#!/bin/bash log(){ printf "[LOG] [%s] %s\n" "$(date -Is)" "$1" } OUTPUT_DIR=/mnt/repos-staging/mirror/pub/oval TEMP="$(mktemp -d)" for version in 8 9; do file="$TEMP/org.rockylinux.rlsa-$version.xml" log "Generating $file" #podman run --rm --storage-opt ignore_chown_errors=true ghcr.io/rocky-linux/oval:latest -- $version > "$file" # The above reports an error when running on R8. The below may *not* work on anything else. # TODO: verify this is the case. podman run --rm --storage-opt ignore_chown_errors=true ghcr.io/rocky-linux/oval:latest $version > "$file" log "Compressing $file to $file.bz" bzip2 -kfz "$file" done log "Generating checksums" pushd "$TEMP" >/dev/null || exit 2 # shellcheck disable=2035 sha256sum --tag * > CHECKSUM popd > /dev/null || exit 2 log "Copying to staging directory $TEMP => $OUTPUT_DIR" sudo rsync -vrSHP "$TEMP/" "$OUTPUT_DIR" sudo chown -Rv 10004:10005 "$OUTPUT_DIR"