#!/bin/bash # # migrate2rocky - Migrate another EL8 distribution to RockyLinux 8. # By: Peter Ajamian # Adapted from centos2rocky.sh by label # # The latest version of this script can be found at: # https://github.com/rocky-linux/rocky-tools # # Copyright (c) 2021 Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next # paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the # Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # ## Using this script means you accept all risks of system instability. # These checks need to be right at the top because we start with bash-isms right # away in this script. if [ -n "$POSIXLY_CORRECT" ] || [ -z "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then printf '%s\n' "bash >= 4.2 is required for this script." >&2 exit 1 fi # We need bash version >= 4.2 for associative arrays and other features. if (( BASH_VERSINFO[0]*100 + BASH_VERSINFO[1] < 402 )); then printf '%s\n' "bash >= 4.2 is required for this script." >&2 exit 1 fi # Make sure we're root. if (( EUID != 0 )); then printf '%s\n' "You must run this script as root. Either use sudo or 'su -c ${0}'" >&2 exit 1 fi # Path to logfile logfile=/var/log/migrate2rocky.log # Send all output to the logfile as well as stdout. # After the following we get: # Output to 1 goes to stdout and the logfile. # Output to 2 goes to stderr and the logfile. # Output to 3 just goes to stdout. # Output to 4 just goes to stderr. # Output to 5 just goes to the logfile. truncate -s0 "$logfile" # shellcheck disable=SC2094 exec \ 3>&1 \ 4>&2 \ 5>> "$logfile" \ > >(tee -a "$logfile") \ 2> >(tee -a "$logfile" >&2) # List nocolor last here so that -x doesn't bork the display. errcolor=$(tput setaf 1) infocolor=$(tput setaf 6) nocolor=$(tput op) # Single arg just gets returned verbatim, multi arg gets formatted via printf. # First arg is the name of a variable to store the results. msg_format () { local _var _var="$1" shift if (( $# > 1 )); then # shellcheck disable=SC2059 printf -v "$_var" "$@" else printf -v "$_var" "%s" "$1" fi } # Send an info message to the log file and stdout (with color) infomsg () { local msg msg_format msg "$@" printf '%s' "$msg" >&5 printf '%s%s%s' "$infocolor" "$msg" "$nocolor" >&3 } # Send an error message to the log file and stderr (with color) errmsg () { local msg msg_format msg "$@" printf '%s' "$msg" >&5 printf '%s%s%s' "$errcolor" "$msg" "$nocolor" >&4 } export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=en_US shopt -s nullglob SUPPORTED_MAJOR="8" SUPPORTED_PLATFORM="platform:el$SUPPORTED_MAJOR" ARCH=$(arch) gpg_key_url="https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/RPM-GPG-KEY-rockyofficial" gpg_key_sha512="88fe66cf0a68648c2371120d56eb509835266d9efdf7c8b9ac8fc101bdf1f0e0197030d3ea65f4b5be89dc9d1ef08581adb068815c88d7b1dc40aa1c32990f6a" sm_ca_dir=/etc/rhsm/ca unset tmp_sm_ca_dir # all repos must be signed with the same key given in $gpg_key_url declare -A repo_urls repo_urls=( [rockybaseos]="https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/${SUPPORTED_MAJOR}/BaseOS/$ARCH/os/" [rockyappstream]="https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/${SUPPORTED_MAJOR}/AppStream/$ARCH/os/" ) unset CDPATH exit_message() { errmsg $'\n'"$1"$'\n\n' final_message exit 1 } final_message() { errmsg '%s ' \ "An error occurred while we were attempting to convert your system to" \ "Rocky Linux. Your system may be unstable. Script will now exit to" \ "prevent possible damage."