#!/bin/bash # # Skip's "universal" lookaside grabber # Updated by Peter Ajamian # # Run this in a Fedora/Rocky/CentOS/CentOS Stream source directory, and it will retrieve the lookaside sources (tarballs) into the current directory # shopt -s nullglob extglob # List of lookaside locations and their patterns # This can be easily edited to add more distro locations, or change their order for less 404 misses: lookasides=( https://rocky-linux-sources-staging.a1.rockylinux.org/%HASH% https://sources.build.resf.org/%HASH% https://git.centos.org/sources/%PKG%/%BRANCH%/%HASH% https://sources.stream.centos.org/sources/rpms/%PKG%/%FILENAME%/%SHATYPE%/%HASH%/%FILENAME% https://src.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/%PKG%/%FILENAME%/%SHATYPE%/%HASH%/%FILENAME% https://ax8edlmsvvfp.compat.objectstorage.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/mship-srpm1/%HASH% ) # These are glob patterns. They should be in the same order as the lookasides # above and need to be quoted to avoid early glob expansion. remotes=( '@(git@|http?(s)://)git.rockylinux.org*' '@(git@|http?(s)://)git.rockylinux.org*' '@(ssh://git@|http?(s)://)git.centos.org/*' '@(ssh://git@|http?(s)://)gitlab.com[:/]redhat/centos-stream/*' '@(ssh://git@|http?(s)://)src.fedoraproject.org/*' '@(git@|http?(s)://)github.com[:/]openela-main/*' ) # These are branch names that will be glob-matched to to the lookasides above. # Missing entries or empty strings will default to matching any branch. branches=( r8 r9 '' '' '' '' ) declare -A macros # # Get the hash type for a given hash. Based on the length of the hash. # shasizes=( [32]=md5 [40]=sha1 [64]=sha256 [96]=sha384 [128]=sha512 ) hashtype () { printf '%s' "${shasizes[${#1}]}" } # # Validate a file against the passed hash. # Synopsis: check_file filename hash [hashtype] # check_file () { [[ -r $1 ]] || return local type if (( $# >= 3 )); then type=$3 else type=$(hashtype "$2") fi # We use one of the "sum" commands, so the command name is the type followed # by "sum". "${type}sum" --status -c - <<<"$2 $1" } ### # Function that actually downloads a lookaside source # Takes HASH / FILENAME / BRANCH / PKG / SHATYPE as arguments $1 / $2 / $3 / $4 / $5 function download { # If the file already exists and matches the checksum then we don't need to # download it again. if check_file "${macros[FILENAME]}" "${macros[HASH]}" "${macros[SHATYPE]}" then printf 'File %s already exists and matches the passed hash ... %s\n' \ "${macros[FILENAME]}" 'skipping.' return fi # We need to re-order the lookasides according to the remote and branch # macro entries. local -a urls local -A tried # Start by looking for matching entries if [[ ${macros[REMOTE]} ]]; then shopt -s nocasematch for ((i=0; i<${#lookasides[@]}; i++)); do # shellcheck disable=SC2053 [[ ${macros[REMOTE]} == ${remotes[i]} ]] || continue # shellcheck disable=SC2053 [[ ${macros[BRANCH]} == ${branches[i]:=\*} ]] || continue urls+=("${lookasides[i]}") tried[${lookasides[i]}]=1 done shopt -u nocasematch fi # Then pile the rest of the URLs onto the end. for url in "${lookasides[@]}"; do [[ ${tried[$url]} ]] && continue urls+=("$url") tried[$url]=1 done for url in "${urls[@]}"; do # Substitute each of our macros (%PKG%, %HASH%, etc.): for k in "${!macros[@]}"; do v=${macros[$k]} url=${url//"%$k%"/$v} done # Download the file with curl, return if successful. printf 'Trying: %s\n' "$url" curl --create-dirs -sfLRo "${macros[FILENAME]}" "$url" || continue check_file "${macros[FILENAME]}" "${macros[HASH]}" \ "${macros[SHATYPE]}" || { printf 'Invalid or corrupted file downloaded. Trying next URL.