true
func (this *WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.ScheduledEventId != that1.ScheduledEventId {
return false
if this.Identity != that1.Identity {
return false
if this.RequestId != that1.RequestId {
return false
return true
func (this *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.ScheduledEventId != that1.ScheduledEventId {
return false
if this.StartedEventId != that1.StartedEventId {
return false
if this.Identity != that1.Identity {
return false
if this.BinaryChecksum != that1.BinaryChecksum {
return false
return true
func (this *WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.ScheduledEventId != that1.ScheduledEventId {
return false
if this.StartedEventId != that1.StartedEventId {
return false
if this.TimeoutType != that1.TimeoutType {
return false
return true
func (this *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.ScheduledEventId != that1.ScheduledEventId {
return false
if this.StartedEventId != that1.StartedEventId {
return false
if this.Cause != that1.Cause {
return false
if !this.Failure.Equal(that1.Failure) {
return false
if this.Identity != that1.Identity {
return false
if this.BaseRunId != that1.BaseRunId {
return false
if this.NewRunId != that1.NewRunId {
return false
if this.ForkEventVersion != that1.ForkEventVersion {
return false
if this.BinaryChecksum != that1.BinaryChecksum {
return false
return true
func (this *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.ActivityId != that1.ActivityId {
return false
if !this.ActivityType.Equal(that1.ActivityType) {
return false
if this.Namespace != that1.Namespace {
return false
if !this.TaskQueue.Equal(that1.TaskQueue) {
return false
if !this.Header.Equal(that1.Header) {
return false
if !this.Input.Equal(that1.Input) {
return false
if this.ScheduleToCloseTimeout != nil && that1.ScheduleToCloseTimeout != nil {
if *this.ScheduleToCloseTimeout != *that1.ScheduleToCloseTimeout {
return false
} else if this.ScheduleToCloseTimeout != nil {
return false
} else if that1.ScheduleToCloseTimeout != nil {
return false
if this.ScheduleToStartTimeout != nil && that1.ScheduleToStartTimeout != nil {
if *this.ScheduleToStartTimeout != *that1.ScheduleToStartTimeout {
return false
} else if this.ScheduleToStartTimeout != nil {
return false
} else if that1.ScheduleToStartTimeout != nil {
return false
if this.StartToCloseTimeout != nil && that1.StartToCloseTimeout != nil {
if *this.StartToCloseTimeout != *that1.StartToCloseTimeout {
return false
} else if this.StartToCloseTimeout != nil {
return false
} else if that1.StartToCloseTimeout != nil {
return false
if this.HeartbeatTimeout != nil && that1.HeartbeatTimeout != nil {
if *this.HeartbeatTimeout != *that1.HeartbeatTimeout {
return false
} else if this.HeartbeatTimeout != nil {
return false
} else if that1.HeartbeatTimeout != nil {
return false
if this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != that1.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId {
return false
if !this.RetryPolicy.Equal(that1.RetryPolicy) {
return false
return true
func (this *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.ScheduledEventId != that1.ScheduledEventId {
return false
if this.Identity != that1.Identity {
return false
if this.RequestId != that1.RequestId {
return false
if this.Attempt != that1.Attempt {
return false
if !this.LastFailure.Equal(that1.LastFailure) {
return false
return true
func (this *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.Result.Equal(that1.Result) {
return false
if this.ScheduledEventId != that1.ScheduledEventId {
return false
if this.StartedEventId != that1.StartedEventId {
return false
if this.Identity != that1.Identity {
return false
return true
func (this *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.Failure.Equal(that1.Failure) {
return false
if this.ScheduledEventId != that1.ScheduledEventId {
return false
if this.StartedEventId != that1.StartedEventId {
return false
if this.Identity != that1.Identity {
return false
if this.RetryState != that1.RetryState {
return false
return true
func (this *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.Failure.Equal(that1.Failure) {
return false
if this.ScheduledEventId != that1.ScheduledEventId {
return false
if this.StartedEventId != that1.StartedEventId {
return false
if this.RetryState != that1.RetryState {
return false
return true
func (this *ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.ScheduledEventId != that1.ScheduledEventId {
return false
if this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != that1.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId {
return false
return true
func (this *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.Details.Equal(that1.Details) {
return false
if this.LatestCancelRequestedEventId != that1.LatestCancelRequestedEventId {
return false
if this.ScheduledEventId != that1.ScheduledEventId {
return false
if this.StartedEventId != that1.StartedEventId {
return false
if this.Identity != that1.Identity {
return false
return true
func (this *TimerStartedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*TimerStartedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(TimerStartedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.TimerId != that1.TimerId {
return false
if this.StartToFireTimeout != nil && that1.StartToFireTimeout != nil {
if *this.StartToFireTimeout != *that1.StartToFireTimeout {
return false
} else if this.StartToFireTimeout != nil {
return false
} else if that1.StartToFireTimeout != nil {
return false
if this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != that1.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId {
return false
return true
func (this *TimerFiredEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*TimerFiredEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(TimerFiredEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.TimerId != that1.TimerId {
return false
if this.StartedEventId != that1.StartedEventId {
return false
return true
func (this *TimerCanceledEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*TimerCanceledEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(TimerCanceledEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.TimerId != that1.TimerId {
return false
if this.StartedEventId != that1.StartedEventId {
return false
if this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != that1.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId {
return false
if this.Identity != that1.Identity {
return false
return true
func (this *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.Cause != that1.Cause {
return false
if this.ExternalInitiatedEventId != that1.ExternalInitiatedEventId {
return false
if !this.ExternalWorkflowExecution.Equal(that1.ExternalWorkflowExecution) {
return false
if this.Identity != that1.Identity {
return false
return true
func (this *WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != that1.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId {
return false
if !this.Details.Equal(that1.Details) {
return false
return true
func (this *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*MarkerRecordedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(MarkerRecordedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.MarkerName != that1.MarkerName {
return false
if len(this.Details) != len(that1.Details) {
return false
for i := range this.Details {
if !this.Details[i].Equal(that1.Details[i]) {
return false
if this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != that1.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId {
return false
if !this.Header.Equal(that1.Header) {
return false
if !this.Failure.Equal(that1.Failure) {
return false
return true
func (this *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.SignalName != that1.SignalName {
return false
if !this.Input.Equal(that1.Input) {
return false
if this.Identity != that1.Identity {
return false
if !this.Header.Equal(that1.Header) {
return false
return true
func (this *WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.Reason != that1.Reason {
return false
if !this.Details.Equal(that1.Details) {
return false
if this.Identity != that1.Identity {
return false
return true
func (this *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != that1.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId {
return false
if this.Namespace != that1.Namespace {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecution.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecution) {
return false
if this.Control != that1.Control {
return false
if this.ChildWorkflowOnly != that1.ChildWorkflowOnly {
return false
return true
func (this *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.Cause != that1.Cause {
return false
if this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != that1.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId {
return false
if this.Namespace != that1.Namespace {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecution.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecution) {
return false
if this.InitiatedEventId != that1.InitiatedEventId {
return false
if this.Control != that1.Control {
return false
return true
func (this *ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.InitiatedEventId != that1.InitiatedEventId {
return false
if this.Namespace != that1.Namespace {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecution.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecution) {
return false
return true
func (this *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != that1.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId {
return false
if this.Namespace != that1.Namespace {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecution.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecution) {
return false
if this.SignalName != that1.SignalName {
return false
if !this.Input.Equal(that1.Input) {
return false
if this.Control != that1.Control {
return false
if this.ChildWorkflowOnly != that1.ChildWorkflowOnly {
return false
if !this.Header.Equal(that1.Header) {
return false
return true
func (this *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.Cause != that1.Cause {
return false
if this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != that1.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId {
return false
if this.Namespace != that1.Namespace {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecution.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecution) {
return false
if this.InitiatedEventId != that1.InitiatedEventId {
return false
if this.Control != that1.Control {
return false
return true
func (this *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.InitiatedEventId != that1.InitiatedEventId {
return false
if this.Namespace != that1.Namespace {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecution.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecution) {
return false
if this.Control != that1.Control {
return false
return true
func (this *UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != that1.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId {
return false
if !this.SearchAttributes.Equal(that1.SearchAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.Namespace != that1.Namespace {
return false
if this.WorkflowId != that1.WorkflowId {
return false
if !this.WorkflowType.Equal(that1.WorkflowType) {
return false
if !this.TaskQueue.Equal(that1.TaskQueue) {
return false
if !this.Input.Equal(that1.Input) {
return false
if this.WorkflowExecutionTimeout != nil && that1.WorkflowExecutionTimeout != nil {
if *this.WorkflowExecutionTimeout != *that1.WorkflowExecutionTimeout {
return false
} else if this.WorkflowExecutionTimeout != nil {
return false
} else if that1.WorkflowExecutionTimeout != nil {
return false
if this.WorkflowRunTimeout != nil && that1.WorkflowRunTimeout != nil {
if *this.WorkflowRunTimeout != *that1.WorkflowRunTimeout {
return false
} else if this.WorkflowRunTimeout != nil {
return false
} else if that1.WorkflowRunTimeout != nil {
return false
if this.WorkflowTaskTimeout != nil && that1.WorkflowTaskTimeout != nil {
if *this.WorkflowTaskTimeout != *that1.WorkflowTaskTimeout {
return false
} else if this.WorkflowTaskTimeout != nil {
return false
} else if that1.WorkflowTaskTimeout != nil {
return false
if this.ParentClosePolicy != that1.ParentClosePolicy {
return false
if this.Control != that1.Control {
return false
if this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != that1.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId {
return false
if this.WorkflowIdReusePolicy != that1.WorkflowIdReusePolicy {
return false
if !this.RetryPolicy.Equal(that1.RetryPolicy) {
return false
if this.CronSchedule != that1.CronSchedule {
return false
if !this.Header.Equal(that1.Header) {
return false
if !this.Memo.Equal(that1.Memo) {
return false
if !this.SearchAttributes.Equal(that1.SearchAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.Namespace != that1.Namespace {
return false
if this.WorkflowId != that1.WorkflowId {
return false
if !this.WorkflowType.Equal(that1.WorkflowType) {
return false
if this.Cause != that1.Cause {
return false
if this.Control != that1.Control {
return false
if this.InitiatedEventId != that1.InitiatedEventId {
return false
if this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != that1.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId {
return false
return true
func (this *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.Namespace != that1.Namespace {
return false
if this.InitiatedEventId != that1.InitiatedEventId {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecution.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecution) {
return false
if !this.WorkflowType.Equal(that1.WorkflowType) {
return false
if !this.Header.Equal(that1.Header) {
return false
return true
func (this *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.Result.Equal(that1.Result) {
return false
if this.Namespace != that1.Namespace {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecution.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecution) {
return false
if !this.WorkflowType.Equal(that1.WorkflowType) {
return false
if this.InitiatedEventId != that1.InitiatedEventId {
return false
if this.StartedEventId != that1.StartedEventId {
return false
return true
func (this *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.Failure.Equal(that1.Failure) {
return false
if this.Namespace != that1.Namespace {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecution.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecution) {
return false
if !this.WorkflowType.Equal(that1.WorkflowType) {
return false
if this.InitiatedEventId != that1.InitiatedEventId {
return false
if this.StartedEventId != that1.StartedEventId {
return false
if this.RetryState != that1.RetryState {
return false
return true
func (this *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.Details.Equal(that1.Details) {
return false
if this.Namespace != that1.Namespace {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecution.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecution) {
return false
if !this.WorkflowType.Equal(that1.WorkflowType) {
return false
if this.InitiatedEventId != that1.InitiatedEventId {
return false
if this.StartedEventId != that1.StartedEventId {
return false
return true
func (this *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.Namespace != that1.Namespace {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecution.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecution) {
return false
if !this.WorkflowType.Equal(that1.WorkflowType) {
return false
if this.InitiatedEventId != that1.InitiatedEventId {
return false
if this.StartedEventId != that1.StartedEventId {
return false
if this.RetryState != that1.RetryState {
return false
return true
func (this *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.Namespace != that1.Namespace {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecution.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecution) {
return false
if !this.WorkflowType.Equal(that1.WorkflowType) {
return false
if this.InitiatedEventId != that1.InitiatedEventId {
return false
if this.StartedEventId != that1.StartedEventId {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.EventId != that1.EventId {
return false
if that1.EventTime == nil {
if this.EventTime != nil {
return false
} else if !this.EventTime.Equal(*that1.EventTime) {
return false
if this.EventType != that1.EventType {
return false
if this.Version != that1.Version {
return false
if this.TaskId != that1.TaskId {
return false
if that1.Attributes == nil {
if this.Attributes != nil {
return false
} else if this.Attributes == nil {
return false
} else if !this.Attributes.Equal(that1.Attributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Equal(that1.WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes.Equal(that1.WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Equal(that1.ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes.Equal(that1.ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_TimerStartedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_TimerStartedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_TimerStartedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.TimerStartedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.TimerStartedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_TimerFiredEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_TimerFiredEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_TimerFiredEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.TimerFiredEventAttributes.Equal(that1.TimerFiredEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes.Equal(that1.ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_TimerCanceledEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_TimerCanceledEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_TimerCanceledEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.TimerCanceledEventAttributes.Equal(that1.TimerCanceledEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_MarkerRecordedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_MarkerRecordedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.MarkerRecordedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes.Equal(that1.WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes.Equal(that1.ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes.Equal(that1.ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Equal(that1.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes.Equal(that1.ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *HistoryEvent_UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*HistoryEvent_UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(HistoryEvent_UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !this.UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes.Equal(that1.UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) {
return false
return true
func (this *History) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*History)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(History)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if len(this.Events) != len(that1.Events) {
return false
for i := range this.Events {
if !this.Events[i].Equal(that1.Events[i]) {
return false
return true
func (this *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 29)
s = append(s, "&history.WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes{")
if this.WorkflowType != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowType: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowType)+",\n")
s = append(s, "ParentWorkflowNamespace: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ParentWorkflowNamespace)+",\n")
if this.ParentWorkflowExecution != nil {
s = append(s, "ParentWorkflowExecution: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ParentWorkflowExecution)+",\n")
s = append(s, "ParentInitiatedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ParentInitiatedEventId)+",\n")
if this.TaskQueue != nil {
s = append(s, "TaskQueue: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.TaskQueue)+",\n")
if this.Input != nil {
s = append(s, "Input: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Input)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowExecutionTimeout: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecutionTimeout)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowRunTimeout: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowRunTimeout)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowTaskTimeout: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskTimeout)+",\n")
s = append(s, "ContinuedExecutionRunId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ContinuedExecutionRunId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Initiator: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Initiator)+",\n")
if this.ContinuedFailure != nil {
s = append(s, "ContinuedFailure: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ContinuedFailure)+",\n")
if this.LastCompletionResult != nil {
s = append(s, "LastCompletionResult: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.LastCompletionResult)+",\n")
s = append(s, "OriginalExecutionRunId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.OriginalExecutionRunId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Identity: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Identity)+",\n")
s = append(s, "FirstExecutionRunId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.FirstExecutionRunId)+",\n")
if this.RetryPolicy != nil {
s = append(s, "RetryPolicy: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.RetryPolicy)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Attempt: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Attempt)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowExecutionExpirationTime: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecutionExpirationTime)+",\n")
s = append(s, "CronSchedule: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.CronSchedule)+",\n")
s = append(s, "FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff)+",\n")
if this.Memo != nil {
s = append(s, "Memo: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Memo)+",\n")
if this.SearchAttributes != nil {
s = append(s, "SearchAttributes: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.SearchAttributes)+",\n")
if this.PrevAutoResetPoints != nil {
s = append(s, "PrevAutoResetPoints: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.PrevAutoResetPoints)+",\n")
if this.Header != nil {
s = append(s, "Header: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Header)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 7)
s = append(s, "&history.WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes{")
if this.Result != nil {
s = append(s, "Result: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Result)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "NewExecutionRunId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.NewExecutionRunId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 8)
s = append(s, "&history.WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{")
if this.Failure != nil {
s = append(s, "Failure: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Failure)+",\n")
s = append(s, "RetryState: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.RetryState)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "NewExecutionRunId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.NewExecutionRunId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 6)
s = append(s, "&history.WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "RetryState: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.RetryState)+",\n")
s = append(s, "NewExecutionRunId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.NewExecutionRunId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 18)
s = append(s, "&history.WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "NewExecutionRunId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.NewExecutionRunId)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowType != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowType: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowType)+",\n")
if this.TaskQueue != nil {
s = append(s, "TaskQueue: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.TaskQueue)+",\n")
if this.Input != nil {
s = append(s, "Input: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Input)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowRunTimeout: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowRunTimeout)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowTaskTimeout: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskTimeout)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "BackoffStartInterval: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.BackoffStartInterval)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Initiator: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Initiator)+",\n")
if this.Failure != nil {
s = append(s, "Failure: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Failure)+",\n")
if this.LastCompletionResult != nil {