$'\n\n' logmessage } logmessage(){ printf '%s%s%s\n' "$infocolor" \ "A log of this installation can be found at $logfile" \ "$nocolor" >&3 } # This just grabs a field from os-release and returns it. os-release () ( . /etc/os-release if ! [[ ${!1} ]]; then return 1 fi printf '%s\n' "${!1}" ) # Check the version of a package against a supplied version number. Note that # this uses sort -V to compare the versions which isn't perfect for rpm package # versions, but to do a proper comparison we would need to use rpmdev-vercmp in # the rpmdevtools package which we don't want to force-install. sort -V should # be adequate for our needs here. pkg_ver() ( ver=$(rpm -q --qf '%{VERSION}\n' "$1") || return 2 if [[ $(sort -V <<<"$ver"$'\n'"$2" | head -1) != "$2" ]]; then return 1 fi return 0 ) # Set up a temporary directory. pre_setup () { if ! tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d) || [[ ! -d "$tmp_dir" ]]; then exit_message "Error creating temp dir" fi # failglob makes pathname expansion fail if empty, dotglob adds files # starting with . to pathname expansion if ( shopt -s failglob dotglob; : "$tmp_dir"/* ) 2>/dev/null ; then exit_message "Temp dir not empty" fi } # Cleanup function gets rid of the temporary directory. exit_clean () { if [[ -d "$tmp_dir" ]]; then rm -rf "$tmp_dir" fi if [[ -f "$container_macros" ]]; then rm -f "$container_macros" fi } pre_check () { if [[ -e /etc/rhsm/ca/katello-server-ca.pem ]]; then exit_message "Migration from Katello-modified systems is not supported by migrate2rocky. See the README file for details." fi if [[ -e /etc/salt/minion.d/susemanager.conf ]]; then exit_message "Migration from Uyuni/SUSE Manager-modified systems is not supported by migrate2rocky. See the README file for details." fi } # All of the binaries used by this script are available in a EL8 minimal install # and are in /bin, so we should not encounter a system where the script doesn't # work unless it's severly broken. This is just a simple check that will cause # the script to bail if any expected system utilities are missing. bin_check() { # Check the platform. if [[ $(os-release PLATFORM_ID) != "$SUPPORTED_PLATFORM" ]]; then exit_message "This script must be run on an EL8 distribution. Migration from other distributions is not supported." fi local -a missing bins bins=( rpm dnf awk column tee tput mkdir cat arch sort uniq rmdir rm head curl sha512sum mktemp systemd-detect-virt ) if [[ $update_efi ]]; then bins+=(findmnt grub2-mkconfig efibootmgr grep mokutil lsblk) fi for bin in "${bins[@]}"; do if ! type "$bin" >/dev/null 2>&1; then missing+=("$bin") fi done local -A pkgs pkgs=( [dnf]=4.2 [dnf-plugins-core]=0 ) for pkg in "${!pkgs[@]}"; do ver=${pkgs[$pkg]} if ! pkg_ver "$pkg" "$ver"; then # shellcheck disable=SC2140 exit_message \ "$pkg >= $ver is required for this script. Please run "\ "\"dnf install $pkg; dnf update\" first." fi done; if (( ${#missing[@]} )); then exit_message "Commands not found: ${missing[*]}. Possible bad PATH setting or corrupt installation." fi } # This function will overwrite the repoquery_results associative array with the # info for the resulting package. Note that we explicitly disable the epel repo # as a special-case below to avoid having the extras repository map to epel. repoquery () { local name val prev result result=$( dnf -q --setopt=epel.excludepkgs=epel-release repoquery -i "$1" || exit_message "Failed to fetch info for package $1." ) if ! [[ $result ]]; then # We didn't match this package, the repo could be disabled. return 1 fi declare -gA repoquery_results=() while IFS=" :" read -r name val; do if [[ -z $name ]]; then repoquery_results[$prev]+=" $val" else prev=$name repoquery_results[$name]=$val fi done <<<"$result" } # This function will overwrite the repoinfo_results associative array with the # info for the resulting repository. repoinfo () { local name val result result=$(dnf -q repoinfo "$1") || exit_message "Failed to fetch info for repository $1." if [[ $result == 'Total packages: 0' ]]; then # We didn't match this repo. return 1 fi declare -gA repoinfo_results=() while IFS=" :" read -r name val; do if [[ ! ( $name || $val) ]]; then continue fi if [[ -z $name ]]; then repoinfo_results[$prev]+=" $val" else prev=$name repoinfo_results[$name]=$val fi done <<<"$result" # dnf repoinfo doesn't return the gpgkey, but we need that so we have to get # it from the repo file itself. # "end_of_file" is a hack here. Since it is not a valid dnf setting we know # it won't appear in a .repo file on a line by itself, so it's safe to # search for the string to make the awk parser look all the way to the end # of the file. # shellcheck disable=SC2154 repoinfo_results[Repo-gpgkey]=$( awk ' $0=="['"${repoinfo_results[Repo-id]}"']",$0=="end_of_file" { if (l++ < 1) {next} else if (/^\[.