#!/bin/bash set -eu set -o pipefail BASE_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0")/.. && pwd) export DIB_ELEMENTS=$BASE_DIR/elements export DIB_CMD=$BASE_DIR/bin/disk-image-create # # Default skip tests # # For time reasons, we do not run these tests by default; i.e. these # tests are not run by "tox -e func" in the gate. # DEFAULT_SKIP_TESTS=( # we run version pinned test in gate (this just runs latest) fedora/build-succeeds # in non-voting gentoo/build-succeeds ) # run_disk_element_test # Run a disk-image-build .tar build of ELEMENT including any elements # specified by TEST_ELEMENT function run_disk_element_test() { local test_element=$1 local element=$2 local dest_dir=$(mktemp -d) trap "rm -rf $dest_dir /tmp/dib-test-should-fail" EXIT if break="after-error" break_outside_target=1 \ break_cmd="cp \$TMP_MOUNT_PATH/tmp/dib-test-should-fail /tmp/ 2>&1 > /dev/null || true" \ DIB_SHOW_IMAGE_USAGE=1 \ ELEMENTS_PATH=$DIB_ELEMENTS:$DIB_ELEMENTS/$element/test-elements \ $DIB_CMD -x -t tar,qcow2 -o $dest_dir/image -n $element $test_element; then if ! [ -f "$dest_dir/image.qcow2" ]; then echo "Error: qcow2 build failed for element: $element, test-element: $test_element." echo "No image $dest_dir/image.qcow2 found!" fi # check inside the tar for sentinel files if ! [ -f "$dest_dir/image.tar" ]; then echo "Error: Build failed for element: $element, test-element: $test_element." echo "No image $dest_dir/image.tar found!" exit 1 else if tar -tf $dest_dir/image.tar | grep -q /tmp/dib-test-should-fail; then echo "Error: Element: $element, test-element $test_element should have failed, but passed." exit 1 else echo "PASS: Element $element, test-element: $test_element" fi fi else if [ -f "/tmp/dib-test-should-fail" ]; then echo "PASS: Element $element, test-element: $test_element" else echo "Error: Build failed for element: $element, test-element: $test_element." exit 1 fi fi trap EXIT rm -rf $dest_dir /tmp/dib-test-should-fail } # run_ramdisk_element_test # Run a disk-image-builder default build of ELEMENT including any # elements specified by TEST_ELEMENT function run_ramdisk_element_test() { local test_element=$1 local element=$2 local dest_dir=$(mktemp -d) if ELEMENTS_PATH=$DIB_ELEMENTS/$element/test-elements \ $DIB_CMD -x -o $dest_dir/image $element $test_element; then # TODO(dtantsur): test also kernel presence once we sort out its naming # problem (vmlinuz vs kernel) if ! [ -f "$dest_dir/image.initramfs" ]; then echo "Error: Build failed for element: $element, test-element: $test_element." echo "No image $dest_dir/image.initramfs found!" exit 1 else echo "PASS: Element $element, test-element: $test_element" fi else echo "Error: Build failed for element: $element, test-element: $test_element." exit 1 fi } # # run_functests.sh # run the functional tests for dib elements # # find elements that have functional test elements. TESTS will be an # array with each value being "element/test-element" TESTS=() for e in $DIB_ELEMENTS/*/test-elements/*; do test_element=$(echo $e | awk 'BEGIN {FS="/"}{print $NF}') element=$(echo $e | awk 'BEGIN {FS="/"}{print $(NF-2)}') TESTS+=("$element/$test_element") done while getopts ":hl" opt; do case $opt in h) echo "run_functests.sh [-h] [-l] ..." echo " -h : show this help" echo " -l : list available tests" echo " : functional test to run" echo " Special test 'all' will run all tests" exit 0 ;; l) echo "The available functional tests are:" echo for t in ${TESTS[@]}; do echo " $t" done echo exit 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) # cull the list of tests to run into TESTS_TO_RUN TESTS_TO_RUN=() title="" if [[ -z "$@" ]]; then # remove the skipped tests title="Running default tests:" for test in "${TESTS[@]}"; do if [[ " ${DEFAULT_SKIP_TESTS[@]} " =~ " ${test} " ]]; then continue else TESTS_TO_RUN+=("${test}") fi done elif [[ $1 == "all" ]]; then title="Running all tests:" TESTS_TO_RUN=("${TESTS[@]}") else title="Running specified tests:" for test in $@; do if [[ ! " ${TESTS[@]} " =~ " ${test} " ]]; then echo "${test} : not a known test (see -l)" exit 1 fi TESTS_TO_RUN+=("${test}") done fi # print a little status info echo "------" echo ${title} for test in "${TESTS_TO_RUN[@]}"; do echo " ${test}" done echo "------" for test in "${TESTS_TO_RUN[@]}"; do # from above; each array value is element/test_element. split it # back up element=${test%/*} test_element=${test#*/} # tests default to disk-based, but "element-type" can optionally # override that element_type=disk element_type_override=$DIB_ELEMENTS/${element}/test-elements/${test_element}/element-type if [ -f ${element_type_override} ]; then element_type=$(cat ${element_type_override}) fi echo "Running $test ($element_type)" run_${element_type}_element_test $test_element $element done echo "Tests passed!"