Skip Grube 16b12ef42b
Initial commit for adding "tagless import" feature:
- Options for tagless import and new stream lookaside format added
- Git Mode now supports scanning for branch head in addition to the "normal" pulling of specific version tags
- Alternate ProcessRPM added for Tagless mode in process.go (still a WIP)
- Tagless mode converts a repo to the "traditional" format (SPECS/ + SOURCES/ + <pkg>.metadata )
- Tagless mode will build a dummy srpm to determine NVR information (rpmbuild + rpm shell commands) (will use this to tag imports in the target git)

Tagless mode isn't finished yet, very much a work in progress.

-Skip Grube
2022-08-28 23:17:23 -04:00

1010 lines
31 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2021 The Srpmproc Authors
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package srpmproc
import (
srpmprocpb ""
const (
RpmPrefixCentOS = ""
ModulePrefixCentOS = ""
RpmPrefixRocky = ""
ModulePrefixRocky = ""
UpstreamPrefixRocky = ""
type ProcessDataRequest struct {
// Required
Version int
StorageAddr string
Package string
// Optional
ModuleMode bool
TmpFsMode string
ModulePrefix string
RpmPrefix string
SshKeyLocation string
SshUser string
HttpUsername string
HttpPassword string
ManualCommits string
UpstreamPrefix string
GitCommitterName string
GitCommitterEmail string
ImportBranchPrefix string
BranchPrefix string
FsCreator data.FsCreatorFunc
NoDupMode bool
BranchSuffix string
StrictBranchMode bool
ModuleFallbackStream string
NoStorageUpload bool
NoStorageDownload bool
SingleTag string
CdnUrl string
LogWriter io.Writer
PackageVersion string
PackageRelease string
TaglessMode bool
AltLookAside bool
func gitlabify(str string) string {
if str == "tree" {
return "treepkg"
return strings.Replace(str, "+", "plus", -1)
func NewProcessData(req *ProcessDataRequest) (*data.ProcessData, error) {
// Set defaults
if req.ModulePrefix == "" {
req.ModulePrefix = ModulePrefixCentOS
if req.RpmPrefix == "" {
req.RpmPrefix = RpmPrefixCentOS
if req.SshUser == "" {
req.SshUser = "git"
if req.UpstreamPrefix == "" {
req.UpstreamPrefix = UpstreamPrefixRocky
if req.GitCommitterName == "" {
req.GitCommitterName = "rockyautomation"
if req.GitCommitterEmail == "" {
req.GitCommitterEmail = ""
if req.ImportBranchPrefix == "" {
req.ImportBranchPrefix = "c"
if req.BranchPrefix == "" {
req.BranchPrefix = "r"
if req.CdnUrl == "" {
req.CdnUrl = ""
// Validate required
if req.Package == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("package cannot be empty")
var importer data.ImportMode
var blobStorage blob.Storage
if strings.HasPrefix(req.StorageAddr, "gs://") {
var err error
blobStorage, err = gcs.New(strings.Replace(req.StorageAddr, "gs://", "", 1))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if strings.HasPrefix(req.StorageAddr, "s3://") {
blobStorage = s3.New(strings.Replace(req.StorageAddr, "s3://", "", 1))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(req.StorageAddr, "file://") {
blobStorage = file.New(strings.Replace(req.StorageAddr, "file://", "", 1))
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid blob storage")
sourceRpmLocation := ""
if req.ModuleMode {
sourceRpmLocation = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", req.ModulePrefix, req.Package)
} else {
sourceRpmLocation = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", req.RpmPrefix, req.Package)
importer = &modes.GitMode{}
lastKeyLocation := req.SshKeyLocation
if lastKeyLocation == "" {
usr, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get user: %v", err)
lastKeyLocation = filepath.Join(usr.HomeDir, ".ssh/id_rsa")
var authenticator transport.AuthMethod
var err error