s = append(s, "LastCompletionResult: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.LastCompletionResult)+",\n")
if this.Header != nil {
s = append(s, "Header: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Header)+",\n")
if this.Memo != nil {
s = append(s, "Memo: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Memo)+",\n")
if this.SearchAttributes != nil {
s = append(s, "SearchAttributes: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.SearchAttributes)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 7)
s = append(s, "&history.WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes{")
if this.TaskQueue != nil {
s = append(s, "TaskQueue: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.TaskQueue)+",\n")
s = append(s, "StartToCloseTimeout: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.StartToCloseTimeout)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Attempt: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Attempt)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 7)
s = append(s, "&history.WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "ScheduledEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ScheduledEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Identity: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Identity)+",\n")
s = append(s, "RequestId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.RequestId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 8)
s = append(s, "&history.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "ScheduledEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ScheduledEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "StartedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.StartedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Identity: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Identity)+",\n")
s = append(s, "BinaryChecksum: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.BinaryChecksum)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 7)
s = append(s, "&history.WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "ScheduledEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ScheduledEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "StartedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.StartedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "TimeoutType: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.TimeoutType)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 13)
s = append(s, "&history.WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "ScheduledEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ScheduledEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "StartedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.StartedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Cause: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Cause)+",\n")
if this.Failure != nil {
s = append(s, "Failure: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Failure)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Identity: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Identity)+",\n")
s = append(s, "BaseRunId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.BaseRunId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "NewRunId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.NewRunId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "ForkEventVersion: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ForkEventVersion)+",\n")
s = append(s, "BinaryChecksum: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.BinaryChecksum)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 16)
s = append(s, "&history.ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "ActivityId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ActivityId)+",\n")
if this.ActivityType != nil {
s = append(s, "ActivityType: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ActivityType)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Namespace: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Namespace)+",\n")
if this.TaskQueue != nil {
s = append(s, "TaskQueue: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.TaskQueue)+",\n")
if this.Header != nil {
s = append(s, "Header: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Header)+",\n")
if this.Input != nil {
s = append(s, "Input: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Input)+",\n")
s = append(s, "ScheduleToCloseTimeout: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ScheduleToCloseTimeout)+",\n")
s = append(s, "ScheduleToStartTimeout: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ScheduleToStartTimeout)+",\n")
s = append(s, "StartToCloseTimeout: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.StartToCloseTimeout)+",\n")
s = append(s, "HeartbeatTimeout: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.HeartbeatTimeout)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId)+",\n")
if this.RetryPolicy != nil {
s = append(s, "RetryPolicy: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.RetryPolicy)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 9)
s = append(s, "&history.ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "ScheduledEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ScheduledEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Identity: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Identity)+",\n")
s = append(s, "RequestId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.RequestId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Attempt: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Attempt)+",\n")
if this.LastFailure != nil {
s = append(s, "LastFailure: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.LastFailure)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 8)
s = append(s, "&history.ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes{")
if this.Result != nil {
s = append(s, "Result: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Result)+",\n")
s = append(s, "ScheduledEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ScheduledEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "StartedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.StartedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Identity: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Identity)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 9)
s = append(s, "&history.ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes{")
if this.Failure != nil {
s = append(s, "Failure: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Failure)+",\n")
s = append(s, "ScheduledEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ScheduledEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "StartedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.StartedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Identity: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Identity)+",\n")
s = append(s, "RetryState: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.RetryState)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 8)
s = append(s, "&history.ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes{")
if this.Failure != nil {
s = append(s, "Failure: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Failure)+",\n")
s = append(s, "ScheduledEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ScheduledEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "StartedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.StartedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "RetryState: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.RetryState)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 6)
s = append(s, "&history.ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "ScheduledEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ScheduledEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 9)
s = append(s, "&history.ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes{")
if this.Details != nil {
s = append(s, "Details: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Details)+",\n")
s = append(s, "LatestCancelRequestedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.LatestCancelRequestedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "ScheduledEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ScheduledEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "StartedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.StartedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Identity: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Identity)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *TimerStartedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 7)
s = append(s, "&history.TimerStartedEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "TimerId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.TimerId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "StartToFireTimeout: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.StartToFireTimeout)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *TimerFiredEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 6)
s = append(s, "&history.TimerFiredEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "TimerId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.TimerId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "StartedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.StartedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *TimerCanceledEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 8)
s = append(s, "&history.TimerCanceledEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "TimerId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.TimerId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "StartedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.StartedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Identity: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Identity)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 8)
s = append(s, "&history.WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "Cause: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Cause)+",\n")
s = append(s, "ExternalInitiatedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ExternalInitiatedEventId)+",\n")
if this.ExternalWorkflowExecution != nil {
s = append(s, "ExternalWorkflowExecution: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ExternalWorkflowExecution)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Identity: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Identity)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 6)
s = append(s, "&history.WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId)+",\n")
if this.Details != nil {
s = append(s, "Details: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Details)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 9)
s = append(s, "&history.MarkerRecordedEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "MarkerName: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.MarkerName)+",\n")
keysForDetails := make([]string, 0, len(this.Details))
for k, _ := range this.Details {
keysForDetails = append(keysForDetails, k)
mapStringForDetails := "map[string]*v1.Payloads{"
for _, k := range keysForDetails {
mapStringForDetails += fmt.Sprintf("%#v: %#v,", k, this.Details[k])
mapStringForDetails += "}"
if this.Details != nil {
s = append(s, "Details: "+mapStringForDetails+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId)+",\n")
if this.Header != nil {
s = append(s, "Header: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Header)+",\n")
if this.Failure != nil {
s = append(s, "Failure: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Failure)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 8)
s = append(s, "&history.WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "SignalName: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.SignalName)+",\n")
if this.Input != nil {
s = append(s, "Input: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Input)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Identity: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Identity)+",\n")
if this.Header != nil {
s = append(s, "Header: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Header)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 7)
s = append(s, "&history.WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "Reason: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Reason)+",\n")
if this.Details != nil {
s = append(s, "Details: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Details)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Identity: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Identity)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 9)
s = append(s, "&history.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Namespace: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Namespace)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowExecution != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowExecution: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecution)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Control: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Control)+",\n")
s = append(s, "ChildWorkflowOnly: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ChildWorkflowOnly)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 10)
s = append(s, "&history.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "Cause: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Cause)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Namespace: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Namespace)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowExecution != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowExecution: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecution)+",\n")
s = append(s, "InitiatedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.InitiatedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Control: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Control)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 7)
s = append(s, "&history.ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "InitiatedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.InitiatedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Namespace: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Namespace)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowExecution != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowExecution: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecution)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 12)
s = append(s, "&history.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Namespace: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Namespace)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowExecution != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowExecution: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecution)+",\n")
s = append(s, "SignalName: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.SignalName)+",\n")
if this.Input != nil {
s = append(s, "Input: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Input)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Control: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Control)+",\n")
s = append(s, "ChildWorkflowOnly: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ChildWorkflowOnly)+",\n")
if this.Header != nil {
s = append(s, "Header: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Header)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 10)
s = append(s, "&history.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "Cause: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Cause)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Namespace: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Namespace)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowExecution != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowExecution: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecution)+",\n")
s = append(s, "InitiatedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.InitiatedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Control: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Control)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 8)
s = append(s, "&history.ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "InitiatedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.InitiatedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Namespace: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Namespace)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowExecution != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowExecution: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecution)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Control: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Control)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 6)
s = append(s, "&history.UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId)+",\n")
if this.SearchAttributes != nil {
s = append(s, "SearchAttributes: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.SearchAttributes)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 21)
s = append(s, "&history.StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "Namespace: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Namespace)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowId)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowType != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowType: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowType)+",\n")
if this.TaskQueue != nil {
s = append(s, "TaskQueue: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.TaskQueue)+",\n")
if this.Input != nil {
s = append(s, "Input: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Input)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowExecutionTimeout: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecutionTimeout)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowRunTimeout: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowRunTimeout)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowTaskTimeout: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskTimeout)+",\n")
s = append(s, "ParentClosePolicy: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ParentClosePolicy)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Control: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Control)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowIdReusePolicy: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowIdReusePolicy)+",\n")
if this.RetryPolicy != nil {
s = append(s, "RetryPolicy: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.RetryPolicy)+",\n")
s = append(s, "CronSchedule: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.CronSchedule)+",\n")
if this.Header != nil {
s = append(s, "Header: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Header)+",\n")
if this.Memo != nil {
s = append(s, "Memo: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Memo)+",\n")
if this.SearchAttributes != nil {
s = append(s, "SearchAttributes: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.SearchAttributes)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 11)
s = append(s, "&history.StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "Namespace: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Namespace)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowId)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowType != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowType: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowType)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Cause: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Cause)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Control: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Control)+",\n")
s = append(s, "InitiatedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.InitiatedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 9)
s = append(s, "&history.ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "Namespace: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Namespace)+",\n")
s = append(s, "InitiatedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.InitiatedEventId)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowExecution != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowExecution: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecution)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowType != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowType: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowType)+",\n")
if this.Header != nil {
s = append(s, "Header: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Header)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 10)
s = append(s, "&history.ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes{")
if this.Result != nil {
s = append(s, "Result: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Result)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Namespace: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Namespace)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowExecution != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowExecution: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecution)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowType != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowType: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowType)+",\n")
s = append(s, "InitiatedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.InitiatedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "StartedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.StartedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 11)
s = append(s, "&history.ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{")
if this.Failure != nil {
s = append(s, "Failure: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Failure)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Namespace: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Namespace)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowExecution != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowExecution: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecution)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowType != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowType: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowType)+",\n")
s = append(s, "InitiatedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.InitiatedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "StartedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.StartedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "RetryState: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.RetryState)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 10)
s = append(s, "&history.ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes{")
if this.Details != nil {
s = append(s, "Details: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Details)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Namespace: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Namespace)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowExecution != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowExecution: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecution)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowType != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowType: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowType)+",\n")
s = append(s, "InitiatedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.InitiatedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "StartedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.StartedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 10)
s = append(s, "&history.ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "Namespace: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Namespace)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowExecution != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowExecution: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecution)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowType != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowType: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowType)+",\n")
s = append(s, "InitiatedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.InitiatedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "StartedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.StartedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "RetryState: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.RetryState)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 9)
s = append(s, "&history.ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes{")
s = append(s, "Namespace: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Namespace)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowExecution != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowExecution: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecution)+",\n")
if this.WorkflowType != nil {
