# SIG/Core Wiki [![mkdocs build](https://github.com/rocky-linux/sig-core-wiki/actions/workflows/gh.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/rocky-linux/sig-core-wiki/actions/workflows/gh.yml) This is the wiki repository for SIG/Core. https://sig-core.rocky.page ## Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment Actions Runner executes workflow to publish to https://REPLACEME.rocky.page on push to main. ## Building Locally In order to build this wiki locally, a docker-compose configuration and container file are supplied which when invoked, will launch mkdocs' development server in a container bound to port 8000 and will live-reload when changes are made to the wiki files. To run the containers on your system, invoke podman or docker compose like so: ``` podman-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d ``` The container will build and then launch itself. Afterwards, you should be able to view the wiki content at http://localhost:8000. The compose file accepts a build argument if you need to run it on a different port. For example, to bind to port 8080 on your local machine: ``` podman-compose -f docker-compose --build-arg PORT=8080 up -d ``` ## Project layout mkdocs.yml # The configuration file. README.md # This file. docs/ index.md # The documentation homepage. ... # Other markdown pages, images and other files.