#!/bin/bash # Override the default /etc/apt/sources.list with $DIB_APT_SOURCES if [ ${DIB_DEBUG_TRACE:-0} -gt 0 ]; then set -x fi set -eu set -o pipefail # exit directly if DIB_APT_SOURCES is not defined properly if [ -z "${DIB_APT_SOURCES:-}" ] ; then echo "DIB_APT_SOURCES must be set to the location of a sources.list file you wish to use" exit 0 elif [ ! -f "$DIB_APT_SOURCES" -o ! -s "$DIB_APT_SOURCES" ] ; then echo "$DIB_APT_SOURCES is not a valid sources.list file." echo "You should assign proper sources.list file in DIB_APT_SOURCES" exit 1 fi DIB_APT_SOURCES=`readlink -f $DIB_APT_SOURCES` # copy the sources.list to cloudimg pushd $TMP_MOUNT_PATH/etc/apt/ sudo cp -f $DIB_APT_SOURCES sources.list popd