if req.HttpUsername != "" {
authenticator = &http.BasicAuth{
Username: req.HttpUsername,
Password: req.HttpPassword,
} else {
// create ssh key authenticator
authenticator, err = ssh.NewPublicKeysFromFile(req.SshUser, lastKeyLocation, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get git authenticator: %v", err)
fsCreator := func(branch string) (billy.Filesystem, error) {
if req.TmpFsMode != "" {
return osfs.New("."), nil
return memfs.New(), nil
reqFsCreator := fsCreator
if req.FsCreator != nil {
reqFsCreator = req.FsCreator
var writer io.Writer = os.Stdout
if req.LogWriter != nil {
writer = req.LogWriter
logger := log.New(writer, "", log.LstdFlags)
if req.TmpFsMode != "" {
logger.Printf("using tmpfs dir: %s", req.TmpFsMode)
fsCreator = func(branch string) (billy.Filesystem, error) {
fs, err := reqFsCreator(branch)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tmpDir := filepath.Join(req.TmpFsMode, branch)
err = fs.MkdirAll(tmpDir, 0755)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create tmpfs dir: %v", err)
nFs, err := fs.Chroot(tmpDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nFs, nil
} else {
fsCreator = reqFsCreator
var manualCs []string
if strings.TrimSpace(req.ManualCommits) != "" {
manualCs = strings.Split(req.ManualCommits, ",")
return &data.ProcessData{
Importer: importer,
RpmLocation: sourceRpmLocation,
UpstreamPrefix: req.UpstreamPrefix,
Version: req.Version,
BlobStorage: blobStorage,
GitCommitterName: req.GitCommitterName,
GitCommitterEmail: req.GitCommitterEmail,
ModulePrefix: req.ModulePrefix,
ImportBranchPrefix: req.ImportBranchPrefix,
BranchPrefix: req.BranchPrefix,
SingleTag: req.SingleTag,
Authenticator: authenticator,
NoDupMode: req.NoDupMode,
ModuleMode: req.ModuleMode,
TmpFsMode: req.TmpFsMode,
NoStorageDownload: req.NoStorageDownload,
NoStorageUpload: req.NoStorageUpload,
ManualCommits: manualCs,
ModuleFallbackStream: req.ModuleFallbackStream,
BranchSuffix: req.BranchSuffix,
StrictBranchMode: req.StrictBranchMode,
FsCreator: fsCreator,
CdnUrl: req.CdnUrl,
Log: logger,
PackageVersion: req.PackageVersion,
PackageRelease: req.PackageRelease,
TaglessMode: req.TaglessMode,
AltLookAside: req.AltLookAside,
}, nil
// ProcessRPM checks the RPM specs and discards any remote files
// This functions also sorts files into directories
// .spec files goes into -> SPECS
// metadata files goes to root
// source files goes into -> SOURCES
// all files that are remote goes into .gitignore
// all ignored files' hash goes into .{Name}.metadata
func ProcessRPM(pd *data.ProcessData) (*srpmprocpb.ProcessResponse, error) {
// if we are using "tagless mode", then we need to jump to a completely different import process:
// Version info needs to be derived from rpmbuild + spec file, not tags
if pd.TaglessMode == true {
result, err := processRPMTagless(pd)
return result, err
md, err := pd.Importer.RetrieveSource(pd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
md.BlobCache = map[string][]byte{}
remotePrefix := "rpms"
if pd.ModuleMode {
remotePrefix = "modules"
latestHashForBranch := map[string]string{}
versionForBranch := map[string]*srpmprocpb.VersionRelease{}
// already uploaded blobs are skipped
var alreadyUploadedBlobs []string
// if no-dup-mode is enabled then skip already imported versions
var tagIgnoreList []string
if pd.NoDupMode {
repo, err := git.Init(memory.NewStorage(), memfs.New())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not init git repo: %v", err)
remoteUrl := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s.git", pd.UpstreamPrefix, remotePrefix, gitlabify(md.Name))
refspec := config.RefSpec("+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*")