s = append(s, "WorkflowType: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowType)+",\n")
s = append(s, "InitiatedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.InitiatedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "StartedEventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.StartedEventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *HistoryEvent) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 49)
s = append(s, "&history.HistoryEvent{")
s = append(s, "EventId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.EventId)+",\n")
s = append(s, "EventTime: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.EventTime)+",\n")
s = append(s, "EventType: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.EventType)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Version: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Version)+",\n")
s = append(s, "TaskId: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.TaskId)+",\n")
if this.Attributes != nil {
s = append(s, "Attributes: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Attributes)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes{` +
`WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes{` +
`WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{` +
`WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes{` +
`WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes{` +
`WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes{` +
`WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes{` +
`WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes{` +
`WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes{` +
`WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes{` +
`ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes{` +
`ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes{` +
`ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes{` +
`ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes{` +
`ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_TimerStartedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_TimerStartedEventAttributes{` +
`TimerStartedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.TimerStartedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_TimerFiredEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_TimerFiredEventAttributes{` +
`TimerFiredEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.TimerFiredEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes{` +
`ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes{` +
`ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_TimerCanceledEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_TimerCanceledEventAttributes{` +
`TimerCanceledEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.TimerCanceledEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_MarkerRecordedEventAttributes{` +
`MarkerRecordedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes{` +
`WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes{` +
`WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes{` +
`WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes{` +
`WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{` +
`RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{` +
`RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes{` +
`ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes{` +
`WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{` +
`StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{` +
`StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes{` +
`ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes{` +
`ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{` +
`ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes{` +
`ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes{` +
`ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes{` +
`ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{` +
`SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{` +
`SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes{` +
`ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&history.HistoryEvent_UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes{` +
`UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) + `}`}, ", ")
return s
func (this *History) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 5)
s = append(s, "&history.History{")
if this.Events != nil {
s = append(s, "Events: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Events)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func valueToGoStringMessage(v interface{}, typ string) string {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if rv.IsNil() {
return "nil"
pv := reflect.Indirect(rv).Interface()
return fmt.Sprintf("func(v %v) *%v { return &v } ( %#v )", typ, typ, pv)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.Header != nil {
size, err := m.Header.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0xca
if m.PrevAutoResetPoints != nil {
size, err := m.PrevAutoResetPoints.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0xc2
if m.SearchAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.SearchAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0xba
if m.Memo != nil {
size, err := m.Memo.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0xb2
if m.FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff != nil {
n5, err5 := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationMarshalTo(*m.FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff, dAtA[i-github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff):])
if err5 != nil {
return 0, err5
i -= n5
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(n5))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0xaa
if len(m.CronSchedule) > 0 {
i -= len(m.CronSchedule)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.CronSchedule)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.CronSchedule)))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0xa2
if m.WorkflowExecutionExpirationTime != nil {
n6, err6 := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdTimeMarshalTo(*m.WorkflowExecutionExpirationTime, dAtA[i-github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdTime(*m.WorkflowExecutionExpirationTime):])
if err6 != nil {
return 0, err6
i -= n6
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(n6))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0x9a
if m.Attempt != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.Attempt))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0x90
if m.RetryPolicy != nil {
size, err := m.RetryPolicy.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0x8a
if len(m.FirstExecutionRunId) > 0 {
i -= len(m.FirstExecutionRunId)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.FirstExecutionRunId)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.FirstExecutionRunId)))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0x82
if len(m.Identity) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Identity)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Identity)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Identity)))
dAtA[i] = 0x7a
if len(m.OriginalExecutionRunId) > 0 {
i -= len(m.OriginalExecutionRunId)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.OriginalExecutionRunId)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.OriginalExecutionRunId)))
dAtA[i] = 0x72
if m.LastCompletionResult != nil {
size, err := m.LastCompletionResult.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x6a
if m.ContinuedFailure != nil {
size, err := m.ContinuedFailure.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x62
if m.Initiator != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.Initiator))
dAtA[i] = 0x58
if len(m.ContinuedExecutionRunId) > 0 {
i -= len(m.ContinuedExecutionRunId)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.ContinuedExecutionRunId)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.ContinuedExecutionRunId)))
dAtA[i] = 0x52
if m.WorkflowTaskTimeout != nil {
n10, err10 := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationMarshalTo(*m.WorkflowTaskTimeout, dAtA[i-github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.WorkflowTaskTimeout):])
if err10 != nil {
return 0, err10
i -= n10
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(n10))
dAtA[i] = 0x4a
if m.WorkflowRunTimeout != nil {
n11, err11 := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationMarshalTo(*m.WorkflowRunTimeout, dAtA[i-github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.WorkflowRunTimeout):])
if err11 != nil {
return 0, err11
i -= n11
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(n11))
dAtA[i] = 0x42
if m.WorkflowExecutionTimeout != nil {
n12, err12 := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationMarshalTo(*m.WorkflowExecutionTimeout, dAtA[i-github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.WorkflowExecutionTimeout):])
if err12 != nil {
return 0, err12
i -= n12
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(n12))
dAtA[i] = 0x3a
if m.Input != nil {
size, err := m.Input.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x32
if m.TaskQueue != nil {
size, err := m.TaskQueue.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2a
if m.ParentInitiatedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.ParentInitiatedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x20
if m.ParentWorkflowExecution != nil {
size, err := m.ParentWorkflowExecution.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if len(m.ParentWorkflowNamespace) > 0 {
i -= len(m.ParentWorkflowNamespace)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.ParentWorkflowNamespace)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.ParentWorkflowNamespace)))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowType.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if len(m.NewExecutionRunId) > 0 {
i -= len(m.NewExecutionRunId)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.NewExecutionRunId)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.NewExecutionRunId)))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x10
if m.Result != nil {
size, err := m.Result.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if len(m.NewExecutionRunId) > 0 {
i -= len(m.NewExecutionRunId)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.NewExecutionRunId)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.NewExecutionRunId)))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x18
if m.RetryState != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.RetryState))
dAtA[i] = 0x10
if m.Failure != nil {
size, err := m.Failure.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if len(m.NewExecutionRunId) > 0 {
i -= len(m.NewExecutionRunId)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.NewExecutionRunId)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.NewExecutionRunId)))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if m.RetryState != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.RetryState))
dAtA[i] = 0x8
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.SearchAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.SearchAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x72
if m.Memo != nil {
size, err := m.Memo.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x6a
if m.Header != nil {
size, err := m.Header.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x62
if m.LastCompletionResult != nil {
size, err := m.LastCompletionResult.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x5a
if m.Failure != nil {
size, err := m.Failure.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x52
if m.Initiator != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.Initiator))
dAtA[i] = 0x48
if m.BackoffStartInterval != nil {
n24, err24 := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationMarshalTo(*m.BackoffStartInterval, dAtA[i-github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.BackoffStartInterval):])
if err24 != nil {
return 0, err24
i -= n24
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(n24))
dAtA[i] = 0x42
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x38
if m.WorkflowTaskTimeout != nil {
n25, err25 := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationMarshalTo(*m.WorkflowTaskTimeout, dAtA[i-github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.WorkflowTaskTimeout):])
if err25 != nil {
return 0, err25
i -= n25
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(n25))
dAtA[i] = 0x32
if m.WorkflowRunTimeout != nil {
n26, err26 := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationMarshalTo(*m.WorkflowRunTimeout, dAtA[i-github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.WorkflowRunTimeout):])
if err26 != nil {
return 0, err26
i -= n26
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(n26))
dAtA[i] = 0x2a
if m.Input != nil {
size, err := m.Input.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if m.TaskQueue != nil {
size, err := m.TaskQueue.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowType.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if len(m.NewExecutionRunId) > 0 {
i -= len(m.NewExecutionRunId)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.NewExecutionRunId)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.NewExecutionRunId)))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.Attempt != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.Attempt))
dAtA[i] = 0x18
if m.StartToCloseTimeout != nil {
n30, err30 := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationMarshalTo(*m.StartToCloseTimeout, dAtA[i-github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.StartToCloseTimeout):])
if err30 != nil {
return 0, err30
i -= n30
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(n30))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if m.TaskQueue != nil {
size, err := m.TaskQueue.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if len(m.RequestId) > 0 {
i -= len(m.RequestId)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.RequestId)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.RequestId)))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if len(m.Identity) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Identity)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Identity)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Identity)))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x8
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if len(m.BinaryChecksum) > 0 {
i -= len(m.BinaryChecksum)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.BinaryChecksum)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.BinaryChecksum)))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if len(m.Identity) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Identity)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Identity)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Identity)))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.StartedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x10
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x8
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.TimeoutType != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.TimeoutType))
dAtA[i] = 0x18
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.StartedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x10
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x8
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if len(m.BinaryChecksum) > 0 {
i -= len(m.BinaryChecksum)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.BinaryChecksum)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.BinaryChecksum)))
dAtA[i] = 0x4a
if m.ForkEventVersion != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.ForkEventVersion))
dAtA[i] = 0x40
if len(m.NewRunId) > 0 {
i -= len(m.NewRunId)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.NewRunId)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.NewRunId)))
dAtA[i] = 0x3a
if len(m.BaseRunId) > 0 {
i -= len(m.BaseRunId)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.BaseRunId)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.BaseRunId)))
dAtA[i] = 0x32
if len(m.Identity) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Identity)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Identity)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Identity)))
dAtA[i] = 0x2a
if m.Failure != nil {
size, err := m.Failure.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if m.Cause != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.Cause))
dAtA[i] = 0x18
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.StartedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x10
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x8
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.RetryPolicy != nil {
size, err := m.RetryPolicy.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x62
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x58
if m.HeartbeatTimeout != nil {
n34, err34 := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationMarshalTo(*m.HeartbeatTimeout, dAtA[i-github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.HeartbeatTimeout):])
if err34 != nil {
return 0, err34
i -= n34
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(n34))
dAtA[i] = 0x52
if m.StartToCloseTimeout != nil {
n35, err35 := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationMarshalTo(*m.StartToCloseTimeout, dAtA[i-github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.StartToCloseTimeout):])
if err35 != nil {
return 0, err35
i -= n35
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(n35))
dAtA[i] = 0x4a
if m.ScheduleToStartTimeout != nil {
n36, err36 := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationMarshalTo(*m.ScheduleToStartTimeout, dAtA[i-github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.ScheduleToStartTimeout):])
if err36 != nil {
return 0, err36
i -= n36
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(n36))
dAtA[i] = 0x42
if m.ScheduleToCloseTimeout != nil {
n37, err37 := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationMarshalTo(*m.ScheduleToCloseTimeout, dAtA[i-github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.ScheduleToCloseTimeout):])
if err37 != nil {
return 0, err37
i -= n37
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(n37))
dAtA[i] = 0x3a
if m.Input != nil {
size, err := m.Input.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x32
if m.Header != nil {
size, err := m.Header.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2a
if m.TaskQueue != nil {
size, err := m.TaskQueue.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if len(m.Namespace) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Namespace)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Namespace)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Namespace)))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if m.ActivityType != nil {
size, err := m.ActivityType.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if len(m.ActivityId) > 0 {
i -= len(m.ActivityId)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.ActivityId)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.ActivityId)))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.LastFailure != nil {
size, err := m.LastFailure.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2a
if m.Attempt != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.Attempt))
dAtA[i] = 0x20
if len(m.RequestId) > 0 {
i -= len(m.RequestId)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.RequestId)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.RequestId)))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if len(m.Identity) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Identity)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Identity)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Identity)))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x8
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if len(m.Identity) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Identity)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Identity)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Identity)))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.StartedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x18
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x10
if m.Result != nil {
size, err := m.Result.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.RetryState != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.RetryState))
dAtA[i] = 0x28
if len(m.Identity) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Identity)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Identity)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Identity)))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.StartedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x18
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x10
if m.Failure != nil {
size, err := m.Failure.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.RetryState != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.RetryState))
dAtA[i] = 0x20
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.StartedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x18
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x10
if m.Failure != nil {
size, err := m.Failure.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x10
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x8
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if len(m.Identity) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Identity)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Identity)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Identity)))
dAtA[i] = 0x2a
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.StartedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x20
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x18
if m.LatestCancelRequestedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.LatestCancelRequestedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x10
if m.Details != nil {
size, err := m.Details.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *TimerStartedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *TimerStartedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *TimerStartedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x18
if m.StartToFireTimeout != nil {
n47, err47 := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationMarshalTo(*m.StartToFireTimeout, dAtA[i-github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.StartToFireTimeout):])
if err47 != nil {
return 0, err47
i -= n47
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(n47))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if len(m.TimerId) > 0 {
i -= len(m.TimerId)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.TimerId)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.TimerId)))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *TimerFiredEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *TimerFiredEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *TimerFiredEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.StartedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x10
if len(m.TimerId) > 0 {
i -= len(m.TimerId)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.TimerId)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.TimerId)))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *TimerCanceledEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *TimerCanceledEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *TimerCanceledEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if len(m.Identity) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Identity)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Identity)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Identity)))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x18
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.StartedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x10
if len(m.TimerId) > 0 {
i -= len(m.TimerId)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.TimerId)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.TimerId)))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if len(m.Identity) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Identity)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Identity)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Identity)))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if m.ExternalWorkflowExecution != nil {
size, err := m.ExternalWorkflowExecution.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if m.ExternalInitiatedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.ExternalInitiatedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x10
if len(m.Cause) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Cause)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Cause)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Cause)))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.Details != nil {
size, err := m.Details.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x8
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.Failure != nil {
