#!/usr/bin/env python import os.path def main(): home = os.path.expanduser("~") backup_configs(home) indices = [] if os.environ.get('PYPI_MIRROR_URL'): candidates = [k for k in os.environ if k.startswith('PYPI_MIRROR_URL')] indices = list(map(os.environ.get, sorted(candidates))) else: indices = ['file:///tmp/pypi'] easy_index = indices[-1] use_pypi_python_org = True if os.environ.get('DIB_OFFLINE'): use_pypi_python_org = False if os.environ.get('DIB_NO_PYPI_PIP'): use_pypi_python_org = False if use_pypi_python_org: indices.append('https://pypi.python.org/simple') with file(home + '/.pip/pip.conf', 'wt') as output: output.write('[global]\n') output.write('log = %s/pip.log\n' % (home,)) output.write('index-url = %s\n' % (indices[0],)) for index in indices[1:]: output.write('extra-index-url = %s\n' % (index,)) with file(home + '/.pydistutils.cfg', 'wt') as output: output.write('[easy_install]\n') output.write('index_url = %s\n' % (easy_index,)) def backup_configs(home): pip_dir = home + '/.pip' if not os.path.exists(pip_dir): os.mkdir(pip_dir) if os.path.exists(pip_dir + '/pip.conf'): os.rename(pip_dir + '/pip.conf', pip_dir + '/pip.conf.orig') if os.path.exists(home + '/.pydistutils.cfg'): os.rename(home + '/.pydistutils.cfg', home + '/.pydistutils.cfg.orig') if __name__ == '__main__': main()