remote, err := repo.CreateRemote(&config.RemoteConfig{
Name: "origin",
URLs: []string{remoteUrl},
Fetch: []config.RefSpec{refspec},
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create remote: %v", err)
list, err := remote.List(&git.ListOptions{
Auth: pd.Authenticator,
if err != nil {
log.Println("ignoring no-dup-mode")
} else {
for _, ref := range list {
if !strings.HasPrefix(string(ref.Name()), "refs/tags/imports") {
tagIgnoreList = append(tagIgnoreList, string(ref.Name()))
sourceRepo := *md.Repo
sourceWorktree := *md.Worktree
commitPin := map[string]string{}
if pd.SingleTag != "" {
md.Branches = []string{fmt.Sprintf("refs/tags/%s", pd.SingleTag)}
} else if len(pd.ManualCommits) > 0 {
md.Branches = []string{}
for _, commit := range pd.ManualCommits {
branchCommit := strings.Split(commit, ":")
if len(branchCommit) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid manual commit list")
head := fmt.Sprintf("refs/tags/imports/%s/%s-%s", branchCommit[0], md.Name, branchCommit[1])
md.Branches = append(md.Branches, head)
commitPin[head] = branchCommit[1]
for _, branch := range md.Branches {
md.Repo = &sourceRepo
md.Worktree = &sourceWorktree
md.TagBranch = branch
for _, source := range md.SourcesToIgnore {
source.Expired = true
var matchString string
if !misc.GetTagImportRegex(pd).MatchString(md.TagBranch) {
if pd.ModuleMode {
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("refs/heads/%s%d", pd.ImportBranchPrefix, pd.Version)
if strings.HasPrefix(md.TagBranch, prefix) {
replace := strings.Replace(md.TagBranch, "refs/heads/", "", 1)
matchString = fmt.Sprintf("refs/tags/imports/%s/%s", replace, filepath.Base(pd.RpmLocation))
pd.Log.Printf("using match string: %s", matchString)
if !misc.GetTagImportRegex(pd).MatchString(matchString) {
} else {
matchString = md.TagBranch
match := misc.GetTagImportRegex(pd).FindStringSubmatch(matchString)
md.PushBranch = pd.BranchPrefix + strings.TrimPrefix(match[2], pd.ImportBranchPrefix)
newTag := "imports/" + pd.BranchPrefix + strings.TrimPrefix(match[1], "imports/"+pd.ImportBranchPrefix)
newTag = strings.Replace(newTag, "%", "_", -1)
createdFs, err := pd.FsCreator(md.PushBranch)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// create new Repo for final dist
repo, err := git.Init(memory.NewStorage(), createdFs)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create new dist Repo: %v", err)
w, err := repo.Worktree()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get dist Worktree: %v", err)
shouldContinue := true
for _, ignoredTag := range tagIgnoreList {
if ignoredTag == "refs/tags/"+newTag {
pd.Log.Printf("skipping %s", ignoredTag)
shouldContinue = false
if !shouldContinue {
// create a new remote
remoteUrl := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s.git", pd.UpstreamPrefix, remotePrefix, gitlabify(md.Name))
pd.Log.Printf("using remote: %s", remoteUrl)
refspec := config.RefSpec(fmt.Sprintf("+refs/heads/%s:refs/remotes/origin/%s", md.PushBranch, md.PushBranch))
pd.Log.Printf("using refspec: %s", refspec)
_, err = repo.CreateRemote(&config.RemoteConfig{
Name: "origin",
URLs: []string{remoteUrl},
Fetch: []config.RefSpec{refspec},
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create remote: %v", err)
err = repo.Fetch(&git.FetchOptions{
RemoteName: "origin",
RefSpecs: []config.RefSpec{refspec},
Auth: pd.Authenticator,
refName := plumbing.NewBranchReferenceName(md.PushBranch)
pd.Log.Printf("set reference to ref: %s", refName)
var hash plumbing.Hash
if commitPin[md.PushBranch] != "" {
hash = plumbing.NewHash(commitPin[md.PushBranch])
if err != nil {
h := plumbing.NewSymbolicReference(plumbing.HEAD, refName)