*\]$/) {nextfile} else if (sub(/^gpgkey\s*=\s*file:\/\//,"")) {print; nextfile} else {next} } ' < "${repoinfo_results[Repo-filename]}" ) # Add an indicator of whether this is a subscription-manager managed # repository. # shellcheck disable=SC2154 repoinfo_results[Repo-managed]=$( awk ' BEGIN {FS="[)(]"} /^# Managed by \(.*\) subscription-manager$/ {print $2} ' < "${repoinfo_results[Repo-filename]}" ) } provides_pkg () ( if [[ ! $1 ]]; then return 0 fi set -o pipefail provides=$(dnf -q provides "$1" | awk '{print $1; nextfile}') || return 1 set +o pipefail pkg=$(rpm -q --queryformat '%{NAME}\n' "$provides") || pkg=$(dnf -q repoquery --queryformat '%{NAME}\n' "$provides") || exit_message "Can't get package name for $provides." printf '%s\n' "$pkg" ) # If you pass an empty arg as one of the package specs to rpm it will match # every package on the system. This funtion simply strips out any empty args # and passes the rest to rpm to avoid this side-effect. saferpm () ( args=() for a in "$@"; do if [[ $a ]]; then args+=("$a") fi done rpm "${args[@]}" ) # And a similar function for dnf safednf () ( args=() for a in "$@"; do if [[ $a ]]; then args+=("$a") fi done dnf "${args[@]}" ) collect_system_info () { # Dump the DNF cache first so we start with a clean slate. infomsg $'\nRemoving dnf cache\n' rm -rf /var/cache/{yum,dnf} # Check the efi mount first, so we can bail before wasting time on all these # other checks if it's not there. if [[ $update_efi ]]; then local efi_mount kname declare -g -a efi_disk efi_partition efi_mount=$(findmnt --mountpoint /boot/efi --output SOURCE \ --noheadings) || exit_message "Can't find EFI mount. No EFI boot detected." kname=$(lsblk -dno kname "$efi_mount") efi_disk=$(lsblk -dno pkname "/dev/$kname") if [[ $efi_disk ]]; then efi_partition=$(<"/sys/block/$efi_disk/$kname/partition") else # This is likely an md-raid or other type of virtual disk, we need # to dig a little deeper to find the actual physical disks and # partitions. kname=$(lsblk -dno kname "$efi_mount") cd "/sys/block/$kname/slaves" || exit_message \ "Unable to gather EFI data: Can't cd to /sys/block/$kname/slaves." if ! (shopt -s failglob; : ./*) 2>/dev/null; then exit_message \ "Unable to gather EFI data: No slaves found in /sys/block/$kname/slaves." fi efi_disk=() for d in *; do efi_disk+=("$(lsblk -dno pkname "/dev/$d")") efi_partition+=("$(<"$d/partition")") if [[ ! ${efi_disk[-1]} || ! ${efi_partition[-1]} ]]; then exit_message \ "Unable to gather EFI data: Can't find disk name or partition number for $d." fi done cd - fi fi # check if EFI secure boot is enabled if [[ $update_efi ]]; then if mokutil --sb-state 2>&1 | grep -q "SecureBoot enabled"; then exit_message "EFI Secure Boot is enabled but Rocky Linux doesn't provide a signed shim yet. Disable EFI Secure Boot and reboot." fi fi # Don't enable these module streams, even if they are enabled in the source # distro. declare -g -a module_excludes module_excludes=( libselinux-python:2.8 ) # Some OracleLinux modules have stream names of ol8 instead of rhel8 and ol # instead of rhel. This is a map that does a glob match and replacement. local -A module_glob_map module_glob_map=( ['%:ol8']=:rhel8 ['%:ol']=:rhel ); # We need to map rockylinux repository names to the equivalent repositories # in the source distro. To do that we look for known packages in each # repository and see what repo they came from. We need to use repoquery for # this which requires downloading the package, so we pick relatively small # packages for this. declare -g -A repo_map pkg_repo_map declare -g -a managed_repos pkg_repo_map=( [baseos]=rootfiles.noarch [appstream]=apr-util-ldap.