/* * Copyright Fastly, Inc. * Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details. */ // Commented items are defaults, feel free to modify and experiment! // See README for a detailed explanation of the configuration options. /** @type {import('@fastly/compute-js-static-publish').StaticPublisherConfig} */ const config = { rootDir: "../site", staticContentRootDir: "./static-publisher", // kvStoreName: false, // excludeDirs: [ './node_modules' ], // excludeDotFiles: true, // includeWellKnown: true, // contentAssetInclusionTest: (filename) => true, // contentCompression: [ 'br', 'gzip' ], // For this config value, default is [] if kvStoreName is null. // moduleAssetInclusionTest: (filename) => false, // contentTypes: [ // { test: /.custom$/, contentType: 'application/x-custom', text: false }, // ], server: { publicDirPrefix: "", staticItems: ["/assets/"], // compression: [ 'br', 'gzip' ], spaFile: false, notFoundPageFile: "/404.html", autoExt: [], autoIndex: ["index.html","index.htm"], }, }; export default config;