2022-11-18 23:46:30 -05:00

142 lines
4.6 KiB

# All imports are here
import os
import platform
import time
import glob
import rpm
import yaml
import logging
import hashlib
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Tuple
# An implementation from the Fabric python library
class AttributeDict(defaultdict):
def __init__(self):
super(AttributeDict, self).__init__(AttributeDict)
def __getattr__(self, key):
return self[key]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(key)
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
self[key] = value
# These are a bunch of colors we may use in terminal output
class Color:
RED = '\033[91m'
GREEN = '\033[92m'
PURPLE = '\033[95m'
CYAN = '\033[96m'
DARKCYAN = '\033[36m'
BLUE = '\033[94m'
YELLOW = '\033[93m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
END = '\033[0m'
INFO = '[' + BOLD + GREEN + 'INFO' + END + '] '
WARN = '[' + BOLD + YELLOW + 'WARN' + END + '] '
FAIL = '[' + BOLD + RED + 'FAIL' + END + '] '
STAT = '[' + BOLD + CYAN + 'STAT' + END + '] '
# vars and additional checks
rldict = AttributeDict()
sigdict = AttributeDict()
config = {
"rlmacro": rpm.expandMacro('%rhel'),
"dist": 'el' + rpm.expandMacro('%rhel'),
"arch": platform.machine(),
"date_stamp": time.strftime("%Y%m%d.%H%M%S", time.localtime()),
"compose_root": "/mnt/compose",
"staging_root": "/mnt/repos-staging",
"production_root": "/mnt/repos-production",
"category_stub": "mirror/pub/rocky",
"sig_category_stub": "mirror/pub/sig",
"repo_base_url": "",
"mock_work_root": "/builddir",
"container": "centos:stream9",
"distname": "Rocky Linux",
"shortname": "Rocky",
"translators": {
"x86_64": "amd64",
"aarch64": "arm64",
"ppc64le": "ppc64le",
"s390x": "s390x",
"i686": "386"
"aws_region": "us-east-2",
"bucket": "resf-empanadas",
"bucket_url": ""
# Importing the config from yaml
import importlib_resources
_rootdir = importlib_resources.files("empanadas")
for conf in glob.iglob(f"{_rootdir}/configs/*.yaml"):
with open(conf, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as file:
# Import all SIG configs from yaml
for conf in glob.iglob(f"{_rootdir}/sig/*.yaml"):
with open(conf, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as file:
# The system needs to be a RHEL-like system. It cannot be Fedora or SuSE.
#if "%rhel" in config['rlmacro']:
# raise SystemExit(Color.BOLD + 'This is not a RHEL-like system.' + Color.END
# + '\n\nPlease verify you are running on a RHEL-like system that is '
# 'not Fedora nor SuSE. This means that the %rhel macro will be '
# 'defined with a value equal to the version you are targetting. RHEL'
# ' and its derivatives have this set.')
# These will be set in their respective var files
#REVISION = rlvars['revision'] + '-' + rlvars['rclvl']
#rlvars = rldict[rlver]
#rlvars = rldict[rlmacro]
#COMPOSE_ISO_WORKDIR = COMPOSE_ROOT + "work/" + arch + "/" + date_stamp
"Azure": ["Base", "LVM"],
"Container": ["Base", "Minimal", "UBI"],
"EC2": ["Base", "LVM"],
"GenericCloud": ["Base", "LVM"],
"Vagrant": ["Libvirt", "Vbox", "VMware"],
"OCP": None,
"RPI": None,
def valid_type_variant(_type: str, variant: str="") -> bool:
if _type not in ALLOWED_TYPE_VARIANTS:
raise Exception(f"Type is invalid: ({_type}, {variant})")
if ALLOWED_TYPE_VARIANTS[_type] == None:
if variant is not None:
raise Exception(f"{_type} Type expects no variant type.")
return True
if variant not in ALLOWED_TYPE_VARIANTS[_type]:
if variant.capitalize() in ALLOWED_TYPE_VARIANTS[_type]:
raise Exception(f"Capitalization mismatch. Found: ({_type}, {variant}). Expected: ({_type}, {variant.capitalize()})")
raise Exception(f"Type/Variant Combination is not allowed: ({_type}, {variant})")
return True
from attrs import define, field
class Architecture:
name: str = field()
version: str = field()
major: int = field(converter=int)
minor: int = field(converter=int)
def from_version(cls, architecture: str, version: str):
major, minor = str.split(version, ".")
if architecture not in rldict[major]["allowed_arches"]:
print("Invalid architecture/version combo, skipping")
return cls(name=architecture, version=version, major=major, minor=minor)