$ARCH [ha]=pacemaker-doc.noarch [powertools]=libaec-devel.$ARCH [extras]=epel-release.noarch ) # [devel]=quota-devel.$ARCH PRETTY_NAME=$(os-release PRETTY_NAME) infomsg '%s' \ "Preparing to migrate $PRETTY_NAME to Rocky Linux 8."$'\n\n' \ "Determining repository names for $PRETTY_NAME" for r in "${!pkg_repo_map[@]}"; do printf '.' p=${pkg_repo_map[$r]} repoquery "$p" || continue repo_map[$r]=${repoquery_results[Repository]} done printf '%s\n' '' '' "Found the following repositories which map from $PRETTY_NAME to Rocky Linux 8:" column -t -s $'\t' -N "$PRETTY_NAME,Rocky Linux 8" < <(for r in "${!repo_map[@]}"; do printf '%s\t%s\n' "${repo_map[$r]}" "$r" done) infomsg $'\n'"Getting system package names for $PRETTY_NAME" # We don't know what the names of these packages are, we have to discover # them via various means. The most common means is to look for either a # distro-agnostic provides or a filename. In a couple of cases we need to # jump through hoops to get a filename that is provided specifically by the # source distro. # Get info for each repository to determine which ones are subscription # managed. # system-release here is a bit of a hack, but it ensures that the # rocky-repos package will get installed. for r in "${!repo_map[@]}"; do repoinfo "${repo_map[$r]}" if [[ $r == "baseos" ]]; then local baseos_filename=system-release if [[ ! ${repoinfo_results[Repo-managed]} ]]; then baseos_filename="${repoinfo_results[Repo-filename]}" fi local baseos_gpgkey="${repoinfo_results[Repo-gpgkey]}" fi if [[ ${repoinfo_results[Repo-managed]} ]]; then managed_repos+=("${repo_map[$r]}") fi done # First get info for the baseos repo repoinfo "${repo_map[baseos]}" declare -g -A pkg_map provides_pkg_map declare -g -a addl_provide_removes addl_pkg_removes provides_pkg_map=( [rocky-backgrounds]=system-backgrounds [rocky-indexhtml]=redhat-indexhtml [rocky-repos]="$baseos_filename" [rocky-logos]=system-logos [rocky-logos-httpd]=system-logos-httpd [rocky-logos-ipa]=system-logos-ipa [rocky-gpg-keys]="$baseos_gpgkey" [rocky-release]=system-release ) addl_provide_removes=( redhat-release redhat-release-eula ) # Check to make sure that we don't already have a full or partial # RockyLinux install. if [[ $(rpm -qa "${!provides_pkg_map[@]}") ]]; then exit_message \ $'Found a full or partial RockyLinux install already in place. Aborting\n' $'because continuing with the migration could cause further damage to system.' fi for pkg in "${!provides_pkg_map[@]}"; do printf '.' prov=${provides_pkg_map[$pkg]} pkg_map[$pkg]=$(provides_pkg "$prov") || exit_message "Can't get package that provides $prov." done for prov in "${addl_provide_removes[@]}"; do printf '.' local pkg; pkg=$(provides_pkg "$prov") || continue addl_pkg_removes+=("$pkg") done printf '%s\n' '' '' "Found the following system packages which map from $PRETTY_NAME to Rocky Linux 8:" column -t -s $'\t' -N "$PRETTY_NAME,Rocky Linux 8" < <(for p in "${!pkg_map[@]}"; do printf '%s\t%s\n' "${pkg_map[$p]}" "$p" done) infomsg $'\n'"Getting list of installed system packages."$'\n' readarray -t installed_packages < <(saferpm -qa --queryformat="%{NAME}\n" "${pkg_map[@]}") declare -g -A installed_pkg_check installed_pkg_map for p in "${installed_packages[@]}"; do installed_pkg_check[$p]=1 done for p in "${!pkg_map[@]}"; do if [[ ${pkg_map[$p]} && ${installed_pkg_check[${pkg_map[$p]}]} ]]; then installed_pkg_map[$p]=${pkg_map[$p]} fi done; printf '%s\n' '' "We will replace the following $PRETTY_NAME packages with their Rocky Linux 8 equivalents" column -t -s $'\t' -N "Packages to be Removed,Packages to be Installed" < <( for p in "${!installed_pkg_map[@]}"; do printf '%s\t%s\n' "${installed_pkg_map[$p]}" "$p" done ) if (( ${#addl_pkg_removes[@]} )); then printf '%s\n' '' "In addition to the above the following system packages will be removed:" \ "${addl_pkg_removes[@]}" fi # Release packages that are part of SIG's should be listed below when they # are available. # UPDATE: We may or may not do something with SIG's here, it could just be # left as a separate excersize to swap out the sig repos. #sigs_to_swap=() infomsg '%s' $'\n' \ $'Getting a list of enabled modules for the system repositories.