5af25b5f fixed the hostname of Debian images to "debian" since a lack of
hostname definition set the hostname to "(None)".
It has been done by introducing /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/01_hostname.cfg
with content:
hostname: debian
Review supposed the hostname would be overriden by cloud meta-data. That
might have stand true for Wheezy but it is not the case for Jessie.
cloud-init 0.7.6 ignores cloud metadata whenever "hostname" or "fqdn"
are set in a config file. Roughly:
# no fqdn set, get fqdn from cloud
# get hostname from cfg if available otherwise cloud
fqdn = cloud.get_hostname(fqdn=True)
if "hostname" in cfg:
# hashar: set from config file NOT cloud
hostname = cfg['hostname']
# fallback to cloud
hostname = cloud.get_hostname()
Relevant code is
Only inject "hostname: debian" for the Wheezy release.
Bug: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T117283
Change-Id: I6e2522bd725cbf9651f11c76ecdc72ecbc92f402
debootstrap is not debian or ubuntu specific. We can make a debootstrap
element that knows how to do all of the things, and then a
debian-minimal and ubuntu-minimal image that use it. Finally, make
the debian element simply be a collection of the extra things we do to
make it look like a cloud-init based cloud image.
Change-Id: Iaf46c8e61bf1cac9a096cbfd75d6d6a9111b701e