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2021-07-05 06:50:25 +00:00
# Common functions and imports to use across all scripts
# Louis Abel <> @nazunalika
# Functions that (r)eturn things
function r_log() {
printf "[-] %s %s: %s\n" "$(date +'%m-%d-%Y %T')" "$SCR" "$MESSAGE" >> "$LOGFILE"
# Always call this at the end of scripts to check for exit status. This will
# report "PASS" or "FAIL" depending on the exit and it will show up in the log.
# Args: $1 will be whatever you want checked
function r_checkExitStatus() {
[ "$1" -eq 0 ] && r_log "result" "PASSED" && return "$PASS"
r_log "status" "FAILED"
exit "$FAIL"
# Processes a list of folders containing the tests. This ignores files that
# start with a dot (.), an underscore (_) or contain README in the name.
# This is done because we cannot guarantee that whoever adds in tests or
# writes additional "find" commands won't negate these lookups.
# Additionally, we should look at the file's executable status. I considered
# just having the files named differently, but that seemed more annoying than
# just setting +x
function r_processor() {
2021-07-06 20:16:01 +00:00
# shellcheck disable=SC2068
2021-07-05 06:50:25 +00:00
exec 8< $@
2021-07-06 20:16:01 +00:00
# shellcheck disable=SC2162
2021-07-05 06:50:25 +00:00
while read -u 8 file; do
2021-07-06 20:16:01 +00:00
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
2021-07-05 06:50:25 +00:00
if [[ "$(basename ${file})" =~ README|^\.|^_ ]]; then
2022-11-21 21:10:16 +00:00
[ -x "${file}" ] && echo "Begin processing script: ${file}" && "${file}"
2021-07-05 06:50:25 +00:00
return 0
2022-11-21 22:31:00 +00:00
function r_checkEPELEnabled() {
/usr/bin/dnf repolist | grep -q '^epel'
return $?
2023-11-30 08:04:41 +00:00
function r_checkTmpNoExec() {
grep 'tmp' /etc/fstab | grep -q noexec
if [ "$tmpexec" -eq "0" ]; then
r_log "internal" "WARN: noexec is set for temporary directories. Some tests may fail."
2021-07-05 06:50:25 +00:00
# Functions that deal with (p)ackages
# Installs packages normally (including weak dependencies)
# Args: Any number of $1..X
function p_installPackageNormal() {
r_log "internal" "Attempting install: $*"
2021-07-06 20:16:01 +00:00
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
2021-07-05 06:50:25 +00:00
/usr/bin/dnf --assumeyes --debuglevel ${DNFDEBUG} install "$@"
r_checkExitStatus $?
# Installs packages excluding weak dependencies - There are some cases where
# you would need to do this.
# Args: Any number of $1..X
function p_installPackageNoWeaks() {
r_log "internal" "Attempting install: $*"
2021-07-06 20:16:01 +00:00
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
2021-07-05 06:50:25 +00:00
/usr/bin/dnf --assumeyes --debuglevel ${DNFDEBUG} --setopt install_weak_deps=0 install "$@"
r_checkExitStatus $?
# Removes packages
# Args: Any number of $1..X
function p_removePackage() {
r_log "internal" "Attempting uninstall: $*"
2021-07-06 20:16:01 +00:00
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
2021-07-05 06:50:25 +00:00
/usr/bin/dnf --assumeyes --debuglevel ${DNFDEBUG} remove "$@"
r_checkExitStatus $?
# Enables dnf modules
# Args: Any number of $1..X
function p_enableModule() {
r_log "internal" "Enabling module: $*"
2021-07-06 20:16:01 +00:00
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
2021-07-05 06:50:25 +00:00
/usr/bin/dnf --assumeyes --debuglevel ${DNFDEBUG} module enable "$@"
r_checkExitStatus $?
