Rocky Tools =========== Various scripts and tools that we find useful, whether we use them or they are made for public consumption. ## [getsrc](./getsrc/) -- Git resource grabber An automatic lookaside grabber supporting all flavors of: Fedora, Rocky Linux, CentOS, CentOS Stream. ## [migrate2rocky](./migrate2rocky/) -- Conversion Script Script(s) that that will convert existing Enterprise Linux systems to Rocky Linux on a single major version. `migrate2rocky` will convert EL 8 systems to Rocky Linux 8. `migrate2rocky9` will convert EL 9 systems to Rocky Linux 9. ## [mirrorsync](./mirror/) -- Mirror Script and Configurations Example script and configuration notes for keeping a public or private mirror in sync. ## [gcoarchive](./gcoarchive/) -- Mirrors and sources Scripts that help clone repos based on a list provided and its accompanying dist-git sources. This assumes a /var/www/html/sources format for sources. Only clones 8 and 9. Does not clone sig content.