# This is a testing script to ensure the RepoSync class is working as intended. import argparse from empanadas.common import * from empanadas.util import Checks from empanadas.util import RepoSync rlvars = rldict['9-lookahead'] r = Checks(rlvars, config['arch']) r.check_valid_arch() #a = RepoSync(rlvars, config, major="9", repo="ResilientStorage", parallel=True, ignore_debug=False, ignore_source=False) a = RepoSync(rlvars, config, major="9", repo="BaseOS", parallel=True, ignore_debug=False, ignore_source=False, hashed=True) <<<<<<< HEAD:iso/py/sync-from-peridot-test #a.run() ======= def run(): a.run() >>>>>>> 8d29760 (Lets write some poetry):iso/empanadas/empanadas/scripts/sync-from-peridot-test.py