#!/bin/bash #set -x # Give it a git server as the first argument # Give it a file path for the list as the second argument GITSERVER=${1} LIST=${2} TMPDIR=/var/tmp for x in $(cat ${LIST}); do pkgname="${x}" echo "!!! ${pkgname}" git clone --mirror "https://git.centos.org/modules/${pkgname}.git" "${TMPDIR}/${pkgname}.git" git_ret_val=$? if [ $git_ret_val -ne 0 ]; then echo "${pkgname}" >> /tmp/failures ; fi pushd "${TMPDIR}/${pkgname}.git" || { echo "error"; exit 1; } if git branch | grep -Eq '^ (c8|c9)'; then git remote set-url origin "ssh://git@${GITSERVER}/modules/${pkgname}.git" git push --mirror ret_val=$? if [ $ret_val -ne 0 ]; then echo "${pkgname}" >> /tmp/failures ; fi fi popd || { echo "error"; exit 1; } if [[ -d "${TMPDIR}/${pkgname}.git" ]]; then rm -rf "${TMPDIR}/${pkgname}.git" fi echo "sleeping..." sleep 10 unset pkgname done