if err := repo.Storer.CheckAndSetReference(h, nil); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not set reference: %v", err)
} else {
err = w.Checkout(&git.CheckoutOptions{
Branch: plumbing.NewRemoteReferenceName("origin", md.PushBranch),
Hash: hash,
Force: true,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not checkout: %v", err)
err = pd.Importer.WriteSource(pd, md)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = data.CopyFromFs(md.Worktree.Filesystem, w.Filesystem, ".")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
md.Repo = repo
md.Worktree = w
if pd.ModuleMode {
err := patchModuleYaml(pd, md)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
err := executePatchesRpm(pd, md)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// get ignored files hash and add to .{Name}.metadata
metadataFile := ""
ls, err := md.Worktree.Filesystem.ReadDir(".")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not read directory: %v", err)
for _, f := range ls {
if strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), ".metadata") {
if metadataFile != "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("multiple metadata files found")
metadataFile = f.Name()
if metadataFile == "" {
metadataFile = fmt.Sprintf(".%s.metadata", md.Name)
metadata, err := w.Filesystem.Create(metadataFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create metadata file: %v", err)
for _, source := range md.SourcesToIgnore {
sourcePath := source.Name
_, err := w.Filesystem.Stat(sourcePath)
if source.Expired || err != nil {
sourceFile, err := w.Filesystem.Open(sourcePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not open ignored source file %s: %v", sourcePath, err)
sourceFileBts, err := ioutil.ReadAll(sourceFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not read the whole of ignored source file: %v", err)
_, err = source.HashFunction.Write(sourceFileBts)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not write bytes to hash function: %v", err)
checksum := hex.EncodeToString(source.HashFunction.Sum(nil))
checksumLine := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s\n", checksum, sourcePath)
_, err = metadata.Write([]byte(checksumLine))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not write to metadata file: %v", err)
if data.StrContains(alreadyUploadedBlobs, checksum) {
exists, err := pd.BlobStorage.Exists(checksum)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !exists && !pd.NoStorageUpload {
err := pd.BlobStorage.Write(checksum, sourceFileBts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pd.Log.Printf("wrote %s to blob storage", checksum)
alreadyUploadedBlobs = append(alreadyUploadedBlobs, checksum)
_, err = w.Add(metadataFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not add metadata file: %v", err)
lastFilesToAdd := []string{".gitignore", "SPECS"}
for _, f := range lastFilesToAdd {
_, err := w.Filesystem.Stat(f)
if err == nil {
_, err := w.Add(f)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not add %s: %v", f, err)
nvrMatch := rpmutils.Nvr.FindStringSubmatch(match[3])
if len(nvrMatch) >= 4 {
versionForBranch[md.PushBranch] = &srpmprocpb.VersionRelease{
Version: nvrMatch[2],
Release: nvrMatch[3],
if pd.TmpFsMode != "" {
err = pd.Importer.PostProcess(md)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// show status
status, _ := w.Status()
pd.Log.Printf("successfully processed:\n%s", status)
statusLines := strings.Split(status.String(), "\n")
for _, line := range statusLines {
trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(line)
if strings.HasPrefix(trimmed, "D") {
path := strings.TrimPrefix(trimmed, "D ")