size, err := m.Failure.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2a
if m.Header != nil {
size, err := m.Header.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x18
if len(m.Details) > 0 {
for k := range m.Details {
v := m.Details[k]
baseI := i
if v != nil {
size, err := v.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
i -= len(k)
copy(dAtA[i:], k)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(k)))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(baseI-i))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if len(m.MarkerName) > 0 {
i -= len(m.MarkerName)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.MarkerName)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.MarkerName)))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.Header != nil {
size, err := m.Header.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if len(m.Identity) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Identity)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Identity)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Identity)))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if m.Input != nil {
size, err := m.Input.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if len(m.SignalName) > 0 {
i -= len(m.SignalName)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.SignalName)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.SignalName)))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if len(m.Identity) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Identity)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Identity)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Identity)))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if m.Details != nil {
size, err := m.Details.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if len(m.Reason) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Reason)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Reason)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Reason)))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.ChildWorkflowOnly {
if m.ChildWorkflowOnly {
dAtA[i] = 1
} else {
dAtA[i] = 0
dAtA[i] = 0x28
if len(m.Control) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Control)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Control)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Control)))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecution.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if len(m.Namespace) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Namespace)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Namespace)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Namespace)))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x8
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if len(m.Control) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Control)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Control)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Control)))
dAtA[i] = 0x32
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x28
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecution.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if len(m.Namespace) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Namespace)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Namespace)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Namespace)))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x10
if m.Cause != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.Cause))
dAtA[i] = 0x8
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecution.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if len(m.Namespace) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Namespace)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Namespace)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Namespace)))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x8
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.Header != nil {
size, err := m.Header.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x42
if m.ChildWorkflowOnly {
if m.ChildWorkflowOnly {
dAtA[i] = 1
} else {
dAtA[i] = 0
dAtA[i] = 0x38
if len(m.Control) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Control)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Control)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Control)))
dAtA[i] = 0x32
if m.Input != nil {
size, err := m.Input.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2a
if len(m.SignalName) > 0 {
i -= len(m.SignalName)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.SignalName)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.SignalName)))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecution.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if len(m.Namespace) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Namespace)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Namespace)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Namespace)))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x8
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if len(m.Control) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Control)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Control)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Control)))
dAtA[i] = 0x32
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x28
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecution.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if len(m.Namespace) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Namespace)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Namespace)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Namespace)))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x10
if m.Cause != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.Cause))
dAtA[i] = 0x8
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if len(m.Control) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Control)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Control)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Control)))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecution.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if len(m.Namespace) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Namespace)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Namespace)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Namespace)))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x8
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.SearchAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.SearchAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x8
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.SearchAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.SearchAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0x8a
if m.Memo != nil {
size, err := m.Memo.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0x82
if m.Header != nil {
size, err := m.Header.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x7a
if len(m.CronSchedule) > 0 {
i -= len(m.CronSchedule)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.CronSchedule)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.CronSchedule)))
dAtA[i] = 0x72
if m.RetryPolicy != nil {
size, err := m.RetryPolicy.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x6a
if m.WorkflowIdReusePolicy != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.WorkflowIdReusePolicy))
dAtA[i] = 0x60
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x58
if len(m.Control) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Control)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Control)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Control)))
dAtA[i] = 0x52
if m.ParentClosePolicy != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.ParentClosePolicy))
dAtA[i] = 0x48
if m.WorkflowTaskTimeout != nil {
n69, err69 := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationMarshalTo(*m.WorkflowTaskTimeout, dAtA[i-github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.WorkflowTaskTimeout):])
if err69 != nil {
return 0, err69
i -= n69
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(n69))
dAtA[i] = 0x42
if m.WorkflowRunTimeout != nil {
n70, err70 := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationMarshalTo(*m.WorkflowRunTimeout, dAtA[i-github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.WorkflowRunTimeout):])
if err70 != nil {
return 0, err70
i -= n70
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(n70))
dAtA[i] = 0x3a
if m.WorkflowExecutionTimeout != nil {
n71, err71 := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationMarshalTo(*m.WorkflowExecutionTimeout, dAtA[i-github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.WorkflowExecutionTimeout):])
if err71 != nil {
return 0, err71
i -= n71
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(n71))
dAtA[i] = 0x32
if m.Input != nil {
size, err := m.Input.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2a
if m.TaskQueue != nil {
size, err := m.TaskQueue.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowType.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if len(m.WorkflowId) > 0 {
i -= len(m.WorkflowId)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.WorkflowId)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.WorkflowId)))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if len(m.Namespace) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Namespace)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Namespace)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Namespace)))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x38
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x30
if len(m.Control) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Control)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Control)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Control)))
dAtA[i] = 0x2a
if m.Cause != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.Cause))
dAtA[i] = 0x20
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowType.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if len(m.WorkflowId) > 0 {
i -= len(m.WorkflowId)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.WorkflowId)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.WorkflowId)))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if len(m.Namespace) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Namespace)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Namespace)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Namespace)))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.Header != nil {
size, err := m.Header.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2a
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowType.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecution.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x10
if len(m.Namespace) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Namespace)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Namespace)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Namespace)))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.StartedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x30
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x28
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowType.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecution.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if len(m.Namespace) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Namespace)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Namespace)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Namespace)))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if m.Result != nil {
size, err := m.Result.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.RetryState != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.RetryState))
dAtA[i] = 0x38
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.StartedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x30
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x28
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowType.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecution.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if len(m.Namespace) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Namespace)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Namespace)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Namespace)))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if m.Failure != nil {
size, err := m.Failure.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.StartedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x30
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x28
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowType.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x22
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecution.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if len(m.Namespace) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Namespace)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Namespace)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Namespace)))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if m.Details != nil {
size, err := m.Details.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.RetryState != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.RetryState))
dAtA[i] = 0x30
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.StartedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x28
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x20
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowType.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecution.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if len(m.Namespace) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Namespace)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Namespace)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Namespace)))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.StartedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x28
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x20
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowType.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1a
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecution.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if len(m.Namespace) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Namespace)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Namespace)
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Namespace)))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.Attributes != nil {
size := m.Attributes.Size()
i -= size
if _, err := m.Attributes.MarshalTo(dAtA[i:]); err != nil {
return 0, err
if m.TaskId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.TaskId))
dAtA[i] = 0x28
if m.Version != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.Version))
dAtA[i] = 0x20
if m.EventType != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.EventType))
dAtA[i] = 0x18
if m.EventTime != nil {
n92, err92 := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdTimeMarshalTo(*m.EventTime, dAtA[i-github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdTime(*m.EventTime):])
if err92 != nil {
return 0, err92
i -= n92
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(n92))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if m.EventId != 0 {
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(m.EventId))
dAtA[i] = 0x8
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x32
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x3a
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x42
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x4a
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x52
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x5a
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x62
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x6a
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x72
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x7a
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0x82
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0x8a
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0x92
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0x9a
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_TimerStartedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_TimerStartedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.TimerStartedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.TimerStartedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0xa2
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_TimerFiredEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_TimerFiredEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.TimerFiredEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.TimerFiredEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0xaa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0xb2
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0xba
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_TimerCanceledEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_TimerCanceledEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.TimerCanceledEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.TimerCanceledEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0xc2
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.MarkerRecordedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.MarkerRecordedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0xca
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0xd2
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0xda
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0xe2
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0xea
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0xf2
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x1
dAtA[i] = 0xfa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2
dAtA[i] = 0x82
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2
dAtA[i] = 0x8a
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2
dAtA[i] = 0x92
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2
dAtA[i] = 0x9a
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2
dAtA[i] = 0xa2
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2
dAtA[i] = 0xaa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2
dAtA[i] = 0xb2
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2
dAtA[i] = 0xba
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2
dAtA[i] = 0xc2
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2
dAtA[i] = 0xca
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2
dAtA[i] = 0xd2
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2
dAtA[i] = 0xda
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2
dAtA[i] = 0xe2
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *HistoryEvent_UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *HistoryEvent_UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
if m.UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes != nil {
size, err := m.UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0x2
dAtA[i] = 0xea
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func (m *History) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *History) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *History) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if len(m.Events) > 0 {
for iNdEx := len(m.Events) - 1; iNdEx >= 0; iNdEx-- {
size, err := m.Events[iNdEx].MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:i])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarintMessage(dAtA, i, uint64(size))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func encodeVarintMessage(dAtA []byte, offset int, v uint64) int {
offset -= sovMessage(v)
base := offset
for v >= 1<<7 {
dAtA[offset] = uint8(v&0x7f | 0x80)
v >>= 7
dAtA[offset] = uint8(v)
return base
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
l = m.WorkflowType.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.ParentWorkflowNamespace)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.ParentWorkflowExecution != nil {
l = m.ParentWorkflowExecution.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.ParentInitiatedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.ParentInitiatedEventId))
if m.TaskQueue != nil {
l = m.TaskQueue.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Input != nil {
l = m.Input.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowExecutionTimeout != nil {
l = github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.WorkflowExecutionTimeout)
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowRunTimeout != nil {
l = github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.WorkflowRunTimeout)
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowTaskTimeout != nil {
l = github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.WorkflowTaskTimeout)
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.ContinuedExecutionRunId)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Initiator != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.Initiator))
if m.ContinuedFailure != nil {
l = m.ContinuedFailure.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.LastCompletionResult != nil {
l = m.LastCompletionResult.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.OriginalExecutionRunId)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.Identity)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.FirstExecutionRunId)
if l > 0 {
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.RetryPolicy != nil {
l = m.RetryPolicy.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Attempt != 0 {
n += 2 + sovMessage(uint64(m.Attempt))
if m.WorkflowExecutionExpirationTime != nil {
l = github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdTime(*m.WorkflowExecutionExpirationTime)
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.CronSchedule)
if l > 0 {
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff != nil {
l = github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff)
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Memo != nil {
l = m.Memo.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.SearchAttributes != nil {
l = m.SearchAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.PrevAutoResetPoints != nil {
l = m.PrevAutoResetPoints.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Header != nil {
l = m.Header.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.Result != nil {
l = m.Result.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
l = len(m.NewExecutionRunId)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.Failure != nil {
l = m.Failure.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.RetryState != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.RetryState))
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
l = len(m.NewExecutionRunId)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.RetryState != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.RetryState))
l = len(m.NewExecutionRunId)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
l = len(m.NewExecutionRunId)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
l = m.WorkflowType.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.TaskQueue != nil {
l = m.TaskQueue.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Input != nil {
l = m.Input.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowRunTimeout != nil {
l = github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.WorkflowRunTimeout)
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowTaskTimeout != nil {
l = github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.WorkflowTaskTimeout)
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
if m.BackoffStartInterval != nil {
l = github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.BackoffStartInterval)
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Initiator != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.Initiator))
if m.Failure != nil {
l = m.Failure.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.LastCompletionResult != nil {
l = m.LastCompletionResult.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Header != nil {
l = m.Header.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Memo != nil {
l = m.Memo.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.SearchAttributes != nil {
l = m.SearchAttributes.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.TaskQueue != nil {
l = m.TaskQueue.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.StartToCloseTimeout != nil {
l = github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.StartToCloseTimeout)
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Attempt != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.Attempt))
return n
func (m *WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
l = len(m.Identity)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.RequestId)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.StartedEventId))
l = len(m.Identity)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.BinaryChecksum)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.StartedEventId))
