#!/bin/bash if [[ ${DIB_DEBUG_TRACE:-0} -gt 0 ]]; then set -x fi set -eu set -o pipefail if mountpoint -q /dev/shm; then echo "/dev/shm found in /proc/self/mountinfo" elif [[ -k /dev/shm ]]; then echo "/dev/shm exists and is stickied" else fix_shm fi # sync if needed [[ ! -e ${PORTDIR}/profiles ]] && emerge-webrsync # make world consistent emerge ${GENTOO_EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS} --complete-graph=y --update --newuse --deep @world # rebuild packages that might need it emerge ${GENTOO_EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS} --usepkg=n @preserved-rebuild # remove unneeded packages emerge --verbose=n --depclean # rebuild packages that might have somehow depended on the unneeded packages emerge ${GENTOO_EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS} --usepkg=n @preserved-rebuild # update config files etc-update --automode -5 # clean up portage files emerge --verbose=n --depclean emaint all -f eselect news read all if [[ "${GENTOO_PORTAGE_CLEANUP}" != "False" ]]; then # remove the overlays if [[ ${GENTOO_OVERLAYS} != '' ]]; then for OVERLAY in ${GENTOO_OVERLAYS}; do layman -d "${OVERLAY}" done fi fi unfix_shm # remove within the chroot since /var/run is a symlink rm -Rf /var/run/* /run/* # after updating, set profile to where PORTDIR actually is (varies by profile) ln -sf ../.."$(env -u PORTDIR portageq get_repo_path / gentoo)/profiles/${GENTOO_PROFILE}" /etc/portage/make.profile