--- title: Empanadas common.py Configuration --- The `common.py` configuration contains dictionaries and classes that dictate most of the functionality of empanadas. ## Config Items type: Dictionary ### config.rlmacro type: String required: True description: Empanadas expects to run on an EL system. This is part of the general check up. It should not be hardcoded and use the rpm python module. ### config.dist type: String required: False description: Was the original tag placed in mock configs. This combines `el` with the rpm python module expansion. This is no longer required. The option is still available for future use. ### config.arch type: String required: True description: The architecture of the current running system. This is checked against the supported architectures in general release configurations. This should not be hardcoded. ### config.date_stamp type: String required: True description: Date time stamp in the form of YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS. This should not be hardcoded. ### config.compose_root type: String required: True description: Root path of composes on the system running empanadas. ### config.staging_root type: String required: False description: For future use. Root path of staging repository location where content will be synced to. ### config.production_root type: String required: False description: For future use. Root path of production repository location where content will be synced to from staging. ### config.category_stub type: String required: True description: For future use. Stub path that is appended to `staging_root` and `production_root`. example: `mirror/pub/rocky` ### config.sig_category_stub type: String required: True description: For future use. Stub path that is appended to `staging_root` and `production_root` for SIG content. example: `mirror/pub/sig` ### config.repo_base_url type: String required: True description: URL to the base url's where the repositories live. This is typically to a peridot instance. This is supplemented by the configuration `project_id` parameter. Note that this does not have to be a peridot instance. The combination of this value and `project_id` can be sufficient enough for empanadas to perform its work. ### config.mock_work_root type: String required: True description: Hardcoded path to where ISO work is performed within a mock chroot. This is the default path created by mock and it is recommended not to change this. example: `/builddir` ### config.container type: String required: True description: This is the container used to perform all operations in podman. example: `centos:stream9` ### config.distname type: String required: True description: Name of the distribution you are building or building for. example: `Rocky Linux` ### config.shortname type: String required: True description: Short name of the distribution you are building or building for. example: `Rocky` ### config.translators type: Dictionary required: True description: Translates Linux architectures to golang architectures. Reserved for future use. ### config.aws_region type: String required: False description: Region you are working in with AWS or onprem cloud that supports this variable. example: `us-east-2` ### config.bucket type: String required: False description: Name of the S3-compatible bucket that is used to pull images from. Requires `aws_region`. ### config.bucket_url type: String required: False description: URL of the S3-compatible bucket that is used to pull images from. ## allowed_type_variants items type: Dictionary description: Key value pairs of cloud or image variants. The value is either `None` or a list type. ## Reference Example ``` config = { "rlmacro": rpm.expandMacro('%rhel'), "dist": 'el' + rpm.expandMacro('%rhel'), "arch": platform.machine(), "date_stamp": time.strftime("%Y%m%d.%H%M%S", time.localtime()), "compose_root": "/mnt/compose", "staging_root": "/mnt/repos-staging", "production_root": "/mnt/repos-production", "category_stub": "mirror/pub/rocky", "sig_category_stub": "mirror/pub/sig", "repo_base_url": "https://yumrepofs.build.resf.org/v1/projects", "mock_work_root": "/builddir", "container": "centos:stream9", "distname": "Rocky Linux", "shortname": "Rocky", "translators": { "x86_64": "amd64", "aarch64": "arm64", "ppc64le": "ppc64le", "s390x": "s390x", "i686": "386" }, "aws_region": "us-east-2", "bucket": "resf-empanadas", "bucket_url": "https://resf-empanadas.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com" } ALLOWED_TYPE_VARIANTS = { "Azure": None, "Container": ["Base", "Minimal", "UBI"], "EC2": None, "GenericCloud": None, "Vagrant": ["Libvirt", "Vbox"], "OCP": None } ```