#!/bin/bash # Source common variables # shellcheck disable=SC2046,1091,1090 source "$(dirname "$0")/common" if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then echo "You must specify a short name." exit 1 fi # Major Version (eg, 8) MAJ=${RLVER} # Short name (eg, NFV, extras, Rocky, gluster9) SHORT=${1} cd "/mnt/compose/${MAJ}/latest-${SHORT}-${MAJ}/compose" || { echo "Failed to change directory"; ret_val=1; exit 1; } ret_val=$? if [ $ret_val -eq "0" ]; then TARGET="${STAGING_ROOT}/${CATEGORY_STUB}/${REV}" mkdir -p "${TARGET}" # disabling because none of our files should be starting with dashes. If they # are something is *seriously* wrong here. # shellcheck disable=SC2035 sudo -l && find **/* -maxdepth 0 -type d | parallel --will-cite -j 18 sudo rsync -av --chown=10004:10005 --progress --relative --human-readable \ {} "${TARGET}" fi