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2023-05-22 15:09:46 +00:00
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
!function(e,r){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(r):"object"==typeof exports?module.exports=r():r()(e.lunr)}(this,function(){return function(e){if(void 0===e)throw new Error("Lunr is not present. Please include / require Lunr before this script.");if(void 0===e.stemmerSupport)throw new Error("Lunr stemmer support is not present. Please include / require Lunr stemmer support before this script.");{this.pipeline.reset(),this.pipeline.add(,,,this.searchPipeline&&(this.searchPipeline.reset(),this.searchPipeline.add(},"ऀ-ःऄ-एऐ-टठ-यर-िी-ॏॐ-य़ॠ-९॰-ॿ꣠-꣱ꣲ-ꣷ꣸-ꣻ꣼-ꣽꣾ-ꣿᆰ0-ᆰ9",,e.Pipeline.registerFunction(,"trimmer-sa"),'तथा अयम्‌ एकम्‌ इत्यस्मिन्‌ तथा तत्‌ वा अयम्‌ इत्यस्य ते आहूत उपरि तेषाम्‌ किन्तु तेषाम्‌ तदा इत्यनेन अधिकः इत्यस्य तत्‌ केचन बहवः द्वि तथा महत्वपूर्णः अयम्‌ अस्य विषये अयं अस्ति तत्‌ प्रथमः विषये इत्युपरि इत्युपरि इतर अधिकतमः अधिकः अपि सामान्यतया ठ इतरेतर नूतनम्‌ द न्यूनम्‌ कश्चित्‌ वा विशालः द सः अस्ति तदनुसारम् तत्र अस्ति केवलम्‌ अपि अत्र सर्वे विविधाः तत्‌ बहवः यतः इदानीम्‌ द दक्षिण इत्यस्मै तस्य उपरि नथ अतीव कार्यम्‌ सर्वे एकैकम्‌ इत्यादि। एते सन्ति उत इत्थम्‌ मध्ये एतदर्थं . स कस्य प्रथमः श्री. करोति अस्मिन् प्रकारः निर्मिता कालः तत्र कर्तुं समान अधुना ते सन्ति स एकः अस्ति सः अर्थात् तेषां कृते . स्थितम् विशेषः अग्रिम तेषाम्‌ समान स्रोतः ख म समान इदानीमपि अधिकतया करोतु ते समान इत्यस्य वीथी सह यस्मिन् कृतवान्‌ धृतः तदा पुनः पूर्वं सः आगतः किम्‌ कुल इतर पुरा मात्रा स विषये उ अतएव अपि नगरस्य उपरि यतः प्रतिशतं कतरः कालः साधनानि भूत तथापि जात सम्बन्धि अन्यत्‌ ग अतः अस्माकं स्वकीयाः अस्माकं इदानीं अन्तः इत्यादयः भवन्तः इत्यादयः एते एताः तस्य अस्य इदम् एते तेषां तेषां तेषां तान् तेषां तेषां तेषां समानः सः एकः च तादृशाः बहवः अन्ये च वदन्ति यत् कियत् कस्मै कस्मै यस्मै यस्मै यस्मै यस्मै न अतिनीचः किन्तु प्रथमं सम्पूर्णतया ततः चिरकालानन्तरं पुस्तकं सम्पूर्णतया अन्तः किन्तु अत्र वा इह इव श्रद्धाय अवशिष्यते परन्तु अन्ये वर्गाः सन्ति ते सन्ति शक्नुवन्ति सर्वे मिलित्वा सर्वे एकत्र"'.split(" ")),{return function(e){return"function"==typeof e.update?e.update(function(e){return e}):e}}();var r=e.wordcut;r.init(),{if(!arguments.length||null==t||void 0==t)return[];if(Array.isArray(t))return{return isLunr2?new e.Token(r.toLowerCase()):r.toLowerCase()});var i=t.toString().toLowerCase().replace(/^\s+/,"");return r.cut(i).split("|")},e.Pipeline.registerFunction(,"stemmer-sa"),e.Pipeline.registerFunction(,"stopWordFilter-sa")}});

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!function(e,t){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(t):"object"==typeof exports?module.exports=t():t()(e.lunr)}(this,function(){return function(e){if(void 0===e)throw new Error("Lunr is not present. Please include / require Lunr before this script.");if(void 0===e.stemmerSupport)throw new Error("Lunr stemmer support is not present. Please include / require Lunr stemmer support before this