# Resets modules (since you can't "disable" technically)
# Args: Any number of $1..X
function p_resetModule() {
r_log "internal" "Resetting module: $*"
2021-07-06 20:16:01 +00:00
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
2021-07-05 06:50:25 +00:00
/usr/bin/dnf --assumeyes --debuglevel ${DNFDEBUG} module reset "$@"
r_checkExitStatus $?
function p_getPackageRelease() {
2021-07-06 20:16:01 +00:00
rpm -q --queryformat '%{RELEASE}' "$1"
2021-07-05 06:50:25 +00:00
function p_getPackageArch() {
2021-07-06 20:16:01 +00:00
rpm -q --queryformat '%{ARCH}' "$1"
2021-07-05 06:50:25 +00:00
function p_getDist() {
2021-07-06 20:16:01 +00:00
rpm -q "$(rpm -qf /etc/redhat-release)" --queryformat '%{version}\n' | cut -d'.' -f1
2021-07-05 06:50:25 +00:00
# Functions that that are considered (m)isc
# Service cycler, basically a way of handling services and also being able to
# prevent potential race conditions.
function m_serviceCycler() {
if [ "$2" = "cycle" ]; then
2021-07-06 20:16:01 +00:00
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
2021-07-05 06:50:25 +00:00
/bin/systemctl stop $1
sleep 3
2021-07-06 20:16:01 +00:00
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
2021-07-05 06:50:25 +00:00
/bin/systemctl start $1
2021-07-06 20:16:01 +00:00
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
2021-07-05 06:50:25 +00:00
/bin/systemctl $2 $1
sleep 3
function m_checkForPort() {
while true; do
sleep 1
2021-07-06 20:16:01 +00:00
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
2021-07-05 06:50:25 +00:00
if echo > /dev/tcp/localhost/$1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
r_log "internal" "Waiting for TCP port $1 to start listening"
function m_assertCleanExit() {
"$@" > /dev/null 2>&1
r_checkExitStatus $?
function m_assertEquals() {
[ "$1" -eq "$2" ]
r_checkExitStatus $?
function m_skipReleaseEqual() {
if [ "$(rpm --eval %rhel)" -eq "$1" ]; then
r_log "$2" "Skipped test for $1 release"
exit 0
function m_skipReleaseNotEqual() {
if [ "$(rpm --eval %rhel)" -ne "$1" ]; then
r_log "$2" "Skipped test"
exit 0
function m_skipReleaseGreaterThan() {
if [ "$(rpm --eval %rhel)" -gt "$1" ]; then
r_log "$2" "Skipped test"
exit 0
function m_skipReleaseLessThan() {
if [ "$(rpm --eval %rhel)" -lt "$1" ]; then
r_log "$2" "Skipped test"
exit 0
function m_selectAlternative() {
option=$(/bin/echo | /usr/sbin/alternatives --config "$primaryName" | /bin/grep -E "$searchRegex" | /usr/bin/head -n1 | sed 's/ .*//g;s/[^0-9]//g')
if [ -z "$option" ]; then
r_log "alternatives" "Option not found for alternative $searchRegex of $primaryName"
r_checkExitStatus 1
r_log "alternatives" "Selecting alternative $option for $primaryName $searchRegex"
/bin/echo "$option" | /usr/sbin/alternatives --config "$primaryName" > /dev/null 2>&1
function m_getArch() {
/usr/bin/uname -m
function m_recycleLog() {
while [ -e "$rotFile" ]; do
num=$(( num + 1 ))
mv "$LOGFILE" "$rotFile"
# export all functions below
# When this is sourced, the functions are typically already available and ready
# to be used. But it does not hurt to have them below.
export rl_ver
export rl_arch
export -f r_log
export -f r_checkExitStatus
export -f r_processor
2022-11-21 22:31:00 +00:00
export -f r_checkEPELEnabled
2023-11-30 08:04:41 +00:00
export -f r_checkTmpNoExec
2021-07-05 06:50:25 +00:00
export -f p_installPackageNormal
export -f p_installPackageNoWeaks
export -f p_removePackage
export -f p_enableModule
export -f p_resetModule
export -f p_getPackageRelease
export -f p_getPackageArch
export -f p_getDist
export -f m_serviceCycler
export -f m_checkForPort
export -f m_assertCleanExit
export -f m_assertEquals
export -f m_skipReleaseEqual
export -f m_skipReleaseNotEqual
export -f m_skipReleaseGreaterThan
export -f m_skipReleaseLessThan
export -f m_selectAlternative
export -f m_getArch
export -f m_recycleLog