#!/bin/bash r_log "lamp" "Testing basic LAMP (not for moths)" if [ "$RL_VER" -ge 8 ]; then SQL=mariadb else SQL=mysqld fi r_log "lamp" "Import SQL" mysql < ./common/files/lamp-sql cp ./common/files/lamp-sql-php /var/www/html/mysql.php curl -s http://localhost/mysql.php r_log "lamp" "Perform the LAMP test (no moths allowed)" db_content=$(echo "select * from obsidiancore.tests where name='sqltest'" | mysql -B --skip-column-names) if [ "$db_content" == "sqltest" ]; then r_checkExitStatus 0 else r_log "lamp" "The database doesn't seem to exist or contain correct data" r_checkExitStatus 1 fi r_log "lamp" "Clean up" mysql -u root -e 'drop database obsidiancore;' m_serviceCycler httpd stop m_serviceCycler $SQL stop