_, err := w.Remove(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not delete extra file %s: %v", path, err)
var hashes []plumbing.Hash
var pushRefspecs []config.RefSpec
head, err := repo.Head()
if err != nil {
hashes = nil
pushRefspecs = append(pushRefspecs, "*:*")
} else {
pd.Log.Printf("tip %s", head.String())
hashes = append(hashes, head.Hash())
refOrigin := "refs/heads/" + md.PushBranch
pushRefspecs = append(pushRefspecs, config.RefSpec(fmt.Sprintf("HEAD:%s", refOrigin)))
// we are now finished with the tree and are going to push it to the src Repo
// create import commit
commit, err := w.Commit("import "+pd.Importer.ImportName(pd, md), &git.CommitOptions{
Author: &object.Signature{
Name: pd.GitCommitterName,
Email: pd.GitCommitterEmail,
When: time.Now(),
Parents: hashes,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not commit object: %v", err)
obj, err := repo.CommitObject(commit)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get commit object: %v", err)
pd.Log.Printf("committed:\n%s", obj.String())
_, err = repo.CreateTag(newTag, commit, &git.CreateTagOptions{
Tagger: &object.Signature{
Name: pd.GitCommitterName,
Email: pd.GitCommitterEmail,
When: time.Now(),
Message: "import " + md.TagBranch + " from " + pd.RpmLocation,
SignKey: nil,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create tag: %v", err)
pushRefspecs = append(pushRefspecs, config.RefSpec("HEAD:"+plumbing.NewTagReferenceName(newTag)))
err = repo.Push(&git.PushOptions{
RemoteName: "origin",
Auth: pd.Authenticator,
RefSpecs: pushRefspecs,
Force: true,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not push to remote: %v", err)
hashString := obj.Hash.String()
latestHashForBranch[md.PushBranch] = hashString
return &srpmprocpb.ProcessResponse{
BranchCommits: latestHashForBranch,
BranchVersions: versionForBranch,
}, nil
// Process for when we want to import a tagless repo (like from CentOS Stream)
func processRPMTagless(pd *data.ProcessData) (*srpmprocpb.ProcessResponse, error) {
pd.Log.Println("Tagless mode detected, attempting import of latest commit")
md, err := pd.Importer.RetrieveSource(pd)
if err != nil {
pd.Log.Println("Error detected in RetrieveSource!")
return nil, err
log.Printf("%+v\n", md)
md.BlobCache = map[string][]byte{}
// TODO: add tagless module support
remotePrefix := "rpms"
if pd.ModuleMode {
remotePrefix = "modules"
// already uploaded blobs are skipped
// var alreadyUploadedBlobs []string
sourceRepo := *md.Repo
sourceWorktree := *md.Worktree
localPath := ""
for _, branch := range md.Branches {
md.Repo = &sourceRepo
md.Worktree = &sourceWorktree
md.TagBranch = branch
for _, source := range md.SourcesToIgnore {
source.Expired = true
// Create a temporary place to check out our tag/branch : /tmp/srpmproctmp_<PKG_NAME><RANDOMSTRING>/
localPath, _ = os.MkdirTemp("/tmp", fmt.Sprintf("srpmproctmp_%s", md.Name))
if err := os.RemoveAll(localPath); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not remove previous temporary directory: %s", localPath)
if err := os.Mkdir(localPath, 0755); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not create temporary directory: %s", localPath)
// Clone repo into the temporary path, but only the tag we're interested in:
// (TODO: will probably need to assign this a variable or use the md struct gitrepo object to perform a successful tag+push later)
_, _ = git.PlainClone(localPath, false, &git.CloneOptions{
URL: pd.RpmLocation,
SingleBranch: true,
ReferenceName: plumbing.ReferenceName(branch),
// Now that we're cloned into localPath, we need to "covert" the import into the old format
// We want sources to become .PKGNAME.metadata, we want SOURCES and SPECS folders, etc.