script.");e.te=function(){this.pipeline.reset(),this.pipeline.add(e.te.trimmer,e.te.stopWordFilter,e.te.stemmer),this.searchPipeline&&(this.searchPipeline.reset(),this.searchPipeline.add(e.te.stemmer))},e.te.wordCharacters="ఀ-ఄఅ-ఔక-హా-ౌౕ-ౖౘ-ౚౠ-ౡౢ-ౣ౦-౯౸-౿఼ఽ్ౝ౷౤౥",e.te.trimmer=e.trimmerSupport.generateTrimmer(e.te.wordCharacters),e.Pipeline.registerFunction(e.te.trimmer,"trimmer-te"),e.te.stopWordFilter=e.generateStopWordFilter("అందరూ అందుబాటులో అడగండి అడగడం అడ్డంగా అనుగుణంగా అనుమతించు అనుమతిస్తుంది అయితే ఇప్పటికే ఉన్నారు ఎక్కడైనా ఎప్పుడు ఎవరైనా ఎవరో ఏ ఏదైనా ఏమైనప్పటికి ఒక ఒకరు కనిపిస్తాయి కాదు కూడా గా గురించి చుట్టూ చేయగలిగింది తగిన తర్వాత దాదాపు దూరంగా నిజంగా పై ప్రకారం ప్రక్కన మధ్య మరియు మరొక మళ్ళీ మాత్రమే మెచ్చుకో వద్ద వెంట వేరుగా వ్యతిరేకంగా సంబంధం".split(" ")),e.te.stemmer=function(){return function(e){return"function"==typeof e.update?e.update(function(e){return e}):e}}();var t=e.wordcut;t.init(),e.te.tokenizer=function(r){if(!arguments.length||null==r||void 0==r)return[];if(Array.isArray(r))return{return isLunr2?new e.Token(t.toLowerCase()):t.toLowerCase()});var i=r.toString().toLowerCase().replace(/^\s+/,"");return t.cut(i).split("|")},e.Pipeline.registerFunction(e.te.stemmer,"stemmer-te"),e.Pipeline.registerFunction(e.te.stopWordFilter,"stopWordFilter-te")}});

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@ -1 +1 @@
!function(e,r){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(r):"object"==typeof exports?module.exports=r(require("@node-rs/jieba")):r()(e.lunr)}(this,function(e){return function(r,t){if(void 0===r)throw new Error("Lunr is not present. Please include / require Lunr before this script.");if(void 0===r.stemmerSupport)throw new Error("Lunr stemmer support is not present. Please include / require Lunr stemmer support before this script.");var i="2"==r.version[0];r.zh=function(){this.pipeline.reset(),this.pipeline.add(r.zh.trimmer,r.zh.stopWordFilter,r.zh.stemmer),i?this.tokenizer=r.zh.tokenizer:(r.tokenizer&&(r.tokenizer=r.zh.tokenizer),this.tokenizerFn&&(this.tokenizerFn=r.zh.tokenizer))},r.zh.tokenizer=function(n){if(!arguments.length||null==n||void 0==n)return[];if(Array.isArray(n))return{return i?new r.Token(e.toLowerCase()):e.toLowerCase()});t&&e.load(t);var o=n.toString().trim().toLowerCase(),s=[];e.cut(o,!0).forEach(function(e){s=s.concat(e.split(" "))}),s=s.filter(function(e){return!!e});var u=0;return,t){if(i){var n=o.indexOf(e,u),s={};return s.position=[n,e.length],s.index=t,u=n,new r.Token(e,s)}return e})},r.zh.wordCharacters="\\w一-龥",r.zh.trimmer=r.trimmerSupport.generateTrimmer(r.zh.wordCharacters),r.Pipeline.registerFunction(r.zh.trimmer,"trimmer-zh"),r.zh.stemmer=function(){return function(e){return e}}(),r.Pipeline.registerFunction(r.zh.stemmer,"stemmer-zh"),r.zh.stopWordFilter=r.generateStopWordFilter("的 一 不 在 人 有 是 为 以 于 上 他 而 后 之 来 及 了 因 下 可 到 由 这 与 也 此 但 并 个 其 已 无 小 我 们 起 最 再 今 去 好 只 又 或 很 亦 某 把 那 你 乃 它 吧 被 比 别 趁 当 从 到 得 打 凡 儿 尔 该 各 给 跟 和 何 还 即 几 既 看 据 距 靠 啦 了 另 么 每 们 嘛 拿 哪 那 您 凭 且 却 让 仍 啥 如 若 使 谁 虽 随 同 所 她 哇 嗡 往 哪 些 向 沿 哟 用 于 咱 则 怎 曾 至 致 着 诸 自".split(" ")),r.Pipeline.registerFunction(r.zh.stopWordFilter,"stopWordFilter-zh")}});
