#!/bin/bash if [ ${DIB_DEBUG_TRACE:-1} -gt 0 ]; then set -x fi set -eu set -o pipefail SCRIPTDIR=$(dirname $0) # TODO(hjensas): Once ndisc6 package is available in EPEL8 drop this, and add the package back in pkg-map. # See: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1779134 if [ -e "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then if type dnf &>/dev/null; then dnf -v -y install ndisc6 || true else yum -v -y install ndisc6 || true fi fi # this script is not needed on Gentoo. if [ "$DISTRO_NAME" != "gentoo" ]; then install -D -g root -o root -m 0755 ${SCRIPTDIR}/dhcp-all-interfaces.sh /usr/local/sbin/dhcp-all-interfaces.sh sed -i "s/DIB_DHCP_TIMEOUT/${DIB_DHCP_TIMEOUT:-30}/" /usr/local/sbin/dhcp-all-interfaces.sh fi if [ -f /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf ] ; then # Set the dhclient timeout configurations to match DIB_DHCP_TIMEOUT, if grep -o "^timeout " /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf ; then sed -i -e "s/^timeout .*/# \"timeout\" Value set by dhcp-all-interfaces\ntimeout ${DIB_DHCP_TIMEOUT:-30};/" /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf else echo -e "# \"timeout\" Value set by dhcp-all-interfaces\ntimeout ${DIB_DHCP_TIMEOUT:-30};" >> /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf fi if grep -o "^retry " /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf ; then sed -i -e '/^retry/s/^/# \"retry\" Value commented by dhcp-all-interfaces\n# /g' /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf fi fi if [ "$DIB_INIT_SYSTEM" == "upstart" ]; then if [ -e "/etc/redhat-release" ] ; then # the init system is upstart but networking is using sysv compatibility (i.e. Centos/RHEL 6) install -D -g root -o root -m 0755 ${SCRIPTDIR}/dhcp-all-interfaces.init /etc/init.d/dhcp-all-interfaces chkconfig dhcp-all-interfaces on else install -D -g root -o root -m 0755 ${SCRIPTDIR}/dhcp-all-interfaces.conf /etc/init/dhcp-all-interfaces.conf fi elif [ "$DIB_INIT_SYSTEM" == "systemd" ]; then install -D -g root -o root -m 0644 ${SCRIPTDIR}/dhcp-interface@.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/dhcp-interface@.service install -D -g root -o root -m 0644 ${SCRIPTDIR}/dhcp-all-interfaces-udev.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/99-dhcp-all-interfaces.rules sed -i "s/TimeoutStartSec=DIB_DHCP_TIMEOUT/TimeoutStartSec=$(( ${DIB_DHCP_TIMEOUT:-30} * 2 ))s/" /usr/lib/systemd/system/dhcp-interface@.service elif [ "$DIB_INIT_SYSTEM" == "sysv" ]; then install -D -g root -o root -m 0755 ${SCRIPTDIR}/dhcp-all-interfaces.init /etc/init.d/dhcp-all-interfaces update-rc.d dhcp-all-interfaces defaults elif [ "$DISTRO_NAME" == "gentoo" ]; then # let ipv6 use normal slaac sed -i 's/slaac/#slaac/g' /etc/dhcpcd.conf # don't let dhcpcd set domain name or hostname sed -i 's/domain_name\,\ domain_search\,\ host_name/domain_search/g' /etc/dhcpcd.conf rc-update add dhcpcd default fi