#!/bin/bash # Syncs everything from staging to production if [[ "$RLREL" == "lh" ]] || [[ "$RLREL" == "beta" ]]; then echo "Lookahead nor Beta should be vaulted" exit 1 fi # Source common variables # shellcheck disable=SC2046,1091,1090 source "$(dirname "$0")/common" REV=${REVISION} cd "${PRODUCTION_ROOT}/${CATEGORY_STUB}" || { echo "Failed to change directory"; ret_val=1; exit 1; } ret_val=$? if [ $ret_val -eq "0" ]; then TARGET="${PRODUCTION_ROOT}/${VAULT_STUB}/${REV}" mkdir -p "${TARGET}" rsync_no_delete_prod "${REV}" "${TARGET}" echo "Syncing to the vault completed. Please run the file list script." fi