!function(e,r){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(r):"object"==typeof exports?module.exports=r(require("@node-rs/jieba")):r()(e.lunr)}(this,function(e){return function(r,t){if(void 0===r)throw new Error("Lunr is not present. Please include / require Lunr before this script.");if(void 0===r.stemmerSupport)throw new Error("Lunr stemmer support is not present. Please include / require Lunr stemmer support before this script.");var i="2"==r.version[0];r.zh=function(){this.pipeline.reset(),this.pipeline.add(r.zh.trimmer,r.zh.stopWordFilter,r.zh.stemmer),i?this.tokenizer=r.zh.tokenizer:(r.tokenizer&&(r.tokenizer=r.zh.tokenizer),this.tokenizerFn&&(this.tokenizerFn=r.zh.tokenizer))},r.zh.tokenizer=function(n){if(!arguments.length||null==n||void 0==n)return[];if(Array.isArray(n))return{return i?new r.Token(e.toLowerCase()):e.toLowerCase()});t&&e.load(t);var o=n.toString().trim().toLowerCase(),s=[];e.cut(o,!0).forEach(function(e){s=s.concat(e.split(" "))}),s=s.filter(function(e){return!!e});var u=0;return,t){if(i){var n=o.indexOf(e,u),s={};return s.position=[n,e.length],s.index=t,u=n,new r.Token(e,s)}return e})},r.zh.wordCharacters="\\w一-龥",r.zh.trimmer=r.trimmerSupport.generateTrimmer(r.zh.wordCharacters),r.Pipeline.registerFunction(r.zh.trimmer,"trimmer-zh"),r.zh.stemmer=function(){return function(e){return e}}(),r.Pipeline.registerFunction(r.zh.stemmer,"stemmer-zh"),r.zh.stopWordFilter=r.generateStopWordFilter("的 一 不 在 人 有 是 为 以 于 上 他 而 后 之 来 及 了 因 下 可 到 由 这 也 此 但 并其 已 无 小 我 们 起 最 再 今 去 好 只 又 或 很 亦 某 把 那 你 乃 它 吧 被 比 别 趁 当 當 从 從 得 打 凡 儿 兒 尔 爾 该 該 各 给 給 跟 和 何 还 還 即 几 幾 既 看 据 據 距 靠 啦 另 么 麽 每 嘛 拿 哪 您 凭 憑 且 却 卻 让 讓 仍 啥 如 若 使 谁 誰 虽 雖 随 隨 同 所 她 哇 嗡 往 些 向 沿 哟 喲 用 咱 则 則 怎 曾 至 致 着 著 诸 諸 自".split(" ")),r.Pipeline.registerFunction(r.zh.stopWordFilter,"stopWordFilter-zh")}});

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<li><a href="">RPMS</a></li>
<li><a href="">Patches</a></li>
<li><a href="">peridot-config</a></li>
<li><a href="">Container images distribution</a></li>
<h2 id="responsibilities">Responsibilities<a class="headerlink" href="#responsibilities" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
<p>The Cloud SIG is mainly responsible for two items: Cloud Images and Optimized Kernels for clouds.</p>
@ -459,13 +466,15 @@
<p>A multitude of images are created as part of the Rocky Linux release process, using <a href="">kickstarts</a> and Rocky Release Engineering's <a href="">toolkit</a> "Empanadas" to compose the images.</p>
<p>Currently, the following images are produced by the SIG:</p>
<li>Container rootfs (Base and Minimal variants)</li>
<li>Container rootfs (Base, Minimal, UBI, UBI-init, UBI-micro variants)</li>
<li>EC2 (Amazon AWS)</li>
<li>Oracle Cloud Platform</li>
<li>Google Cloud Platform (Images are generated <a href="">by GCP</a>)</li>
<li>Microsoft Azure</li>
<li>Vagrant-compatibile images (Libvirt, Virtualbox, VMWare)<ul>
<p>Vagrant-compatibile images (Libvirt, Virtualbox, VMware)</p>
<li>NOTE(nhanlon) 2022-10-11: These images are currently a best-effort production until the workflows are automated to create these images.</li>
@ -482,6 +491,8 @@
<li>Zach Marano</li>
<li>Gregory Kurtzer</li>
<li>Dave Linksey</li>
<li>Lukas Magauer</li>
<li>Kyle Ishie</li>
<h2 id="project-layout">Project layout<a class="headerlink" href="#project-layout" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
