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# Copyright 2016 Andreas Florath (andreas@florath.net)
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import codecs
from diskimage_builder.block_device.blockdevicesetupexception \
import BlockDeviceSetupException
from diskimage_builder.block_device.level0 import LocalLoop
from diskimage_builder.block_device.level1 import Partitioning
from diskimage_builder.graph.digraph import Digraph
import json
import logging
import os
import shutil
import sys
import yaml
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BlockDevice(object):
# Default configuration:
# one image, one partition, mounted under '/'
DefaultConfig = """
name: image0
# This is an example of the next level config
# mkfs:
# base: root_p1
# type: ext4
# mount_point: /
# A dictionary to map sensible names to internal implementation.
cfg_type_map = {
'local_loop': LocalLoop,
'partitioning': Partitioning,
'mkfs': 'not yet implemented',
def __init__(self, block_device_config, build_dir,
default_image_size, default_image_dir):
logger.debug("Creating BlockDevice object")
logger.debug("Config given [%s]" % block_device_config)
logger.debug("Build dir [%s]" % build_dir)
if block_device_config is None:
block_device_config = BlockDevice.DefaultConfig
self.config = yaml.safe_load(block_device_config)
logger.debug("Using config [%s]" % self.config)
self.default_config = {
'image_size': default_image_size,
'image_dir': default_image_dir}
self.state_dir = os.path.join(build_dir,
self.state_json_file_name \
= os.path.join(self.state_dir, "state.json")
def write_state(self, result):
logger.debug("Write state [%s]" % self.state_json_file_name)
with open(self.state_json_file_name, "w") as fd:
json.dump([self.config, self.default_config, result], fd)
def load_state(self):
with codecs.open(self.state_json_file_name,
encoding="utf-8", mode="r") as fd:
return json.load(fd)
def create_graph(self, config, default_config):
# This is the directed graph of nodes: each parse method must
# add the appropriate nodes and edges.
dg = Digraph()
for cfg_obj_name, cfg_obj_val in config.items():
# As the first step the configured objects are created
# (if it exists)
if cfg_obj_name not in BlockDevice.cfg_type_map:
logger.error("Configured top level element [%s] "
"does not exists." % cfg_obj_name)
return 1
cfg_obj = BlockDevice.cfg_type_map[cfg_obj_name](
cfg_obj_val, default_config)
# At this point it is only possible to add the nodes:
# adding the edges needs all nodes first.
# Now that all the nodes exists: add also the edges
for node in dg.get_iter_nodes_values():
call_order = dg.topological_sort()
logger.debug("Call order [%s]" % (list(call_order)))
return dg, call_order
def create(self, result, rollback):
dg, call_order = self.create_graph(self.config, self.default_config)
for node in call_order:
node.create(result, rollback)
def cmd_create(self):
"""Creates the block device"""
logger.info("create() called")
logger.debug("Using config [%s]" % self.config)
result = {}
rollback = []
self.create(result, rollback)
except BlockDeviceSetupException as bdse:
logger.error("exception [%s]" % bdse)
for rollback_cb in reversed(rollback):
# To be compatible with the current implementation, echo the
# result to stdout.
# If there is no partition needed, pass back directly the
# image.
if 'root_p1' in result:
print("%s" % result['root_p1']['device'])
print("%s" % result['image0']['device'])
logger.info("create() finished")
return 0
def _load_state(self):
logger.info("_load_state() called")
except OSError:
logger.info("State already cleaned - no way to do anything here")
return None, None, None
config, default_config, state = self.load_state()
logger.debug("Using config [%s]" % config)
logger.debug("Using default config [%s]" % default_config)
logger.debug("Using state [%s]" % state)
# Deleting must be done in reverse order
dg, call_order = self.create_graph(config, default_config)
reverse_order = reversed(call_order)
return dg, reverse_order, state
def cmd_umount(self):
"""Unmounts the blockdevice and cleanup resources"""
dg, reverse_order, state = self._load_state()
if dg is None:
return 0
for node in reverse_order:
# To be compatible with the current implementation, echo the
# result to stdout.
print("%s" % state['image0']['image'])
return 0
def cmd_cleanup(self):
"""Cleanup all remaining relicts - in good case"""
dg, reverse_order, state = self._load_state()
for node in reverse_order:
logger.info("Removing temporary dir [%s]" % self.state_dir)
return 0
def cmd_delete(self):
"""Cleanup all remaining relicts - in case of an error"""
dg, reverse_order, state = self._load_state()
for node in reverse_order:
logger.info("Removing temporary dir [%s]" % self.state_dir)
return 0