if m.TimeoutType != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.TimeoutType))
return n
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.StartedEventId))
if m.Cause != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.Cause))
if m.Failure != nil {
l = m.Failure.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.Identity)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.BaseRunId)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.NewRunId)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.ForkEventVersion != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.ForkEventVersion))
l = len(m.BinaryChecksum)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
l = len(m.ActivityId)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.ActivityType != nil {
l = m.ActivityType.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.Namespace)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.TaskQueue != nil {
l = m.TaskQueue.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Header != nil {
l = m.Header.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Input != nil {
l = m.Input.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.ScheduleToCloseTimeout != nil {
l = github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.ScheduleToCloseTimeout)
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.ScheduleToStartTimeout != nil {
l = github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.ScheduleToStartTimeout)
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.StartToCloseTimeout != nil {
l = github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.StartToCloseTimeout)
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.HeartbeatTimeout != nil {
l = github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.HeartbeatTimeout)
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
if m.RetryPolicy != nil {
l = m.RetryPolicy.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
l = len(m.Identity)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.RequestId)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Attempt != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.Attempt))
if m.LastFailure != nil {
l = m.LastFailure.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.Result != nil {
l = m.Result.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.StartedEventId))
l = len(m.Identity)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.Failure != nil {
l = m.Failure.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.StartedEventId))
l = len(m.Identity)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.RetryState != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.RetryState))
return n
func (m *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.Failure != nil {
l = m.Failure.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.StartedEventId))
if m.RetryState != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.RetryState))
return n
func (m *ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
return n
func (m *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.Details != nil {
l = m.Details.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.LatestCancelRequestedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.LatestCancelRequestedEventId))
if m.ScheduledEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.ScheduledEventId))
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.StartedEventId))
l = len(m.Identity)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *TimerStartedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
l = len(m.TimerId)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.StartToFireTimeout != nil {
l = github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.StartToFireTimeout)
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
return n
func (m *TimerFiredEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
l = len(m.TimerId)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.StartedEventId))
return n
func (m *TimerCanceledEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
l = len(m.TimerId)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.StartedEventId))
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
l = len(m.Identity)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
l = len(m.Cause)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.ExternalInitiatedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.ExternalInitiatedEventId))
if m.ExternalWorkflowExecution != nil {
l = m.ExternalWorkflowExecution.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.Identity)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
if m.Details != nil {
l = m.Details.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
l = len(m.MarkerName)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if len(m.Details) > 0 {
for k, v := range m.Details {
_ = k
_ = v
l = 0
if v != nil {
l = v.Size()
l += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(l))
mapEntrySize := 1 + len(k) + sovMessage(uint64(len(k))) + l
n += mapEntrySize + 1 + sovMessage(uint64(mapEntrySize))
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
if m.Header != nil {
l = m.Header.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Failure != nil {
l = m.Failure.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
l = len(m.SignalName)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Input != nil {
l = m.Input.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.Identity)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Header != nil {
l = m.Header.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
l = len(m.Reason)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Details != nil {
l = m.Details.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.Identity)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
l = len(m.Namespace)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecution.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.Control)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.ChildWorkflowOnly {
n += 2
return n
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.Cause != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.Cause))
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
l = len(m.Namespace)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecution.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
l = len(m.Control)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
l = len(m.Namespace)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecution.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
l = len(m.Namespace)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecution.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.SignalName)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Input != nil {
l = m.Input.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.Control)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.ChildWorkflowOnly {
n += 2
if m.Header != nil {
l = m.Header.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.Cause != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.Cause))
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
l = len(m.Namespace)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecution.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
l = len(m.Control)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
l = len(m.Namespace)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecution.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.Control)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
if m.SearchAttributes != nil {
l = m.SearchAttributes.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
l = len(m.Namespace)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.WorkflowId)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
l = m.WorkflowType.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.TaskQueue != nil {
l = m.TaskQueue.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Input != nil {
l = m.Input.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowExecutionTimeout != nil {
l = github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.WorkflowExecutionTimeout)
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowRunTimeout != nil {
l = github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.WorkflowRunTimeout)
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowTaskTimeout != nil {
l = github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdDuration(*m.WorkflowTaskTimeout)
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.ParentClosePolicy != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.ParentClosePolicy))
l = len(m.Control)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
if m.WorkflowIdReusePolicy != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.WorkflowIdReusePolicy))
if m.RetryPolicy != nil {
l = m.RetryPolicy.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.CronSchedule)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Header != nil {
l = m.Header.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Memo != nil {
l = m.Memo.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.SearchAttributes != nil {
l = m.SearchAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
l = len(m.Namespace)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.WorkflowId)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
l = m.WorkflowType.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Cause != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.Cause))
l = len(m.Control)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId))
return n
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
l = len(m.Namespace)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecution.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
l = m.WorkflowType.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.Header != nil {
l = m.Header.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.Result != nil {
l = m.Result.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.Namespace)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecution.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
l = m.WorkflowType.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.StartedEventId))
return n
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.Failure != nil {
l = m.Failure.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.Namespace)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecution.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
l = m.WorkflowType.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.StartedEventId))
if m.RetryState != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.RetryState))
return n
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.Details != nil {
l = m.Details.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
l = len(m.Namespace)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecution.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
l = m.WorkflowType.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.StartedEventId))
return n
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
l = len(m.Namespace)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecution.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
l = m.WorkflowType.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.StartedEventId))
if m.RetryState != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.RetryState))
return n
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
l = len(m.Namespace)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowExecution != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecution.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.WorkflowType != nil {
l = m.WorkflowType.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.InitiatedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.InitiatedEventId))
if m.StartedEventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.StartedEventId))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.EventId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.EventId))
if m.EventTime != nil {
l = github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.SizeOfStdTime(*m.EventTime)
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
if m.EventType != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.EventType))
if m.Version != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.Version))
if m.TaskId != 0 {
n += 1 + sovMessage(uint64(m.TaskId))
if m.Attributes != nil {
n += m.Attributes.Size()
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_TimerStartedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.TimerStartedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.TimerStartedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_TimerFiredEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.TimerFiredEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.TimerFiredEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_TimerCanceledEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.TimerCanceledEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.TimerCanceledEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.MarkerRecordedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.MarkerRecordedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *HistoryEvent_UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes != nil {
l = m.UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes.Size()
n += 2 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func (m *History) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if len(m.Events) > 0 {
for _, e := range m.Events {
l = e.Size()
n += 1 + l + sovMessage(uint64(l))
return n
func sovMessage(x uint64) (n int) {
return (math_bits.Len64(x|1) + 6) / 7
func sozMessage(x uint64) (n int) {
return sovMessage(uint64((x << 1) ^ uint64((int64(x) >> 63))))
func (this *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes{`,
`WorkflowType:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowType), "WorkflowType", "v1.WorkflowType", 1) + `,`,
`ParentWorkflowNamespace:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ParentWorkflowNamespace) + `,`,
`ParentWorkflowExecution:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ParentWorkflowExecution), "WorkflowExecution", "v1.WorkflowExecution", 1) + `,`,
`ParentInitiatedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ParentInitiatedEventId) + `,`,
`TaskQueue:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.TaskQueue), "TaskQueue", "v11.TaskQueue", 1) + `,`,
`Input:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Input), "Payloads", "v1.Payloads", 1) + `,`,
`WorkflowExecutionTimeout:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecutionTimeout), "Duration", "types.Duration", 1) + `,`,
`WorkflowRunTimeout:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowRunTimeout), "Duration", "types.Duration", 1) + `,`,
`WorkflowTaskTimeout:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskTimeout), "Duration", "types.Duration", 1) + `,`,
`ContinuedExecutionRunId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ContinuedExecutionRunId) + `,`,
`Initiator:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Initiator) + `,`,
`ContinuedFailure:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ContinuedFailure), "Failure", "v13.Failure", 1) + `,`,
`LastCompletionResult:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.LastCompletionResult), "Payloads", "v1.Payloads", 1) + `,`,
`OriginalExecutionRunId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.OriginalExecutionRunId) + `,`,
`Identity:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Identity) + `,`,
`FirstExecutionRunId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.FirstExecutionRunId) + `,`,
`RetryPolicy:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.RetryPolicy), "RetryPolicy", "v1.RetryPolicy", 1) + `,`,
`Attempt:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Attempt) + `,`,
`WorkflowExecutionExpirationTime:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecutionExpirationTime), "Timestamp", "types.Timestamp", 1) + `,`,
`CronSchedule:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.CronSchedule) + `,`,
`FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff), "Duration", "types.Duration", 1) + `,`,
`Memo:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Memo), "Memo", "v1.Memo", 1) + `,`,
`SearchAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.SearchAttributes), "SearchAttributes", "v1.SearchAttributes", 1) + `,`,
`PrevAutoResetPoints:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.PrevAutoResetPoints), "ResetPoints", "v14.ResetPoints", 1) + `,`,
`Header:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Header), "Header", "v1.Header", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes{`,
`Result:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Result), "Payloads", "v1.Payloads", 1) + `,`,
`WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId) + `,`,
`NewExecutionRunId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.NewExecutionRunId) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{`,
`Failure:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Failure), "Failure", "v13.Failure", 1) + `,`,
`RetryState:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.RetryState) + `,`,
`WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId) + `,`,
`NewExecutionRunId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.NewExecutionRunId) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes{`,
`RetryState:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.RetryState) + `,`,
`NewExecutionRunId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.NewExecutionRunId) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes{`,
`NewExecutionRunId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.NewExecutionRunId) + `,`,
`WorkflowType:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowType), "WorkflowType", "v1.WorkflowType", 1) + `,`,
`TaskQueue:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.TaskQueue), "TaskQueue", "v11.TaskQueue", 1) + `,`,
`Input:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Input), "Payloads", "v1.Payloads", 1) + `,`,
`WorkflowRunTimeout:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowRunTimeout), "Duration", "types.Duration", 1) + `,`,
`WorkflowTaskTimeout:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskTimeout), "Duration", "types.Duration", 1) + `,`,
`WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId) + `,`,
`BackoffStartInterval:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.BackoffStartInterval), "Duration", "types.Duration", 1) + `,`,
`Initiator:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Initiator) + `,`,
`Failure:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Failure), "Failure", "v13.Failure", 1) + `,`,
`LastCompletionResult:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.LastCompletionResult), "Payloads", "v1.Payloads", 1) + `,`,
`Header:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Header), "Header", "v1.Header", 1) + `,`,
`Memo:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Memo), "Memo", "v1.Memo", 1) + `,`,
`SearchAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.SearchAttributes), "SearchAttributes", "v1.SearchAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes{`,
`TaskQueue:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.TaskQueue), "TaskQueue", "v11.TaskQueue", 1) + `,`,
`StartToCloseTimeout:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.StartToCloseTimeout), "Duration", "types.Duration", 1) + `,`,
`Attempt:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Attempt) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes{`,
`ScheduledEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ScheduledEventId) + `,`,
`Identity:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Identity) + `,`,
`RequestId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.RequestId) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes{`,
`ScheduledEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ScheduledEventId) + `,`,
`StartedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.StartedEventId) + `,`,
`Identity:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Identity) + `,`,
`BinaryChecksum:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.BinaryChecksum) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes{`,
`ScheduledEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ScheduledEventId) + `,`,
`StartedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.StartedEventId) + `,`,
`TimeoutType:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.TimeoutType) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes{`,
`ScheduledEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ScheduledEventId) + `,`,
`StartedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.StartedEventId) + `,`,
`Cause:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Cause) + `,`,
`Failure:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Failure), "Failure", "v13.Failure", 1) + `,`,
`Identity:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Identity) + `,`,
`BaseRunId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.BaseRunId) + `,`,
`NewRunId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.NewRunId) + `,`,
`ForkEventVersion:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ForkEventVersion) + `,`,
`BinaryChecksum:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.BinaryChecksum) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes{`,
`ActivityId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ActivityId) + `,`,
`ActivityType:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ActivityType), "ActivityType", "v1.ActivityType", 1) + `,`,
`Namespace:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Namespace) + `,`,
`TaskQueue:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.TaskQueue), "TaskQueue", "v11.TaskQueue", 1) + `,`,
`Header:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Header), "Header", "v1.Header", 1) + `,`,
`Input:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Input), "Payloads", "v1.Payloads", 1) + `,`,
`ScheduleToCloseTimeout:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ScheduleToCloseTimeout), "Duration", "types.Duration", 1) + `,`,
`ScheduleToStartTimeout:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ScheduleToStartTimeout), "Duration", "types.Duration", 1) + `,`,
`StartToCloseTimeout:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.StartToCloseTimeout), "Duration", "types.Duration", 1) + `,`,
`HeartbeatTimeout:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.HeartbeatTimeout), "Duration", "types.Duration", 1) + `,`,
`WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId) + `,`,
`RetryPolicy:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.RetryPolicy), "RetryPolicy", "v1.RetryPolicy", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes{`,
`ScheduledEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ScheduledEventId) + `,`,
`Identity:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Identity) + `,`,
`RequestId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.RequestId) + `,`,
`Attempt:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Attempt) + `,`,
`LastFailure:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.LastFailure), "Failure", "v13.Failure", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes{`,
`Result:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Result), "Payloads", "v1.Payloads", 1) + `,`,
`ScheduledEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ScheduledEventId) + `,`,
`StartedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.StartedEventId) + `,`,
`Identity:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Identity) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes{`,
`Failure:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Failure), "Failure", "v13.Failure", 1) + `,`,
`ScheduledEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ScheduledEventId) + `,`,
`StartedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.StartedEventId) + `,`,
`Identity:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Identity) + `,`,
`RetryState:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.RetryState) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes{`,
`Failure:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Failure), "Failure", "v13.Failure", 1) + `,`,
`ScheduledEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ScheduledEventId) + `,`,
`StartedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.StartedEventId) + `,`,
`RetryState:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.RetryState) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes{`,
`ScheduledEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ScheduledEventId) + `,`,
`WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes{`,
`Details:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Details), "Payloads", "v1.Payloads", 1) + `,`,
`LatestCancelRequestedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.LatestCancelRequestedEventId) + `,`,
`ScheduledEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ScheduledEventId) + `,`,
`StartedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.StartedEventId) + `,`,
`Identity:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Identity) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *TimerStartedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&TimerStartedEventAttributes{`,
`TimerId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.TimerId) + `,`,
`StartToFireTimeout:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.StartToFireTimeout), "Duration", "types.Duration", 1) + `,`,
`WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *TimerFiredEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&TimerFiredEventAttributes{`,
`TimerId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.TimerId) + `,`,
`StartedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.StartedEventId) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *TimerCanceledEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&TimerCanceledEventAttributes{`,
`TimerId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.TimerId) + `,`,
`StartedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.StartedEventId) + `,`,
`WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId) + `,`,
`Identity:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Identity) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes{`,
`Cause:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Cause) + `,`,
`ExternalInitiatedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ExternalInitiatedEventId) + `,`,
`ExternalWorkflowExecution:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ExternalWorkflowExecution), "WorkflowExecution", "v1.WorkflowExecution", 1) + `,`,
`Identity:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Identity) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes{`,
`WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId) + `,`,
`Details:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Details), "Payloads", "v1.Payloads", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
keysForDetails := make([]string, 0, len(this.Details))
for k, _ := range this.Details {
keysForDetails = append(keysForDetails, k)
mapStringForDetails := "map[string]*v1.Payloads{"
for _, k := range keysForDetails {
mapStringForDetails += fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v,", k, this.Details[k])
mapStringForDetails += "}"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&MarkerRecordedEventAttributes{`,
`MarkerName:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.MarkerName) + `,`,
`Details:` + mapStringForDetails + `,`,
`WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId) + `,`,
`Header:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Header), "Header", "v1.Header", 1) + `,`,
`Failure:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Failure), "Failure", "v13.Failure", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes{`,
`SignalName:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.SignalName) + `,`,
`Input:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Input), "Payloads", "v1.Payloads", 1) + `,`,
`Identity:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Identity) + `,`,
`Header:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Header), "Header", "v1.Header", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes{`,
`Reason:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Reason) + `,`,
`Details:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Details), "Payloads", "v1.Payloads", 1) + `,`,
`Identity:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Identity) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{`,
`WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId) + `,`,
`Namespace:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Namespace) + `,`,
`WorkflowExecution:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecution), "WorkflowExecution", "v1.WorkflowExecution", 1) + `,`,
`Control:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Control) + `,`,
`ChildWorkflowOnly:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ChildWorkflowOnly) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{`,
`Cause:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Cause) + `,`,
`WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId) + `,`,
`Namespace:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Namespace) + `,`,
`WorkflowExecution:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecution), "WorkflowExecution", "v1.WorkflowExecution", 1) + `,`,
`InitiatedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.InitiatedEventId) + `,`,
`Control:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Control) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes{`,
`InitiatedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.InitiatedEventId) + `,`,
`Namespace:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Namespace) + `,`,
`WorkflowExecution:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecution), "WorkflowExecution", "v1.WorkflowExecution", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{`,
`WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId) + `,`,
`Namespace:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Namespace) + `,`,
`WorkflowExecution:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecution), "WorkflowExecution", "v1.WorkflowExecution", 1) + `,`,
`SignalName:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.SignalName) + `,`,
`Input:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Input), "Payloads", "v1.Payloads", 1) + `,`,
`Control:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Control) + `,`,
`ChildWorkflowOnly:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ChildWorkflowOnly) + `,`,
`Header:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Header), "Header", "v1.Header", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{`,
`Cause:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Cause) + `,`,
`WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId) + `,`,
`Namespace:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Namespace) + `,`,
`WorkflowExecution:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecution), "WorkflowExecution", "v1.WorkflowExecution", 1) + `,`,
`InitiatedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.InitiatedEventId) + `,`,
`Control:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Control) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes{`,
`InitiatedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.InitiatedEventId) + `,`,
`Namespace:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Namespace) + `,`,
`WorkflowExecution:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecution), "WorkflowExecution", "v1.WorkflowExecution", 1) + `,`,
`Control:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Control) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes{`,
`WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId) + `,`,
`SearchAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.SearchAttributes), "SearchAttributes", "v1.SearchAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{`,
`Namespace:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Namespace) + `,`,
`WorkflowId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowId) + `,`,
`WorkflowType:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowType), "WorkflowType", "v1.WorkflowType", 1) + `,`,
`TaskQueue:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.TaskQueue), "TaskQueue", "v11.TaskQueue", 1) + `,`,
`Input:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Input), "Payloads", "v1.Payloads", 1) + `,`,
`WorkflowExecutionTimeout:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecutionTimeout), "Duration", "types.Duration", 1) + `,`,
`WorkflowRunTimeout:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowRunTimeout), "Duration", "types.Duration", 1) + `,`,
`WorkflowTaskTimeout:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskTimeout), "Duration", "types.Duration", 1) + `,`,
`ParentClosePolicy:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ParentClosePolicy) + `,`,
`Control:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Control) + `,`,
`WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId) + `,`,
`WorkflowIdReusePolicy:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowIdReusePolicy) + `,`,
`RetryPolicy:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.RetryPolicy), "RetryPolicy", "v1.RetryPolicy", 1) + `,`,
`CronSchedule:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.CronSchedule) + `,`,
`Header:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Header), "Header", "v1.Header", 1) + `,`,
`Memo:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Memo), "Memo", "v1.Memo", 1) + `,`,
`SearchAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.SearchAttributes), "SearchAttributes", "v1.SearchAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{`,
`Namespace:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Namespace) + `,`,
`WorkflowId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowId) + `,`,
`WorkflowType:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowType), "WorkflowType", "v1.WorkflowType", 1) + `,`,
`Cause:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Cause) + `,`,
`Control:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Control) + `,`,
`InitiatedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.InitiatedEventId) + `,`,
`WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes{`,
`Namespace:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Namespace) + `,`,
`InitiatedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.InitiatedEventId) + `,`,
`WorkflowExecution:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecution), "WorkflowExecution", "v1.WorkflowExecution", 1) + `,`,
`WorkflowType:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowType), "WorkflowType", "v1.WorkflowType", 1) + `,`,
`Header:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Header), "Header", "v1.Header", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes{`,
`Result:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Result), "Payloads", "v1.Payloads", 1) + `,`,
`Namespace:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Namespace) + `,`,
`WorkflowExecution:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecution), "WorkflowExecution", "v1.WorkflowExecution", 1) + `,`,
`WorkflowType:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowType), "WorkflowType", "v1.WorkflowType", 1) + `,`,
`InitiatedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.InitiatedEventId) + `,`,
`StartedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.StartedEventId) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{`,
`Failure:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Failure), "Failure", "v13.Failure", 1) + `,`,
`Namespace:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Namespace) + `,`,
`WorkflowExecution:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecution), "WorkflowExecution", "v1.WorkflowExecution", 1) + `,`,
`WorkflowType:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowType), "WorkflowType", "v1.WorkflowType", 1) + `,`,
`InitiatedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.InitiatedEventId) + `,`,
`StartedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.StartedEventId) + `,`,
`RetryState:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.RetryState) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes{`,
`Details:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Details), "Payloads", "v1.Payloads", 1) + `,`,
`Namespace:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Namespace) + `,`,
`WorkflowExecution:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecution), "WorkflowExecution", "v1.WorkflowExecution", 1) + `,`,
`WorkflowType:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowType), "WorkflowType", "v1.WorkflowType", 1) + `,`,
`InitiatedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.InitiatedEventId) + `,`,
`StartedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.StartedEventId) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes{`,
`Namespace:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Namespace) + `,`,
`WorkflowExecution:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecution), "WorkflowExecution", "v1.WorkflowExecution", 1) + `,`,
`WorkflowType:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowType), "WorkflowType", "v1.WorkflowType", 1) + `,`,
`InitiatedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.InitiatedEventId) + `,`,
`StartedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.StartedEventId) + `,`,
`RetryState:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.RetryState) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes{`,
`Namespace:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Namespace) + `,`,
`WorkflowExecution:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecution), "WorkflowExecution", "v1.WorkflowExecution", 1) + `,`,
`WorkflowType:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowType), "WorkflowType", "v1.WorkflowType", 1) + `,`,
`InitiatedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.InitiatedEventId) + `,`,
`StartedEventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.StartedEventId) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent{`,
`EventId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.EventId) + `,`,
`EventTime:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.EventTime), "Timestamp", "types.Timestamp", 1) + `,`,
`EventType:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.EventType) + `,`,
`Version:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Version) + `,`,
`TaskId:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.TaskId) + `,`,
`Attributes:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Attributes) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes{`,
`WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes), "WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes", "WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes{`,
`WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes), "WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes", "WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{`,
`WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes), "WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes", "WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes{`,
`WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes), "WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes", "WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes{`,
`WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes), "WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes", "WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes{`,
`WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes), "WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes", "WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes{`,
`WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes), "WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes", "WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes{`,
`WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes), "WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes", "WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes{`,
`WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes), "WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes", "WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes{`,
`ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes), "ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes", "ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes{`,
`ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes), "ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes", "ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes{`,
`ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes), "ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes", "ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes{`,
`ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes), "ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes", "ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes{`,
`ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes), "ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes", "ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_TimerStartedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_TimerStartedEventAttributes{`,
`TimerStartedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.TimerStartedEventAttributes), "TimerStartedEventAttributes", "TimerStartedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_TimerFiredEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_TimerFiredEventAttributes{`,
`TimerFiredEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.TimerFiredEventAttributes), "TimerFiredEventAttributes", "TimerFiredEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes{`,
`ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes), "ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes", "ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes{`,
`ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes), "ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes", "ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_TimerCanceledEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_TimerCanceledEventAttributes{`,
`TimerCanceledEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.TimerCanceledEventAttributes), "TimerCanceledEventAttributes", "TimerCanceledEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_MarkerRecordedEventAttributes{`,
`MarkerRecordedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.MarkerRecordedEventAttributes), "MarkerRecordedEventAttributes", "MarkerRecordedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes{`,
`WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes), "WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes", "WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes{`,
`WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes), "WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes", "WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes{`,
`WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes), "WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes", "WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes{`,
`WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes), "WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes", "WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{`,
`RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes), "RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes", "RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{`,
`RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes), "RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes", "RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes{`,
`ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes), "ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes", "ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes{`,
`WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes), "WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes", "WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{`,
`StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes), "StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes", "StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{`,
`StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes), "StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes", "StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes{`,
`ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes), "ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes", "ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes{`,
`ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes), "ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes", "ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{`,
`ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes), "ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes", "ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes{`,
`ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes), "ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes", "ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes{`,
`ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes), "ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes", "ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes{`,
`ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes), "ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes", "ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{`,
`SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes), "SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes", "SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{`,
`SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes), "SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes", "SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes{`,
`ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes), "ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes", "ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *HistoryEvent_UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&HistoryEvent_UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes{`,
`UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes:` + strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes), "UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes", "UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes", 1) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func (this *History) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
repeatedStringForEvents := "[]*HistoryEvent{"
for _, f := range this.Events {
repeatedStringForEvents += strings.Replace(f.String(), "HistoryEvent", "HistoryEvent", 1) + ","
repeatedStringForEvents += "}"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&History{`,
`Events:` + repeatedStringForEvents + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func valueToStringMessage(v interface{}) string {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if rv.IsNil() {
return "nil"
pv := reflect.Indirect(rv).Interface()
return fmt.Sprintf("*%v", pv)
func (m *WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowType", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowType == nil {
m.WorkflowType = &v1.WorkflowType{}
if err := m.WorkflowType.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ParentWorkflowNamespace", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.ParentWorkflowNamespace = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ParentWorkflowExecution", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.ParentWorkflowExecution == nil {
m.ParentWorkflowExecution = &v1.WorkflowExecution{}
if err := m.ParentWorkflowExecution.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ParentInitiatedEventId", wireType)
m.ParentInitiatedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.ParentInitiatedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 5:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field TaskQueue", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.TaskQueue == nil {
m.TaskQueue = &v11.TaskQueue{}
if err := m.TaskQueue.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 6:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Input", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Input == nil {
m.Input = &v1.Payloads{}
if err := m.Input.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 7:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecutionTimeout", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowExecutionTimeout == nil {
m.WorkflowExecutionTimeout = new(time.Duration)
if err := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationUnmarshal(m.WorkflowExecutionTimeout, dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 8:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowRunTimeout", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowRunTimeout == nil {
m.WorkflowRunTimeout = new(time.Duration)
if err := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationUnmarshal(m.WorkflowRunTimeout, dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 9:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskTimeout", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowTaskTimeout == nil {
m.WorkflowTaskTimeout = new(time.Duration)
if err := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationUnmarshal(m.WorkflowTaskTimeout, dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 10:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ContinuedExecutionRunId", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.ContinuedExecutionRunId = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 11:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Initiator", wireType)
m.Initiator = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.Initiator |= v12.ContinueAsNewInitiator(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 12:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ContinuedFailure", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.ContinuedFailure == nil {
