--- title: Mirror Manager Maintenance --- This SOP contains most if not all the information needed for SIG/Core to maintain and operate Mirror Manager for Rocky Linux. ## Contact Information | | | | - | - | | **Owner** | SIG/Core (Release Engineering & Infrastructure) | | **Email Contact** | infrastructure@rockylinux.org | | **Email Contact** | releng@rockylinux.org | | **Mattermost Contacts** | `@label` `@neil` `@tgo` | | **Mattermost Channels** | `~Infrastructure` | ## Introduction So you made a bad decision and now have to do things to Mirror Manager. Good luck. ## Pieces | **Item** | Runs on... | Software | |-------------------|------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | Mirrorlist Server | mirrormanager001 | https://github.com/adrianreber/mirrorlist-server/ | | Mirror Manager 2 | mirrormanager001 | https://github.com/fedora-infra/mirrormanager2 | ### Mirrorlist Server This runs two (2) instances. Apache/httpd is configured to send `/mirrorlist` to one and `/debuglist` to the other. * Every fifteen (15) minutes: Mirrorlist cache is regenerated * This queries the database for active mirrors and other information and writes a protobuf. The mirrorlist-server reads the protobuf and responds accordingly. * Every twenty (20) minutes: Service hosting `/mirrorlist` is restarted * Every twenty-one (21) minutes: Service hosting `/debuglist` is restarted Note that the timing for the restart of the mirror list instances are arbitrary. ### Mirror Manager 2 This is a uwsgi service fronted by an apache/httpd instance. This is responsible for everything else that is not `/mirrorlist` or `/debuglist`. This allows the mirror managers to, well, manage their mirrors. ### CDN Fastly sits in front of mirror manager. VPN is required to access the `/admin` endpoints. If the backend of the CDN is down, it will attempt to guess what the user wanted to access and spit out a result on the dl.rockylinux.org website. For example, a request for AppStream-8 and x86_64 will result in a `AppStream/x86_64/os` directory on dl.rockylinux.org. Note that this isn't perfect, but it helps in potential down time or patching. ``` Fastly -> www firewall -> mirrormanager server ``` ## Tasks Below are a list of possible tasks to take with mirror manager, depending on the scenario. ### New Release For the following steps, the following must be completed: * Production rsync endpoints should have all brand new content * New content root should be locked down to 750 (without this, mirror manager cannot view it) * Disable mirrormanager user cronjobs 1. Update the database with the new content. This is run on a schedule normally (see previous section) but can be done manually. a. As the mirror manager user, run the following: ``` /opt/mirrormanager/scan-primary-mirror-0.4.2/target/debug/scan-primary-mirror --debug --config $HOME/scan-primary-mirror.toml --category 'Rocky Linux' /opt/mirrormanager/scan-primary-mirror-0.4.2/target/debug/scan-primary-mirror --debug --config $HOME/scan-primary-mirror.toml --category 'Rocky Linux SIGs' ``` 2. Update the redirects for `$reponame-$releasever` a. Use psql to mirrormanager server: `psql -U mirrormanager -W -h mirrormanager_db_host mirrormanager_db` b. Confirm that all three columns are filled and that the second and third columns are identical: `select rr.from_repo AS "From Repo", rr.to_repo AS "To Repo", r.prefix AS "Target Repo" FROM repository_redirect AS rr LEFT JOIN repository AS r ON rr.to_repo = r.prefix GROUP BY r.prefix, rr.to_repo, rr.from_repo ORDER BY r.prefix ASC;` c. Change the `majorversion` redirects to point to the new point release, for example: `update repository_redirect set to_repo = regexp_replace(to_repo, '9\.0', '9.1') where from_repo ~ '(\w+)-9';` 3. Generate the mirrorlist cache and restart the debuglist and verify. Once the bitflip is initiated, restart mirrorlist and reenable all cronjobs. ### Out-of-date Mirrors 1. Get current shasum of repomd.xml. For example: `shasum=$(curl https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/9.0/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml | sha256sum)` 2. Compare against latest propagation log: ``` tail -latr /var/log/mirrormanager/propagation/rocky-9.0-BaseOS-x86_64_propagation.log.*` export VER=9.0 awk -v shasum=$(curl -s https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/$VER/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml | sha256sum | awk '{print $1}') -F'::' '{split($0,data,":")} {if ($4 != shasum) {print data[5], data[6], $2, $7}}' < $(find /var/log/mirrormanager/propagation/ -name "rocky-${VER}-BaseOS-x86_64_propagation.log*" -mtime -1 | tail -1)' ``` This will generate a table. You can take the IDs in the first column and use the database to disable them by ID (table name: hosts) or go to https://mirrors.rockylinux.org/mirrormanager/host/ID and uncheck 'User active'. Users can change user active, *but* they cannot change admin active. It is better to flip user active in this case. Admins can also view https://mirrors.rockylinux.org/mirrormanager/admin/all_sites if necessary. Example of table columns: ``` [mirrormanager@ord1-prod-mirrormanager001 propagation]$ awk -v shasum=$(curl -s https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/9.0/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml | sha256sum | awk '{print $1}') -F'::' '{split($0,data,":")} {if ($4 != shasum) {print data[5], data[6], $2, $7}}' < rocky-9.0-BaseOS-x86_64_propagation.log.1660611632 | column -t 164 mirror.host.ag http://mirror.host.ag/rocky/9.0/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml 404 173 rocky.centos-repo.net http://rocky.centos-repo.net/9.0/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml 403 92 rocky.mirror.co.ge http://rocky.mirror.co.ge/9.0/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml 404 289 mirror.vsys.host http://mirror.vsys.host/rockylinux/9.0/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml 404 269 mirrors.rackbud.com http://mirrors.rackbud.com/rocky/9.0/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml 200 295 mirror.ps.kz http://mirror.ps.kz/rocky/9.0/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml 200 114 mirror.liteserver.nl http://rockylinux.mirror.liteserver.nl/9.0/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml 200 275 mirror.upsi.edu.my http://mirror.upsi.edu.my/rocky/9.0/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml 200 190 mirror.kku.ac.th http://mirror.kku.ac.th/rocky-linux/9.0/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml 404 292 mirrors.cat.pdx.edu http://mirrors.cat.pdx.edu/rocky/9.0/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml 200 370 mirrors.gbnetwork.com http://mirrors.gbnetwork.com/rocky/9.0/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml 404 308 mirror.ihost.md http://mirror.ihost.md/rockylinux/9.0/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml 404 87 mirror.freedif.org http://mirror.freedif.org/Rocky/9.0/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml 404 194 mirrors.bestthaihost.com http://mirrors.bestthaihost.com/rocky/9.0/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml 404 30 mirror.admax.se http://mirror.admax.se/rocky/9.0/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml 200 195 mirror.uepg.br http://mirror.uepg.br/rocky/9.0/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml 404 247 mirrors.ipserverone.com http://mirrors.ipserverone.com/rocky/9.0/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml 404' ```