\n' continue } printf 'Downloaded: %s -----> %s\n' "$url" "${macros[FILENAME]}" return done echo "ERROR: Unable to find lookaside file with the following HASH / FILENAME / BRANCH / PKG / SHATYPE :" echo "${macros[HASH]} / ${macros[FILENAME]} / ${macros[BRANCH]} / ${macros[PKG]} / ${macros[SHATYPE]}" exit 1 } ### # discover our list of lookaside sources. They are either in a "sources" file (new), or the older ".packagename.metadata" format (old) sourcesfiles=(.*.metadata sources) mapfile -t sourcelines < <(cat "${sourcesfiles[@]}" 2>/dev/null) if (( ${#sourcelines[@]} == 0 )); then echo "ERROR: Cannot find .*.metadata or sources file listing sources. Are you in the right directory?" exit 1 fi # Current git branch. We don't error out if this fails, as we may not necessarily need this info macros[BRANCH]=$(git status | sed -n 's/.*On branch //p') # Source package name should match the specfile - we'll use that in lieu of parsing "Name:" out of it # There could def. be a better way to do this.... # UPDATE: The better way is to use rpmspec, but this may not be installed, so # fall back to the old way if it isn't. specfile=(*.spec SPECS/*.spec) if (( ${#specfile[@]}!= 1 )); then echo "ERROR: Exactly one spec file expected, ${#specfile[@]} found." exit 1 fi macros[PKG]=$(rpmspec -q --qf '%{NAME}\n' --srpm "${specfile[0]}" 2>/dev/null) || { pkg=${specfile[0]##*/} macros[PKG]=${pkg%.spec} } if (( ${#macros[PKG]} < 2 )); then echo "ERROR: Having trouble finding the name of the package based on the name of the .spec file." exit 1 fi # Get the remote origin from git if we can. This is not required but it will # help us to determine which lookaside URL to try first. # We look for a fetch remote tagged with origin, otherwise we get the first # fetch remote that is returned. macros[REMOTE]="" while read -r name url direction; do # Make sure the direction is fetch. [[ $direction == '(fetch)' ]] || continue # If the name is "origin" we need to use this url. if [[ $name == 'origin' ]]; then macros[REMOTE]=$url break fi # Otherwise we set the first url we encounter here. [[ ${macros[REMOTE]} ]] || macros[REMOTE]=$url done < <(git remote -v) # Loop through each line of our looksaide, and download the file: # Regexes to determine which type of line it is and match the fields. new_re='^([a-z]+[0-9]+) \(([^\)]+)\) = ([0-9a-f]+)$' old_re='^([0-9a-f]+) ([^ ]+)$' # Regex used for skipping lines with only whitespace. skip_re='^[[:space:]]*$' for line in "${sourcelines[@]}"; do macros[SHATYPE]="" shopt -s nocasematch if [[ $line =~ $new_re ]]; then # This is a new-style line: "SHATYPE (NAME) = HASH" macros[SHATYPE]=${BASH_REMATCH[1],,} macros[FILENAME]=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} macros[HASH]=${BASH_REMATCH[3]} elif [[ $line =~ $old_re ]]; then # This is an old-style line: "HASH NAME" macros[HASH]=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} macros[FILENAME]=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} elif [[ $line =~ $skip_re ]]; then # This line just has whitespace, skip it. continue else echo "ERROR: This lookaside line does not appear to have 2 or 4 space-separated fields. I don't know how to parse this line:" printf '%s\n' "$line" exit 1 fi shopt -u nocasematch # We have a hash and a filename, now we need to find the hash type (based on string length): # UPDATE: We don't need to do this if we already have it from the line. if [[ ! ${macros[SHATYPE]} ]]; then macros[SHATYPE]=$(hashtype "${macros[HASH]}") fi # Finally, we have all our information call the download function with the relevant variables: download done