#!/bin/bash if m_getArch aarch64 | grep -qE 'aarch64'; then r_log "ipa" "Skipping for aarch64" exit 0 fi r_log "ipa" "Setting up the networking portions of the system" net_int=$(ip addr | grep -B1 "link/ether" | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d ':') net_ip=$(ip -4 -o addr show dev "${net_int}" | awk '/inet/ {print $4}' | cut -d'/' -f1) forwarder=$(awk '$0 ~ /nameserver/ {print $2}' /etc/resolv.conf | head -n 1) r_log "ipa" "Set hostname" hostnamectl set-hostname onyxtest.rlipa.local echo "$net_ip $(hostname)" >> /etc/hosts hostname | grep "onyxtest.rlipa.local" &> /dev/null r_checkExitStatus $? r_log "ipa" "Installing the IPA domain (warning this takes a while)" ipa-server-install -U \ --hostname="$(hostname)" \ --ip-address="${net_ip}" \ -r RLIPA.LOCAL \ -n rlipa.local \ -p b1U3OnyX! \ -a b1U3OnyX! \ --ssh-trust-dns \ --setup-dns \ --mkhomedir \ --forwarder="${forwarder}" ret_val=$? if [ "$ret_val" -eq 0 ]; then r_log "ipa" "IPA Domain installed" r_checkExitStatus 0 else r_log "ipa" "IPA Domain failed to install" r_checkExitStatus 1 export IPAINSTALLED=1 fi