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{"config":{"lang":["en"],"separator":"[\\s\\-]+","pipeline":["stopWordFilter"]},"docs":[{"location":"","title":"Rocky Linux SIG/Cloud Wiki","text":"<p>The Rocky Linux Cloud Special Interest Group is dedicated to the enablement of of Rocky Linux on Cloud Services Providers in private and public clouds.</p> <p>Anyone is welcome to join and participate in the activities and responsibilities of the Cloud SIG.</p> <p>This documentation is a work in progress and we welcome any and all contributions, which can be made on</p>"},{"location":"#links","title":"Links","text":"<ul> <li>Peridot - Rocky Linux 9 - SIG Cloud</li> <li>Peridot - Rocky Linux 8 - SIG Cloud</li> <li>RPMS</li> <li>Patches</li> <li>peridot-config</li> </ul>"},{"location":"#responsibilities","title":"Responsibilities","text":"<p>The Cloud SIG is mainly responsible for two items: Cloud Images and Optimized Kernels for clouds.</p>"},{"location":"#images","title":"Images","text":"<p>A multitude of images are created as part of the Rocky Linux release process, using kickstarts and Rocky Release Engineering's toolkit \"Empanadas\" to compose the images.</p> <p>Currently, the following images are produced by the SIG:</p> <ul> <li>Container rootfs (Base and Minimal variants)</li> <li>GenericCloud</li> <li>EC2 (Amazon AWS)</li> <li>Oracle Cloud Platform</li> <li>Google Cloud Platform (Images are generated by GCP)</li> <li>Microsoft Azure</li> <li>Vagrant-compatibile images (Libvirt, Virtualbox, VMWare)<ul> <li>NOTE(nhanlon) 2022-10-11: These images are currently a best-effort production until the workflows are automated to create these images.</li> </ul> </li> </ul>"},{"location":"#optimized-kernels","title":"Optimized Kernels","text":"<p>The Cloud SIG also produces a custom kernel artifact for use on various cloud providers. Currently, the major changes in this kernel are the backporting of several changes from stable/mainline kernel branches relating to GVNic drivers for improved performance on Google Cloud Platform. Note that the Kernel is the same version as in any given Rocky Release, but has patches from branches backported and applied on top.</p> <p>A full description of the changes the this Kernel has can be found here.</p> <p>Any and all changes which may benefit ease or performance of usage of Rocky on clouds are welcome to be contributed. In order to maintain patches, a tool called Sideline was developed to aid in grabbing and applying patches to the Rocky Linux standard Kernel.</p>"},{"location":"#members","title":"Members","text":"<ul> <li>Neil Hanlon</li> <li>Brian Clemens</li> <li>Mustafa Gezen</li> <li>Zach Marano</li> <li>Gregory Kurtzer</li> <li>Dave Linksey</li> </ul>"},{"location":"#project-layout","title":"Project layout","text":"<pre><code>mkdocs.yml # The configuration file.\ndocs/\n # The documentation homepage.\n ... # Other markdown pages, images and other files.\n</code></pre>"},{"location":"packages/kernel/","title":"SIG/Cloud Kernel Package","text":"<p>TODO</p>"}]}
