#!/bin/bash # Modify this script to handle disk changes as needed. # Some of this may be incorrect or not needed. You will need to verify this. set -ex #diskname="$1" #devname="$2" #loopname="${devname%*p2}" #loopdev=/dev/${loopname#/dev/mapper/*} # shellcheck disable=SC2034 image_fs="$1" root_partnum="$2" root_device="/dev/mapper/loop*p${root_partnum}" loop_name="$(basename $root_device | cut -f 1-2 -d 'p')" disk_device="/dev/${loop_name}" # pi's probably don't support GPT. cat > gdisk.tmp <<-'EOF' x r g t 1 c w y EOF dd if="$disk_device" of=mbrid.bin bs=1 skip=440 count=4 gdisk "$disk_device" < gdisk.tmp dd of="$disk_device" if=mbrid.bin bs=1 seek=440 count=4 rm -f mbrid.bin rm -rf gdisk.tmp