# Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from __future__ import print_function import argparse import collections import errno import logging import os import sys import yaml import diskimage_builder.logging_config logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Element(object): """An element""" def __init__(self, name, path): """A new element :param name: The element name :param path: Full path to element. element-deps and element-provides files will be parsed """ self.name = name self.path = path self.provides = set() self.depends = set() # read the provides & depends files for this element into a # set; if the element has them. provides = os.path.join(path, 'element-provides') depends = os.path.join(path, 'element-deps') try: with open(provides) as p: self.provides = set([line.strip() for line in p]) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: pass else: raise try: with open(depends) as d: self.depends = set([line.strip() for line in d]) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: pass else: raise logger.debug("New element : %s", str(self)) def __str__(self): return '%s p:<%s> d:<%s>' % (self.name, ','.join(self.provides), ','.join(self.depends)) def get_elements_dir(): if not os.environ.get('ELEMENTS_PATH'): raise Exception("$ELEMENTS_PATH must be set.") return os.environ['ELEMENTS_PATH'] def expand_dependencies(user_elements, all_elements): """Expand user requested elements using element-deps files. Arguments: :param user_elements: iterable enumerating the elements a user requested :param all_elements: Element object dictionary from find_all_elements :return: a set containing the names of user_elements and all dependent elements including any transitive dependencies. """ final_elements = set(user_elements) check_queue = collections.deque(user_elements) provided = set() provided_by = collections.defaultdict(list) while check_queue: # bug #1303911 - run through the provided elements first to avoid # adding unwanted dependencies and looking for virtual elements element = check_queue.popleft() if element in provided: continue elif element not in all_elements: logger.error("Element '%s' not found", element) sys.exit(1) element_obj = all_elements[element] element_deps = element_obj.depends element_provides = element_obj.provides # save which elements provide another element for potential # error message for provide in element_provides: provided_by[provide].append(element) provided.update(element_provides) check_queue.extend(element_deps - (final_elements | provided)) final_elements.update(element_deps) if "operating-system" not in provided: logger.error( "Please include an operating system element.") sys.exit(-1) conflicts = set(user_elements) & provided if conflicts: logger.error( "The following elements are already provided by another element") for element in conflicts: logger.error("%s : already provided by %s" % (element, provided_by[element])) sys.exit(-1) return final_elements - provided def find_all_elements(paths=None): """Build a dictionary Element() objects Walk ELEMENTS_PATH and find all elements. Make an Element object for each element we wish to consider. Note we process overrides such that elements specified earlier in the ELEMENTS_PATH override those seen later. :param paths: A list of paths to find elements in. If None will use ELEMENTS_PATH :return: a dictionary of all elements """ all_elements = {} # note we process the later entries *first*, so that earlier # entries will override later ones. i.e. with # ELEMENTS_PATH=path1:path2:path3 # we want the elements in "path1" to override "path3" if not paths: paths = reversed(get_elements_dir().split(':')) for path in paths: if not os.path.isdir(path): logger.error("ELEMENT_PATH entry '%s' is not a directory", path) sys.exit(1) # In words : make a list of directories in "path". Since an # element is a directory, this is our list of elements. elements = [os.path.realpath(os.path.join(path, f)) for f in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, f))] for element in elements: # the element name is the last part of the full path in # element (these are all directories, we know that from # above) name = os.path.basename(element) new_element = Element(name, element) if name in all_elements: logger.warning("Element <%s> overrides <%s>", new_element.path, all_elements[name].path) all_elements[name] = new_element return all_elements def main(): diskimage_builder.logging_config.setup() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('elements', nargs='+', help='display dependencies of the given elements') parser.add_argument('--env', '-e', action='store_true', default=False, help=('Output eval-able bash strings for ' 'IMAGE_ELEMENT variables')) args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) all_elements = find_all_elements() elements = expand_dependencies(args.elements, all_elements) if args.env: # first the "legacy" environment variable that just lists the # elements print("export IMAGE_ELEMENT='%s'" % ' '.join(elements)) # Then YAML output = {} for element in elements: output[element] = all_elements[element].path print("export IMAGE_ELEMENT_YAML='%s'" % yaml.safe_dump(output)) # Then bash array. Unfortunately, bash can't export array # variables. So we take a compromise and produce an exported # function that outputs the string to re-create the array. # You can then simply do # eval declare -A element_array=$(get_image_element_array) # and you have it. output = "" for element in elements: output += '[%s]=%s ' % (element, all_elements[element].path) print("function get_image_element_array {\n" " echo \"%s\"\n" "};\n" "export -f get_image_element_array;" % output) else: print(' '.join(elements)) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": main()