\n' # Get a list of system enabled modules. readarray -t enabled_modules < <( set -e -o pipefail safednf -q "${repo_map[@]/#/--repo=}" module list --enabled | awk ' $1 == "@modulefailsafe", /^$/ {next} $1 == "Name", /^$/ {if ($1!="Name" && !/^$/) print $1":"$2} ' | sort -u set +e +o pipefail ) # Map the known module name differences. disable_modules=() local i gl repl mod for i in "${!enabled_modules[@]}"; do mod=${enabled_modules[$i]} for gl in "${!module_glob_map[@]}"; do repl=${module_glob_map[$gl]} mod=${mod/$gl/$repl} done if [[ $mod != "${enabled_modules[$i]}" ]]; then disable_modules+=(${enabled_modules[$i]}) enabled_modules[$i]=$mod fi done # Remove entries matching any excluded modules. if (( ${#module_excludes[@]} )); then printf '%s\n' '' "Excluding modules:" "${module_excludes[@]}" local -A module_check='()' local -a tmparr='()' for m in "${module_excludes[@]}"; do module_check[$m]=1 done for m in "${enabled_modules[@]}"; do if [[ ! ${module_check[$m]} ]]; then tmparr+=("$m") fi done enabled_modules=("${tmparr[@]}") fi printf '%s\n' '' "Found the following modules to re-enable at completion:" \ "${enabled_modules[@]}" '' if (( ${#managed_repos[@]} )); then printf '%s\n' '' "In addition, since this system uses subscription-manger the following managed repos will be disabled:" \ "${managed_repos[@]}" fi } convert_info_dir=/root/convert unset convert_to_rocky reinstall_all_rpms verify_all_rpms update_efi \ container_macros usage() { printf '%s\n' \ "Usage: ${0##*/} [OPTIONS]" \ '' \ 'Options:' \ '-h Display this help' \ '-r Convert to rocky' \ '-V Verify switch' \ ' !! USE WITH CAUTION !!' exit 1 } >&2 generate_rpm_info() { mkdir /root/convert infomsg "Creating a list of RPMs installed: $1"$'\n' rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}|%{VERSION}|%{RELEASE}|%{INSTALLTIME}|%{VENDOR}|%{BUILDTIME}|%{BUILDHOST}|%{SOURCERPM}|%{LICENSE}|%{PACKAGER}\n" | sort > "${convert_info_dir}/$HOSTNAME-rpm-list-$1.log" infomsg "Verifying RPMs installed against RPM database: $1"$'\n\n' rpm -Va | sort -k3 > "${convert_info_dir}/$HOSTNAME-rpm-list-verified-$1.log" } # Run a dnf update before the actual migration. pre_update() { infomsg '%s\n' "Running dnf update before we attempt the migration." dnf -y update || exit_message \ $'Error running pre-update. Stopping now to avoid putting the system in an\n'\ $'unstable state. Please correct the issues shown here and try again.' } package_swaps() { # Save off any subscription-manger keys, just in case. if ( shopt -s failglob dotglob; : "$sm_ca_dir"/* ) 2>/dev/null ; then tmp_sm_ca_dir=$tmp_dir/sm-certs mkdir "$tmp_sm_ca_dir" || exit_message "Could not create directory: $tmp_sm_ca_dir" cp -f -dR --preserve=all "$sm_ca_dir"/* "$tmp_sm_ca_dir/" || exit_message "Could not copy certs to $tmp_sm_ca_dir" fi # prepare repo parameters local -a dnfparameters for repo in "${!repo_urls[@]}"; do dnfparameters+=( "--repofrompath=${repo},${repo_urls[${repo}]}" ) dnfparameters+=( "--setopt=${repo}.gpgcheck=1" ) dnfparameters+=( "--setopt=${repo}.gpgkey=file://${gpg_key_file}" ) done # Use dnf shell to swap the system packages out. safednf -y shell --disablerepo=\* --noautoremove \ --setopt=protected_packages= --setopt=keepcache=True \ "${dnfparameters[@]}" \ </dev/null )]=$rpm done # Attempt to install. for pkg in "${check_installed[@]}"; do printf '%s\n' "$pkg" if ! rpm -i --force --nodeps --nodigest "${rpm_map[$pkg]}" \ 2>/dev/null; then # Try to install the package in just the db, then clean it up. rpm -i --force --justdb --nodeps --nodigest "${rpm_map[$pkg]}" \ 2>/dev/null # Get list of files that are still causing problems and donk # them. readarray -t file_list < <( rpm -V "$pkg" 2>/dev/null | awk '$1!