This directory contains ISO's for the {{ arch }} architecture. You will see multiple types of ISO's, including accompanying manifests and CHECKSUM files that match the given ISO. You will see the following formats: * Rocky-X.Y-ARCH-TYPE (ISO File) * Rocky-X.Y-DATE-ARCH-TYPE (ISO File) * Rocky-ARCH-TYPE (Symlink) X will be the major release. Y will be the minor release. ARCH is the given architecture. DATE will be the date the ISO was built (if applicable) TYPE will be the type of ISO (boot, dvd, minimal) The third format in the list is a symlink to the "latest" ISO. Currently, this is not advertised on the main site, but there may be potential for this in the future. This is "unversioned" ISO symlink is for these cases: * A pre-determined download location for users/mirrors/service providers who want an always available and deterministic download location, which can be easier to script * osinfo database / libvirt use where if a user selects Rocky Linux X, it should be aware of and be able to download from that location. This should be fully supported in Rocky Linux 8.7 and 9.1, and future Fedora versions. If you have any questions, please reach out to us: * ~Development, ~Infrastructure, ~General * * - Rocky General Mail List * - Mirror Mail List