Components ========== `disk-image-create [-a amd64|armhf|arm64] -o filename {element} [{element} ...]` Create an image of element {element}, optionally mixing in other elements. Element dependencies are automatically included. Support for other architectures depends on your environment being able to run binaries of that platform and/or packages being available for the architecture. For instance, to enable armhf on Ubuntu install the qemu-user-static package, or to enable arm64 on CentOS setup the RDO aarch64 package repositories. The default output format from disk-image-create is qcow2. To instead output a tarball pass in "-t tar". This tarball could then be used as an image for a linux container(see docs/ `ramdisk-image-create -o filename {element} [{element} ...]` Create a kernel+ ramdisk pair for running maintenance on bare metal machines (deployment, inventory, burnin etc). To generate kernel+ramdisk pair for use with nova-baremetal, use:: ramdisk-image-create -o deploy.ramdisk deploy-baremetal Ironic no longer supports images created like this. `diskimage-builder [--dry-run] [--stop-on-failure] [--help] filename.yaml [filename2.yaml...]` A YAML defined wrapper over `disk-image-create` and `ramdisk-image-create`. To generate kernel+ramdisk pair for use with nova-baremetal, specify the YAML: .. code-block:: yaml - imagename: deploy.ramdisk ramdisk: true elements: - deploy-baremetal Duplicate `imagename` entries are merged into a single entry, allowing customizations over a base image definition. If an `imagename` is missing, the `imagename` from the previous entry is implied: .. code-block:: yaml # base image definition - imagename: output.qcow elements: - vm - block-device-gpt - ubuntu-minimal debug-trace: 1 environment: DIB_IMAGE_SIZE: '10' # debug logging customization - imagename: output.qcow debug-trace: 2 # adding element customization - elements: - devuser environment: DIB_DEV_USER_USERNAME: 'myuser' DIB_DEV_USER_PWDLESS_SUDO: 'Yes' DIB_DEV_USER_AUTHORIZED_KEYS: '/home/myuser/.ssh/' # resulting image entry which will be built - imagename: output.qcow elements: - vm - block-device-gpt - ubuntu-minimal - devuser debug-trace: 2 environment: DIB_DEV_USER_USERNAME: 'myuser' DIB_DEV_USER_PWDLESS_SUDO: 'Yes' DIB_DEV_USER_AUTHORIZED_KEYS: '/home/myuser/.ssh/' DIB_IMAGE_SIZE: '10' `element-info` Extract information about elements. `tests/` This runs a set of functional tests for diskimage-builder. elements can be found in the top level elements directory.