="missing" {print $2}' ) for file in "${file_list[@]}"; do rmdir "$file" || rm -f "$file" || rm -rf "$file" done # Now try re-installing the package to replace the missing # files. Regardless of the outcome here we just accept it and # move on and hope for the best. rpm -i --reinstall --force --nodeps --nodigest \ "${rpm_map[$pkg]}" 2>/dev/null fi done fi # Distrosync infomsg $'Ensuring repos are enabled before the package swap\n' safednf -y --enableplugin=config-manager config-manager \ --set-enabled "${!repo_map[@]}" || { printf '%s\n' 'Repo name missing?' exit 25 } if (( ${#managed_repos[@]} )); then # Filter the managed repos for ones still in the system. readarray -t managed_repos < <( safednf -q repolist "${managed_repos[@]}" | awk '$1!="repo" {print $1}' ) if (( ${#managed_repos[@]} )); then infomsg $'\nDisabling subscription managed repos\n' safednf -y --enableplugin=config-manager config-manager \ --disable "${managed_repos[@]}" fi fi if (( ${#disable_modules[@]} )); then infomsg $'Disabling modules\n\n' safednf -y module disable "${disable_modules[@]}" || exit_message "Can't disable modules ${disable_modules[*]}" fi if (( ${#enabled_modules[@]} )); then infomsg $'Enabling modules\n\n' safednf -y module enable "${enabled_modules[@]}" || exit_message "Can't enable modules ${enabled_modules[*]}" fi # Make sure that excluded repos are disabled. infomsg $'Disabling excluded modules\n\n' safednf -y module disable "${module_excludes[@]}" || exit_message "Can't disable modules ${module_excludes[*]}" infomsg $'\nSyncing packages\n\n' dnf -y distro-sync || exit_message "Error during distro-sync." if rpm --quiet -q subscription-manager; then infomsg $'Subscription Manager found on system.\n' cat < "$container_macros" elif [[ -d /sys/firmware/efi/ ]]; then declare -g update_efi update_efi=true fi } # Called to update the EFI boot. fix_efi () ( grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/rocky/grub.cfg || exit_message "Error updating the grub config." for i in "${!efi_disk[@]}"; do efibootmgr -c -d "/dev/${efi_disk[$i]}" -p "${efi_partition[$i]}" \ -L "Rocky Linux" -l /EFI/rocky/grubx64.efi || exit_message "Error updating uEFI firmware." done ) # Download and verify the Rocky Linux package signing key establish_gpg_trust () { # create temp dir and verify it is really created and empty, so we are sure deleting it afterwards won't cause any harm declare -g gpg_tmp_dir gpg_tmp_dir=$tmp_dir/gpg if ! mkdir "$gpg_tmp_dir" || [[ ! -d "$gpg_tmp_dir" ]]; then exit_message "Error creating temp dir" fi # failglob makes pathname expansion fail if empty, dotglob adds files starting with . to pathname expansion if ( shopt -s failglob dotglob; : "$gpg_tmp_dir"/* ) 2>/dev/null ; then exit_message "Temp dir not empty" fi # extract the filename from the url, use the temp dir just created declare -g gpg_key_file="$gpg_tmp_dir/${gpg_key_url##*/}" if ! curl -L -o "$gpg_key_file" --silent --show-error "$gpg_key_url"; then rm -rf "$gpg_tmp_dir" exit_message "Error downloading the Rocky Linux signing key." fi if ! sha512sum --quiet -c <<<"$gpg_key_sha512 $gpg_key_file"; then rm -rf "$gpg_tmp_dir" exit_message "Error validating the signing key." fi } ## End actual work noopts=0 while getopts "hrVR" option; do (( noopts++ )) case "$option" in h) usage ;; r) convert_to_rocky=true ;; V) verify_all_rpms=true ;; *) errmsg $'Invalid switch\n' usage ;; esac done if (( ! noopts )); then usage fi pre_setup trap exit_clean EXIT pre_check efi_check bin_check if [[ $verify_all_rpms ]]; then generate_rpm_info begin fi if [[ $convert_to_rocky ]]; then collect_system_info establish_gpg_trust pre_update package_swaps fi if [[ $verify_all_rpms && $convert_to_rocky ]]; then generate_rpm_info finish infomsg $'You may review the following files:\n' find /root/convert -type f -name "$HOSTNAME-rpms-*.log" fi if [[ $update_efi && $convert_to_rocky ]]; then fix_efi fi printf '\n\n\n' if [[ $convert_to_rocky ]]; then infomsg $'\nDone, please reboot your system.\n' fi logmessage