# To be sourced by scripts that build live images # Variables that can be overriden should be noted with optional context. It is # expected that these values are here in this file (per variable or per set): # # * Allowed # * Allowed with caveats # * Not Allowed # * Required # Temporary probably. This makes it so if RLVER=... is called before the script # it will set the version for the variables to call up. This was easier than # creating duplicates of a bunch of stuff. Default version is 8. # Override: Required if [ -z "$RLVER" ]; then echo "RLVER is not defined." exit 2 fi # Set git branch name scheme # Override: Allowed with caveats GIT_BRANCH="r${RLVER}" # Source Major common # Override: Not Allowed test -f "$(dirname "$0")/common_${RLVER}" && source "$(dirname "$0")/common_${RLVER}" if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Could not source common_${RLVER}" exit 1 fi # Used to iterate over types of live images VARIANTS=(XFCE KDE Workstation Workstation-Lite)