m.ContinuedFailure = &v13.Failure{}
if err := m.ContinuedFailure.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 13:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field LastCompletionResult", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.LastCompletionResult == nil {
m.LastCompletionResult = &v1.Payloads{}
if err := m.LastCompletionResult.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 14:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field OriginalExecutionRunId", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.OriginalExecutionRunId = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 15:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Identity", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Identity = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 16:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field FirstExecutionRunId", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.FirstExecutionRunId = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 17:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field RetryPolicy", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.RetryPolicy == nil {
m.RetryPolicy = &v1.RetryPolicy{}
if err := m.RetryPolicy.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 18:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Attempt", wireType)
m.Attempt = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.Attempt |= int32(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 19:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecutionExpirationTime", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowExecutionExpirationTime == nil {
m.WorkflowExecutionExpirationTime = new(time.Time)
if err := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdTimeUnmarshal(m.WorkflowExecutionExpirationTime, dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 20:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field CronSchedule", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.CronSchedule = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 21:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff == nil {
m.FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff = new(time.Duration)
if err := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationUnmarshal(m.FirstWorkflowTaskBackoff, dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 22:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Memo", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Memo == nil {
m.Memo = &v1.Memo{}
if err := m.Memo.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 23:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field SearchAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.SearchAttributes == nil {
m.SearchAttributes = &v1.SearchAttributes{}
if err := m.SearchAttributes.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 24:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field PrevAutoResetPoints", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.PrevAutoResetPoints == nil {
m.PrevAutoResetPoints = &v14.ResetPoints{}
if err := m.PrevAutoResetPoints.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 25:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Header", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Header == nil {
m.Header = &v1.Header{}
if err := m.Header.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Result", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Result == nil {
m.Result = &v1.Payloads{}
if err := m.Result.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId", wireType)
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field NewExecutionRunId", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.NewExecutionRunId = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Failure", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Failure == nil {
m.Failure = &v13.Failure{}
if err := m.Failure.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field RetryState", wireType)
m.RetryState = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.RetryState |= v12.RetryState(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 3:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId", wireType)
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field NewExecutionRunId", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.NewExecutionRunId = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field RetryState", wireType)
m.RetryState = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.RetryState |= v12.RetryState(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field NewExecutionRunId", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.NewExecutionRunId = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field NewExecutionRunId", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.NewExecutionRunId = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowType", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowType == nil {
m.WorkflowType = &v1.WorkflowType{}
if err := m.WorkflowType.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field TaskQueue", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.TaskQueue == nil {
m.TaskQueue = &v11.TaskQueue{}
if err := m.TaskQueue.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Input", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Input == nil {
m.Input = &v1.Payloads{}
if err := m.Input.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 5:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowRunTimeout", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowRunTimeout == nil {
m.WorkflowRunTimeout = new(time.Duration)
if err := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationUnmarshal(m.WorkflowRunTimeout, dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 6:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskTimeout", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowTaskTimeout == nil {
m.WorkflowTaskTimeout = new(time.Duration)
if err := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationUnmarshal(m.WorkflowTaskTimeout, dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 7:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId", wireType)
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 8:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field BackoffStartInterval", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.BackoffStartInterval == nil {
m.BackoffStartInterval = new(time.Duration)
if err := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationUnmarshal(m.BackoffStartInterval, dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 9:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Initiator", wireType)
m.Initiator = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.Initiator |= v12.ContinueAsNewInitiator(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 10:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Failure", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Failure == nil {
m.Failure = &v13.Failure{}
if err := m.Failure.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 11:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field LastCompletionResult", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.LastCompletionResult == nil {
m.LastCompletionResult = &v1.Payloads{}
if err := m.LastCompletionResult.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 12:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Header", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Header == nil {
m.Header = &v1.Header{}
if err := m.Header.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 13:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Memo", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Memo == nil {
m.Memo = &v1.Memo{}
if err := m.Memo.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 14:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field SearchAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.SearchAttributes == nil {
m.SearchAttributes = &v1.SearchAttributes{}
if err := m.SearchAttributes.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field TaskQueue", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.TaskQueue == nil {
m.TaskQueue = &v11.TaskQueue{}
if err := m.TaskQueue.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field StartToCloseTimeout", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.StartToCloseTimeout == nil {
m.StartToCloseTimeout = new(time.Duration)
if err := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationUnmarshal(m.StartToCloseTimeout, dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Attempt", wireType)
m.Attempt = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.Attempt |= int32(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ScheduledEventId", wireType)
m.ScheduledEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.ScheduledEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Identity", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Identity = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field RequestId", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.RequestId = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ScheduledEventId", wireType)
m.ScheduledEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.ScheduledEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 2:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field StartedEventId", wireType)
m.StartedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.StartedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Identity", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Identity = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field BinaryChecksum", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.BinaryChecksum = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ScheduledEventId", wireType)
m.ScheduledEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.ScheduledEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 2:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field StartedEventId", wireType)
m.StartedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.StartedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 3:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field TimeoutType", wireType)
m.TimeoutType = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.TimeoutType |= v12.TimeoutType(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ScheduledEventId", wireType)
m.ScheduledEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.ScheduledEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 2:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field StartedEventId", wireType)
m.StartedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.StartedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 3:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Cause", wireType)
m.Cause = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.Cause |= v12.WorkflowTaskFailedCause(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Failure", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Failure == nil {
m.Failure = &v13.Failure{}
if err := m.Failure.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 5:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Identity", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Identity = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 6:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field BaseRunId", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.BaseRunId = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 7:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field NewRunId", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.NewRunId = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 8:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ForkEventVersion", wireType)
m.ForkEventVersion = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.ForkEventVersion |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 9:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field BinaryChecksum", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.BinaryChecksum = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ActivityId", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.ActivityId = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ActivityType", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.ActivityType == nil {
m.ActivityType = &v1.ActivityType{}
if err := m.ActivityType.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Namespace", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Namespace = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field TaskQueue", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.TaskQueue == nil {
m.TaskQueue = &v11.TaskQueue{}
if err := m.TaskQueue.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 5:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Header", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Header == nil {
m.Header = &v1.Header{}
if err := m.Header.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 6:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Input", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Input == nil {
m.Input = &v1.Payloads{}
if err := m.Input.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 7:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ScheduleToCloseTimeout", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.ScheduleToCloseTimeout == nil {
m.ScheduleToCloseTimeout = new(time.Duration)
if err := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationUnmarshal(m.ScheduleToCloseTimeout, dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 8:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ScheduleToStartTimeout", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.ScheduleToStartTimeout == nil {
m.ScheduleToStartTimeout = new(time.Duration)
if err := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationUnmarshal(m.ScheduleToStartTimeout, dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 9:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field StartToCloseTimeout", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.StartToCloseTimeout == nil {
m.StartToCloseTimeout = new(time.Duration)
if err := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationUnmarshal(m.StartToCloseTimeout, dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 10:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field HeartbeatTimeout", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.HeartbeatTimeout == nil {
m.HeartbeatTimeout = new(time.Duration)
if err := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationUnmarshal(m.HeartbeatTimeout, dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 11:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId", wireType)
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 12:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field RetryPolicy", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.RetryPolicy == nil {
m.RetryPolicy = &v1.RetryPolicy{}
if err := m.RetryPolicy.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ScheduledEventId", wireType)
m.ScheduledEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.ScheduledEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Identity", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Identity = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field RequestId", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.RequestId = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Attempt", wireType)
m.Attempt = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.Attempt |= int32(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 5:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field LastFailure", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.LastFailure == nil {
m.LastFailure = &v13.Failure{}
if err := m.LastFailure.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Result", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Result == nil {
m.Result = &v1.Payloads{}
if err := m.Result.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ScheduledEventId", wireType)
m.ScheduledEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.ScheduledEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 3:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field StartedEventId", wireType)
m.StartedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.StartedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Identity", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Identity = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Failure", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Failure == nil {
m.Failure = &v13.Failure{}
if err := m.Failure.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ScheduledEventId", wireType)
m.ScheduledEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.ScheduledEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 3:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field StartedEventId", wireType)
m.StartedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.StartedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Identity", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Identity = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 5:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field RetryState", wireType)
m.RetryState = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.RetryState |= v12.RetryState(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Failure", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Failure == nil {
m.Failure = &v13.Failure{}
if err := m.Failure.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ScheduledEventId", wireType)
m.ScheduledEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.ScheduledEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 3:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field StartedEventId", wireType)
m.StartedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.StartedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 4:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field RetryState", wireType)
m.RetryState = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.RetryState |= v12.RetryState(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ScheduledEventId", wireType)
m.ScheduledEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.ScheduledEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 2:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId", wireType)
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Details", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Details == nil {
m.Details = &v1.Payloads{}
if err := m.Details.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field LatestCancelRequestedEventId", wireType)
m.LatestCancelRequestedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.LatestCancelRequestedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 3:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ScheduledEventId", wireType)
m.ScheduledEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.ScheduledEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 4:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field StartedEventId", wireType)
m.StartedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.StartedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 5:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Identity", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Identity = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *TimerStartedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: TimerStartedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: TimerStartedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field TimerId", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.TimerId = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field StartToFireTimeout", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.StartToFireTimeout == nil {
m.StartToFireTimeout = new(time.Duration)
if err := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationUnmarshal(m.StartToFireTimeout, dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId", wireType)
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *TimerFiredEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: TimerFiredEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: TimerFiredEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field TimerId", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.TimerId = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field StartedEventId", wireType)
m.StartedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.StartedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *TimerCanceledEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: TimerCanceledEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: TimerCanceledEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field TimerId", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.TimerId = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field StartedEventId", wireType)
m.StartedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.StartedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 3:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId", wireType)
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Identity", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Identity = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Cause", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Cause = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ExternalInitiatedEventId", wireType)
m.ExternalInitiatedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.ExternalInitiatedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ExternalWorkflowExecution", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.ExternalWorkflowExecution == nil {
m.ExternalWorkflowExecution = &v1.WorkflowExecution{}
if err := m.ExternalWorkflowExecution.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Identity", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Identity = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId", wireType)
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Details", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Details == nil {
m.Details = &v1.Payloads{}
if err := m.Details.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *MarkerRecordedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: MarkerRecordedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: MarkerRecordedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field MarkerName", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.MarkerName = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Details", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Details == nil {
m.Details = make(map[string]*v1.Payloads)
var mapkey string
var mapvalue *v1.Payloads
for iNdEx < postIndex {
entryPreIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
if fieldNum == 1 {
var stringLenmapkey uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLenmapkey |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLenmapkey := int(stringLenmapkey)
if intStringLenmapkey < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postStringIndexmapkey := iNdEx + intStringLenmapkey
if postStringIndexmapkey < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postStringIndexmapkey > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
mapkey = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postStringIndexmapkey])
iNdEx = postStringIndexmapkey
} else if fieldNum == 2 {
var mapmsglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
mapmsglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if mapmsglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postmsgIndex := iNdEx + mapmsglen
if postmsgIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postmsgIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
mapvalue = &v1.Payloads{}
if err := mapvalue.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postmsgIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postmsgIndex
} else {
iNdEx = entryPreIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > postIndex {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
m.Details[mapkey] = mapvalue
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId", wireType)
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Header", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Header == nil {
m.Header = &v1.Header{}
if err := m.Header.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 5:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Failure", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Failure == nil {
m.Failure = &v13.Failure{}
if err := m.Failure.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field SignalName", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.SignalName = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Input", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Input == nil {
m.Input = &v1.Payloads{}
