- job: name: dib-functests-base abstract: true parent: base run: playbooks/dib-functests/run.yaml post-run: playbooks/dib-functests/post.yaml timeout: 5400 required-projects: - openstack/diskimage-builder - openstack/requirements irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ - job: name: dib-functests-default description: | This is the base set of stable tests abstract: true parent: dib-functests-base vars: dib_functests: - apt-sources/test-sources - centos-minimal/7-build-succeeds - centos-minimal/8-build-succeeds - pip-and-virtualenv/source-install-ubuntu - ubuntu-minimal/trusty-build-succeeds - ubuntu-minimal/xenial-build-succeeds - ubuntu-minimal/bionic-build-succeeds - job: name: dib-functests-image description: | This is tests that rely on downloading an upstream image. We generally do not have mirrors for these images so they can be slighlty unreliable. abstract: true voting: false parent: dib-functests-base vars: dib_functests: - centos7/build-succeeds - centos/8-build-succeeds - opensuse/build-succeeds - opensuse/opensuse15-build-succeeds - ubuntu/trusty-build-succeeds - ubuntu/xenial-build-succeeds - ubuntu/bionic-build-succeeds - job: name: dib-functests-extras description: | These are tests which are not as widely supported as the core platforms abstract: true voting: false parent: dib-functests-base vars: dib_functests: - gentoo/build-succeeds - debian-minimal/stable-vm - job: name: dib-functests-containers description: | These are tests for elements focused on containers or other small deployments abstract: true voting: false parent: dib-functests-base vars: dib_functests: - ubuntu-systemd-container/bionic-build-succeeds - ubuntu-systemd-container/xenial-build-succeeds - job: name: dib-functests-arm64 description: | ARM64 build tests abstract: true parent: dib-functests-base vars: dib_functests: - ubuntu-minimal/bionic-arm64-build-succeeds - centos-minimal/8-aarch64-build-succeeds # Bionic / Python3 tests - job: name: dib-functests-bionic-python3 description: | Run the default tests on a Bionic build host with Python 3 parent: dib-functests-default nodeset: ubuntu-bionic vars: # These can only build on bionic dib_functests_extra: - fedora-minimal/build-succeeds - pip-and-virtualenv/source-install-fedora voting: false - job: name: dib-functests-bionic-python3-image description: | The image tests on a Bionic build host with Python 3 parent: dib-functests-image nodeset: ubuntu-bionic vars: dib_functests_extra: - fedora/build-succeeds voting: false - job: name: dib-functests-bionic-python3-extras description: | The extras tests on a Bionic build host with Python 3 parent: dib-functests-extras nodeset: ubuntu-bionic voting: false - job: name: dib-functests-bionic-python3-containers description: | The containers tests on a Bionic build host with Python 3 parent: dib-functests-containers nodeset: ubuntu-bionic voting: false # Xenial / Python3 tests - job: name: dib-functests-xenial-python3 description: | Run the default tests on a Xenial build host with Python 3 parent: dib-functests-default nodeset: ubuntu-xenial - job: name: dib-functests-xenial-python3-image description: | The image tests on a Xenial build host with Python 3 parent: dib-functests-image nodeset: ubuntu-xenial - job: name: dib-functests-xenial-python3-extras description: | The extras tests on a Xenial build host with Python 3 parent: dib-functests-extras nodeset: ubuntu-xenial vars: # opensuse-minimal can only build on xenial ATM, as other # platforms don't have zypper dib_functests_extra: - opensuse-minimal/opensuse15-build-succeeds - job: name: dib-functests-xenial-python3-containers description: | The containers tests on a Xenial build host with Python 3 parent: dib-functests-containers nodeset: ubuntu-xenial voting: false # Centos 7 / Python2 tests - job: name: dib-functests-centos7-python2 description: | Run the default tests on a Centos 7 build host with Python 2 parent: dib-functests-default nodeset: centos-7 vars: dib_python: python2 - job: name: dib-functests-centos7-python2-image description: | The image tests on a Centos 7 build host with Python 2 parent: dib-functests-image nodeset: centos-7 vars: dib_python: python2 - job: name: dib-functests-centos7-python2-extras description: | The extras tests on a Centos 7 build host with Python 2 parent: dib-functests-extras nodeset: centos-7 vars: dib_python: python2 # ARM64 tests - job: name: dib-functests-arm64-bionic description: | ARM64 image tests building on am ARM64 Bionic host nodeset: ubuntu-bionic-arm64 parent: dib-functests-arm64 # Build and boot functional tests - job: name: dib-nodepool-functional-src-base description: | Base job for DIB functional tests, which build and boot a node under nodepool parent: nodepool-functional-openstack-src-base vars: nodepool_debug: true - job: name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-centos-7-src description: | Test building and booting a Centos 7 image with Nodepool and OpenStack parent: dib-nodepool-functional-src-base vars: nodepool_extra_packages: - rpm - yum-utils nodepool_diskimage: base_element: centos-minimal release: '7' mirror: "http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/centos" - job: name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-centos-8-src description: | Test building and booting a Centos 8 image with Nodepool and OpenStack parent: dib-nodepool-functional-src-base vars: nodepool_extra_packages: - rpm - yum-utils nodepool_diskimage: base_element: centos-minimal release: '8' mirror: "http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/centos" - job: name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-fedora-30-src description: | Test building and booting a Fedora 30 image with Nodepool and OpenStack parent: dib-nodepool-functional-src-base vars: nodepool_extra_packages: - rpm - yum-utils nodepool_diskimage: base_element: fedora-minimal release: '30' - job: name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-fedora-31-src description: | Test building and booting a Fedora 31 image with Nodepool and OpenStack parent: dib-nodepool-functional-src-base vars: nodepool_extra_packages: - rpm - yum-utils nodepool_diskimage: base_element: fedora-minimal release: '31' - job: name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-ubuntu-xenial-src description: | Test building and booting an Ubuntu xenial image with Nodepool and OpenStack parent: dib-nodepool-functional-src-base pre-run: playbooks/dib-nodepool/debootstrap.yaml vars: nodepool_extra_packages: - debootstrap nodepool_diskimage: base_element: ubuntu-minimal release: 'xenial' mirror: "http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/ubuntu" - job: name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-ubuntu-bionic description: | Test building and booting an Ubuntu bionic image with Nodepool and OpenStack (using released libraries) parent: nodepool-functional-openstack-base pre-run: playbooks/dib-nodepool/debootstrap.yaml vars: nodepool_debug: true nodepool_extra_packages: - debootstrap nodepool_diskimage: base_element: ubuntu-minimal release: 'bionic' mirror: "http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/ubuntu" - job: name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-ubuntu-bionic-src description: | Test building and booting an Ubuntu bionic image with Nodepool and OpenStack parent: dib-nodepool-functional-src-base pre-run: playbooks/dib-nodepool/debootstrap.yaml vars: nodepool_extra_packages: - debootstrap nodepool_diskimage: base_element: ubuntu-minimal release: 'bionic' mirror: "http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/ubuntu" - job: name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-gentoo-src description: | Test building and booting a Gentoo image with Nodepool and OpenStack parent: dib-nodepool-functional-src-base vars: nodepool_diskimage: base_element: gentoo release: '' env-vars: GENTOO_PROFILE: 'default/linux/amd64/17.1/systemd' - job: name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-debian-stretch-src description: | Test building and booting a Debian stretch image with Nodepool and OpenStack parent: dib-nodepool-functional-src-base pre-run: playbooks/dib-nodepool/debootstrap.yaml vars: nodepool_extra_packages: - debootstrap nodepool_diskimage: base_element: debian-minimal release: 'stretch' mirror: "http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/debian" - job: name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-debian-buster-src description: | Test building and booting a Debian buster image with Nodepool and OpenStack parent: dib-nodepool-functional-src-base pre-run: playbooks/dib-nodepool/debootstrap.yaml vars: nodepool_extra_packages: - debootstrap nodepool_diskimage: base_element: debian-minimal release: 'buster' mirror: "http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/debian" - job: name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-opensuse-15-src description: | Test building and booting an openSUSE 15.x image with Nodepool and OpenStack parent: dib-nodepool-functional-src-base nodeset: ubuntu-xenial # Bionic lacks zypper vars: nodepool_extra_packages: - zypper - gnupg2 nodepool_diskimage: base_element: opensuse-minimal release: '15.1' mirror: "http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/opensuse" - job: name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-opensuse-tumbleweed-src description: | Test building and booting an openSUSE tumbleweed image with Nodepool and OpenStack parent: dib-nodepool-functional-src-base nodeset: ubuntu-xenial # Bionic lacks zypper vars: nodepool_extra_packages: - zypper - gnupg2 nodepool_diskimage: base_element: opensuse-minimal release: 'tumbleweed'