{"config":{"lang":["en"],"separator":"[\\s\\-]+","pipeline":["stopWordFilter"]},"docs":[{"location":"","title":"Rocky Linux SIG/Cloud Wiki","text":"<p>The Rocky Linux Cloud Special Interest Group is dedicated to the enablement of of Rocky Linux on Cloud Services Providers in private and public clouds.</p> <p>Anyone is welcome to join and participate in the activities and responsibilities of the Cloud SIG.</p> <p>This documentation is a work in progress and we welcome any and all contributions, which can be made on</p>"},{"location":"#links","title":"Links","text":"<ul> <li>Peridot - Rocky Linux 9 - SIG Cloud</li> <li>Peridot - Rocky Linux 8 - SIG Cloud</li> <li>RPMS</li> <li>Patches</li> <li>peridot-config</li> <li>Container images distribution</li> </ul>"},{"location":"#responsibilities","title":"Responsibilities","text":"<p>The Cloud SIG is mainly responsible for two items: Cloud Images and Optimized Kernels for clouds.</p>"},{"location":"#images","title":"Images","text":"<p>A multitude of images are created as part of the Rocky Linux release process, using kickstarts and Rocky Release Engineering's toolkit \"Empanadas\" to compose the images.</p> <p>Currently, the following images are produced by the SIG:</p> <ul> <li>Container rootfs (Base, Minimal, UBI, UBI-init, UBI-micro variants)</li> <li>GenericCloud</li> <li>EC2 (Amazon AWS)</li> <li>Oracle Cloud Platform</li> <li>Google Cloud Platform (Images are generated by GCP)</li> <li>Microsoft Azure</li> <li> <p>Vagrant-compatibile images (Libvirt, Virtualbox, VMware)</p> <ul> <li>NOTE(nhanlon) 2022-10-11: These images are currently a best-effort production until the workflows are automated to create these images.</li> </ul> </li> </ul>"},{"location":"#optimized-kernels","title":"Optimized Kernels","text":"<p>The Cloud SIG also produces a custom kernel artifact for use on various cloud providers. Currently, the major changes in this kernel are the backporting of several changes from stable/mainline kernel branches relating to GVNic drivers for improved performance on Google Cloud Platform. Note that the Kernel is the same version as in any given Rocky Release, but has patches from branches backported and applied on top.</p> <p>A full description of the changes the this Kernel has can be found here.</p> <p>Any and all changes which may benefit ease or performance of usage of Rocky on clouds are welcome to be contributed. In order to maintain patches, a tool called Sideline was developed to aid in grabbing and applying patches to the Rocky Linux standard Kernel.</p>"},{"location":"#members","title":"Members","text":"<ul> <li>Neil Hanlon</li> <li>Brian Clemens</li> <li>Mustafa Gezen</li> <li>Zach Marano</li> <li>Gregory Kurtzer</li> <li>Dave Linksey</li> <li>Lukas Magauer</li> <li>Kyle Ishie</li> </ul>"},{"location":"#project-layout","title":"Project layout","text":"<pre><code>mkdocs.yml # The configuration file.\ndocs/\n # The documentation homepage.\n ... # Other markdown pages, images and other files.\n</code></pre>"},{"location":"packages/kernel/","title":"SIG/Cloud Kernel Package","text":"<p>TODO</p>"}]}

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