repoFixed, _ := convertLocalRepo(md.Name, localPath)
if !repoFixed {
pd.Log.Println("Error converting repository into SOURCES + SPECS + .package.metadata format")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error converting repository into SOURCES + SPECS + .package.metadata format")
rpmVersion := getVersionFromSpec(md.Name, localPath, pd.Version)
if rpmVersion == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error using rpm or rpmbuild to build SRPM and determine version info! (tagless mode)")
pd.Log.Println("Successfully determined version of tagless checkout: ", rpmVersion)
// Clean up temporary path after succesful import (disabled during development)
if err := os.RemoveAll(localPath); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error cleaning up temporary git checkout directory %s . Non-fatal, continuing anyway...\n", localPath)
return nil, nil
// Given a local repo on disk, ensure it's in the "traditional" format. This means:
// - metadata file is named .pkgname.metadata
// - metadata file has the old "<SHASUM> SOURCES/<filename>" format
// - SPECS/ and SOURCES/ exist and are populated correctly
func convertLocalRepo(pkgName string, localRepo string) (bool, error) {
// Make sure we have a SPECS and SOURCES folder made:
if err := os.MkdirAll(fmt.Sprintf("%s/SOURCES", localRepo), 0755); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("Could not create SOURCES directory in: %s", localRepo)
if err := os.MkdirAll(fmt.Sprintf("%s/SPECS", localRepo), 0755); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("Could not create SPECS directory in: %s", localRepo)
// Loop through each file/folder and operate accordingly:
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(localRepo)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, file := range files {
// We don't want to process SOURCES, SPECS, or any of our .git folders
if file.Name() == "SOURCES" || file.Name() == "SPECS" || strings.HasPrefix(file.Name(), ".git") {
// If we have a metadata "sources" file, we need to read it and convert to the old .<pkgname>.metadata format
if file.Name() == "sources" {
convertStatus := convertMetaData(pkgName, localRepo)
if convertStatus != true {
return false, fmt.Errorf("Error converting sources metadata file to .metadata format")
// Any file that ends in a ".spec" should be put into SPECS/
if strings.HasSuffix(file.Name(), ".spec") {
err := os.Rename(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", localRepo, file.Name()), fmt.Sprintf("%s/SPECS/%s", localRepo, file.Name()) )
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("Error moving .spec file to SPECS/")
// if a file isn't skipped in one of the above checks, then it must be a file that belongs in SOURCES/
os.Rename(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", localRepo, file.Name()), fmt.Sprintf("%s/SOURCES/%s", localRepo, file.Name()) )
return true, nil
// Given a local "sources" metadata file (new CentOS Stream format), convert it into the older
// classic CentOS style: "<HASH> SOURCES/<FILENAME>"
func convertMetaData(pkgName string, localRepo string) (bool) {
lookAside, err := os.Open(fmt.Sprintf("%s/sources", localRepo))
if err != nil {
return false
// Split file into lines and start processing:
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(lookAside)
// convertedLA is our array of new "converted" lookaside lines
var convertedLA []string
// loop through each line, and:
// - split by whitespace
// - check each line begins with "SHA" or "MD" - validate
// - take the
// Then check
for scanner.Scan() {
tmpLine := strings.Fields(scanner.Text())
// make sure line starts with a "SHA" or "MD" before processing - otherwise it might not be a valid format lookaside line!
if !(strings.HasPrefix(tmpLine[0], "SHA") || strings.HasPrefix(tmpLine[0], "MD")) {
// Strip out "( )" characters from file name and prepend SOURCES/ to it
tmpLine[1] = strings.ReplaceAll(tmpLine[1], "(", "" )
tmpLine[1] = strings.ReplaceAll(tmpLine[1], ")", "" )
tmpLine[1] = fmt.Sprintf("SOURCES/%s", tmpLine[1])
convertedLA = append(convertedLA, fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", tmpLine[3], tmpLine[1]) )
// open .<NAME>.metadata file for writing our old-format lines
lookAside, err = os.OpenFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/.%s.metadata", localRepo, pkgName), os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
if err != nil {
fmt.Errorf("Error opening new .metadata file for writing.")
return false
writer := bufio.NewWriter(lookAside)
for _, convertedLine := range convertedLA {
_, _ = writer.WriteString(convertedLine + "\n")
// Remove old "sources" metadata file - we don't need it now that conversion is complete
os.Remove(fmt.Sprintf("%s/sources", localRepo))
return true
// Given a local checked out folder and package name, including SPECS/ , SOURCES/ , and .package.metadata, this will:
// - create a "dummy" SRPM (using dummy sources files we use to populate tarballs from lookaside)
// - extract RPM version info from that SRPM, and return it
// If we are in tagless mode, we need to get a package version somehow!
