#!/bin/bash # XXX: Only portions of this are the NTT original, much is now HP work # Copyright (c) 2012 NTT DOCOMO, INC. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. set -e SCRIPTNAME=$(basename $0) export _DIR=$(dirname $0) export _LIB=${_DIR}/../lib source $_LIB/die function show_options () { echo "Options:" echo " -m PATH -- Path to find lib/modules. Default /" echo " -k VERSION -- Kernel version. Default $(uname -r)" echo " -h -- This help" echo " -o FILENAME -- Output file" echo " -x -- turn on tracing" exit 0 } TEMP=$(getopt -o m:k:ho:x -n $SCRIPTNAME -- "$@") if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Terminating..." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential! eval set -- "$TEMP" while true ; do case "$1" in -m) export MODULE_ROOT=$2; shift 2 ;; -k) export KERNEL_VERSION=$2; shift 2 ;; -o) export IMAGE_NAME=$2; shift 2 ;; -h) show_options;; -x) shift; set -x;; --) shift ; break ;; *) echo "Internal error!" ; exit 1 ;; esac done for arg do RAMDISK_ELEMENT="$RAMDISK_ELEMENT $arg" ; done source $_LIB/ramdisk-defaults source $_LIB/common-functions source $_LIB/ramdisk-functions echo "Building element(s): ${RAMDISK_ELEMENT}" echo "Discovering binary dependencies" ensure_binaries mk_build_dir INIT="$_DIR/../scripts/init" FUNCTIONS_D="$_DIR/../scripts/d" MODULE_DIR=$MODULE_ROOT/lib/modules/$KERNEL_VERSION FIRMWARE_DIR=$MODULE_ROOT/lib/firmware if [ ! -d "$MODULE_DIR" ]; then echo "ERROR: kernel module directory not found at $MODULE_DIR" return 1 fi LIB_UDEV=$LIB_UDEV_ROOT/lib/udev if [ ! -d "$LIB_UDEV" ]; then echo "ERROR: udev directory not found at $LIB_UDEV" return 1 fi mk_build_dir mkdir -p $TMP_BUILD_DIR/mnt TMP_MOUNT_PATH=$TMP_BUILD_DIR/mnt echo "working in $TMP_MOUNT_PATH" create_base populate_lib populate_busybox populate_init populate_udev finalise_image save_image $IMAGE_NAME