#!/bin/bash export scriptLocation="$(dirname "$0")/" export utilsLocation="$scriptLocation/../utils" if [ ! -f $OUTPUT_FILE_PATH ]; then forceExit() { exitCode=$1 echo "--- ERROR - Script exited with an error or was interrupted ---" $utilsLocation/cleanup.sh echo "--- ERROR - Deleting generated files ---" rm $OUTPUT_FILE_PATH exit $exitCode } trap "forceExit 0" SIGINT $scriptLocation/setupBuilder.sh exitCode=$? if [[ $exitCode -ne 0 ]]; then forceExit $exitCode else echo "--- SUCCESS - Building the VM disk finished successfully: $OUTPUT_FILE_PATH ---" # $utilsLocation/cleanup.sh fi else echo "SKIPPING - OUTPUT FILE ALREADY EXISTS - $OUTPUT_FILE_PATH" echo 'If you need to regenerate it change the $OUTPUT_FILE_PATH make a new commit that changes some of the CI monitored files or delete the pre-generated file' exit 0 fi