#!/bin/bash # Parses a local compose's repos #set -x if [ -n "$1" ] && [ -n "$2" ]; then MAJOR=$1 DATE=$2 else echo "Major version or date not specified" exit 1 fi # Verify the date format echo "${DATE}" | grep -Eq '[0-9]+\.[0-9]' grep_val=$? if [ "$grep_val" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Date format incorrect. You must use: YYYYMMDD.X" exit 2 fi export RLVER=$MAJOR source common drop="${PREPOPDROP}" current=$(pwd) compose_dir="${COMPOSE_BASEDIR}/${MAJOR}/Rocky-${MAJOR}-${DATE}/compose" pushd "${compose_dir}" || { echo "Could not change directory"; exit 1; } /usr/bin/python3 "${current}/prepopulate_parser.py" ret_val=$? popd || { echo "Could not change back..."; exit 1; } if [ "$ret_val" -ne "0" ]; then echo "There was an error running through the parser." exit 1 fi echo "File located at: $drop"