# Launches the builds of ISOs import argparse import datetime from empanadas.common import * from empanadas.common import _rootdir from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate Kubernetes Jobs to run lorax in mock and upload the result. Pipe into kubectl for the appropriate cluster") parser.add_argument('--release', type=str, help="Major Release Version: (8|9)", required=True) parser.add_argument('--env', type=str, help="environment: one of (eks|ext|all). presently jobs are scheduled on different kubernetes clusters", required=True) parser.add_argument('--rc', action='store_true', help="Release Candidate, Beta, RLN") results = parser.parse_args() rlvars = rldict[results.release] major = rlvars['major'] EXTARCH=["s390x", "ppc64le"] EKSARCH=["amd64", "arm64"] def run(): file_loader = FileSystemLoader(f"{_rootdir}/templates") tmplenv = Environment(loader=file_loader) job_template = tmplenv.get_template('kube/Job.tmpl') arches = EKSARCH if results.env == "ext" and results.env != "all": arches = EXTARCH elif results.env == "all": arches = EKSARCH+EXTARCH command = ["build-iso", "--release", f"{results.release}", "--isolation", "simple"] if results.rc: command += ["--rc"] else: command += ["--hashed"] buildstamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow() out = "" for architecture in arches: copy_command = (f"aws s3 cp --recursive --exclude=* --include=lorax* " f"/var/lib/mock/rocky-{ major }-$(uname -m)/root/builddir/ " f"s3://resf-empanadas/buildiso-{ major }-{ architecture }/{ buildstamp.strftime('%s') }/" ) out += job_template.render( architecture=architecture, backoffLimit=4, buildTime=buildstamp.strftime("%s"), command=[command, copy_command], imageName="ghcr.io/rocky-linux/sig-core-toolkit:latest", jobname="buildiso", namespace="empanadas", major=major, restartPolicy="Never", ) print(out)