Andreas Florath 7337c9e706 dib-lint: python3 compatibility fixes
When using up to date distributions for dib development, pep8
installs using python3.  This patch fixes the problem, that
not the complete dib-lint (which is called) is compatible
with python3.

Change-Id: I417d03746edb4d34011b997edf8b5b9662ea6f09
Signed-off-by: Andreas Florath <andreas@florath.net>
2016-12-21 20:29:26 +00:00
extra-data.d Add a best-effort sudo safety check 2016-05-09 15:41:38 +10:00
post-install.d Standarise tracing for scripts 2015-02-12 10:41:32 +11:00
pre-install.d dib-lint: python3 compatibility fixes 2016-12-21 20:29:26 +00:00
README.rst Allow setting DIB_PIP_RETRIES 2015-02-19 15:29:36 -08:00

Inject a PyPI mirror

Use a custom PyPI mirror to build images. The default is to bind mount one from
~/.cache/image-create/pypi/mirror into the build environment as mirror URL
file:///tmp/pypi. The element temporarily overwrites /root/.pip.conf
and .pydistutils.cfg to use it.

When online, the official pypi.python.org pypi index is supplied as an
extra-url, so uncached dependencies will still be available. When offline, only
the mirror is used - be warned that a stale mirror will cause build failures.
To disable the pypi.python.org index without using --offline (e.g. when working
behind a corporate firewall that prohibits pypi.python.org) set
DIB\_NO\_PYPI\_PIP to any non-empty value.

To use an arbitrary mirror set DIB\_PYPI\_MIRROR\_URL=http[s]://somevalue/

Additional mirrors can be added by exporting DIB\_PYPI\_MIRROR\_URL\_1=... etc.
Only the one mirror can be used by easy-install, but since wheels need to be in
the first mirror to be used, the last listed mirror is used as the pydistutils
index. NB: The sort order for these variables is a simple string sort - if you
have more than 9 additional mirrors, some care will be needed.

You can also set the number of retries that occur on failure by setting the
DIB\_PIP\_RETRIES environment variable. If setting fallback pip mirrors you
typically want to set this to 0 to prevent the need to fail multiple times
before falling back.

A typical use of this element is thus:
export DIB\_PYPI\_MIRROR\_URL=http://site/pypi/Ubuntu-13.10
export DIB\_PYPI\_MIRROR\_URL\_1=http://site/pypi/
export DIB\_PYPI\_MIRROR\_URL\_2=file:///tmp/pypi
export DIB\_PIP\_RETRIES=0

can be useful in making a partial PyPI mirror suitable for building images. For

 * pip install -U devpi

 * devpi-server quickstart

 * devpi use http://machinename:3141

* Re-export your variables to point at the new mirror:

    export DIB\_PYPI\_MIRROR\_URL=http://machinename:3141/
    unset DIB\_PYPI\__MIRROR\_URL\_1
    unset DIB\_PYPI\__MIRROR\_URL\_2

The next time packages are installed, they'll be cached on the local devpi
server; subsequent runs pointed at the same mirror will use the local cache if
the upstream can't be contacted.

Note that this process only has the server running temporarily; see
[Quickstart: Permanent install on
server/laptop](http://doc.devpi.net/latest/quickstart-server.html) guide from
the devpi developers for more information on a more permanent setup.