if err := m.Input.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Identity", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Identity = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Header", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Header == nil {
m.Header = &v1.Header{}
if err := m.Header.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Reason", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Reason = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Details", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Details == nil {
m.Details = &v1.Payloads{}
if err := m.Details.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Identity", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Identity = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId", wireType)
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Namespace", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Namespace = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecution", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowExecution == nil {
m.WorkflowExecution = &v1.WorkflowExecution{}
if err := m.WorkflowExecution.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Control", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Control = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 5:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ChildWorkflowOnly", wireType)
var v int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
v |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
m.ChildWorkflowOnly = bool(v != 0)
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Cause", wireType)
m.Cause = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.Cause |= v12.CancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedCause(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 2:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId", wireType)
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Namespace", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Namespace = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecution", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowExecution == nil {
m.WorkflowExecution = &v1.WorkflowExecution{}
if err := m.WorkflowExecution.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 5:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field InitiatedEventId", wireType)
m.InitiatedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.InitiatedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 6:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Control", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Control = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field InitiatedEventId", wireType)
m.InitiatedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.InitiatedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Namespace", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Namespace = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecution", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowExecution == nil {
m.WorkflowExecution = &v1.WorkflowExecution{}
if err := m.WorkflowExecution.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId", wireType)
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Namespace", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Namespace = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecution", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowExecution == nil {
m.WorkflowExecution = &v1.WorkflowExecution{}
if err := m.WorkflowExecution.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field SignalName", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.SignalName = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 5:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Input", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Input == nil {
m.Input = &v1.Payloads{}
if err := m.Input.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 6:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Control", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Control = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 7:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ChildWorkflowOnly", wireType)
var v int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
v |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
m.ChildWorkflowOnly = bool(v != 0)
case 8:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Header", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Header == nil {
m.Header = &v1.Header{}
if err := m.Header.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Cause", wireType)
m.Cause = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.Cause |= v12.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedCause(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 2:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId", wireType)
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Namespace", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Namespace = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecution", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowExecution == nil {
m.WorkflowExecution = &v1.WorkflowExecution{}
if err := m.WorkflowExecution.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 5:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field InitiatedEventId", wireType)
m.InitiatedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.InitiatedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 6:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Control", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Control = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field InitiatedEventId", wireType)
m.InitiatedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.InitiatedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Namespace", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Namespace = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecution", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowExecution == nil {
m.WorkflowExecution = &v1.WorkflowExecution{}
if err := m.WorkflowExecution.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Control", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Control = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId", wireType)
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field SearchAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.SearchAttributes == nil {
m.SearchAttributes = &v1.SearchAttributes{}
if err := m.SearchAttributes.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Namespace", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Namespace = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowId", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.WorkflowId = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowType", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowType == nil {
m.WorkflowType = &v1.WorkflowType{}
if err := m.WorkflowType.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field TaskQueue", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.TaskQueue == nil {
m.TaskQueue = &v11.TaskQueue{}
if err := m.TaskQueue.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 5:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Input", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Input == nil {
m.Input = &v1.Payloads{}
if err := m.Input.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 6:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecutionTimeout", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowExecutionTimeout == nil {
m.WorkflowExecutionTimeout = new(time.Duration)
if err := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationUnmarshal(m.WorkflowExecutionTimeout, dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 7:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowRunTimeout", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowRunTimeout == nil {
m.WorkflowRunTimeout = new(time.Duration)
if err := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationUnmarshal(m.WorkflowRunTimeout, dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 8:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskTimeout", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowTaskTimeout == nil {
m.WorkflowTaskTimeout = new(time.Duration)
if err := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdDurationUnmarshal(m.WorkflowTaskTimeout, dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 9:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ParentClosePolicy", wireType)
m.ParentClosePolicy = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.ParentClosePolicy |= v12.ParentClosePolicy(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 10:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Control", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Control = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 11:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId", wireType)
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 12:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowIdReusePolicy", wireType)
m.WorkflowIdReusePolicy = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.WorkflowIdReusePolicy |= v12.WorkflowIdReusePolicy(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 13:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field RetryPolicy", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.RetryPolicy == nil {
m.RetryPolicy = &v1.RetryPolicy{}
if err := m.RetryPolicy.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 14:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field CronSchedule", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.CronSchedule = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 15:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Header", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Header == nil {
m.Header = &v1.Header{}
if err := m.Header.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 16:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Memo", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Memo == nil {
m.Memo = &v1.Memo{}
if err := m.Memo.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 17:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field SearchAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.SearchAttributes == nil {
m.SearchAttributes = &v1.SearchAttributes{}
if err := m.SearchAttributes.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Namespace", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Namespace = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowId", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.WorkflowId = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowType", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowType == nil {
m.WorkflowType = &v1.WorkflowType{}
if err := m.WorkflowType.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Cause", wireType)
m.Cause = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.Cause |= v12.StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedCause(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 5:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Control", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Control = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 6:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field InitiatedEventId", wireType)
m.InitiatedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.InitiatedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 7:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId", wireType)
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.WorkflowTaskCompletedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Namespace", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Namespace = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field InitiatedEventId", wireType)
m.InitiatedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.InitiatedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecution", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowExecution == nil {
m.WorkflowExecution = &v1.WorkflowExecution{}
if err := m.WorkflowExecution.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowType", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowType == nil {
m.WorkflowType = &v1.WorkflowType{}
if err := m.WorkflowType.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 5:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Header", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Header == nil {
m.Header = &v1.Header{}
if err := m.Header.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Result", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Result == nil {
m.Result = &v1.Payloads{}
if err := m.Result.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Namespace", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Namespace = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecution", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowExecution == nil {
m.WorkflowExecution = &v1.WorkflowExecution{}
if err := m.WorkflowExecution.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowType", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowType == nil {
m.WorkflowType = &v1.WorkflowType{}
if err := m.WorkflowType.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 5:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field InitiatedEventId", wireType)
m.InitiatedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.InitiatedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 6:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field StartedEventId", wireType)
m.StartedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.StartedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Failure", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Failure == nil {
m.Failure = &v13.Failure{}
if err := m.Failure.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Namespace", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Namespace = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecution", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowExecution == nil {
m.WorkflowExecution = &v1.WorkflowExecution{}
if err := m.WorkflowExecution.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowType", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowType == nil {
m.WorkflowType = &v1.WorkflowType{}
if err := m.WorkflowType.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 5:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field InitiatedEventId", wireType)
m.InitiatedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.InitiatedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 6:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field StartedEventId", wireType)
m.StartedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.StartedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 7:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field RetryState", wireType)
m.RetryState = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.RetryState |= v12.RetryState(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Details", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.Details == nil {
m.Details = &v1.Payloads{}
if err := m.Details.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Namespace", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Namespace = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecution", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowExecution == nil {
m.WorkflowExecution = &v1.WorkflowExecution{}
if err := m.WorkflowExecution.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowType", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowType == nil {
m.WorkflowType = &v1.WorkflowType{}
if err := m.WorkflowType.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 5:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field InitiatedEventId", wireType)
m.InitiatedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.InitiatedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 6:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field StartedEventId", wireType)
m.StartedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.StartedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Namespace", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Namespace = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecution", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowExecution == nil {
m.WorkflowExecution = &v1.WorkflowExecution{}
if err := m.WorkflowExecution.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowType", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowType == nil {
m.WorkflowType = &v1.WorkflowType{}
if err := m.WorkflowType.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field InitiatedEventId", wireType)
m.InitiatedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.InitiatedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 5:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field StartedEventId", wireType)
m.StartedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.StartedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 6:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field RetryState", wireType)
m.RetryState = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.RetryState |= v12.RetryState(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Namespace", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Namespace = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecution", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowExecution == nil {
m.WorkflowExecution = &v1.WorkflowExecution{}
if err := m.WorkflowExecution.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowType", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.WorkflowType == nil {
m.WorkflowType = &v1.WorkflowType{}
if err := m.WorkflowType.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 4:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field InitiatedEventId", wireType)
m.InitiatedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.InitiatedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 5:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field StartedEventId", wireType)
m.StartedEventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.StartedEventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *HistoryEvent) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: HistoryEvent: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: HistoryEvent: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field EventId", wireType)
m.EventId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.EventId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field EventTime", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if m.EventTime == nil {
m.EventTime = new(time.Time)
if err := github_com_gogo_protobuf_types.StdTimeUnmarshal(m.EventTime, dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
case 3:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field EventType", wireType)
m.EventType = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.EventType |= v12.EventType(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 4:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Version", wireType)
m.Version = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.Version |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 5:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field TaskId", wireType)
m.TaskId = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.TaskId |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 6:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 7:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 8:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 9:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 10:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 11:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskStartedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 12:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 13:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskTimedOutEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 14:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_WorkflowTaskFailedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 15:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 16:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 17:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 18:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 19:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 20:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field TimerStartedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &TimerStartedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_TimerStartedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 21:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field TimerFiredEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &TimerFiredEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_TimerFiredEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 22:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 23:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 24:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field TimerCanceledEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &TimerCanceledEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_TimerCanceledEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 25:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field MarkerRecordedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &MarkerRecordedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_MarkerRecordedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 26:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 27:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 28:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 29:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 30:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 31:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 32:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 33:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 34:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 35:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 36:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 37:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 38:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 39:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 40:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 41:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 42:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 43:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 44:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
case 45:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
v := &UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes{}
if err := v.Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
m.Attributes = &HistoryEvent_UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesEventAttributes{v}
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func (m *History) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: History: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: History: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Events", wireType)
var msglen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
msglen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if msglen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
postIndex := iNdEx + msglen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Events = append(m.Events, &HistoryEvent{})
if err := m.Events[len(m.Events)-1].Unmarshal(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]); err != nil {
return err
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipMessage(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if skippy < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func skipMessage(dAtA []byte) (n int, err error) {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
depth := 0
for iNdEx < l {
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= (uint64(b) & 0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
switch wireType {
case 0:
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if dAtA[iNdEx-1] < 0x80 {
case 1:
iNdEx += 8
case 2:
var length int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowMessage
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
length |= (int(b) & 0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if length < 0 {
return 0, ErrInvalidLengthMessage
iNdEx += length
case 3:
case 4:
if depth == 0 {
return 0, ErrUnexpectedEndOfGroupMessage
case 5:
iNdEx += 4
return 0, fmt.Errorf("proto: illegal wireType %d", wireType)
if iNdEx < 0 {
return 0, ErrInvalidLengthMessage
if depth == 0 {
return iNdEx, nil
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
var (
ErrInvalidLengthMessage = fmt.Errorf("proto: negative length found during unmarshaling")
ErrIntOverflowMessage = fmt.Errorf("proto: integer overflow")
ErrUnexpectedEndOfGroupMessage = fmt.Errorf("proto: unexpected end of group")