func getVersionFromSpec(pkgName string, localRepo string, majorVersion int) (string) {
// Make sure we have "rpm" and "rpmbuild" and "cp" available in our PATH. Otherwise, this won't work:
_, err := exec.LookPath("rpm")
if err != nil {
return ""
_, err = exec.LookPath("rpmbuild")
if err != nil {
return ""
_, err = exec.LookPath("cp")
if err != nil {
return ""
// create separate temp folder space to do our RPM work - we don't want to accidentally contaminate the main Git area:
rpmBuildPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s_rpm", localRepo)
os.Mkdir(rpmBuildPath, 0755 )
// Copy SOURCES/ and SPECS/ into the temp rpmbuild directory recursively
// Yes, we could create or import an elaborate Go-native way to do this, but damnit this is easier:
cmdArgs := strings.Fields(fmt.Sprintf("cp -rp %s/SOURCES %s/SPECS %s/", localRepo, localRepo, rpmBuildPath))
if err := exec.Command(cmdArgs[0], cmdArgs[1:]... ).Run(); err != nil {
return ""
// Loop through .<package>.metadata and get the file names we need to make our SRPM:
lookAside, err := os.Open(fmt.Sprintf("%s/.%s.metadata", localRepo, pkgName) )
if err != nil {
return ""
// Split file into lines and start processing:
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(lookAside)
// loop through each line, and:
// - isolate the SOURCES/filename entry
// - write out a dummy file of the same name to rpmBuildPath/SOURCES
for scanner.Scan() {
// lookaside source is always the 2nd part of the line (after the long SHA sum)
srcFile := strings.Fields(scanner.Text())[1]
// write a dummy file of the same name into the rpmbuild SOURCES/ directory:
dummyFile, err := os.OpenFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", rpmBuildPath, srcFile), os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
if err != nil {
return ""
writer := bufio.NewWriter(dummyFile)
_, _ = writer.WriteString("This is a dummy lookaside file generated by srpmproc. It is only needed to get a working SRPM and extract version information. Please disregard\n")
// Now, call rpmbuild to produce the dummy src file:
// Example: rpmbuild --define "_topdir /tmp/srpmproctmp_httpd1988142783_rpm" -bs /tmp/srpmproctmp_httpd1988142783_rpm/SPECS/*.spec
cmd := exec.Command("rpmbuild", fmt.Sprintf(`--define=_topdir %s`, rpmBuildPath), fmt.Sprintf(`--define=dist .el%d`, majorVersion), "-bs", fmt.Sprintf("%s/SPECS/%s.spec", rpmBuildPath, pkgName) )
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return ""
// Read the first file from the SRPMS/ folder in rpmBuildPath. It should be the SRPM that rpmbuild produced above
// (there should only be one file - we check that it ends in ".rpm" just to be sure!)
lsTmp, err := ioutil.ReadDir(fmt.Sprintf("%s/SRPMS/", rpmBuildPath))
if err != nil {
return ""
srpmFile := lsTmp[0].Name()
if !strings.HasSuffix(srpmFile, ".rpm") {
log.Println("Error, file found in dummy SRPMS directory did not have an .rpm extension! Perhaps rpmbuild didn't produce a proper source RPM?")
return ""
// Call the rpm binary to extract the version-release info out of it, and tack on ".el<VERSION>" at the end:
cmd = exec.Command("rpm", "-qp", "--qf", `%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\n`, fmt.Sprintf("%s/SRPMS/%s", rpmBuildPath, srpmFile) )
nvrTmp, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
log.Println("Error running rpm command to extract temporary SRPM name-version-release identifiers.")
log.Println("rpmbuild output: ", string(nvrTmp))
log.Println("rpmbuild command: ", cmd.String())
return ""
// Pull first line of the rpm command's output to get the name-version-release number (there should only be 1 line)
nvr := string(nvrTmp)
nvr = strings.Fields(nvr)[0]
// Clean up: delete the temporary directory
if err := os.RemoveAll(rpmBuildPath); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error cleaning up temporary RPM directory %s . Non-fatal, continuing anyway...\n", rpmBuildPath)
// return name-version-release string we derived:
log.Printf("Derived NVR %s from tagless repo via temporary SRPM build\n", nvr)
return nvr