Andreas Florath ec7f56c1b2 Refactor: block-device handling (partitioning)
During the creation of a disk image (e.g. for a VM), there is the need
to create, setup, configure and afterwards detach some kind of storage
where the newly installed OS can be copied to or directly installed

This patch implements partitioning handling.

Change-Id: I0ca6a4ae3a2684d473b44e5f332ee4225ee30f8c
Signed-off-by: Andreas Florath <andreas@florath.net>
2017-01-24 19:59:10 +00:00

185 lines
6.6 KiB

# Copyright 2016 Andreas Florath (andreas@florath.net)
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from diskimage_builder.block_device.blockdevicesetupexception \
import BlockDeviceSetupException
from diskimage_builder.block_device.level1.mbr import MBR
from diskimage_builder.block_device.utils import parse_abs_size_spec
from diskimage_builder.block_device.utils import parse_rel_size_spec
from diskimage_builder.graph.digraph import Digraph
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Partition(Digraph.Node):
def __init__(self, name, flags, size, ptype, base, partitioning):
Digraph.Node.__init__(self, name)
self.flags = flags
self.size = size
self.ptype = ptype
self.base = base
self.partitioning = partitioning
def get_flags(self):
return self.flags
def get_size(self):
return self.size
def get_type(self):
return self.ptype
def insert_edges(self, dg):
bnode = dg.find(self.base)
assert bnode is not None
dg.create_edge(bnode, self)
def create(self, result, rollback):
self.partitioning.create(result, rollback)
def umount(self, state):
"""Partitioning does not need any umount task."""
def cleanup(self, state):
"""Partitioning does not need any cleanup."""
def delete(self, state):
"""Partitioning does not need any cleanup."""
class Partitioning(object):
type_string = "partitioning"
flag_boot = 1
flag_primary = 2
def __init__(self, config, default_config):
logger.debug("Creating Partitioning object; config [%s]" % config)
# Because using multiple partitions of one base is done
# within one object, there is the need to store a flag if the
# creation of the partitions was already done.
self.already_created = False
# Parameter check
if 'base' not in config:
self._config_error("Partitioning config needs 'base'")
self.base = config['base']
if 'label' not in config:
self._config_error("Partitioning config needs 'label'")
self.label = config['label']
if self.label not in ("mbr", ):
self._config_error("Label must be 'mbr'")
# It is VERY important to get the alignment correct. If this
# is not correct, the disk performance might be very poor.
# Example: In some tests a 'off by one' leads to a write
# performance of 30% compared to a correctly aligned
# partition.
# The problem for DIB is, that it cannot assume that the host
# system uses the same IO sizes as the target system,
# therefore here a fixed approach (as used in all modern
# systems with large disks) is used. The partitions are
# aligned to 1MiB (which are about 2048 times 512 bytes
# blocks)
self.align = 1024 * 1024 # 1MiB as default
if 'align' in config:
self.align = parse_abs_size_spec(config['align'])
if 'partitions' not in config:
self._config_error("Partitioning config needs 'partitions'")
self.partitions = {}
for part_cfg in config['partitions']:
if 'name' not in part_cfg:
self.config_error("Missing 'name' in partition config")
part_name = part_cfg['name']
flags = set()
if 'flags' in part_cfg:
for f in part_cfg['flags']:
if f == 'boot':
elif f == 'primary':
self._config_error("Unknown flag [%s] in "
"partitioning for [%s]"
% (f, part_name))
if 'size' not in part_cfg:
self._config_error("No 'size' in partition [%s]"
% part_name)
size = part_cfg['size']
ptype = int(part_cfg['type'], 16) if 'type' in part_cfg else 0x83
self.partitions[part_name] \
= Partition(part_name, flags, size, ptype, self.base, self)
def _config_error(self, msg):
raise BlockDeviceSetupException(msg)
def _size_of_block_dev(self, dev):
with open(dev, "r") as fd:
fd.seek(0, 2)
return fd.tell()
def insert_nodes(self, dg):
for _, part in self.partitions.items():
def create(self, result, rollback):
image_path = result[self.base]['image']
device_path = result[self.base]['device']
logger.info("Creating partition on [%s] [%s]" %
(self.base, image_path))
if self.already_created:
logger.info("Not creating the partitions a second time.")
assert self.label == 'mbr'
disk_size = self._size_of_block_dev(image_path)
with MBR(image_path, disk_size, self.align) as part_impl:
for part_name, part_cfg in self.partitions.items():
part_bootflag = Partitioning.flag_boot \
in part_cfg.get_flags()
part_primary = Partitioning.flag_primary \
in part_cfg.get_flags()
part_size = part_cfg.get_size()
part_free = part_impl.free()
part_type = part_cfg.get_type()
logger.debug("Not partitioned space [%d]" % part_free)
part_size = parse_rel_size_spec(part_size,
part_no \
= part_impl.add_partition(part_primary, part_bootflag,
part_size, part_type)
logger.debug("Create partition [%s] [%d]" %
(part_name, part_no))
result[part_name] = {'device': device_path + "p%d" % part_no}
self.already_created = True